Direction for use of Superkids Reading Rolls: Each sheet is cut in half (one through 36 are cut vertically and 37 through 50 are cut horizontally). The half sheet is attached to a toilet paper roll. Sheet 37 to 50 are put on a paper towel roll cut to the size of a sheet of paper. (Write the child’s name on the paper roll). Draw three squares at the bottom of each half sheet. One square is marked each time the sheet is read. After the sheet has been read three times the roll is returned to school. A new sheet is added. Each time the roll is taken home the old sheets should be read through once and the new sheet is read three times. The reading roll is kept in a zip lock bag for easy transport to and from school. The reading roll should be sent home after first semester parent teacher conferences. The roll can be explained to parents at conferences. Parents should be told to keep the roll if the child is having trouble so the sheet can be read more than three times. For those who are struggling the teacher may want to listen to the child read the roll before a new sheet is given. When a child reaches sheet 20 and 36 a new roll is begun. A reward or celebration can be held for those who reach sheet 20, 36 and 50. The second sheet with the number and color sight words should only be used when your children have learned all of the words on that sheet. (Say the letter name and the sound.) (Blend the letters together.) Cc Cass ca Oo Oswald co Gg Golly ga Dd Doc da Ss Sal oc Ll Lily ac Aa Alf gas soc sad (Read the number words. (Read the color words. Cover the numbers and Cover the colors and read the words.) read the words.) one 1 red two 2 yellow three 3 blue four 4 green five 5 orange six 6 purple seven 7 black eight 8 brown nine 9 pink ten sad glad Dad clad Lad cad salad 1 10 white dog cog log clog God 2 Cass class glass Lass loss gloss toss 3 ill dill gill sill did Sid lid Slid 4 cot dot got lot slot tot still 5 cost lost cast last tag lag 6 at cat sat tilt stilt Tic Tac Toc 7 it sit list act fat fill fad 8 If lift sift gift loft soft off 9 cliff stiff floss flag flat sit fit lit 10 Fast Fist Fig Staff Icky Alf Frits 11 fell sell tell Ted Ed fed led sled 12 let get set elf self leg egg less 13 Ed fell. Ted fell. The egg fell. The sled fell. Lass fell on Lad. 14 The sled is fast. The cat is fast. Toc is fast. Sal is last. 15 Cass got a sled. Doc got a dog. Alf got a flag. Lily got a cat. 16 hat cat fat sat The fat cat sat on the hat. 17 still fill hill gill dill ill sill Sit still. 18. Oswald got a hot cot. The cot has lots of dots. slot tot 19 Dad had lots of salad. Sad Golly hit his leg. Tic held a hot dog. 20 dog clog log fog hog The dog sat on the log in the fog. 21 Sid lid slid hid Hot Rod hid the lid in the loft. 22 Ettabetta held Hot Rod’s hat. Alf felt the hat. The hat is soft. 23 Frits still has the the hot dog. Golly sat on the hot dog. It is flat. 24 cuff fluff huff stuff hug lug tug dug 25 dull gull Gus fuss us dust gust cut hut 26 The dust is The gull is on on the stuff. the egg. Golly is in The egg fell the dust. on the hill. Gus did dust Golly sat on Golly off. the hill. The Superkids The gull did hug Golly. fuss. Golly is glad Cass fed the the dust is off. gull. 27 28 The bat bit A big blast the bug. hit the hill. The bug fell A blob fell in the bag. on the bud. Doc held the A gull sat bag and the on the blob. bug. The gull got The bug got a bug. up. 29 30 The gull has Lily has a a bill. red dress. A bell is in The dress the bill. has fluff. The gull let The dress is the bell go. soft. The bell fell The dress on Ettabetta. has red bugs Ettabetta held on it. the bell. 31 32 The dog Grab the dug in the rabbit. hill. Rub the soft The dog rabbit. dug up a Let the bat. rabbit sit on The dog did the bed. drag the bat Set the up the hill. rabbit in the grass. 33 34 The big bus The bus has has dust and a glob of rust. red on it. Scrub the bus. Grab a rag. Get rid of Rub off the the dust. glob of red. Lug the bed Get rid of on the bus. the rag. The class sat The bus is in the bus. set. 35 36 Lily has a red dress. The dress has a problem. Four buttons fell off the dress. Lily put the buttons in a cup. Mom put the buttons on the dress. 37 Hot Rod has a blue Fast Cat. The Fast Cat has a problem. It fell off the hill. The top has a dent. Dad will fix the dent. 38 Alf went out of the bus. The sun was out in the sky. “I will get my sunglasses in the bus,” said Alf. He went in the bus. He got his sunglasses and put them on. 39 Golly is an animal. He can run fast. Golly has a bone. He lost his bone. The bone was under Gus and Gert’s big bed. 40 Oswald likes odd animals. A camel is an odd animal. It can cross the desert. Oswald can sit on the camel. The camel can drag Oswald’s stuff. 41 Cass grins. “It is my birthday,” said Cass. “I will have Lily, Ettabetta, Tic, Tac, and Toc at my birthday party.” Cass will bake a birthday cake with a red, blue and yellow ribbon on it. 42 Alf has three hats. One hat is blue. One hat is red. And one hat is brown. Alf lost the brown hat. Icky helped Alf find the hat. They looked under the bed. They looked in the tent. They looked in the wagon. The hat was in the pigpen. Alf left it in the pigpen when he fed the pigs. 43 Sal made a windmill at school. He used a milk carton and paper. He used a fan to make the windmill go. Sal put the windmill in his backpack. Sal’s backpack was dropped. Sal’s backpack was stepped on. Sal’s backpack was sat on. When Sal got home he took the windmill out of his backpack. The windmill was flat. Sal was sad. Sal made a new windmill with paper and a pencil. 44 Cass made ten carrot muffins. She made them for the Superkids. Cass put the muffins on the desk to cool. Cass went to swim in her pool. Brother came home from the park. He took one muffin. Mom came in from the garden. She took two muffins. Dad came home from work. He took three muffins. Cass had four muffins left. She made ten more muffins for the Superkids. 45 Tic, Tac and Toc set up a tent. They slept in the tent. It rained on the tent. The rain dripped on Tic, Tac and Toc. They popped up quick. Tic got a bucket. Tac got a towel. Toc got a bag of chips. Tic put the bucket under the drips of rain. Tac rubbed the towel on the water. Toc put chips in her mouth. Tic, Tac and Toc did not want to get wet. They went in the house to eat chips. They slept in the house. 46 Sal had a game for the Superkids. The Superkids had to do exercises. Oswald and Cass had to jump nine times. Lily and Toc had to skip eight times. Doc and Icky had to hop seven times. Tic and Frits had to run to the rock six times. Ettabetta and Tac had to do five jumping jacks. Hot Rod and Alf had to stomp four times. They did the exercises. The Superkids got to rest at a picnic. They had lots of fun. 47 Lily got up Easter morning. She got dressed for church. She ate pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Lily’s mom said, “You have to look for your Easter basket.” Lily looked in the stove. Lily looked in the closet. Lily looked in the dollhouse. Lily found her Easter basket in the washing machine. 48 It was a warm Cass had seeds spring day. left from last spring. Cass planted the seeds in her garden. First she dug holes for the seeds. Second Third Fourth she put the seeds she covered the seeds with dirt. she watered the Cass planted carrots and lettuce in the holes. ground. and potatoes and tomatoes. In the fall Cass had fresh vegetables to put in her salad. Cass had the Superkids for 49 a delicious dinner. come to her house “What will you get your mom for Mother’s Day,” said Icky. “I do not have a gift for my mom,” said Oswald. “Let’s go to the store and see what we can find,” said Icky. Icky and Oswald rode bikes They looked at rings and towels to the store. and watches and plants. Oswald got his mom a beautiful red scarf. necklace. 50 Icky got his mom a sparkly