TOU 1108 Business Communication Skills

TOU 1108 Business Communication
Course Title:
Course Description:
Course builds students knowledge on elements, processes and channels of communication. It
equips students with business communication knowledge and skills which are very vital in
tourism business.
Course Objectives:
 Provide students with knowledge on elements of communication, the communication
process, and the channels of communication in business settings.
 Equip students with business communication skills essential for success in the modern
business environment.
 Improve communication competencies of students in a business environment
 Enhance students’ capacity to develop flexible communication approaches in tourism
business workplace
Course Outline:
 Definition, purpose, type and process of communication
 Principles of business communication
 Core communication skills in business
 Business organizational communication (Internal, External, Group, Corporate and
 Business correspondence (personal and business letters; resumes; memoranda; emails;
circulars; note-taking; telegrams; inspection notes; press releases; reports; job
applications; essays; and recommendations)
 Ethical issues in business communication
 Culture and communication (stereotypes; prejudices; assumptions, similarity; culture
shock; and ethno centrism)
 Chanllenges and solutions to effective business communication
Learning Outcomes:
 Acquire skills to communicate (verbal, written) effectively for the tourism Business.
 Improve business communication competences of the students
Gain Knowledge and skills of business communication ethics
Method of Teaching/Delivery:
Lecture Hours – 30
Practical Hours – 30
Tutorial Hours – 30
Mode of Assessment:
 Course Work
 Practical
 Final written Exam
Reading/Reference Materials
 Bough Bennie (2005) Ways to Improve Communication skills Instantly, Longman
 Condrill, Jo and Bough, Bennie (1999). 101 Ways to Improve your Communication
Skills. Goal minds Inc.
 Ellis, Richard (2003). Communication Skills: Stepladders to Success for the
Intellect Book Publishers
 Newcomb. J. (1982) Communication: Messages and Meanings. Ginn & co. Ltd
 Terminello, V. and Reed, M. (2002). E-Mail: Communicate Effectively. Prentice Hall.
 Owen, Hargie (1997). The Hand Book of Communication Skills. Rout ledge.
 Vangelisti, Anita L; Daly, John Augustine; and Friedrich, Gustav W. (1999). Teaching
Communication. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Course Code: TOU 1109
Course Title: Tourism Economics
Course Description:
Explains major concepts in economics and relates various economic principles to tourism. Course
also highlights how the micro and macroeconomic changes influence tourism development
Course Objectives:
 Explain major concepts in economics
 Acquire knowledge of production in a modern economy
 Apply different market concepts to tourism development
 Analyse influence of micro and macroeconomic changes on tourism
Course Outline:
 Concepts of economics - demand and supply, theory of price and distribution.
 Circular flow of income and its measurement
 Supply and demand economics – influence on tourism
 Factor markets and income distribution, production function and cost function
 Market structures (monopoly, perfect competition, oligopoly, monopolistic competition)
 Consumer theory, revenue and profit maximization
 Tourism consumer behaviour
 Micro-economic indicators and social-well being - impact on tourism and recreation
 International aspects of macro-economic theory (targets and instruments of
macroeconomic policy).
 Cost analysis of the tourism industry
 Tourism investment, financing and amenity values
 Economic models – Classical, Keynesian
 Economic growth and development - role of tourism
 National and international business laws governing tourism; duty, customs; import and
export laws, immigration laws
Learning Outcomes:
 Appreciate the importance of tourism in economic development of nations.
 Acquire knowledge on the trends of tourism supply demanded
 Gain knowledge on the economic models for tourism development
Method of Teaching/Delivery:
Lecture Hours – 45
Practical Hours – 15
Tutorial Hours – 15
Mode of Assessment:
 Course Work
 Practical
 Final written Exam
Reading/Reference Materials
 Begg, D. Fischer S. and Dornbersch R. (2003) Economics, McGraw Hill
 GriffithsA.and Wall, J.(2000) Applied Economics, Longman
 Pindyck, Robert S., and Daniel L. Rubinfeld (2004). Microeconomics. 6th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
 Mankiw, N.G. Principles of Economics (International Student Edition), Fourth Edition
 Sloman J. (1991), Economics, University Press, Cambridge