RFP # D-015-08 Air Monitoring Data Acquisition System (DAS) Summary of RFP and Appendix Changes Changes to the Request for Proposal Document 1. Request for Proposal Cover Sheet: Change RFP due date and time to Monday, December 9, 2013, 11:00AM CST. Change “proposal shall be firm for acceptance” fine print from 60 days to 120 days. Change checkbox for “Public Opening” to indicate “No Public Opening”. Change page number for additional event dates 2. Table of Contents – update page numbers 3. Section 1.8, Calendar of Events - revised all dates in compliance with new RFP due date of 12/9/13. 4. Section 1.9, Contract Term and Funding – revised project completion date to 12/31/2014. 5. Section 2.3, Submitting the Proposal – revised proposal due date. 6. Section 2.6, Oral Presentations / Interviews – revised date to 1/3/2014. 7. Section 4.1, Executive Summary – added language regarding DNR access to source code. 8. Section 5.3, Project Plan and Other Deliverables – changed date from 6/30/14 to 12/31/14. 9. Section 6.1, DAS Server Support – changed reference to timeframe for initial maintenance period removing 6/30/15 date to reflect new requirement for support for 12 months after the software acceptance date. 10. Section 7.1, Timeline – changed date to 12/31/14. 11. Section 8.2, Fixed Price Period – changed from 60 days to 120 days. 12. Section 9.4, Executed Contract to Constitute Entire Agreement – changed proposal due date to 12/9/13. 13. Software Rider Section 1.0, Acceptance/Standard of Performance – changed date from 6/30/14 to 12/31/14. 14. Software Rider Section 10.0, Ongoing Performance Requirement – changed language detailing how effectiveness level is calculated. 15. Cost Proposal Form: Add bullet point to Line 1 instructions requiring breakdown of costs billed before 6/30/14 and costs billed after 6/30/14 but before 12/31/14. Add the following text “(these fees would only apply after the initial 12 months of system performance)” to lines 2, 4, 7 & 8. 16. ATTACHMENT 4, Itemized DAS Elements and Data Requirements Reporting Forms: The entire attachment has been updated and replaced to reflect the changes made to the desired and required elements and data as noted below in the revised Appendix document. In addition language has been added on page 55 of the revised RFP document to instruct proposers to include both a printed and electronic copy of their completed Excel workbook as part of their proposal. 1 RFP # D-015-08 Air Monitoring Data Acquisition System (DAS) Summary of RFP and Appendix Changes Changes to the Technical Guidance and Specifications Appendix Subsection 1. Deleted “Interface with an Interactive Voice Response / Voice Broadcasting System with an auto-attendant and call routing system that provides current hour AQI levels for selected air monitoring sites including air quality advisory alerts.” 2. Added “Have the same display capabilities as the existing DNR Bing Maps webpage and be able to be displayed on mobile devices, including cellphones, iPads and tablets.” 3. Deleted “ Create mobile application(s) to run in Android, IOS, and Windows8 operating system environments. o o o For IOS: Create universal application with display configurations in info.plist to include display in ipad, iphone, and ipod. (L) Support use in IOS versions 3.1.3 through current (7.0.2). (L) For Android: Enable display configurations for all general display sizing (S,M,L,XL) – all phone and tablet size API’s. (L) Use display configuration in dp units for dynamic size-appropriate display density (idpi, midpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi). (L) Support use in Android versioning 2.3 through current. (L) For Windows: Device-independent support for use with windows phone 7 and 8 operating systems. Get-Device Objects for identifying (L)appropriate display for Windows smartphones and tablets. (L)”. Subsection 1. Revised “Create discrete sample records by automated upload.” to “Create discrete sample records by automated upload from preformatted logger file (functionality for records to be included in preformatted logger file currently does not exist).” Subsection 1. Added “Link equipment data in the new DAS server to the DNR’s Equipment Tracking System. (H)”. Subsection 1. Deleted “There are not any desired elements in this area”. 2. Added “Store business rules for the Interactive Voice Response / Voice Broadcasting System in one location to minimize changes in different systems as a result of a business rules change. (L)”. 2 RFP # D-015-08 Air Monitoring Data Acquisition System (DAS) Summary of RFP and Appendix Changes 3. Added “Interface with existing Interactive Voice Response / Voice Broadcasting System with an auto-attendant and call routing system that provides current hour AQI levels for selected air monitoring sites including air quality advisory alerts provided by Database Systems Corporation. (H)” 4. Added “Be capable of interfacing with other DNR Centurion Interactive Voice Response / Voice Broadcasting System (IVR/VBS) projects. Centurion works with the following interfaces routinely for IVR/VBS projects: Web Services (SOAP, REST), Database Connectivity (ODBC, JDBC), HTTP XML, Windows API/COM/Assemblies, Message Oriented Middleware MOM (JMS, MSMQ, WebSphere MQ) and Proprietary API/Messages. (L)”. 5. Added “ If the proposer opts to provide an alternative webpage instead of using the existing DNR Bing Maps webpage, in addition to the functionality of the existing DNR Bing Maps webpage as defined in section o Create mobile application(s) to run in Android, IOS, and Windows8 operating system environments. For IOS: Create universal application with display configurations in info.plist to include display in ipad, iphone, and ipod. (L) Support use in IOS versions 3.1.3 through current (7.0.2). (L) For Android: Enable display configurations for all general display sizing (S,M,L,XL) – all phone and tablet size API’s. (L) Use display configuration in dp units for dynamic size-appropriate display density (idpi, midpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi). (L) Support use in Android versioning 2.3 through current. (L) For Windows: Device-independent support for use with windows phone 7 and 8 operating systems. (L) Get-Device Objects for identifying appropriate display for Windows smartphones and tablets. (L). 3