RANDOM THOUGHTS AND MUSINGS OF EZEORA NA OCHIAGA ORAIFITE PART 2. + Of what sublime value is he who offers only bread and not counselling and wisdom? I agree with Benjamin Franklin that those who cannot be counselled cannot be helped; that comment remains the golden words of all times and generations. Venerate not the tyrant ,for at his pleasure and convenience you may be his next victim. Human rights are sacrosant, for they are the inherent bequests of God to mankind and no individual should be deprived of that divine inheritance. Violators of human rights are tyrant who must be resisted by the civil society, no matter the costs of the struggle. Tyranny is a devious expression of inordinate ambition, greed and inferiority complex . Arrogance is a disguise for inferiority complex and unpreparedness for intellectual articulation Better the company and fellowship of wise counsel than sycophancy. Sycophants are weaklings who do not stand for something positive, therefore they fall for anything negative. The diplomas of sycophants are not worth the papers on which they are written. I always give some thoughts to that ancient Greek adage that Truth dwells in a region so inaccessible that the very gods cannot percieve it from the summit of the olympus, but also think that , Inspite of all the struggles that may be involved, Truth must ultimately prevail, for the triumph of truth is a divine ordination. Fear not and venerate not the tyrants and violators of Human Rights for their negative accomplishments are transient and not transendental; surely will they make their exits in shame and dishonour. Arise fellow compatriots, sons and daughters of Oraifite, citizens all, let us resisit tyranny in our midst and fatherland; let the plants, trees and fields of freedoms (human rights) be watered & nutured with the sweat of our struggles. Oraifite Legal Defence and Assisitant Programme(OLDAP) is BORN. No more shall the sons & daughters of Oraifite, all citizens of our beloved Nigeria, live in fear of the bondage of tyranny of human rights violations, both in and outside Oraifite. Aspire to the sublime and shun the ridiculous. EZEORA NA OCHIAGHA ORAIFITE, LONDON ,19th August, 2010.