LEARNING Teaching Scientific Enquiry Objectives: To provide the department with some useful strategies for delivering Scientific Enquiry/Ideas and Evidence. To work out a plan of action as a result of this meeting. LEARNING Scientific Enquiry includes: 1. Ideas and Evidence • Understanding the meaning of science. • Understanding that scientific ideas need to be supported by evidence and new evidence may lead to scientists changing their ideas. • How religious views, political intervention, complexity of ideas or poor communication channels can affect scientific developments. • The importance of argument and controversy to test ideas. LEARNING 2. Enquiry skills • Surveys and correlations. • Identifying and classifying. • Predictions with Scientific reasoning. • Devising and carrying out fair tests. • Analysis of results and devising conclusions. • Evaluating the tests taking into consideration reliability, accuracy, improvements. LEARNING Why teach Ideas and Evidence / Enquiry skills? • helps to motivate students because it brings out the human aspects of science. • Students are motivated by carrying out practical work which provides the evidence to ‘re-discover’ ideas. • Teaching these skills explicitly helps to arm pupils with skills which can be applied to a variety of situations and in adult life. • Improves thinking skills so that pupils become better learners. • Greater proportion of test marks are derived from I & E. National tests show there is room for improvement. • Much higher priority in KS4 2006 science POS. LEARNING How can we teach Ideas & Evidence? • Tell stories about scientists to bring in the human element. • Devise spider diagram with a key question in the centre linking to evidence statements. eg. Smoking is bad for you because ….evidence. • Use evidence cards to explore what constitutes ‘Evidence’. • I & E past questions (see ‘Improving pupil responses to exam questions’ sheet) LEARNING Evidence cards Exercise is good for you Exercise speeds up your heart rate Exercise makes you breathe faster People who exercise regularly have a lower resting heart rate Exercise strengthens the heart muscle Overweight people are more likely to have heart attacks My games teacher says it is Exercise makes you feel better People who exercise daily live longer, on average Most athletics are slim Joggers can suffer heart attacks when they are running People who exercise have greater muscle mass Exercise reduces your chances of heart disease LEARNING Evidence cards The Earth rotates on its axis The Moon moves across the sky It’s cold at night Daylight hours are shorter in the winter Hong Kong has dawn 8 hours before the UK It’s warmer at the equator than at the poles It takes 365 ¼ days for the Earth to orbit the Sun The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West Water goes down the plughole clockwise in the Northern hemisphere but anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere A day is 24 hours long Stars move across the night sky in a circular path Some birds fly south in winter On a midsummer’s day there are 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night LEARNING Evidence cards Matter is made of particles Atoms have been seen very powerful scanning tunnelling microscopes Smoke particles move around in a random way when you watch them under a microscope Balloons will pop if they get too hot Gases can be squashed into smaller volumes Most materials expand when heated Balloons inflate when you blow air into them You can see air particles in bright sunlight I’ve seen a picture of particles in my science book Air resistance increases when you go faster Salt dissolves in water All matter can be separated into smaller bits Sand is matter and sand is made of particles LEARNING How can we teach Enquiry Skills? • Enquiries should be about something that students don’t know the answer to. Following rigid instructions in order to arrive at a desired result doesn’t develop enquiry skills. • Using the large‘Enquiry posters’ to scaffold investigations helps to develop enquiry skills. • Relate learning objectives to the Scientific Enquiry YTO’s rather than to knowledge and understanding. eg. LO: to recognise the difference between the reliability of evidence/results and accuracy of equipment LEARNING Use the Enquiry cycle • Ice in a beaker • Bungee!! Next visit • Ice and butter • Tea bag rocket • Lavoissier’s work on burning LEARNING What do you think? Do you still think that now? Scientific enquiry How could you find out? Why do you think that? LEARNING Put the Ice in a beaker! Watch and write a sentence about what you see on the outside of the beaker. LEARNING Where has the water come from? What do you think? Write a sentence. LEARNING Why do think that? Write a sentence or two. Try to use the key ideas. LEARNING What do other people think? In the class? LEARNING What do other people think? Further afield? LEARNING I think that the water from the air around the jar has condensed on the jar. The melted water has diffused through the jar. The water vapour from the air has condensed on the jar LEARNING Which idea do you think is correct? Write a sentence to explain why. LEARNING How could you find out? Briefly decide on a plan to test your idea using the equipment that you can see in the lab. LEARNING Do you still think the same? Say why your idea has been proved or disproved. What could you do differently? LEARNING •Bungee!! LEARNING • To ensure that all aspects are covered, map the skills into schemes of work using ‘Moving Forward with teaching scientific enquiry and intervention’ CD ROM. • Be aware of ‘Procedural demands Vs. Conceptual demands’ • Scaffold investigations and use writing frames where appropriate. LEARNING • Lessons 13-18 from Booster Kit pack • The Little Giant book of Science Experiments ISBN 0-8069-9715-X • Faber book of science ISBN 0-5711-7901-0 • Concept Cartoons in Science Education ISBN 0-9527-5602-7 • Horrible Science - suffering scientists ISBN 0-439-01211-2 • Science for Public Understanding textbook. ISBN 0-435-65466-7 • Science Investigations on CD ROM ( Focus Ed.) LEARNING What next? Any other questions? Discuss plans and agree action points. Arrange review meeting to discuss progress.