What is propaganda, really? Humanities Webquest English-Language Arts Standards 7th Grade Reading Comprehension: Analysis of GradeLevel-Appropriate Text 2.4 Identify and trace the development of an author’s argument, point of view, or perspective in text. 2.6 Assess the adequacy, accuracy, and appropriateness of the author’s evidence to support claims and assertions, noting instances of bias and stereotyping. 7th Grade Listening and Speaking: Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications 1.8 Analyze the effect on the viewer of images, text, and sound in electronic journalism; identify the techniques used to achieve the effects in each instance studied. Introduction Everyday we are bombarded with information on TV, the radio, the internet, magazines, email….What is the purpose behind all of this information? Are we aware of the creator’s intentions and all of the different forms used to convey the information, such as, music and pictures? Is this information accurate? Who benefits from this information? Have you been maniputed by propaganda? Tasks Task #1 Understanding Propaganda (partner) Find examples of the major types of propaganda using this powerpoint and links provided. Fill-in both sides of the handout. Task #2 Propaganda in Animal Farm (individual) Identify at least two types of propaganda used in Animal Farm. Be sure to use a couple of examples to support your claim—include page numbers. Pen or typed. Task #3 Examples of Propaganda (individual) Find one or more examples of propaganda being used in media, advertising, and/or politics. How are images/pictures/symbols, color, words, spatial organization/layout being used to persuade the audience (you)? What propaganda techniques are being used? Write a short (1-2 paragraphs) description about the propaganda you find. Write neatly in pen or type. Task #4 Types of Governments (individual) Research types of governments using provided links to websites Task #5 Propaganda Campaign (group) You will be assigned either a government or economic system. Create a campaign to convince people that your assigned political or economic system is the most effective or at least that it will be appealing. Create a visual aide poster (three fold booth). Task#1, Step 1: Propaganda techniques Slides 6-15 will help you fill-in your handout. Purpose of Propaganda? Any technique that attempts to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of a group in order to benefit the sponsor Used every day, in the military, in the media, in advertising, in politics, and in all sorts of human relationships Bandwagon Persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it Example: “Either you are with us or against us” Testimonial Using the words of a famous or respectable person to persuade Example: Proactive Transfer Using names/pictures of famous people but w/out direct quotations Uses authority and prestige of something we respect/revere Example: symbols are constantly used cross = Christian church flag = nation Repetition Repeating product name at least four times within the advertisement What animals repeat everything they hear in Animal Farm? Lesser of Two Evils Tries to convince us of an idea by presenting it as least offensive option Example from Animal Farm: “You don’t want Mr. Jones back, do you?” Doublespeak or Euphemisms Used to make something not sound as bad as it is examples: “went to heaven” = died “crusade” = war In Chapter 9 of Animal Farm, Squealer uses the term “readjustments” when he means “reduction” of food rations (Orwell 115). Other techniques Fear Glittering Generalities Name-calling Plain Folks Straw man Critical Thinking To protect yourself against the techniques of propaganda, three good questions to ask yourself are: Who does this benefit? Why did they do that? According to whom? (Definitions retrieved from MrDonn.org) Task #1, Step #2 Using the websites below, skim through them so that you become familiar with the many uses of propaganda. On your handout take notes on anything that interests you; this will help prepare you for your propaganda campaign (task #5). http://www.thematzats.com/propaganda/prop/index.htm http://www.foothilltech.org/rgeib/english/media_literacy/advertising_te chniques.htm http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/issues/index.cfm http://library.thinkquest.org/17067/influence/nfinfluence.html http://academic.cuesta.edu/acasupp/as/404.htm http://propaganda.mrdonn.org/techniques.html http://library.thinkquest.org/C0111500/proptech.htm Analysis of Advertising (Task #1 Cont.) As a class, watch “The Closet” and complete to boxes of chart. Choose two of the following advertisements to finish chart: Gatorade Starbucks Crest Coke Dr. Pepper (1960s) Chrysler Task #4 Government Types Take notes on each of the different gov. types and read the explanations/definition of totalitarian and democracy: Brief overview of all types http://www.stutzfamily.com/mrstutz/WorldAffairs/ typesofgovt.html http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/find_out/guid es/world/united_nations/types_of_government/n ewsid_2151000/2151570.stm Democracy http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/de/Democr acy Evaluation: Grading Rubrics Outstanding (+) Meets Standard (√) Below Standard (-) Task #1: Techniques and Ad Notes •Detailed notes with clear examples • Handout/chart is complete filled out • Some notes and • Handout/chart is mostly filled out • Incomplete notes and chart or not completed Task #2: Animal Farm Propaganda • Identifies two examples of propaganda w/in A.F. • Cites the specific page & explains the use of propaganda • Lack some detail but does identify two examples and provides citation and explanation • Lacks detail and explanation • Doesn’t identify two examples • Doesn’t cite specific pages References Webquests used as models: Bersaglia, N. What’s all the hype…a look at propaganda? Retrieved on March 8, 2010 from http://questgarden.com/115/36/7/101128225043/ Kelts, A.B. Would you be Among the Hidden? Retrieved on March 8, 2010 from http://questgarden.com/95/02/9/100126054051/ Reynolds, B. The Hunger Games: Propaganda and persuasion. Retrieved on March 8, 2010 from http://questgarden.com/81/91/0/090501060628/t-index.htm.