Ta Ethne Leadership Learning Center (TELL) World View Instructor

Ta Ethne Leadership Learning Center (TELL)
World View
Instructor: Gary Hawkins
[Give contact information here]
This course will introduce students to the overall perspective from which people from various
cultures see and interpret the world. By understanding the world view of a culture, the student
should be able to communicate the Biblical world view in ways that are meaningful and relevant
to the receiving people group.
Students who complete this course in should be able to:
Analyze the elements of the world view of a people group
Explain the major ideas and implications of a world view
Become familiar with some elements of a Native American world view
Conduct a reasoned dialogue about the gospel with people of other world views.
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
Analyze the elements of the world view of a people group
Explain the major ideas and implications of a world view
Become familiar with some elements of a Native American world view
Conduct a reasoned dialogue about the gospel with people of other world views.
[Select a textbook for the course. Students will order the book online.]
Check with your local book store. This book is available online through vendors such as
(1) There will be a weekly video lecture. Learners should take notes of the lecture.
(2) There will be a reading assignment(s) from the text book each week.
(3) There will be open book exams (notes and text book) to assure that that the participants
are learning the course content.
(4) Students may ask questions. The preferred method is to send an email so that if the
questions is applicable to the other students, it will show online for everyone’s benefit.
Obviously, questions of an individual nature will not be presented on line. Questions are
(5) This is a pass or fail course. If the student demonstrates that they are understanding the
course content by passing the exams, they will pass the course.
This course begins on Thursday, October 2, 2014 and will continue for eight weeks. Each week
a new lecture and reading assignment will be presented. Learners may listen to the lecture and
complete the assignments on their own schedule, but it must be done during the week that the
lesson is presented.
Taking an online class requires students to check the class room regularly for questions and the
instructor’s response.
We may have divergent viewpoints on some matters, but as Christians, we are to treat each
other with Christ-like respect. Such respect does not mean that we agree or accept divergent
7. Course Schedule
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen to the lecture presented on this website. Take notes as if you taking notes in a classroom.
You will be tested at a later date.
2. You should have the textbook for this course: [Name of textbook here]. If not, you need to get
this as soon as possible. You can get this book from a Christian Book Store, or order online from
places like Amazon.com, or you can download to a Kendle or iPad.
3. Read pages _______ of the textbook. Answer the following questions:
Question a:
Question b:
4. You will need a mentor for this course. A mentor is someone with whom you can discuss the
contents of this course and how it applies to your life or ministry. A mentor can be a pastor,
church leader or friend. If possible, this person should be a person in ministry or a leader in your
church. Please recruit someone this week. You will benefit by having someone with whom to
talk about this course.
If you have any questions about the course material, please feel free to give me a call.
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen lecture #2. Take notes from the lecture. You will be tested in week 4.
2. Read pages _______ of the textbook. If you have questions about the reading, discuss them with
your mentor. (If you have not selected a mentor, do so this week.) You may also submit
questions to the instructor online.
3. Answer the following questions and submit online:
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen lecture #3. Take notes from the lecture. You will be tested NEXT WEEK.
2. By email, send me the name and contact information of the person serving as your mentor.
3. Read pages _______ of the textbook. If you have questions about the reading, discuss them with
your mentor. You may also submit questions to the instructor online.
4. If you have not submitted the answers from last week’s lesson. Please do so this week. This will
be the last opportunity to do so.
5. Answer the following question and submit your answer to me online:
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen to lecture #4 and take notes.
2. Read pages ___________ of the textbook. Answer the questions and submit your answers on
line (this is your week 4 mid-term exam):
[Give 5 to 8 questions over the material covered in the first four weeks].
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen lecture #5. Take notes from the lecture. You will be tested on this.
2. Read pages _______ of the textbook. If you have questions about the reading, discuss them with
your mentor. You may also submit questions to the instructor online.
3. Answer the following question and submit your answer to me online:
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen lecture #6. Take notes from the lecture. You will be tested on this.
2. Read pages _______ of the textbook. If you have questions about the reading, discuss them with
your mentor. You may also submit questions to the instructor online.
3. Answer the following question and submit your answer to me online:
LECTURE: Title here
1. Listen lecture #7. Take notes from the lecture. You will be tested NEXT WEEK.
2. Read pages _______ of the textbook. If you have questions about the reading, discuss them with
your mentor. You may also submit questions to the instructor online.
3. Answer the following question and submit your answer to me online:
LECTURE: Title here
4. Listen to lecture #8 and take notes.
5. Read pages ___________ of the textbook. Answer the questions and submit your answers on
line (this is your week 8 final exam):
[Give 5 to 8 questions over the material covered in the last four weeks].