Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt by Dr. Mahmoud EL-HADIDI Professor of Telecommunications at Cairo U & Consultant at NTI 3rd April 2014 Contents 1. ITS at a Glance 2. Example of an ITS Benefit, Its Services, and Required Facilities 3. The Benefits-Services-Facilities-Transport Entity Relationship Model 4. ITS Framework, Architecture, and Strategy 5. Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 2 1. ITS (Intelligent Transport System) at a Glance - 1 • Definition*: ITS is a generic term for the integrated application of communications, control and information processing technologies to the transportation system. The resultant benefits save lives, time, money, energy and the environment. • Scope*: ITS covers all modes of transport and considers all elements of the transportation system – the vehicle, the infrastructure, and the driver or user, interacting together dynamically. * ITS Handbook (2nd Edition) 2008 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 3 1. ITS (Intelligent Transport System) at a Glance - 2 • Stakeholders: Citizen & Society Electronic Payment Providers ITS Stakeholders ICT Providers 2014-04-03 Transport /Traffic Operators & Planners Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges Public & Private Transport Providers 4 1. ITS (Intelligent Transport System) at a Glance - 3 • Benefits: Improving Safety & Security Comfort Factors ITS Benefits Productivity & Operational Efficiency 2014-04-03 Helping to Relieve Congestion Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges Environmental Monitoring and Protection 5 1. ITS (Intelligent Transport System) at a Glance - 4 Improving Helping to Safety & Relieve Security Congestion Citizen & Society Y Traffic/ Transport Operators & Planners Public & Private Transport Providers Y Y Environmental Productivity & Monitoring & Operational Protection Efficiency Comfort Factors Y Y Y Y Y Y Also, ICT Providers & Electronic Payment Providers will gain Economic Benefits 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 6 1. ITS (Intelligent Transport System) at a Glance - 5 • Services: ITS Services enable Stakeholders to get Benefits For each Benefit, a number of Services are invoked • Resources: ITS Services require the use of ITS Resources ITS Resources are placed at Transport Entities Transport Entities, include: Vehicle - Roads – Highways– Inlets/Exits - Control Centers Resources, include: Sensors – Displays – SW Applications – Computers – Communication Equipment & Networks - Staff 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 7 2. Example of an ITS Benefit, Its Services, and Required Facilities - 1 • Sample Benefit: Helping to Relieve Congestion 2014-04-03 Using ITS services one can reduce congestion by: - instrumenting networks to improve their real-time operation - introducing control systems - managing demand - encouraging off-peak travel or the use of alternative transport modes Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 8 2. Example of an ITS Benefit, Its Services, and Required Facilities - 2 • ITS Services corresponding to “Helping to Relieve Congestion”: Network Efficiency Services Helping to Relieve Congestion 2014-04-03 - Area-wide traffic control (e.g. by co-ordinating traffic signals to minimize delays and queues in a dynamic, traffic responsive way) - Long-distance traffic management - Rerouting guidance - Variable speed controls - Incident detection and management - Driver information Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 9 2. Example of an ITS Benefit, Its Services, and Required Facilities - 3 • ITS Services corresponding to “Helping to Relieve Congestion”: Demand Management Services Helping to Relieve Congestion 2014-04-03 - Access control - Road user charging - Congestion charging - Vehicle recognition and restriction - Camera systems for traffic signal and speed enforcement Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 10 2. Example of an ITS Benefit, Its Services, and Required Facilities - 4 • ITS Services corresponding to “Helping to Relieve Congestion”: Encouragement of Modal Shift Services Helping to Relieve Congestion 2014-04-03 - Journey planning - Real-time passenger information systems - Bus/tram traffic priority (by giving ‘green waves’ through traffic signals to give priority to bus/tram services and emergency vehicles, thus improving punctuality and reliability) - Electronic payment systems allowing passengers to save time, including: ‘smart cards’, flexible ticketing, cash free travel Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 11 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 12 Improving Safety & Security Helping to Relieve Congestion Environmental Monitoring and Protection Productivity & Operational Efficiency Comfort Factors Deployed Resources at Transport Entities Services Benefits 3. The Benefits-Services-ResourcesTransport Entity Relationship Model 2014-04-03 Remarks: - One “Service” can enable a # of “Benefits” - Required “Resources” for different “Transport Entities” can differ for the same “Service” Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 13 4. ITS Framework, Architecture, and Strategy - 1 • Different countries use different approaches to determine: – ITS Goals – ITS Services – ITS Subsystems – ITS Standards & Protocols This leads to National ITS Framework & Architecture 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 14 4. ITS Framework, Architecture, and Strategy - 2 • Different countries (& different Transport Authorities in the same country) develop different plans for ITS deployment, based on: – Needs – Priorities – Budget – …….. This leads to National and/or Local ITS Strategy 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 15 5. Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt - 1 • Tremendous effort has been undertaken by other countries to develop their: – ITS Framework and Architecture – ITS Strategy Egypt needs to learn from these experiences while formulating its own “ITS Framework & Architecture” and its “ITS Strategy”. NTI plans to contribute to such a collective national effort, and has included this objective in its “5 Year Strategic Plan” 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 16 5. Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt - 2 • The building blocks for “ITS Services” are: – Sensors (Cameras, Radar, Detectors, RFID, … ) – Displays (LED, LCD, Plasma, … ) – Software Applications (Incident Detection, Fleet Management, Variable Speed Control, Reroute Guidance, …) – Processing Equipment (Servers, PCs, PLCs, … ) – Communication Equipment & Networks (Wireless Transmitters & Receivers, VANET, GSM, GPRS, GPS, … ) – Qualified Personnel (for Operation, Maintenance, and Management) 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 17 5. Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt - 3 NTI has qualified Staff and advanced lab equipment in the areas of Electronics, Computers, Communication Networks, and hence it may: - Help in evaluating different ITS products - Help in understanding different ITS standards & protocols - Help in field activities related to testing and commissioning - help in development of products (e.g. hardware that adapts to local environment, or software that has Arabized interfaces) - Help to qualify ITS personnel in charge of various operational activities. 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 18 5. Envisioned Role for NTI Concerning ITS Deployment in Egypt - 4 • ITS is an evolving field that: – Benefits from technological advancement – Needs collaborative effort by all stakeholders NTI intends to play a key role in ITS evolution in Egypt, by: - Developing DB of all ITS stakeholders in Egypt, to facilitate interaction and collaboration - Co-organizing events dedicated to ITS (workshops, conferences, seminars, … ) - Building an “Electronic Repository” of ITS information (reports, standards, papers, studies, data sheets, … ) 2014-04-03 Mahmoud EL-HADIDI ITS in Egypt: Opportunities & Challenges 19