Elements of Drama

Drama is a type of
literature usually
written to be
The form drama
takes is called a
play or script.
Sir Ian McKellen portrays
Shakespeare’s character Hamlet in
1971’s production of Hamlet.
Characteristics of
Types of Drama
Purposes of Drama
Written to be presented by actors.
Written primarily in dialogue or lines
◦ Writers only focus on what is seen or heard on stage
or screen.
Non spoken material is called stage directions.
Has an unique organization.
Other dramatic devices.
Actors are people who pretend to be
the characters in a play.
They must learn how to read their lines to
make the story come alive during the
Good actors are often popular and are asked
to play demanding roles.
Dialogue is what a character says during the
Dialogue always begins by listing the
character’s name, followed by what he or she
Antony: O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low?
Dialogue is the only way information is given
to the audience during a play.
Stage directions are special notes in the play that give
information to the actors.
What to do on stage
When to enter and exit during a scene
How to deliver a line of dialogue
What the setting looks like
Give clues to what characters are feeling or thinking.
 Examples:
SAMPSON: Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy swashing blow.
(They fight)
JOAN (fearfully): So who saw me there…at the site of the murder?
Divided into Acts and Scenes.
◦ An act is a major division.
◦ A scene is a smaller division within an Act.
A play usually has 2-3 Acts with 2-3 scenes
in each act.
Scene changes usually mean a change in
setting (time or place).
SCENE I. Verona. A public place.
SCENE III. A room in Capulet's house.
Monologue: long speech, delivered by one
character, intended for the other characters to
Soliloquy: long speech, delivered by one
character, alone on stage, not intended for the
other characters to hear
Aside: a character turns to the audience to say
something other characters are not supposed
to hear (short speech, a few lines only).
There are two basic types of Drama
◦ Tragedy
◦ Comedy
Other types
◦ Histories
◦ Tragicomedies
Tragedy has a serious tone.
Important people are usually
the main characters.
Involves big, important
Usually an important character
dies at the end.
Melodrama is a type of tragedy
that is more focused on
physical actions.
Scene from “Million Dollar Baby”
Scene from “Dumb and Dumber”
Comedies have a light
or amusing tone.
Characters are usually
common everyday
Themes are often
dealing with love.
Happy endings are
common. In traditional
comedies, lead
characters marry.
Farce is a type of
comedy that focuses
on physical humor and
crude jokes.
Give instruction about how to live.
Make us aware of social issues.
Cause us to reflect on ourselves and our
FOIL – characters whose words and actions
emphasize the differences between them
Ex: Romeo and Benvolio; Romeo and Mercutio
BLANK VERSE – verse with no rhyme
- iambic pentameter (5 feet)
(u/ u/ u/ u/ u/)
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
PUN (play upon words) – using a word with
multiple meanings or two words that sound alike
but have different meanings
He won the twister contest hands-down.
 After periodic doubts about his vocational calling, the young
chemistry teacher concluded he was out of his element.
 Dying Mercutio using the word grave:
“Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.”
COMIC RELIEF – the introduction of a humorous
character or situation into a tragic scene
APOSTROPHE – the speaker addresses someone
absent, dead, or an inanimate object