08:30-09:00 REGISTRATION 09:00-9:15 WELCOMING REMARKS 09:15-10:15 “A dialogue with Prof. Geoffrey BLOWERS The Development of Psychology in Hong Kong: Past, Present, and Future” Professor Department of Psychology The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 10:15-10:45 Tea Break 10:45-12:15 PLENARY SESSION / Q& A session “Does Positive Cognition Play a Significant Role in Psychology?” By Prof. Samuel HO, PhD Professor Department of Applied Social Studies City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong “The Application of Costly Signaling Theory to Human Communication: The Cases of Aggressive Intentions, Intelligence, and Social Bonds” By Prof. Scott REID, PhD Associate Professor Department of Communication University of California , Santa Barbara 12:15-14:00 Non-members HKPS Members Lunch Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Lunch Poster Presentation (9/F Staff Lounge) (13:00-14:00, Foyer outside Outside 4/F Swimming Pool Entrance) 14:00-1515 CROSS-DIVISIONAL SYMPOSIA Technology Minority Groups Personality Positive Psychology Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: Ms. Fontane YEUNG Ms. Candy LING Mr. Wan-Hap LUI Mr. Raysen CHEUNG (DIOP) (DCP) (DEP) (DCoP) “To forgive or not to “Profiling White "Motherhood among “Understanding forgive: The Collar Criminal Poor Mainland Personality at Work” mediating effect of Minds: Using Online Migrant Mothers in subjective happiness Assessment Hong Kong" and forgiveness” Technology to Map Risk Exposure” (Video-conferencing) By Dr. Xiaodong YUE and Dr. Tom JANZ By Ms. Christine By Prof. Oi-ling SIU WONG People Assessment Inc. USA Mr. Feng JIANG Department of Department of Applied Social Department of Sociology and Social Studies Sociology Policy City University of The University of Lingnan University Hong Kong Hong Kong “A web-based “Psychotherapy for "Perfectionism and electronic game the minorities: Who Chinese Learners in mental health are they? Who are Hong Kong" promotion we?” and their parents” Chinese: By Dr. Paul W.C. By Dr. Iris CHAN By Ms. Ricci Fong & WONG Department of Dr. Man-tak YUEN Medicine of the Queen Work and Social Elizabeth Hospital Department of Education Administration The University of Hong Kong Ability to Bounce Back from Stress in programme for youth Department of Social “Assessing the Adaptation and Validation of the Brief Resilience Scale” The University of By Dr. Xiaodong Hong Kong YUE and Julian C. L. LAI Department of Applied Social Studies City University of Hong Kong 15;15-15:30 Tea Break 15;30-16:00 OPEN SYMPOSIUM FOR YOUNG RESEARCHERS Krister CROMM ( City University of Hong Kong ) Dr. Paul W.C. WONG ( University of Hong Kong) Carol Yi-feng LAN, MSEd ( California School of Professional Psychology of Alliant International University) 16:15-17:15 LEADERS’ FORUM: Opportunities And Challenges For The Development Of Psychology In Hong Kong Henry CHAMBERLAIN (moderator), President of HKPS Dr. Sammy CHEUNG, Chairperson of DCP Prof. Cynthia LEUNG, Chairperson of DEP Mr. Frank LEUNG, Chairperson, DCop Dr. Paul VAN KATWYK Chairperson, DIOP 17:15-17:30 CLOSING