The team

The team
Definition: a group of people working together.
Everyone who is to be part of a software
development team, must have a good understanding
of the human factors involved in team interaction.
In order to satisfy the demands of the
industri, development teams must employ
methods, processes, software languages,
frameworks, and tools.
 It is through the efforts of the software
development team, that an organization
can deliver quality software systems in a
repeatable, predictable, and sustainable
Aspects of Teamwork
Creating a team basically means trying to put
the right people together (not always
technically people, but people who are
dedicated to the achievement of a common
A jelled team is defined as a group of people
so strongly knit that the whole is greater
than than the sum of the parts. The
productivity of such a team is greater than
that of the same people working seperately
in unjelled form.
Structuring Team Enviroments
An organization needs to have deep
understanding of its culture, workers, and
management structure before it can
decide on a team structure.
 Develop team attitude (be we not I)
 Be aware of too many stars (do will not
gain a good product if you have to many
 Provide team model (spend time on
making the team work together)
Defining the team
A team should be composed of no more
than 5 to 7 individuals who are dedicated
to a project and have specific goals for
producing deliverables or providing a
 Agreed-upon team goals
 A plan for the work
 Established team member roles
A common teamwork process
 A mutual team commitment to the goals,
roles, and plan
 A supportive environment in which to
 Free communication among team
 The mutual respect and support of all the
team members.
The four-stage Team Development
Model – describe how teams evolve
Forming, or initial phase: Groups seeks purposes
and relevance. Social relationships are established. The
group begind to work with the leader.
 Storming: conflicts emerge between members owing
to differences in goals and struggle for control and
 Norming: commonalities and shared interests are
reconized, and processes for communications are
 Performing: a team identity has formed, and members
associate strongly within the group.
The five phases for Building Team
- Sharing personal interests
- Short informal social activities
- Sharing vision or purpose as a group
- Peer reviews of teamwork
- Identifying and aligning with roles and goles in the team
- Democratic team structure
- Recognition of team and individual accomplishment
- Social event outlining projects milestoning
Letting go
- Constructive feedback among team members
- Valuable and trustworthy feeling
The Tree Steps to Create a Jelled
Matching individuals with the right skills to the
right roles
 Defining the process the team will use to create
the product and establish the essential artifacts.
The team can then be organized around the set
of activities that produce and manipulate the
 Adapting the use of tools in such a way that each
individual manipulates the necessary artifacts in a
manner that is appropriate to and consistent with
their specif role, and also in a manner that
reduces the interference between individuals.