Developing, Differentiating, and Positioning Products through the

Chapter 10
Developing, Positioning,
and Differentiating
Products through
the Life Cycle
PowerPoint by Karen E. James
Louisiana State University - Shreveport
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 0 in Chapter 10
 Understand the challenges a company
faces in developing and introducing
new products.
 Learn the main stages in developing
new products and how they can be
better managed.
 Know the factors that affect the rate at
which consumers adopt new products.
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 1 in Chapter 10
 Learn what marketing strategies are
appropriate at each stage of the
product life cycle.
 Understand how a company can
choose and communicate an effective
market position.
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 2 in Chapter 10
New Product Development
 What is a “New” Product?
– New-to-the-world products
– New product lines
– Additions to existing product lines
– Improvements and revisions of existing
– Repositioned products
– Cost reduction products
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 3 in Chapter 10
New Product Development
 New Product Failure is Rampant:
– 95% of new U.S. consumer products
– 90% of new European consumer products
 Reasons for failure include ignoring
unfavorable market research,
overestimating market size, marketing
mix decision errors, and stronger than
anticipated competitive actions
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 4 in Chapter 10
New Product Development
 Successful new products:
– Offer a strong relative advantage
– Reflect better understanding of customer
needs, and beat the competition to market
– Exhibit higher performance-to-cost ratios
and higher contribution margins
– Are launched with larger budgets
– Have stronger top management support
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To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 5 in Chapter 10
Managing New Products
New Product Development Process:
Ideas to Strategy
 Idea generation  Concept testing
 Idea screening  Marketing strategy
 Concept
 Business analysis
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 6 in Chapter 10
Managing New Products
New Product Development Process:
Development to Commercialization
 Product development
 Market testing
 Commercialization
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To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 7 in Chapter 10
Consumer Adoption Process
 Adopters of new products move
through five stages:
– Awareness
– Interest
– Evaluation
– Trial
– Adoption
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To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 8 in Chapter 10
Consumer Adoption Process
 People adopt new products at
different rates
– Innovators
– Early adopters
– Early majority
– Late majority
– Laggards
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To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 9 in Chapter 10
Consumer Adoption Process
 Five product characteristics
influence the rate of adoption:
– Degree of relative advantage
– Degree of compatibility
– Degree of complexity
– Degree of divisibility (trialability)
– Degree of communicability
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 10 in Chapter 10
Marketing Through the
Product Life Cycle
 Five product characteristics
influence the rate of adoption:
– Degree of relative advantage
– Degree of compatibility
– Degree of complexity
– Degree of divisibility (trialability)
– Degree of communicability
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To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 11 in Chapter 10
Stages of the Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Introduction
 Growth
 Low sales
 High costs per
 Negative profits
 Maturity
 Innovator
 Decline
 Few competitors
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 12 in Chapter 10
Stages of the Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Rising sales
 Average costs
 Introduction
 Rising profits
 Growth
 Early adopters
 Maturity
 Decline
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 Growing
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 13 in Chapter 10
Stages of the Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Peak sales
 Low costs
 Introduction
 High profits
 Growth
 Middle majority
 Maturity
 Decline
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 Stable/declining
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 14 in Chapter 10
Stages of the Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Declining sales
 Low costs
 Introduction
 Declining profits
 Growth
 Laggard
 Maturity
 Decline
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 Declining
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 15 in Chapter 10
Objectives and Strategies for the
Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Introduction
 Objective: to create
awareness and trial
 Offer a basic product
 Price at cost-plus
 Growth
 Selective distribution
 Maturity
 Awareness – dealers
and early adopters
 Decline
 Induce trial via heavy
sales promotion
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 16 in Chapter 10
Objectives and Strategies for the
Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Introduction
 Growth
 Objective: maximize
market share
 Offer service, product
extensions, warranty
 Price to penetrate
 Intensive distribution
 Maturity
 Awareness and interest
– mass market
 Decline
 Reduce promotions
due to heavy demand
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 17 in Chapter 10
Objectives and Strategies for the
Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Introduction
 Growth
 Maturity
 Decline
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
 Objective: maximize
profit while defending
market share
 Diversify brands/items
 Price to match or beat
 Intensive distribution
 Stress brand differences
and benefits
 Increase promotions to
encourage switching
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 18 in Chapter 10
Objectives and Strategies for the
Product Life Cycle
PLC Stages
 Objective: reduce costs
and milk the brand
 Phase out weak models
 Introduction
 Cut price
 Growth
 Selective distribution
 Maturity
 Decline
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 Reduce advertising to
levels needed to retain
hard-core loyalists
 Reduce promotions to
minimal levels
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 19 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
 Two views of positioning:
– Ries and Trout: products are
positioned in the mind of prospect
– Treacy and Wiersema: positioning
via value disciplines
 Product
leader firm
 Operationally excellent firm
 Customer intimate firm
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 20 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
 Positioning statements:
– To (target group and need) our (brand) is
(concept) that (point-of-difference)
 Example:
To young, active soft-drink
consumers who have little time for sleep,
Mountain Dew is the soft drink that gives
you more energy than any other brand
because it has the highest level of
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 21 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
 Differentiated products feature
meaningful and valuable differences
that distinguish the company’s
offering from the competition.
 Differences are stronger when they
are important, distinctive, superior,
preemptive, affordable, and profitable.
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 22 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
Product Differentiation Tools
 Form
 Reliability
 Features
 Repairability
 Performance
 Style
 Conformance
 Design
 Durability
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 23 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
Services Differentiation Tools
 Ordering
 Customer
 Delivery
 Maintenance
and repair
 Installation
 Customer
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 Miscellaneous
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 24 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
Personnel Differentiation Tools
 Competence
 Reliability
 Courtesy
 Responsiveness
 Credibility
 Communication
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 25 in Chapter 10
Positioning and Differentiation
Channel Differentiation Tools
 Coverage
 Performance
 Expertise
Image Differentiation Tools
 Symbols
 Atmosphere
 Media
 Events
©2003 Prentice Hall, Inc.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Slide 26 in Chapter 10