Biology Pacing Guide * Proposed

Department of Curriculum an Instructio
FBISD English I PreAP
At-a-Glance 2014 – 2015
Course Description:
Students enrolled in English I continue to increase and refine their reading, writing, listening,
speaking, viewing and representing communication skills. Students write in a variety of forms and edit
their papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions and mechanics of
written English, producing final, error-free drafts. An emphasis is placed on organizing logical
arguments with clearly expressed related definitions, theses, and evidence. Students write to
persuade, report and describe. Students read extensively in multiple genres from world literature and
learn literary forms and terms associated with selections being read. Students interpret the possible
influences of the historical context on a literary work. Pre-AP/GT classes emphasize advanced
reading, analytical reasoning skills and expository writing in preparation for the Advanced
Placement exams in language and literature, and summer reading is required.
Grading Periods
Unit Name
Literature Study: Summer Reading Review and Thematically
Linked Anchor Texts across Genres
Grading Period 1
Writing Workshop: Expository Text - Analytical Essay (may be
research) This analysis may cover: character, mood/tone,
Literature Study: Romeo and Juliet (CORE) with Thematic Links
Writing Workshop: Continue Analytical Essays
Grading Period 2
Writing Workshop: Creative Literary Writing – poetry, drama,
Literature Study: The Odyssey with mini-unit on Mythology
Grading Period 3
Grading Period 4
Writing Workshop: Expository Text - Interpretive Response
Essay (may be research) covering the Epic.
Literature Study: Novel Study – To Kill A Mockingbird
Literature Circles with Thematic Links
Writing Workshop: Persuasive Essay (may be research)
Vertical Alignment
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Literature, Grade 9
The Write Source, Grade 9