Archaeology Worksheet: Discovering the Past

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Mr. Shalaby
Date: _________________________________________________________________ Anthropology
Period: _______________________________________________________________ Collier High School
Discovery The Past
3. is the process of treating artifacts to sip decay.
6. stone tools which are the most common artifacts.
7. relative dating using layers of the earth.
8. impression of an insect or leaf on a muddy surface that is now a stone
11. ________ Survey is walking around and looking for sites.
13. natural objects that have been used or affected by humans
14. the most common features. Holes dug by humans, later filled with garbage.
1. the only method of recovering artifacts and fossils from sites.
2. remains of garbage dumps or areas repeatedly used over long period of time, such as caves.
4. _________ activity are the “most dramatic” sites.
5. created when the remnants of human activities are covered or buried by some natural
8. a kind of artifacts that cannot be easily removed from an archaeological site.
9. much of the evidence for primate evolution comes from this.
10. pots and other items of baked clay
12. anything made or modified by humans
Discovering the Past Homework
1. What are the four evidence that archaeologists rely on to learn about the past?
2. How are features harder to study than other artifacts?
3. Why are only few sites excavated today?
4. What is Stratigraphy?
5. What three ethical conflicts do archaeologists face?