Former T-501… Shift Request: Number of shifts requested: Preference for number of shifts in a single continuous block: Preference for time between blocks of shifts: 3-4 8 hour shifts 1 shift 1 day Beam Request: Parameter Request 1 Location of waist (e.g. centre of apparatus) Transverse spot size (σxxσy) in microns Bunch length (σz) in microns Charge (e-/bunch) N/A Beta_x, Beta_y (or length of structure at IP) Tolerable jitter (specify parametere.g. position jitter) Beam Rate Time spent at config (eg 10 minutes, 4 hours, 2 days etc) Additional Comments N/A N/A Low charge might be preferable to reduce the impact of the wakefields. Anyway our algorithms should work with any set of beam parameters. N/A N/A 10 Hz or more, as we need at least 100 orbit measurements to achieve the required precision. 30 Hz would be preferable. We would need a stable machine and constant beam parameters during the whole experiment: We measure the response of the beam to each individual corrector in ~3-4 hours. The tests of 1:1 corrections and DFS take 4-5 hours in total. As the emittance reduction is our ultimate goal, we need to measure the emittance multiple times. This takes quite some time. A U.S. Department of Energy Research Facility Operated Under Contract by Stanford University