11U Biology Exam Overview, January 2016 Date of Final Exam: January 27th, 2016 EXAM FACTS You will have 2.0 hours to write the exam. The exam is 10 pages long (not including the answer page) and is on 8.5” × 14” paper. Make sure to bring the following to your final exam: HB pencil and eraser (to complete your Scantron card) Course textbook FINAL EXAM BREAKDOWN This break down is APPROXIMATE, and is provided to you with the intention of helping you device how to best spend your time studying for the exam. I. Exam Format Section Part A: Multiple Choice (Scantron) Part B: Diagrams & Matching (Scantron) Part C: Definitions & Matching (Scantron) Part D: Short/Long Answers TOTAL MARKS Marks 50 31 19 30 130 II. Approximate Marks per Unit on Exam Unit Genetics Diversity Evolution Animal Internal Systems Plants TOTAL MARKS Total Marks Available 30 25 25 30 20 130 EXAM WRITING STRATEGIES 1. You should plan to spend about one (1) minute per mark on the exam. Allow five (5) to ten (10) minutes at the end to check over your exam. Try to work quickly through the multiple choice and matching sections to give yourself time to check over answers. 2. Work quickly. If you don’t understand how to do a question right away, skip it. Come back to it at the end if you have time. • When answering multiple choice questions, first read the question and try to answer it without looking at the options. Then, read the options. If stuck, use the process of elimination, crossing out answers you know aren’t possible right away. Always choose the answer that BEST answers the question. • When answering short answer (explanation) questions, first identify and explain the relevant principle in Biology. Define any laws or terms. Then, apply the principle to answer the question posed. Remember, you must answer the short answer questions on a separate page included in your examination package. 3. If you’re done early, make sure to check over your answers once before handing it in. Did you bubble all your multiple choice questions? Are they bubbled correctly? Did you answer all the questions? Check all the pages.