French and Indian War

“In this corner …”
France and England go at it.
Worldwide competition
Starting in 1689.
 Total of four wars. Indecisive.
Fourth war:
 Seven Years’ War in Europe.
 French and Indian War in North
French and Indian War
 1754. Washington and militiamen start
the war over the Ohio country.
 Early victories for the French. Braddock
defeated at Fort Duquesne.
 Concentrated Indian attacks.
The turning point
1757 William Pitt becomes Prime
Minister of England. Redoubles war
effort in North America.
 1759. General Wolfe captures Quebec.
 General Amherst captures Montreal.
Meanwhile ….
Frederick the Great (Prussian) beats up
on the French, Spanish, Austrians and
 Importance?
Albany Plan:
 Unify the Iroquois against the French.
 Unify the colonies. (Franklin) Wasn’t
Hostilities end
Treaty of Paris (1763)
 Eliminated France as a colonial power in
North America.
 Britain gets Canada and all French
territory east of the Mississippi (except
New Orleans) and Florida from Spain.
 ?? Spain gets Orleans and W. of La.
Results of the F and I War.
On the colonies:
 Gained self-confidence and military
 Saw the need for colonial unity.
 Had the danger of attack by the French
and Indians removed. This therefore:
 ????
On Britain
The war led Britain to neglect the
colonies. This allowed for the: exercise
of virtual self-gov’t and the ability to
evade British mercantilist restrictions on
the colonial economy.
 Britain believed the colonies:
1. Had not cooperated enough during
the war.
2. Had gained too much from the victory.
3. Should have to pay for the costs of
the war.
1763. Ottawa chief Pontiac leads a
campaign to drive the British out of the
Ohio Valley.
 Defeated by arms and disease.
 British saw the need to stabilize
relations with the Indians and to station
troops in the colonies.
Get outta my face….
The Proclamation of 1763.
 Prohibited settlement in the areas
beyond the Appalachians.
 Reserved for the Indians. Secure the
fur trade and stop Indian uprisings.
 Also sought to prevent the colonists
from being out of British reach.
What did they do?
Large migration on the westward trials
that led through North Carolina.
 Attitudinal response.