– Unit 2, Chapter 6 (12 Ed.)


AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 2, Chapter 6 (12 th Ed.)

HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.

The Duel for North America, 1608

– 1763

Before studying Chapter 6, read over these “Themes”:

Theme: As part of their worldwide rivalry, Great Britain and France engaged in a great struggle for colonial control of

North America, culminating in the British victory in the Seven Years War (French and Indian War) that drove France from the continent.

Theme: Before the Seven Years' War, Britain and its American colonies had already been facing some tensions as can be seen in sporadic British efforts to enforce trade laws and colonial reaction to the peace treaty in 1748. During the

Seven Years' War, the relationship between British military regulars and colonial militias added to the tensions. The

French defeat in the Seven Years' War created conditions for a growing conflict between Britain and its American colonies. The lack of a threatening European colonial power in North America gave the American colonists a sense of independence that clashed with new British imperial demands such as stationing soldiers in the colonies and the

Proclamation of 1763.

After studying Chapter 6 in your textbook, you should be able to:

1. Explain why France and Britain engaged in their great contest for North America and why Britain won.

2. Explain how the series of wars with France affe cted Britain’s American subjects and helped pave the way for their later rebellion against the mother country.

3. Describe France’s North American empire and compare it with Britain’s colonies.

4. Explain how North American political and military events were affected by developments on the larger

European stage.

Know the following people and terms. Consider the historical significance of each term or person.

Also note the dates of the event if that is pertinent.

A. People

Samuel de Champlain

William Pitt

Antoine Cadillac

Robert de La Salle

James Wolfe

Edward Braddock

+George Washington


B. Terms:


“salutary neglect”

French and Indian War

War of Spanish Succession


Albany Congress / Albany Plan


New France

Proclamation of 1763


Edict of Nantes

Battle of Quebec

Treaty of Paris of 1763

+ =One of the 100 Most Influential Americans of All Time, as ranked by The Atlantic. Go to Webpage to see all 100.

AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 2, Chapter 6 (12 th Ed.)

HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work.

C. Sample Essay: Using what you have previously learned and what you learned by reading

Chapter 6, you should be able to answer an essay such as this one:

Compare France’s colonizing efforts in the New World with Spain’s and England’s colonies.

What factors explain France’s relatively weak impact on the New World compared with that of

England’s and Spain’s?

D. Map Work: Be able to locate the places listed below by using the reference numbers on the map.

_____ Quebec _____ Hudson River

_____ New Orleans

_____ Great Lakes

_____ Montreal

_____ Florida Territory

_____ Hudson Bay

_____ Newfoundland

_____ Louisiana

_____ Nova Scotia (Acadia)
