The Labor Relations Framework

Collective Bargaining and Labor
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
Describe what is meant by collective bargaining and labor
Identify the labor relations, goals of management, labor unions,
and society.
Explain the legal environment's impact on labor relations.
Describe the major labor-management interactions: organizing,
contract negotiations, and contract administration.
Collective Bargaining and Labor
the new, less adversarial approaches to labormanagement relations.
Explain how changes in competitive challenges (e.g., productmarket competition and globalization) are influencing labormanagement interactions.
Explain how labor relations in the public sector differ from
labor relations in the private sector.
The Labor Relations Framework
- Legal
- Stakeholder needs
- High-performance
work systems
- Employees and unions
- Management
- Society
Union Structure and
Union Membership
and Relative
Bargaining Power
Union and Management
- Organizing
- Negotiating
- Administering
Goal Attainment
- Employees and unions
- Management
- Society
The Labor Relations Framework
Dunlop suggested a
labor relations system that
consists of four elements:
 An
environmental context
 Participants
 A web of rules
 Ideology
Goals and Strategies
 Society
 Labor
unions' major benefit to society throughout history has
been the balancing of power and the institutionalization of
industrial conflict in the least costly way.
 The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA, 1935) sought to
provide a legal framework conducive to collective bargaining.
 Management
 Must
decide whether to encourage or discourage the
unionization of its employees.
 Labor
 Seek
to give workers formal representation in setting the
terms and conditions of employment.
Union Structure, Administration,
and Membership
 National
and International Unions
 Craft
 Industrial unions
 Local
 Responsible
for the negotiations of a contract as well as the
day-to-day administration of the contract, including the
grievance procedure.
 Not
a union but rather an association that seeks to advance the
shared interest of its member unions at the national level.
Union Security
Right-toWork Laws
of Membership
Union Membership and Bargaining
for the consistent decline of union
membership in the U.S. include:
 Structural
Changes in the Economy
 Increased Employer Resistance
 Substitution with HRM
 Substitution by Government Regulation
 Worker Views
 Union Actions
Legal Framework
 The
1935 NLRA enshrined collective
bargaining as the preferred mechanism for
settling labor-management disputes.
 Section 7 of the NLRA: employees have
the "right to self-organization, to form,
join, or assist labor organizations, to
bargain collectively through
representatives of their own choosing, and
to engage in other concerted activities for
the purpose of collective bargaining."
Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs)
 The
NLRA prohibits certain activities by both employers
and labor unions:
 Employers
cannot interfere with, restrain, or coerce
employees in exercising their Section 7 rights.
 Employers cannot dominate or interfere with a union.
 Employers may not discriminate against an individual for
exercising his or her right to join or assist a union.
 Employers may not discriminate against employees for
providing testimony relevant to enforcement of the NLRA.
 Employers cannot refuse to bargain collectively with a
certified union.
Unfair Labor Practices - Unions
the NLRA did not list any
union unfair labor practices. These
were added by the 1947 Taft-Hartley
The 1959 Landrum-Griffin Act further
regulated unions’ actions and their
internal affairs
 i.e.
financial disclosure and conduct of
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has
the primary responsibility for enforcing the NLRA.
 The
NLRB is a five-member board appointed by the
president. Additionally, there are 33 regional offices.
 The NLRB has two major functions:
 To
conduct and certify representation elections.
 To prevent unfair labor practices.
charges are filed at and investigated by the regional
Why Do Employees Join Unions?
every decision to join a
union focuses on two questions?
 Is
there a gap between pay, benefits,
and other conditions of employment
that employees actually receive versus
what they believe they should receive?
 If such a gap exists, is it sufficiently
large enough to motivate employees to
remedy the situation?
The Process and Legal Framework
of Organizing
election may be held if at least 30 percent of the
employees in the bargaining unitsign authorization
A secret ballot election will be held. The union is
certified by the NLRB if a simple majority of
employees vote for it.
A decertification election may be held if no other
election has been held within the year or if no contract
is in force.
 Certain categories of employees cannot be included in
bargaining units.
Organizing Campaigns
NLRB may set aside the results of an election if
the employer has created an atmosphere of confusion
or fear of reprisals.
Associate union membership is a form of union
membership in which the union receives dues in
exchange for services but does not provide
representation in collective bargaining.
Corporate campaigns seek to bring public, financial,
or political pressure on employers during the
organizing and negotiating process.
The Negotiation Process
- win/lose
- conflicting objectives of
different factions
- win/win
- relationship
and trust
Preparing Managers for
 Establish
interdepartmental contract objectives.
 Review the old contract.
 Prepare and analyze data.
 Anticipate union demands.
 Establish the costs of various possible contract
 Make preparations for a strike.
 Determine the strategy and logistics.
Negotiation Stages and Tactics
 The
early stages may include many
individuals, as union proposals are
 During the middle stages, each side makes
decisions regarding priorities, theirs and
the other parties'.
 In the final stage, momentum may build
toward settlement or pressure may build as
an impasse becomes more apparent. May
involve interaction with negotiators or
Management’s Willingness to Take a
following factors help determine whether
management is able to take a strike:
 Product
 Product Perishability
 Technology
 Availability of Replacement Workers
 Multiple Production Sites and Staggered Contracts
 Integrated Facilities
 Lack of Substitutes for the Product
Alternatives to Strikes
- Has no formal
authority to force a solution; acts
as a facilitator for the parties.
Fact finder - Investigates and
reports on the reasons for the
dispute and both sides' positions.
Arbitration - A process through
which a neutral party makes a final
and binding decision.
Grievance Procedure
 The
negotiation process typically occurs every three years.
 Negotiation processes and administration processes are linked.
 The effectiveness of grievance procedures may be judged on
three criteria:
 How well are day-to-day problems resolved?
 How well does the process adjust to changing circumstances?
 In multi-unit contracts, how well does the process handle local
contract issues?
 The duty of fair representation is mandated by the NLRA and
requires that all bargaining-unit members, whether union
members or not, have equal access to and appropriate
representation in the grievance process.
Grievance Procedure
 Arbitration
is a final and binding step.
 Criteria arbitrators use to reach decisions include:
 Did
the employee know the rule and the consequences of
violating it?
 Was the rule applied in a consistent and predictable way?
 Were the facts collected in a fair and systematic way?
 Did the employee have the right to question the facts and
present a defense?
 Does the employee have the right of appeal?
 Is there progressive discipline?
 Are there mitigating circumstances?
New Labor Management Strategies
are signs of a transformation from
an adversarial approach to a less
adversarial and more constructive
approach to union-management
 The
transformation includes increasing
worker involvement and participation and
reorganizing work to increase flexibility.
leaders have frequently resisted
such change, fearing an erosion of their
Labor Relations Outcomes
 Strikes
 Wages
and Benefits
 In
2000, private-sector unionized workers received, on average,
wages that were 19 percent higher than nonunion counterparts.
 Productivity
 Some
argue that unions increase productivity, while other argue that
they decrease productivity.
 Studies have concluded that union workers are more productive than
nonunion workers although the explanation is unclear.
 Profits
and Stock Performance
 These
may suffer under unionization if costs are raised.
The International Context
 The
United States has both the largest
number of union members and the
lowest unionization rate of any
Western European country or Japan.
 The growing globalization of markets
will continue to put pressure on labor
costs and productivity.
 The United States differs from Western
Europe in the degree of formal worker
participation in decision-making.
The Public Sector
the 1960s and 1970s, unionization in the
public sector increased dramatically.
As of 2003, 37 percent of government employees
were covered by a union contract, and 42 percent
of all government employees were covered by a
collective bargaining contract.
Strikes are illegal at the federal level and in many
states for government workers.