Introduction to Interferometry Lo and Cornwell Copyright, 1996 © Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. Wave-front and Source • A point source emits a spherical wave which turns into a plane wave at large distances E(r, t) = Eo e i(kr-t) This describes a plane wave-front that has a constant E. If we performs a two point correlation with any two points on the wave-front, the result is a constant, |Eo|2. <E(1)E(2)> = V(1-2) = V(u,v) = |Eo|2 where (u,v) are the components of the vector from point 1 to point 2 on the wave-front. The Fourier Transform of V(u.v) in this case is a delta function (k), which represents the brightness distribution of the point source in the direction k=0. Wave-front and Source • A double point source emits two spherical waves which turns into two plane waves in slightly different directions k1 and k2, = k±k, at large distances E(r, t) = E0 e i(k1r-t) = E0 [e i(kr) + Eo e +e i(k2r-t) i(-kr) ]e i(kr-t) E0 [e i(kr) + e i(-kr) ] describes a wave-front that varies with position along the wavefront. If we performs a two point correlation with any two points on the wave-front, the result in this case is. <E(1)E(2)> = V(1-2) = V(u,v) = |Eo|2 [e i(kb) +e i(-kb) ] where (u,v) are the components of the vector b from point 1 to point 2 on the wave-front. The Fourier Transform of V(u.v) in this case consists of two delta functions, which represent the brightness distribution of the double point source. Zernike-van Cittert Theorem • Basic optics theorem: <E1E2> = F. T. of Intensity Distribution of source • Interferometer measures <E1E2> = visibilities • Interferometer array + earth rotation synthesis measures <E1E2> = V(u,v) across the wavefront (uv plane) • The array design is aimed at uniform coverage of the (u,v) plane by the pairs of the antennas in the array, and with the help of the earth rotation if needed • Fourier Transform of V(u,v) yields the I(x,y), the intensity distribution of the source, i.e. the image or picture • Because of the sampling theorem, it is not necessary to get complete coverage of the (u.v) plane if we are interested in only a range of angular scales (or angular frequency) Single interferometer: to measure <E1E2> <E1E2> Aperture Synthesis • The basic relationship in aperture synthesis is V(u, v) = I(x, y) Pn(x,y) ei2(ux + vy)/ dxdy where V is the visibility that the interferometer array measures, I is the intensity distribution (image) we want to determine and Pn is the antenna pattern of the individual antenna of the interferometer array. • The image or map we want can then be obtained by the inverse FT M(x, y) = I(x, y) Pn(x,y) = V(u, v)ei2(ux + vy)/ dudv • Note that the map M we determine is the true I multiplied by Pn . Thus, the beam-width of the individual telescopes in the interferometer array defines the Field of View (FOV) of the interferometer array. In practice……. 1. Use many antennas (VLA has 27): 351 (u,v)’s at a given time 2. Amplify signals 3. Digitize 4. Send to correlator in a central location 5. Perform cross-correlation to yield V(u.v) = <E1E2> 6. Take advantage of earth rotation to fill in “aperture” 7. Inverse Fourier Transform of V (u,v) to get an image: P(x,y) I(x,y) 8. Correct for limited number of antennas: CLEAN 9. Correct for imperfections in “telescope” e.g. calibration errors: Self Calibration 10. Make a beautiful image…. Incomplete Sampling of uv-plane • The incomplete sampling of V(u,v) can be represented by a sampling function S(u,v) which is 1 at (u,v) with a measurement and 0 elsewhere. So the Md we obtain is Md(x, y) = V(u, v) S(u,v) ei2(ux + vy)/ dudv • FT of two products is the product of the two FT: Md(x, y) = M(x, y) Bd(x, y) where Bd(x, y) = S(u,v) ei2(ux + vy)/ dudv is the Dirty Beam, which is basically the transfer function of the interferometer array, defined by the (u,v) coverage of the measurements, S(u,v). Sometimes, it is called Point Spread Function. The map obtained this way is called a Dirty Map • CLEAN is a process to deconvolve the dirty image by replacing Bd by a clean beam Bc to produce a clean map: Mc(x, y) = M(x, y) Bc(x, y) CLEAN • CLEAN is an iterative process in which the image of the source is represented by a sum of delta-functions by picking out the peaks in the images successively • Then a clean beam (typically Gaussian) is fitted to the main beam of the dirty beam • Finally, the clean beam is convolved with the collection of delta functions to produce the CLEAN map • Not a unique process, as in all deconvolution, and affected by S/N. Need always to compare Clean map with Dirty map to make sure no artificial features have been introduced in the process • BUT, it works very well in practice. • Other restorative processes include Maximum Entropy… The power of Image Processing Example of imaging a complex source • VLBA simulated observations of M87-like jet source • Will show • • • • • UV coverage Correlation function Point Spread Function “Dirty” image Best Clean image Original and smoothed model Fourier plane sampling UV Sampling Point Spread Function S(u,v) Dirty Beam Point Spread Function Dirty Beam Cross cut of Dirty Beam Original model and Dirty image Dirty Map Original model and best image Clean Map Correcting for limited number of antennas • Sky is not arbitrarily complex: can exploit this to improve the imaging – CLEAN: • sky is composed of point sources on a dark sky • sky is composed of resolved sources of known extent on a dark sky – Multi-scale CLEAN: • sky is composed of smooth, limited extent blobs on a dark sky – Maximum Entropy Method: • sky is smooth and positive – Non-negative least squares: • sky is non-negative and compact – Hybrid algorithms: • Some combination of the above... A real example from the VLA • Sampled correlation function => “Dirty” image A real example from the VLA • Effective aperture is filled in and the diffraction patterns vanish One last synthetic example Model “Dirty” image PSF CLEAN image The VLBA Ten 25m Antennas, 20 Station Correlator 327 MHz - 86 GHz Correlator Roon In Socorro Variations: the Very Long Baseline Array • Antennas very far apart • resolution very high: milli-arcsecs • Very Long Baseline Interferometry • Record signals on tape Connected elements versus tape recording VLA + VLBA • Zoom lens to reveal inner cores of radio galaxies VLBA: Time-lapse imaging Calibration • The measured visibility V’ is related to the source visibility V as <E1E2> = V’(u,v) = A’(u,v) ei[(u,v)] = g1g2 A(u,v) ei[(u,v)+(u,v)] = g1g2 ei[(u,v)] V(u,v) where is the measured phase, is the true source phase and is phase noise due to the electronics, atmosphere and ionosphere • Calibration is to determine g1g2 ei[(u,v)] ,where the phase noise is typically antenna based. i.e. (12) = [e(1) e(2)] + [a(1) a(2)] + [i(1) i(2)] … • Observe calibrations that are point sources of known flux S and known position ( = 0), and the measured V’(u,v)/S = g1g2 ei[(u,v)] = G1G2* where the complex G represents the amplitude and phase that needs to be removed to yield the true source visibilities. • You measure (phase) calibrators regularly throughout the observations to provide solutions (as a function of time) on N G’s from N(N-1)/2 (baseline) measurements. The G(t) are then applied to the observations of the source. Self Calibration • Standard calibration is not perfect typically because the time scale of variation of G due to atmosphere is faster than the intervals in between calibrator observations, and because suitable calibrators may not be angularly close to the source under study. Self calibration solves most of these problems. • As in Adaptive Optics in the OIR, if we know we are looking at a point source, we know what to expect and all the variance in amplitude and phase are due to (atmospheric) fluctuations. These fluctuations are embodied in the G’s and in the visibility can be removed from the data. This works well if there is a strong point source in the field of view. • Even without a point of source, we can get an estimate of the source structure by the standard process. From the initial source structure, we can predict what the visibility should be, and then remove the fluctuations from the raw data to make an (presumably) improved image. • From the improved image, we can derive a better source structure from which to predict what the visibilities should be and remove a new (and presumably better) determinatioin of the fluctuations from the raw data. And so on. This iterative process is what is called Self-Calibration, and has been very successfully applied to both VLA and VLBA data, as well as other interferometer data. Self Calibration Imaging • Can image even if calibration is poor or nonexistent • Possible because there are N gains and N(N-1)/2 baselines – Can determine both source structure and antenna gains – Need at least 3 antennas for phase gains, 4 for amplitude gains – Works better with many antennas • Iterative procedure: – Use best available image to solve for gains (can start with point) – Use gains to derive improved image – Should converge quickly for simple sources • Many iterations (~50-100) may be needed for complex sources • May need to vary some imaging parameters between iterations • Should reach near thermal noise in most cases • Does not preserve absolute position or flux density scale – Gain normalization usually makes this problem minor • Historically called “Hybrid Mapping”. Based on “Closure Phase”. • Is required for highest dynamic ranges on all interferometers VLBI Data Reduction Example Self Cal Imaging Sequence • Start with phase only selfcal • Add amplitude cal when progress slows • Vary parameters between iterations – • Taper, robustness, uvrange etc Try to reach thermal noise – Should get close PHASE REFERENCING • Use phase calibrator outside target source field – Nodding calibrator (move antennas) – In-beam calibrator (separate correlation pass) – Multiple calibrators for most accurate results • Very similar to VLA calibration but: – Geometric and atmospheric models worse • Affected by totals between antennas, not just differentials • Model errors usually dominate over fluctuations • Scale with total error times source-target separation in radians – Need to calibrate often (5 minute or faster cycle) – Need calibrator close to target (< 5 deg) • • Biggest problems: – Wet troposphere at high frequency – Ionosphere at low frequencies (20 cm is as bad as 1cm) Use for weak sources and for position measurements – Increases sensitivity by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude – Used by about 30-50% of VLBA observations EXAMPLE OF REFERENCED PHASES • 6 min cycle - 3 on each source • Phases of one source self-calibrated (near zero) • Other source shifted by same amount Phase Referencing Example 1. With no phase calibration, source is not detected (no surprise) 2. With reference calibration, source is detected, but structure is distorted (targetcalibrator separation is probably not small) 3. Self-calibration of this strong source shows real structure No Phase Calibration Reference Calibration Self-calibration