NOTE - The day of the test you must turn in the following at the start

NOTE - The day of the test you must turn in the following at the start of class:
Flash cards:
Chapter 1 and 2 Remember to provide BOTH a definition (in your own words) AND a sentence which
properly uses the word
Unit 1 exam will consist of multiple choice and a free response question
Please note all vocabulary words are fair game on the test. Below I have listed concepts that you should
have an understanding of, beyond just the definition.
1. History of Psychology
a. Important people:
i. Plato
ii. Socrates
iii. Aristotle
iv. John Locke
v. William Wundt
vi. Edward Titchner
vii. William James (associated with Darwin)
b. Know key people associated with each perspective, be able to identify the key terms for
each perspective, given an abnormal behavior you should be able to explain and treat the
abnormality using the perspectives:
i. Structuralism
ii. Functionalism
iii. Behaviorist
iv. Humanistic
v. Psychodynamic
vi. Cognitive
vii. Biological
viii. Social-cultural
ix. Gestalt
x. Evolutionary
xi. Eclectic
c. Three levels of analysis
i. Recognize what idea and concepts fall under each perspective
d. Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
e. Applied vs. Research (refer to worksheet handed out in class)
2. Research Methods
a. Hindsight bias – how does it impact research
b. Case study – advantages and disadvantages
c. The survey – advantages and disadvantages
i. Wording effects
ii. Random sampling, population, and sample
d. Naturalistic observation – advantages and disadvantages
e. Correlation
i. Correlation coefficient, cause and effect, illusory correlation
ii. Scatter plots: positive correlation, negative correlation, no correlation
f. Experimentation
i. Advantages and disadvantages
ii. Random assignment, experimental group, control group, independent variable,
confounding variables, dependent variable, double-blind procedures, placebo
iii. Be able to list the different components of the experimental design when given a
description of an experiment
g. Describing data:
i. Central tendency: Mode, Median, Mean
ii. Measures of variation: Range, standard deviation
h. Inferential statistics – statistical significance
i. Ethics in research
i. Informed consent
ii. Protect from harm and discomfort
iii. Confidentiality
iv. Debrief
Possible free response topics:
1. Using the following terms you should be able to defend a statement which claims the history of
psychology is boring, simple, and lacks a variety of perspectives:
Psychoanalytic theory
Humanistic psychology
Cognitive psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
Social-cultural perspective
Biopsychosocial perspective
2. Given a research topic be able to explain how to conduct the research using naturalistic
observation, survey method, experimental, and a case study. Be able to include important ethical
procedure to follow and how to examine data using central tendency and inferential statistics