Record of Learner Achievement Unit: Ofqual Unit Reference Number: Unit Review Date: Plan and Organise Meetings L3 CV5 D/601/2542 31/01/2017 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will: The learner can: 1. Understand the arrangements and actions required for planning and organising meetings 1.1. Explain the role of the person planning and organising a meeting 1.2. Describe the different types of meetings and their main features 1.3. Explain how to plan meetings that meet agreed aims and objectives 1.4. Explain the purpose of agreeing a brief for the meeting 1.5. Explain how to identify suitable venues for different types of meetings 1.6. Describe the types of resources needed for different types of meetings 1.7. Outline the main points that should be covered by an agenda and meeting papers 1.8. Explain the purpose of meeting attendees’ needs and special requirements, and providing them with information required for meetings 1.9. Describe the health, safety and security requirements that need to be considered when organising meetings 1.10. Explain the purpose and benefits of briefing the chair before a meeting 1.11. Explain the purpose of welcoming and providing suitable refreshments to attendees, if required EVIDENCE LOCATION 1|P a g e V1 – June 2014 Record of Learner Achievement LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will: The learner can: EVIDENCE LOCATION 1.12. Describe the types of information, advice and support that may be need to be provided during a meeting 1.13. Describe the types of problems that may occur during a meeting and how to solve them 1.14. Explain what should be included in a record of a meeting, and the purpose of ensuring the record is accurate and approved 1.15. Explain how to record actions and follow up, if required 1.16. Explain the purpose of collecting and evaluating participant feedback from the meeting 1.17. Describe how to agree learning points to improve the organisation of future meetings 2. Be able to prepare for a meeting 2.1. Agree and prepare the meeting brief, checking with others, if required 2.2. Agree a budget for the meeting, if required 2.3. Prepare and agree an agenda and meeting papers 2.4. Organise and confirm venue, equipment and catering requirements, when necessary 2.5. Invite attendees, confirm attendance and identify any special requirements 2.6. Arrange catering, if required 2.7. Arrange the equipment and layout of the room, if required 2.8. Make sure the chair receives appropriate briefing 3. Be able to support running a meeting 3.1. Welcome attendees and offer suitable refreshments (if required) 2|P a g e V1 – June 2014 Record of Learner Achievement LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will: The learner can: EVIDENCE LOCATION 3.2. Make sure attendees have full set of papers 3.3. Make sure a person has been nominated to take minutes, if required 3.4. Provide information, advice and support when required 4. How to follow up a meeting 4.1. Produce a record of the meeting 4.2. Seek approval for the meeting record, amend as required 4.3. Respond to requests for amendments and arrange recirculation of a revised meeting record 4.4. Follow up action points, if required 4.5. Evaluate meeting arrangements, and external services where used 4.6. Evaluate participant feedback from the meeting and share results with relevant people, where used 4.7. Summarise learning points and use these to identify improvements that can be made to future meeting arrangements and support Assessment Requirements This unit must be assessed in the workplace, or conditions resembling the workplace. This is a Council for Administration (CfA) unit and therefore the Assessment Strategy for Business and Administration document must be followed. Learning Outcome 1 Arrangements and actions: attendee list (participants, chair, speakers, minute taker); send meeting invitation; circulate meeting agenda and other relevant documentation, e.g. minutes of previous meetings; necessary components of a meeting, e.g. venue, transport, schedule, refreshments, information, equipment, resources, meeting papers; agreeing aims of a meeting; preparing brief and other preliminary work to reflect aims; making contingency plans for necessary components; keeping to meeting budget. 3|P a g e V1 – June 2014 Record of Learner Achievement Organising arrangements and actions: checking on arrangements immediately prior to the meeting; greeting participants and offering refreshments if appropriate; ensuring procedural roles are fulfilled throughout; ensuring fair communication between participants if required; solving or working around any problems that arise, e.g. absent participants, logistical errors, technological issues, shyness, impasse or hostility; ensuring there are thorough records of the meeting; following up with participants. 1.1 Roles within a meeting: role of meeting planner and organiser, e.g. continuous responsibility for smooth running, level of participation in meeting content, level of intervention expected; enhanced role of meeting chair or speakers; level of interaction by participants; procedural roles, e.g. minute taker, legal expert, human resources expert; dealing with stakeholder representatives. 1.2 Types of meetings: differing requirements for different types of meeting, e.g. size, internal/client based/multi-organisation/public nature, aims and objectives, time available, setting timeframe, level of expected action resulting from meeting. 1.9 Health, safety and security: complying with relevant health and safety laws; ensuring that everyone feels comfortable during the meeting; consider security of venue and participants; maintain privacy and confidentiality of information shared, e.g. Data Protection Act, Chatham House Rules, personal reputation; provide advice and resources to support participants if required. Learning Outcome 2 Prepare for a meeting: Logistics for a meeting: book all necessary components; anticipate any problems on the day, e.g. transport issues, nearby events, company or industry- wide emergencies; keep in touch with service providers and participants; change timeline and budget estimates in accordance with events; keep a record of planning activities and contingencies Documents for a meeting: notice of meeting; meeting agenda; previous minutes if applicable; keeping meeting brief to hand; safety of documents, e.g. saving in multiple places, digital and hard copies, handling sensitive data; checking number of documents; proofreading; distributing to participants before the meeting if required. Learning Outcome 3 Support: For attendees: treat participants as individuals, e.g. comply with disability laws, dietary requirements, personal communication style; ensure that the meeting is moving forward where possible; deal courteously with rudeness, aggression or slander if appropriate. Meeting requirements: circulation of meeting papers; ensure throughout that tasks are being carried out at the appropriate times, e.g. refreshments, expert input, meeting breaks; ensure meeting minutes and decision/action points are recorded accurately; check that technology is working properly; have details for support in solving likely issues; bring the meeting to a close politely when appropriate. 4|P a g e V1 – June 2014 Record of Learner Achievement Learning Outcome 4 4.1 Record of the meeting: ensuring there is a clear formal record of participants, meeting time and subject, discussion and action points; checking minutes and agreed actions, adding any appropriate content; ensuring meeting records, including relevant decisions, are circulated promptly to involved parties; maintaining confidentiality where appropriate; keeping these records safe for future reference. 4.5 and 4.6 Evaluate a meeting: evaluation of logistical components, e.g. issues with venue, refreshments, budget; evaluation of participants, e.g. contribution, satisfaction with meeting, variety, networking potential; evaluation of own performance, e.g. planning, response to issues arising, conduct during meeting; changing plans for future meetings according to evaluation; invite feedback from participants and service providers and respond accordingly. 4.7 Identify improvements: taking action after a meeting: using meeting data to influence future work; informing colleagues of the meeting’s content where useful; identifying any need for follow-up meetings or individual contact. Evidence Requirements Evidence of practical ability must be demonstrated. Final Tutor Feedback (Strengths and Areas for Improvement): Learner Submission Disclaimer I declare that this is an original piece of work and that all of the work is my own unless referenced. Assessor Disclaimer I confirm that this learner’s work fully meets all the assessment criteria listed above at the correct level and that any specified evidence requirements have been addressed. Assessor Learner Date 5|P a g e V1 – June 2014