Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway PROJECT OVERVIEW AND UNDERSTANDING The successful responder will assist Mn/DOT with the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) 2011 Statewide Implementation Project, Local Highway and Trail Phase (also known as “Phase Two”). When implemented, the project will establish a nearly 800-mile continuously signed Minnesota MRT bikeway using existing roads and trails from the Headwaters of the Mississippi River in Itasca State Park to the Iowa border. The successful responder’s tasks will include involving stakeholders, developing trail guidelines for segments of the MRT, identifying “interim” road alignments within the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MNRRA) corridor (and elsewhere), creating and updating MRT bikeway maps, planning and conducting evaluation rides as necessary, implementing an outreach marketing strategy, developing guidelines and initiating multi-jurisdictional administration of the MRT and developing a biddable sign plan set for bikeway segments not under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Transportation. A special challenge of this Contract is to schedule meetings in such a way that multiple task elements are addressed with each outstate visit. Whenever possible, all meetings will be held in locations with no use-fees. The successful responder will be urged to consider using on-site meeting tools, such as Adobe Connect, for meetings (especially when attendees are mainly Mn/DOT staff) to save on time and travel costs. Following the format for the Great River Road National Scenic Byway (GRR), the project is segmented into destination areas as follows: 1. Mississippi Bluffs (Hastings to Iowa border) 2. Metro Mississippi (Elk River to Hastings) 3. Scenic Mississippi (Little Falls to Elk River) 4. Mississippi Crossings (Grand Rapids to Little Falls) 5. Mississippi Northwoods (Bemidji to Grand Rapids) 6. Mississippi Headwaters (Itasca State Park to Bemidji) The MRT travels through at least: - 67 cities where the route is on a city road - 21 counties where the route is on a county road - 88 townships where the route is on a township road - 1 state park (Itasca State Park) where the route is on 3 roads - Approximately 30 different off-road trail jurisdictions PROJECT TASKS Task 1: Project Management The successful responder will provide project management services, including work necessary for communication and completion of the project tasks on time and within budget. The successful responder’s Project Manager, and their primary duties, will not be reassigned without the written consent of Mn/DOT’s Project Manager. The successful responder’s staff must have the training and expertise necessary for the work tasks to which they are assigned. The anticipated project authorization date for this Contract is May 1, 2011. If authorization to proceed is not received by May 1, 2011, task deliverable dates will be adjusted accordingly. Task 1.1: Project Management and Administration Monthly Budget and Billing (Invoice and Status Report): The successful responder’s monthly invoices will be accompanied by a cover letter explaining the general status of the project, including, at a minimum, the work completed to date; the anticipated remaining efforts and required schedule changes; supporting data for direct expenses; and an updated project status report. Weekly Update to the Mn/DOT’s Project Manager: The successful responder’s Project Manager will update Mn/DOT’s Project Manager, on a weekly basis, with regards to the status of the project schedule, budget and general status/progress. 1 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway Task 1.2: Kick-Off Meeting The successful responder will hold a Kick-off meeting to establish communications protocol and discuss the project schedule, tasks and budget. Project kick-off meeting attendees from Mn/DOT will include Geographic Information System (GIS) and website staff to define the details of GIS deliverables. The successful responder will receive existing GIS information from Mn/DOT, including but not limited, to MRT route and sign locations. The successful responder will record the results of the meeting. The anticipated date for the Kick-off meeting is one week after receipt of project authorization. Task 1.3: Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meetings The successful responder will participate in three PAC meetings associated with this project and record the results of the meetings. Task 1 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Provide existing literature (results of the 2010 Statewide Implementation Project, MRT Feasibility Report, the GRR Development Study, the GRR collateral material and website, Mn/DOT’s MRT maps and the website of MRT Inc., and databases (one day after receipt of project authorization) 2. Schedule and set up Kick Off meeting (one day after receipt of project authorization) 3. Schedule three PAC meetings and invite participation and secure locations (on-going). 4. Attend meetings (on-going) The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Hold weekly conference call with Mn/DOT’s Project Manager (on-going) 2. Record results of kick-off meeting (two days after Kick-Off meeting) 3. Record results of PAC meetings (two days after each meeting). 4. Prepare and submit monthly progress and status reports (on-going) 5. Maintain project schedule (on-going) 6. Provide timely copies of critical correspondences (on-going) 7. Attend meetings (on-going) Task 2: Data Collection and Review The successful responder’s data collection and review will occur early in the process to engage stakeholders, obtain their input and receive data. With prior authorization from Mn/DOT’s Project Manager, the successful responder will perform direct contacts with counties, cities and other outside organizations to collect information needed. Task 2.1: Review Literature and Database The successful responder’s project staff will review the results of the 2010 Statewide Implementation Project (also referred to as “Phase One”) after project’s authorization and prior to the kick-off meeting. In addition, the successful responder’s Project Manager will review the MRT Feasibility Report, the GRR Development Study, the GRR collateral material and website, Mn/DOT’s MRT maps and MRT Inc. website. Task 2.2: Update Community Contact Database The successful responder will develop and confirm a community contact database for city/county/state officials, local chambers of commerce, and individuals effected by/interested in the project. For each record, the following is required: names and titles, government/organizational association, area(s) of interest (tourism, transportation, recreation, individual fulfillment, etc.), the Mn/DOT District and destination area along the MRT they reside, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and complete mailing addresses. The database must allow for easy retrieval (either individually or by/within category) and can be easily updated. The successful responder will provide a hard copy and electronic copy of the database to Mn/DOT. 2 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway Task 2 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. The existing Phase One Excel community contact database for the MRT (within one day of the project’s authorization). The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Catalogue all literature received in Task 1.4 and return them to Mn/DOT at the end of the project. 2. A revised and improved community contact database (May 21, 2011). Task 3: Confirm MRT routing within the MNRRA Corridor for 2012 The symbiotic relationship between MNRRA and the MRT can be enhanced during this second phase of implementation. Trail standards in place for regional and state trails will be useful in developing minimum trail guidance throughout the MRT. The successful responder will work with National Park Service Staff (MNNRA) to complete Task 3.2 (described below). Legacy Trail Data from the University of Minnesota, Center for a Changing Landscape (2010) and MNRRA’s existing road and trail database will be helpful here. Unless directed otherwise, assume the successful responder’s Project Manager attends all formal task meetings. Task 3.1: Minimum Design Guidelines The successful responder will establish/confirm/recommend the minimum design guidelines for off-road trails to be included within MRT corridor. In order to accomplish this, the successful responder will: 1. Conduct a national literature search and interview at least three trail authorities (two of which should be state or regional trails) and Mn/DOT’s State Aid Office regarding minimum MRT trail guidelines. 2. Conduct a peer review of findings and recommendations. 3. Create final set of recommendations. Task 3.2: Document the Core Trail System Once better informed by the minimum design guidelines established in Task 3.1, the successful responder will document the core trail system along both sides of the river within boundaries of the MNNRA and differentiate trail segment status as potential, planned and approved, funded or built. It order to accomplish this, the successful responder will: 1. Identify and map qualified existing trails. 2. Identify and map qualified scheduled segments - trails that are funded and scheduled for construction along the Mississippi River. 3. Identify and map proposed MRT segments - proposed trails along the Mississippi River that have been incorporated into the administering authority’s approved comprehensive plan. 4. Identify and map potential MRT segments - miscellaneous trail proposals along the Mississippi River that have not been planned and have not been acted upon formally by an administering authority. 5. Identify and map interim trail gaps on both sides of the river within MNRRA. Task 3.3: Identify “Interim” Road Segments The successful responder will identify Interim Road Segments needed for enjoyable bicycle travel on the MRT through MNRRA. In order to accomplish this, the following meetings will take place: 1. INTRO MEETING: Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct one general meeting within the Metro Area to identify the Phase Two approach, distribute the minimum design guidelines for trails, results of MNRRA trail inventory and classification, identify associated issues and problems and generate gap filling alternatives. The successful responder will provide logistics with road and trail authorities and other appropriate parties of interest (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps and misc. support materials and prepare written meeting summary). 2. ANALYSIS MEETINGS: Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct site level meetings (approximately five, plus possible two additional) to further explore routing alternatives, discuss and resolve associated issues, and to select/confirm route. The successful responder will provide logistics for targeted meetings with road and trail authorities (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps and miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). 3 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway 3. WRAP-UP MEETING: Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct one general meeting within the Metro Area to share Phase Two routing conclusions. The successful responder will provide logistics for general meeting with road and trail authorities (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). Task 3 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Schedule, plan and convene meeting (Intro Meeting convened no later than July 8, 2011; Analysis Meetings as needed (approximately seven); and Wrap-Up Meeting convened no later than September 15, 2011) The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Recommended minimum design guidelines for off-road trails included within the MRT (Due by June 1, 2011) 2. Map showing proposed, qualified planned, qualified scheduled and qualified existing trails within the MNRRA (Due by July 1, 2011) 3. Map showing short, medium and long-term trail gaps within the MNRRA Corridor (Due by July 1, 2011) 4. Provide logistical support for meetings (on-going) 5. Provide written meeting summaries (due within one week of each meeting) 6. Map of 2011 road route segments (Due by October 1, 2011) Task 4: Implement a Cooperative Management Model for the MRT From the outset, Mn/DOT has stated that that they do not “own” the MRT. An organizational framework is needed to help all of the collaborative partners to have a voice in future decisions and make decisions. The Mississippi River Parkway Commission needs to have a formal relationship with the MRT management group. Unless directed otherwise, assume the successful responder’s Project Manager attends all formal task meetings. Task 4.1: Identify Productive Models The successful responder will identify productive models for Joint Management of Multi-Jurisdictional Projects. In order to accomplish this, the successful responder will: 1. Conduct a national literature search and interview at least three administrators of multi-jurisdictional projects similar in scale/complexity to the MRT within Minnesota. 2. Prepare a draft report that outlines alternative approaches and provides a recommended multi-jurisdictional administration approach for the MRT. 3. Conduct a peer review of findings. 4. Prepare final report. Task 4.2: Implement Cooperative Management Model The successful responder will implement a cooperative management model for the MRT. In order to accomplish this, the following meetings will take place: 1. EXPLORATORY MEETINGS: Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct meetings to explore alternative approaches to multi-jurisdictional management. The successful responder will provide logistics for meetings in four impacted Mn/DOT District’s (District 2 [Northwest]; District 3 [Central]; District 6 [Southeast]; and Metro District [Twin Cities]) with road and trail authorities (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide joint management of multi-jurisdictional projects report, provide snacks/coffee, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). 2. DIRECTION SETTING MEETINGS: If Mn/DOT deems it necessary to meet further, Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct meetings to finalize approach to multi-jurisdictional management and identify who should be on the management team. The successful responder will provide logistics for meetings in each impacted Mn/DOT District with road and trail authorities (secure meeting place/econnection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). 4 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway 3. FIRST FORMAL MULTI JURISDICTIONAL MEETING: If Mn/DOT deems it necessary to meet further, Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct meetings for the first formal governance meeting (individual roles and responsibilities, annual revision protocol, range of acceptable road routes). The successful responder will provide logistics for meetings in each impacted Mn/DOT District with road and trail authorities (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). Task 4 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Schedule, plan and convene meetings within four Mn/DOT Districts (last Exploratory Meetings convened no later than August 1, 2011; if deemed necessary, last Direction Setting Meetings no later than September 30, 2011); and if deemed necessary first Formal Meeting convened no later October 27, 2011. The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Deliver to Mn/DOT a final report, suggesting multi-jurisdictional ways to manage the MRT (Due by June 15, 2011) 2. Provide logistical support for meetings within four Mn/DOT Districts (on-going) 3. Provide the Draft Governance Document/Agreement (Due by October 15,2011) 4. Provide written meeting summaries within four Mn/DOT Districts (due within one week of each meeting) Task 5: Confirm Outstate MRT Routing for 2012 The process timetable for Phase One did not allow sufficient time to resolve all issues raised in 2010. Additionally, it is Mn/DOT’s intention to annually revise the route as necessary and reflect changes on its website. Unless directed otherwise, assume the successful responder’s Project Manager attends all task formal meetings. Task 5.1: Revisit Outstate Segments The successful responder will revisit four outstate areas/route segments identified from Phase One needing route refinement (including St. Cloud Metro Area, Elk River to Monticello, Cass Lake/Chippewa National Forest, Cannon Valley Trail/Ravenna Trail (near Hastings). 1. Mn/DOT will initiate contact with road, trail authorities and concerned interests in the four known outstate target refinement areas. 2. PROBLEM DEFINITION/RESOLUTION MEETING(S): Where it is deemed necessary, Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct meetings in the local area as appropriate to collect data and air discussions on alternatives. The successful responder will provide logistics (secure meeting place/econnection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). NOTE: An additional follow-up formal meeting may be required in each of the four refinement areas to complete this Task. 3. Mn/DOT and the successful responder will collaboratively seek mutually beneficial alignment decisions for the MRT. Task 5.2: Contact Road and Trail Authorities The successful responder will contact road and trail authorities along the 2011 route to identify additional potential revisions for the 2012 map. 1. The successful responder will initiate contact with road and trail authorities to identify potential route refinements/Identify problems and opportunities. 2. PROBLEM DEFINITION/RESOLUTION MEETING(S): Where it is deemed necessary but no more than six meetings), Mn/DOT will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and conduct meetings in the local area to identify a Phase Two approach, provide results of the MNRRA trail inventory and classification, identify associated issues and problems and generate gap filling alternatives. The successful responder will provide logistics for meetings with road and trail authorities and other appreciate parties of interest (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps, prepare miscellaneous support materials and prepare written meeting summary). 5 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway 3. Mn/DOT and the successful responder will engage collaboratively in seeking mutually beneficial alignment decisions for the MRT. Task 5 Deliverables : Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Initiate contact prior to July 1, 2011 2. Schedule, plan and convene meetings as needed (completed by August, 2011) The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Provide logistical support for meetings as needed 2. Provide written meeting summaries (within one week of each meeting) Task 6: Develop Sign Plan for all Non-Trunk Highway segments of the MRT The MRT in Minnesota starts at Lake Itasca and ends at the Iowa border. Approximately 75% of the MRT is administered by local road and trail authorities. A sign plan for trunk highway segments of the MRT was prepared during Phase One (all fabrication and installation is outside the scope of this contract). The product of this task will provide the basis for a subsequent bid package for the entire MRT outside the jurisdiction of Mn/DOT (non-trunk highways). Mn/DOT aims to reduce sign proliferation and environmental impacts therefore, when safe, clear and in compliance with Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD) standards, assume MRT signs will be installed on existing Great River Road or non-regulatory signs first. Install new posts only as necessary. Task 6.1: Alert Road and Trail Authorities The successful responder will alert all road and trail authorities of impending sign inventory and inform them of Phase Two signing approach: 1. Road Authorities: Mn/DOT’s intention (not guaranteed) is to subsequently secure sufficient financing to either, fabricate and install the signs and to provide a supply of replacement signs in exchange for a commitment to maintain the signs, or provide a like amount of financial support per sign for road authorities who install their local signs in a timely manner. The successful responder will not develop a sign plan for local road authorities that have local Signing Standards or want to develop their own sign plan. 2. Trail Authorities: Mn/DOT will contact each trail authority to determine the best approach to off-road signing for the MRT. Most desirable would be to incorporate MRT signing into an existing or proposed wayfinding system for that particular trail. The “best” outcome within MNRRA would be to unify the trails with a continuous wayfinding system (not included under this Contract). The default approach is to sign trails to current MnMUTCD standards and the successful responder will develop a sign plan for only these (“default”) trails. Mn/DOT’s intention (not guaranteed) is to subsequently secure sufficient financing to either, fabricate and install the signs and to provide a supply of replacement signs in exchange for a commitment to maintain the signs or provide a like amount of financial support per sign for trail authorities who utilize the sign inventory in implementing a timely “wayfinding” approach to trail signing. Task 6.2: Plan Set Project Management Coordination The successful responder will provide general day-to-day project management and administration. The successful responder will coordinate project activities with Mn/DOT and other agencies that will provide input into the overall sign design and installation plan. Task 6.3: Data Collection, Field Verification The successful responder will gather pertinent information from state and local road and trail authorities. Mn/DOT will provide access to the most current GRR sign plan (available in hard copy only). As needed, Mn/DOT will also provide Microstation geometric base files available of existing and pertinent trunk highway roadways and signing. The successful responder will contact each road and trail authority for data and Gopher One Call to determine the public utilities located within the project area. The successful responder will use this data and any necessary field-survey data to determine existing sign locations and the necessary future installation locations. 6 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway Task 6.4: Sign Inventory The successful responder will identify the existing inventory of non-regulatory signage along the MRT route on both sides on all non-Trunk Highway segments (highways and trails). The successful responder will develop and complete an electronic data table that includes Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates and associated attributes for all permanent signing panels and supports for nonregulatory signs along non-Trunk Highway segments within the project. The successful responder will collect a location point coordinate for each new or modified sign support. The successful responder will define attribute data for each sign panel for items such as: - Code (MUTCD); size – width x height (inches) - Description (legend on the sign panel) - Travel direction (N, S, E, W) - Facing direction (8options, NE, NW, etc) - Mounting height (height from ground surface to bottom of panel) - Array position - Pertinent comments (tree branches blocking visibility, etc.) Each panel will be associated to a support, and the successful responder will define attribute data for the supports as follows: - Route where the sign is located (MN, US, I, CSAH, etc.) - GPS coordinates (latitude/longitudinal) - Type ((number of posts/braces/sign panels) - Material (list of supports to which a sign panel can be attached) - Mounting kit (different means of attaching or mounting a sign panel or support) - Mn/DOT will provide a complete attributes list at project authorization The successful responder will provide the data in an electronic, standard geospatial vector data format. The format must be useful to non-trunk highway road and trail authorities’ tables and accepted by Mn/DOT prior to commencing field work. If new trunk highway segments are added due to any 2012 route revisions, the successful responder will develop and complete a data table in the same manner. The successful responderwill map existing sign locations and potential additional sign locations based on the need for advance and confirmation MRT bikeway turn signs at intersections and reassurance signs (every three miles). Task 6.5: Phase Two Sign Plan Except as noted above (Task 6.1), the successful responder will develop a biddable sign plan (plans, specifications, and estimates) for all non-Trunk Highway segments of the MRT based upon the data collection and sign inventory. Plans must be biddable based on Mn/DOT’s A and B district sub-areas. The successful responder will utilize the current Mn/DOT standards for the fabrication and installation of signs for roads and trails not under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Transportation. The successful responder may need to consult the trunk highway Phase One sign plan for plan coordination where trunk highways meet non-trunk highways. Task 6.6: Preliminary Design/60% Plan Submittal Suitable for Bidding The successful responder will create geometric working plots for signing design based on information provided from the Mn/DOT and non-trunk highway agencies. The successful responder will prepare and submit draft 60% complete signing plan to Mn/DOT and local Road and Trail authorities for review. The plan will include complete and accurate placement of existing signs, locations and legends of new signs, including new riser and/or stub posts and fastenings. At a minimum, plans must be in compliance with the MnMUTCD and upcoming 2012 sign structures crashworthy requirements. Preliminary construction cost estimate and estimate of quantities will be revised to complement the 60% plan. 7 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway Submittal will include a cover letter addressed to Mn/DOT’s District Traffic Engineers and all non-trunk highway agencies affected by aspects of the sign plan. Allow at least 10 working days for any engineering review and comments. Allow 30 working days for environmental review (post-60% review work can begin, but must assume changes if environmental review dictates revisions). The successful responder will include two copies of 100scale 11”x17” plans, cost estimate and statement of estimated quantities to Mn/DOT’s Project Manager and two sets comprised of all pertinent sheets for each Mn/DOT district sub-area. Task 6.7: Final Design/100% and Plan Submittal Suitable for Bidding The successful responder will: - Prepare 100-scale roadway layout sheets for signing plan; - Prepare Type C signs; - Provide design and coordination regarding removal, salvage and revisions to existing signing; - Incorporate standard detail sheets into plans; - Compute quantities; - Prepare tabulation sheets; - Prepare signing Special Provisions; - Prepare Engineer’s Estimate; and - Submit signing attribute and location data table. The successful responder will prepare and submit 100% signing and package for Mn/DOT and local Road and Trail authorities for review and revisions. Submittal will include three copies of 100-scale 11”x17” plans, 60% redlined plans, revised special provisions and revised engineer’s estimate to Mn/DOT’s Project Manager and three sets for each Mn/DOT district sub-area. The successful responder will address all review comments. The successful responder will prepare and submit a final (100%) signing package. Submittal will include Microstation CADD (using Mn/DOT’s current version) files of plan sheets and SignCAD (using Mn/DOT’s current version) files of sign panel layouts. Other documents will be submitted in both hardcopy form and as electronic files prepared with Microsoft Word or Excel software. The successful responder’s 100% submittal will include: - One set of 11”x17” bond signature original construction plans with vellum signature sheet. - Three sets of blackline construction plan copies. - One set of original signature special provisions - Three sets of special provisions - One Engineer’s Estimate Task 6 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables: 1. Identify Mn/DOT sign plan design program and design standards (one day after receipt of project authorization) 2. MRT sign specifications and graphic files (one day after receipt of project authorization) 3. GRR sign plan (one day after receipt of project authorization) 4. Draft Mississippi Bluffs/District 6 sign plan (one day after receipt of project authorization) 5. 2009 MNRRA MRT sign plan (one day after receipt of project authorization) 6. MRT sign plan for Trunk Highway segments of the MRT (one day after receipt of project authorization) 7. Letter to all road and trail authorities introducing the inventory and signing approach (by June 15, 2011) 8. Environmental review documents (draft: by kick-off meeting; final in coordination with final route decisions and 60% plan) 9. Review and approval (on-going) 8 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. GPS inventory on all non-Trunk Highway portions of the MRT of all existing sign locations and potential additional sign locations (due by August 1, 2011). 2. 60% signing plans for non-Trunk Highway portions of the MRT (due by September 1, 2011) 3. 100% signing and package for non-trunk highway roads and trails and State, as necessary (due by November 1, 2011) Task 7: Implement Marketing Outreach Program Within most initiatives, there is a group that moves forward quickly, another that resists change and a third that “sits on the fence.” This task allows six “early joiner” communities, with the possibility of adding two additional communities, to benefit from professional marketing assistance. Unless directed otherwise, assume the successful responder’s Project Manager and marketing professional attend all task meetings. Task 7.1: Facilitate the Development of Local Marketing Action Plans To accomplish this task, the successful responder will: 1. In consultation with Explore Minnesota Tourism, determine the interest of Cities/Chambers of Commerce in marketing the MRT. 2. In consultation with Explore Minnesota Tourism, select a community/City in each of the six MRT destination areas to receive enhanced MRT marketing assistance from a highly regarded professional in tourism marketing. 3. MARKETING FACILITATION/MRT MEETING(S) (Marketing Action Plan Development): - State will prepare an agenda, send out invitations and convene at least two meetings in each of the six (plus possible two additional) communities to reveal elements of the MRT marketing “toolbox” created in Phase One, underscore the importance of segmenting this long-distance bikeway into consumable (local) pieces, introduce the concept of a self-guided MRT “bike trip sampler”, underscore the importance of working collectively with commercial/governmental interests in creating locally desirable bicycle destinations and effectively utilize social media to promote the community and MRT. Importantly, the successful responder conduct a situational analysis for each of the host communities and facilitate the development of six locally based and locally adopted MRT Marketing Action Plans. - In concert with Explore Minnesota Tourism, the successful responder will provide logistics for meetings with tourism interests and others (secure meeting place/e-connection, provide reports, provide snacks/coffee, prepare maps and miscellaneous support materials, prepare written meeting summary) and a highly regarded marketing professional(s) experienced in working with cities to expound on the above, encourage local initiative and facilitate development of specific local MRT Marketing Action Plans. Task 7.2: Facilitate Bicycle-Friendly Communities Mn/DOT will develop a template for a one-day evaluation of each of the six chosen communities (plus possible two additional). The successful responder will professionally evaluate each community based on the League of American Bicyclists “five E’s” (engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation) and provide a written report that will be presented at the marketing facilitation meetings in Task 7.1. Task 7 Deliverables Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Marketing Toolbox from Phase One 2. Initiate contact with outstate cities along the MRT (no later than June 1, 2011) 3. Select target cities for enhance marketing assistance (no later than July 1, 2011) 4. Develop bicycle-friendly template (no later than July 1, 2011) 5. Schedule, plan and convene initial meetings (last meetings convened no later than August 1, 2011) 6. Schedule, plan and convene follow-up meetings (last meetings convened no later than October 1, 2011) 9 Exhibit A Detailed Scope of Work and Deliverables Formal RFP – Mississippi River Trail Bikeway The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. Provide logistical support for meetings (on-going) 2. Provide written meeting summaries for each meeting (within one week of each meeting) 3. Five locally based and locally adopted MRT Marketing Action Plans (December 1, 2011). Task 8: Determine the need for a Printed MRT Map Electronic information has become ubiquitous. Ordinarily (in the past) a map would be produced for a designated bikeway such as the MRT, but are maps now really needed? What is a cost-effective way of guiding bicyclists along the MRT? Task 8.1: Investigate and Produce Report Under this task, the successful responder will 1. Conduct a national literature search and interview at least three trail authorities regarding their use of printed maps and promotional materials one of which should be similar in length/complexity. Items to include: printing options, distribution strategies, costs and effectiveness evaluation. The successful responder’s report will include recommendations for the MRT. 2. Conduct a peer review of findings. 3. Create a final report. Task 8 Deliverables: Mn/DOT’s Deliverables include: 1. Participation in the peer review The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: 1. A report investigating the relevance of printed maps for the MRT in this day of WEB accessed information (December 1, 2011). Task 9: Integrate MRT Bikeway with GIS Interactive Basemap or Project Website An interactive web-based MRT route map is an indispensable tool for MRT users. The data gathered, reviewed and refined through this project will be integrated with State’s web applications and with Explore Minnesota Tourism’s website. 9.1: Mapping Web-Ready Contractor will work with State’s GIS and web technicians on data integration for web applications. Contractor will provide web-ready GIS and print-ready PDF’s of the MRT route map set. State will receive the data prepared by Contractor, integrate it into State’s existing on-line GIS interactive basemap or project website and develop a print-ready product. 9.2: Task Deliverables: The Successful Responder’s Deliverables include: Web-ready MRT GIS data and PDF’s of the MRT route map set (due by December 1, 2011) 10