
Anwar 1
Muhammad Anwar
Mrs. Ali
Computers 10
15th September 2013
Face Recognition
Criterion A:
A facial recognition system is a basic computer application that identifies or verifies a
specific person by taking a digital image or a video frame. It does this by recognizing the
facial expression and details to identify who you really are. It is said to be that facial
recognition is the fastest biometric ever. This type of technology is considered a biometric,
which can also relate to finger recognition (finger scanning) – such as an example on the new
iPhone 5S. We can use facial recognition for everything; to lock your phone, protect your
own identity, to keep anyone away from your personal information, and etc. Some of the
social and ethical issues of the system is that there could not be any privacy of the individual
– security of data and information – as well as erosion of privacy from linking databases for
analysis. The stakeholders are the people (producers) that actually make the system for
people to use. The government use this system to keep everything safe, supermarkets in the
U.K use this system to tell from the buyer if they are old enough to buy cigarettes or alcohol.
The stakeholders can be affected if hackers can start hacking through the system and act like
they’re old enough to buy something or go into important information.
Biometrics is the technology of authenticating a person’s identity by verifying a
personal characteristic. Biometric devices grant users access to programs, systems, or rooms
by analyzing some biometric identifier (Schmidt 54 – 62). A biometric identifier is a physical
or behavioral characteristic. Examples include fingerprints facial features, hand geometry,
voice patterns, signatures, and eye patterns. In this case, we are talking about facial
“A biometric device translates a personal characteristic into a digital code that
is compared with a digital code stored in the computer. If the digital code in
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the computer does not match the personal characteristic’s code, the computer
denies access to the individual (Carter).”
Criterion B:
The basic inputs of the system is still image and video stream. The outputs of the
system is the actual victim him/herself. The way that facial recognition works is that there are
four steps. In the first step, the camera or the video stream from the system, must first find the
face of the victim. Then in step two, the system detects the face position of the victim and
calculates that distance between the nose and eyes, and the nose and mouth and many other
parts on your face. In step three, the system then tries to find other aspects that are displaced
on your face, to get more detail on who your identity is. In the fourth step, the system then
sends the information to a data base with a specific algorithm that then decides whether the
victim is old/young or male/female. The diagram below also explains the process of facial
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Criterion C:
Some of the impacts and issues that the system has on the society is identity theft.
One of the major issues of the system is that the system can bring up many different files on
yourself or other people that are innocent and don’t want to be robbed or jumped by the
person that is looking through your files. Another aspect that can be considered as a social or
ethical issue is the privacy of the individual – security of data and information or even the
erosion of privacy from linking databases for analysis. But the most social and ethical issue
that affects the entire system is, Identity Theft. Identity theft can have two sides, the
disadvantages and the advantages. Some of the obvious disadvantages is that, anyone who
tries to hack your identity, can grant access through all your files, history, and many personal
information such as your credit card number or copying your passport and trying to cover up
there identity by taking yours. But yet there could still be some advantages to Identity Theft.
Some of which, is that the person that gets there identity stolen can get a fresh start and have
their life erased or getting your identity stolen can also let you become more responsible on
how to keep your information and identity safe and to teach you a lesson.
Criterion D:
There could be many solutions towards Identity theft, especially since there are more
than 47 different types of identity theft including, identity cloning, credit ID theft, medical ID
theft, employee ID theft, tax ID theft, and etc. All these still happen a lot more often now a
“Integrated and dynamic identity theft solutions are necessary to address many
of today’s identity theft challenges such as identity crimes, data security
breaches and disclosure of personal information….. The personal information
lifecycle presents many phases which if not properly managed can lead to
identity obesity as well as security and privacy disasters requiring identity
protection solutions….. Integrated identity theft solutions and identity
protection services can provide a full protection of personal information
through proper risk assessment, gap analysis, implementation of controls
where needed, monitoring, awareness and training. A complete identity
protection is needed to prevent identity theft, data loss and disclosure, as well
as detect and resolve identity fraud on a timely basis (Copyright © 2006-2013
by Henrix LLC legal notice).”
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In essence, we can help stop our identity being stolen by managing our stuff and always
updating our record information and maybe even apply a fire wall to your information and all
your records so that no one would be able to steal you identity. A Firewall basically helps
protect your computer and keeps any destructive forces away from your property. A different
way to solve identity theft is that if you had your credit card hacked or other personal
information that was accessed, some companies can be forced to be disclosed, or force financial
institutions to enhance their authentication procedures. But sometimes these solutions don’t
help. Sometimes criminals imitate or mimic legitimate users to financial institutions. That
means that if you wanted to solve this problem any solution can’t involve the account holders.
There is no final solution to identity theft but there will be one solution that is a combination
of all types of different solutions to solve this problem.
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"Artec Group: Walk through Identification." - Artecid.com. N.P., N.D. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.
Baase, Sara. A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues in Computing. 3rd ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. Print. Pg. 112, 287, 297-298.
Carter, Donnell W., and Louis C. Juarez. Securing Confidential Data Entered into a
Computer. Boston: Thomas Publishing, 2005.
Computers and Biometrics. Shelly Cashman Series®. Course Technology. 3 Oct. 2005.
"Facial Recognition." FindBIOMETRICS. N.P., N.D. Web. 16 Sept. 2013.
"Facial Recognition System." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 16
Sept. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_recognition_system>.
Henrix. "Identity Theft Solutions." Identity Theft Solutions. Identity Management Institute,
2006. Web. 16 Oct. 2013. <http://www.identity-theft-awareness.com/identity-theftsolutions.html>.
"How Do Facial Recognition Programs Work?" Computer Vision. N.P., N.D. Web. 21 Sept.
2013. <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4978630/how-do-facial-recognitionprograms-work>.
"How Firewalls Work." HowStuffWorks. N.P., N.D. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.
"ID Theft Solutions USA - Home Page." ID Theft Solutions USA - Home Page. N.P., N.D.
Web. 17 Oct. 2013. <http://www.idtheftsolutionsusa.com/>.
Schmidt, Karl J. “Biometrics and Authenticating Computer Users.” Computers and the
Internet Aug. 2005: 54-62.
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Schneier, Bruce. "Solving Identity Theft." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, N.D. Web. 17 Oct.
2013. <http://www.forbes.com/2007/01/19/identity-theft-security-tech-securitycz_bs_0122identity.html>.
"What Is Face Detection and Recognition Clock in System with Access Attendance Machine
Facial Timesheets and Time in Software on Attendance Tracking Programs
Dubai."What Is Face Detection and Recognition Clock in System with Access
Attendance Machine Facial Timesheets and Time in Software on Attendance Tracking
Programs Dubai. N.P., N.D. Web. 15 Sept. 2013.