Badania wody oraz gleby Jezioro Z*otnickie

Climate is the average condition of athmosphere
and ocean in scale from some to even milions of
years. Climate changes come from external factors
such as: the amount of reached sunbeams or
internal factors like human work or influence of
Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes, oceans and
rain, and is the major constituent of the fluids of living things. As a chemical
compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms
that are connected by covalent bonds. Water is a liquid at standard ambient
temperature and pressure, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state,
ice; and gaseous state, steam (water vapor).
Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface. It is vital for all known forms of life.
Nr. Task
A1 Analysis of water
Name of the lake
Złotnickie Lake (niem. Talsperre Goldentraum)
Arise in outcome of dividing river with dam below
town Gryfów Śląski in 1924. Capacity of reservoit is 12,4
milon cubic meters and surface of lake is 120 ha. Its
main aim is retention and production of electric energy.
There are some campsites, recreational craft rentals and
small resorts next to the lake.
Location of the lake
Between Gryfów Śląski and Leśna
Position of the lake
On Kwisa river
Drawing of the lake
On separate sheet
Types of trees
Coniferous mixed forest;
oak, birch, larch, rowan tree, linden, beech
Position of the lake
Geographical location 51°01′05″N 15°22′16“E
Surface 1,2 km2
Lenght, width, Depth
Depth max. 22m
Volume 12,4mln m3
Kwisa river
Case for resarch of water
In the field from 4,5-9,0 is 7
In the field from 6,0-8,0 is 7,5
Contents of nitrate
NO2= 0,025
Contents of phosphates
Contents of ammonium ions
NH3= 1,0
In the field from 4,5-9,0 is 0,01
In the field from6,0-8,0 is 0,02
The rest of properties
Peculiar, characteristic for water reservoir
Living organisms and lifeless substances A variety of fish and algae
As a result of chemical testing of Lake Złotnickie,
contamination was not observed.
The following results were obtained:
Water reaction is in the range of 7-7,5 which is
within the normal range (6,5-9,0)
Lack of nitrates (0,025mg/l), phosphates(0,00mg/l)
and iron(0,00mg/l),
While the concentration of nitrites (0,025mg/l) and
ammonium compounds (0,01mg/l) occurred in
trace amounts, it is within the normal range.
Water hardness: soft water
Reaction pH 6,5 – 9,0
Hardness: very soft water below 5,6°dH
soft water 5,6 – 11,2 °dH
Medium water hardness11,2 – 19,6 °dH
Hard water19,6 – 30,8 °dH
Very hard water above 30,8 °dH
The concentration of nitrites 0,05 mg/l
Nitrate concentrations7,0 mg/l
The concentration of ammonium nitrate3,0
Soil, pedosphere – biologically active (to 2 m
thickness) surface layer of
the earth's crust, formed in
the process of creating soil
from matrix under the
influence of soil-forming
factors. The soil consists of
mineral and organic matter.
A2 Analysis of soil
2.1 Bottom of the lake
a) The volume of water which has passed 128ml
through the soil
b) The volume of water absorbed by the
c) Absorption properties of the soil
High water absorption
d) Surface temperature in °C
e) The temperature at the depth20 cm
2.2 Soil samples
20 °C
14 °C
a) Observation of the reaction
Weak bubble reaction
a) Assessment of the calcium content in
the soil
1% do 3%
Low calcium content
- pH of soil is 5
- low bubble reaction indicates a low content
of calcium 1% do 3%
- the analysis for maximum water absorbtion
capacity indicates that it is – Sand with
humus (52,8%)
The names of people who took the
samples:Maniecka, Tabańska, Gwiazda
2.Class/School: ZSP Biedrzychowice II TŻiUG
3. Number of the sample: 1
4. Location: Jezioro Złotnickie
5. Height above sea level:
6. Weather conditions:
 Lack of rainfall during the last week
 Occasional rain in the past few days
 Heavy rains in the past days
7. Landform:
 steep slopes
 Slightly sloped
 Moderately sloped
 flat
8. The degree of slope
 flat
 Slightly sloped
 moderately slope
 steep
9. Position with respect to the compass- SouthWest
10. Bedrock material: the type of soil
 Brown soil
 Rainfall – glial soil
 Rendzina
11. Topsoil:
 Black earth
 humus
 Raw humus
12. Wetness:
 Dry
 Moderately dry
 moist
 Very moist
 wet
13. Flora- forests