Year 12 Art Term 2 2013 Weekly Focus Week 1 Students explore ‘conceptually appropriate’ art elements. Learning and Assessment Art Elements: colour/texture/tone/shape/form/line/point Homework 3 hours dedicated to folio Students are expected to develop 10 pages of trialling, students should begin to more specifically plan the visual language of their artwork. Development of preparatory notes for subsequent essay. Week 2 Students decide upon conceptually appropriate art elements and engage in final resolution of aesthetic qualities. Analysis of artwork using the ‘contemporary analytical framework’. Week 3 Production of final artwork Students introduced to format and procedure for comparing artworks Week 4 Production of final artwork Compare & Contrast: Students further explore language conventions and descriptive terminology Theory: Students begin analysis of artwork 4, class/group work. Art Elements & Further ‘aesthetic qualities’ / Style: Students resolve work on art elements before giving final consideration to other miscellaneous aesthetic qualities. Students to develop a further 10 pages of trialling. *Students are expected to have completed the planning process for their artwork by the end of this week. Students utilise notes to draft and develop an essay length discussion of the artwork. Students should discuss the way in which Turk has broken with tradition/convention. Student response should address ‘Postmodernism’. Production of final Artwork (initial stage of production): Preparation of materials, marking out, under-painting etc. Compare & Contrast: Comparison of artworks 1 & 3, students should utilise the formal framework. Presentation of essay length discussion. Production of final Artwork (secondary stage of production): Students should progressively ‘work up’ their artwork carefully developing aesthetic qualities. Compare & Contrast: Comparison of artworks 2 & 4 using a ‘framework’ of your choice. Students are expected to develop an essay length discussion. 2 hours dedicated to folio 1 hour reserved for completion of theory task. 1 hour dedicated to folio 2 hours dedicated to SAC preparation. Week 5 Demonstration of outcome 1. SAC: Students sit the SAC during the Tuesday and Wednesday double sessions. Students complete a range of essay questions demonstrating the key skills and knowledge for outcome 1. Week 6 Return to production of final artwork. Production of final Artwork (tertiary stage of production): Students should begin to resolve their artwork and should problem solve any arising issues. 3 hours dedicated to folio. Week 7 Production of final artwork Production of final Artwork (final stage of production): Students should carefully resolve their artwork and should give consideration to presentation. 3 hours dedicated to folio. Week 8 Final resolution of Outcome 2. Folio due: Friday 7/6 Students should review their folio prior to submission. Students should ensure that all criteria has been thoroughly addressed and that the work is clear and communicative of their ‘journey’ through the term. 3 hours dedicated to folio Week 9 EXAMS Week 10 Week 11 COMMENCEMENT OF UNIT 4 3 hours dedicated to further SAC preparation.