Curriculum Contacts Science

Instructional Programs Update
October 15, 2015
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Overview of Collaborate
To support communication between schools and
Instructional Programs for district work around
curriculum, assessment, and instruction
To provide an opportunity to get questions answered
and pose additional questions needing answers…
To share information with your colleagues and to
provide feedback to Instructional Programs and the
larger Teaching and Learning Division.
Nuts and Bolts
Updates from each of the following areas:
Ed Tech Integration/Support and Extended Day
Visual & Performing Arts
Social Studies
Assessment & Prof Development
Exit Feedback
Nuts and Bolts
15-16 Instructional Program Update sessions:
Thur, Oct 15th 3:45 to 5:30 pm @ Libby 125
Nov 19th 3:45-5:30 pm
Feb 4th 3:45-5:30 pm
Apr 21st 3:45-5:30 pm
June 2nd 3:45-5:30 pm
Anyone is welcome to attend in person or via webinar.
Sessions will be recorded and separated into content-specific
sections and then posted to blackboard for easy reference.
How these sessions work?
Each content area will share their “update” information
At the end of each content area presentation, you will have an
opportunity to ask clarifying questions.
We will answer as many as we can in the time we have…
After each session, we will post a Q&A document to blackboard with
the recorded webinar
District Strategic Plan Connections
Does my school, the
curriculum, and
instruction provide
students an
opportunity to engage
in thinking required to
be successful in the
work place?
What is the rigor and
intensity of our
• Key Terms and
• Factual Information
• Linking Ideas
• Organizing Concepts
What is the quality of our
Problem Formulation
Does my school develop a
culture of achievement?
Relevance of content
Welcome challenges
Value of subject matter
• Is my school safe and orderly to support academic
Do we help students own
their learning?
Goal Setting
Progress Monitoring
Do we teach students
specific techniques to
support their learning?
To what extent does our
school increase access to
privileged knowledge?
Post-secondary options
Apply and Enroll
Behavior norms of
• Self-advocacy
• Aspirations
Time Management
Test Taking Skills
Note Taking Skills
Strategic Reading
Collaborative Learning
Social Support
• Is the school well managed and efficient?
Strategic Goal 1: Increase
Student Achievement
Students will be provided rigorous
academic and real-life learning
opportunities to become college and
career ready.
TPEP Connection
Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors
1-41 (various technology tools may be used
to support goals within all elements)
Domain 2: Planning and Preparing
42 Effective Scaffolding
44 Attention to Established Content
45 Use of Available Technology resources
46 Use of Available Technology
WA Educational Technology Standards
WA Educational Technology Standards
WA Educational Technology Standards
recordings as
Podcast or
Vodcast with
visuals and
WA Educational Technology Standards
Students choose most
appropriate tool to show
understanding. May include
Audio recordings as Podcast
or Vodcast with visuals and
WA Educational Technology Standards
WA Educational Technology Standards
Access them at…
Staff tab Highlights  Educational Technology
Technology Integrated PD Available
904 teachers participated in Summer Technology Integrated
Learning sessions inperson and online
Via SPS Weekly News updates will be provided through out the
year on PD offerings, Grants, and more…
16 technology integrated course are currently available
Topics include Presentations Retooled, Classroom Webpages, Digital
Portfolios, Office 365, iPads, SMART, Windows 8, and more….
Use these as online self-paced or in-person in teams
Visit the Ed Tech Web Page to learn more…
District website, Staff Tab, Highlights, Ed Tech
Extended Day Update
Hired over 80 Content Specialists for extended day
Technology integrated into ELA, Social Studies, Science by
classroom teachers and content specialists
Some buildings are now focusing part of their extended day
on Social Emotional Skills and Visual Thinking Strategies
Survey coming soon to find out from you what is working,
what isn’t, and what needs/concerns/ideas you have…
Content Technology Integration Support
Cross Content Road maps with 2nd trimester integrated tasks to be
released in early November
November 9th from 4-7 pm @ Shadle Park HS Library is the 2nd Tri
planning session for classroom teachers and content specialists – soon
to be announced in PD catalog. You must sign up to reserve your spot!
If you attend November 9 and turn in your 2nd Tri planning document
by December 18, you will be paid for 3 hours of work in January.
Integration Drop in sessions are ongoing. Elementary teachers, bring
your questions about integrated tasks!
Next drop in is November 19 from 4-5pm @ Libby 125
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Extended Day/
Content Technology
Integration Support
Visual and Performing Arts Bond Technology Curriculum Integration Rollout
Elementary Art, Band and String, & Music
A focus on technology is not “about” the technology
itself, but about changing teacher practice,
motivating students, and creating learning,
experiences that will be applicable to their world and
future workplaces.
Robert Marzano
Using Technology with Classroom
Instruction that Works
Why this? Why now?
Integrated technology resides within…
WA Arts K-12 Learning Standards
Complemented by the National Core Arts Standards
WA Ed Tech State Standards (2008)
Bond curriculum technology commitment (2009-2015, 2015-2021)
Elem Band and Strings Integrated Technology
Teacher Traveling Toolkit- 1 per teacher
iPad Air 2 (64 gig)
1 per teacher
with case
iLoud Speaker
Lightning to VGA
and Lightning to
Digital Adapters
Carrying Case
1 per per toolkit
1 per toolkit (2 total)
1 per per toolkit
Elem Art Integrated Technology
Teacher Traveling Toolkit- 1 per teacher
iPad Air 2 (64
1 per teacher
gig) with case
iPad Mini (32
4 per per toolkit
gig) with case
1 per per toolkit
Carrying Case
and PowerStrip
Elem Music
Elementary Music – 1 per school
1 per school
Wireless Keyboard
1 per school
iLoud Speaker
1 per school
External Harddrive
1 per school
SMART Board Stand
Only if board could not be mounted
Next Steps
Initial Training
Follow-up Artifact Sharing
Complete the Online course by December
Clock hours will be provided for all time spent today and online
Must be completed to retain technology
Other Elementary Visual and Performing Arts News…
Enrollment up in 5th and 6th grade band and strings
248 more instruments purchased for this school year to be delivered
By the end of October, 1700+ instruments will have been distributed to
elementary band and strings students.
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Elementary Visual and
Performing Arts
Science Update
K-5 Kit Distribution and Materials Management
Currently working on analyzing data from the Integration Specialists and
their needs with supplies and materials
Will be assessing the needs of regular/department classroom teachers
next week
It is critical that we hear from you with your specific needs - the way we
have always done kit/materials management needs to change due to the
changing needs and diversity of schools
IF you discover you don't have a binder for your unit of study - please
FIRST check in your building, then email Robyn Norwood immediately!
Direct feedback on units - modifications needed or being requested,
please send them to Kymberly Larson
Science Update
K-6 Integrated Tasks
Work Team members met last night and began analyzing, tweaking,
and in some cases removing or adding tasks for 2nd trimester
This means the CCRM will be modified as soon as this work is
completed (Oct 29 deadline)
This also means the Scope and Sequence documents will be
modified as well - check Blackboard often
IF you have completed a task, modified the task, come up with a
BETTER task that you think other teachers would enjoy - share your
expertise and experience! We are looking for a few student projects
to share!
Science Update
K-6 Assessment Work
Work Team met in early Oct and made the initial modifications to units that were
Modified assessments have gone out for feedback
Cover sheets and Scoring sheets are the final part of this work
They will be posted on blackboard and Robyn will be running them off for 2nd Tri
In the meantime, you have been teaching and assessing your students - use your
professional judgement and select three items that meet both the content and
process guidelines.
If you need assistance on selecting the appropriate PE/NGSS Standards, I can help simply email me.
Teaching Point - I'd love to show a standard and how to use it to grade
Science Update
6th Grade Earth Science
All schools now have at least 4 full kits with about a 1/3 having a
full 7 kits
Schools are individually communicating special needs
A textbook for every student has been ordered
A management system for the textbooks needs to be decided on
at each site and classroom
6th grade EOU (Units 1 and 2) will be posted on Blackboard
Science Update
3rd Grade Mobius - STEM for ALL experience
All schools have been scheduled for a full day field trip based on the time
of year when Variables is being taught
Modification: 10:30 is the start time of the experience - make sure your
bus scheduler knows this!
Magnetic Floor Assessment and Engineering Workshop - a data tool
was/will be sent to you so that you may track student's understanding of
the magnetic properties and science and engineering practices....this is
not required - only an option to help provide you with an assessment tool
Following the trip - teachers will be asked to complete a quick survey to us
better serve you! (Survey Monkey will be sent to you)
Science Update
6th Grade IST/NC - STEM for ALL experience
All schools have been scheduled for the full day field trip to the IST (Institute of
Science and Technology)
Experience starts at 11:30pm sharp and ends at 2:00pm sharp - you actually must
be loading your bus at 2pm
All schools should have all of the materials needed EXCEPT for schools going AFTER
Feb - you have not received your student workbooks -Print shop is working on
Assessment opportunity - you definitely can use this experience for a documented
science and engineering data point (process) - your kids are being true scientists!
(See Science and Engineering Checklist on Blackboard under the NC/IST folder)
Following the trip - teachers will be asked to complete a quick survey to us better
serve you! (Survey Monkey will be sent to you)
Science Update
2nd Grade Insects and Plant Unit
Training is scheduled for Nov 17 (Full Day PD)
Sub numbers will be sent out tomorrow - if you know you are
scheduled for the unit and don't get one, please email Kymberly
This training can only hold 32 people, so it is critical that you
SIGN up on the Professional Calendar
Science Update
6th Grade Earth Science
Training is Nov. 12th - Location is being determined today!
This training will also be on the Professional Calendar - so please
sign up.
Anyone that would like to see the equipment for each
investigation and also how to use the ERB to hit PEs/NGSS
This training is going to also be offered online.
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Math- Welcome to 15/16 year
Introduction: Tricia Gessele
In teaching profession 17 years
Taught elementary grades
Math coach
District Math Intervention Coordinator
Principal Assistant
Where is math headed…
What is best for kids?
How do we infuse best practices into our teaching each and
every day?
Help me shape upcoming professional development around what
you and your students need
Survey Link:
Turning the corner within Math
Standards based
Infusing best practice
Student centered
Building confident mathematicians and
21th century learners and citizens
Best Practice layered over Engage NY
Important message to be reminded of:
As teachers we are responsible for the standards of our grade
We are responsible to use best practice to decide what our
students need at a particular time.
We are responsible to choose which problems of the problem set
students need to do.
We are responsible to choose if our classroom needs the lesson
or has mastery and we can move on.
We are responsible for being responsive to the needs of our
Math Delivery Updates
Distribution lists have been updated to represent class numbers including
The table below show what should be in buildings by end of October
Teacher Guide
Student set/Assessment
Modules 1-4
Module 3
1st grade
Modules 1-3
Module 2
2nd grade
Modules 1-6
Module 5
3rd grade
Modules 1-4
Module 3
4th grade
Modules 1,2,3,5
Module 3
5th grade
Modules 1-5
Module 3
6th grade
Modules 1-4
Module 3
Math Update – Amplify Benchmark Assessments
Amplify Benchmark replaces the following end of module assessments:
Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
No Amplify Benchmark
No Amplify Benchmark
Module 3 End of Module Assessment
Module 2 End of Module Assessment
Module 2 End of Module Assessment
Module 2 End of Module Assessment
Module 2 End of Module Assessment
Amplify Math Benchmark testing windows
Each grade level will receive an email from me before their
window opens with details about how to activate and select
online testing and/or paper & pencil testing for students…
Grade Level
Scoring Done
4th Grade
2nd Grade (paper/pencil)
3rd Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
Second Grade Amplify details
Paper pencil assessment
Teacher guided to what extent your students need it
No scoring into Amplify this time around
Arrive in buildings on or before Nov. 2
Upcoming PD opportunities
Intent of upcoming PD is around best practices within
mathematics instruction, workshop and differentiated work
time, and CCSS mathematical practices.
All classes take place from 4:00-6:00 pm
Module Focus
Grade 1
Grade 3
Tuesday Oct. 27
Wednesday Oct. 28
Tuesday Nov. 3
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 4
Tuesday Nov. 10
Tuesday Nov. 17
Tuesday Dec. 8
Grade 2
Tuesday Jan. 12
“Every accomplishment begins with a decision to try.”
~Edward T Kelly
Thank you for spending every day with our most valuable resource
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Elementary Social Studies Field Test
Purpose: To transition elementary social studies into a robust, content rich experience that will serve
to prepare our teachers to teach and our students to learn curriculum that is relevant and meaningful.
 Where are we in the process?
 Nine elementary sites, representing a variety of demographics, are currently are participating in the field test.
A mixture of regular classroom teachers and content specialists make up the 47 teachers participating in the
 Each resource will be field tested for eight weeks (with the exception of the Grade 4 Washington State specific
• September 15 – November 6: "Social Studies Alive“ (K-5) and “History Alive” (6) published by TCI
• November 9 – January 15: “MyWorld” Social Studies (K-6) published by Pearson
• January 18 – February 22: “Washington Our Home” (Grade 4) published by Gibbs Smith
 Next Steps:
 Convening an Elementary Social Studies Adoption Committee with the purpose of:
• Summarizing and Synthesizing feedback from teacher and student experience of each resource
• Reviewing and scoring each resource using a comprehensive rubric aligned to Washington State Social
Studies Expectations, best practices, Common Core State Standards, and the C3 Framework
• Making a recommendation based on findings for adoption of a K-6 elementary social studies curriculum
Elementary Social Studies Work Team
Purpose: To transition elementary social studies into a robust, content rich experience that will serve
to prepare our teachers to teach and our students to learn curriculum that is relevant and meaningful.
Comprised of a team K-6 teachers working to:
 augment/supplement and enhance social studies curriculum to accommodate
for the weekly extended day minutes expectation for content instruction for
Trimester 2
 create points of integration for social studies and educational technology for
Trimester 2
Evidence of the team’s diligent work can be accessed through your grade level’s
Cross Content Road Map for Trimester 1.
To preview and plan for Trimester 2 Social Studies please plan to attend the K-6
Social Studies 2nd Trimester Professional Development session on November 4,
from 4-7, at Libby. Registration via the Professional Development Catalog will be available soon.
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Social Studies
ELA Update
ThinkCentral Update
SpringBoard Update
 SpringBoard Digital – All grade 6 SpringBoard teachers are
encouraged to utilize SpringBoard Digital with students
Information on how to login can be found on Blackboard in the
SpringBoard Resources folder
Short Cycle Assessments available for all units…
These assessments are meant to be formative checks of understanding:
o grouped according to skills/knowledge that span a single activity or multiple
activities for each unit
o assignable online only through the SpringBoard Assessment tab on SpringBoard
o available only on line so that future exams can include tech enhanced items to
match those students encounter on high stakes assessments.
SpringBoard Update
 On-going Grade 6 ELA Professional Development:
Each elementary building has been asked to appoint one 6th Grade SpringBoard
& Grammar Building Teacher Leader to represent their building at four 2 hour
after school professional development sessions held throughout the year. The
purpose of these sessions is as follows:
continue to build strategies for infusing grammar instruction into 6th Grade SpringBoard
build an understanding of SpringBoard Digital and its use within the classroom
collect student Embedded Assessment samples for scoring and calibration purposes
work with colleagues to strengthen teaching practice
introduction to Grammarly and Revision Assistant, two new exciting resources designed to
support student writing with “just in time feedback”
Session Dates and Times
October 21, 4:00-6:00
January 13, 4:00-6:00
March 16, 4:00-6:00
May 4, 4:00-6:00
Journeys Student Consumables
Grades 1-5 teachers should now have write-in readers and reader’s notebooks based on last spring’s order and/or
additional requests this fall.
PDFs of K-5 Reader’s Notebook and Writing Handbooks have been sent by email to teachers and are being posted to
blackboard in each grade level’s ELA, Journeys Resources,
Managing student consumables…
When we know students are moving from one building to another in our district, we need
to send student consumables to the new site with the cumulative folder when possible.
For Journeys this includes:
reader's notebook
writer's handbook
write-in reader if applicable.
For SpringBoard this includes the student edition.
Need more student resources? Please contact Michelle Russell at
Journeys Update
SPS News posting from yesterday: What is this SBAR Assessment anyway?
Toward the end of last year, Journeys released SBAR: Standards Based Assessment Resource
Each grade level (K-5) has 3 assessments and 3 performance tasks which are very SBAC-like in nature. HMH is
recommending the SBAR assessments as replacements for the Benchmark and Unit assessments.
Here’s the order in which they are intended to be given:
Following Unit 1, SBAR Assessment 1; Following Unit 2, SBAR Perf Task 1; Following Unit 3, SBAR Assessment 2
Following Unit 4, SBAR Perf Task 2; Following Unit 5, SBAR Assessment 3; Following Unit 6, SBAR Perf Task 3
These assessments are not required. We have included some of SBAR assessments in each grade
level’s scope and sequence this year to encourage everyone to give them a try.
These assessments can be used as part of whole group instruction and guided practice so your students can become
familiar with these types of assessments as well as independent summative assessments. Please feel free to use as
you see fit (in its entirety, in smaller chunks, across several days, as entry task practice, etc.).
No online version yet…
PDFs are posted on blackboard in each grade level’s “ELA”  “Journeys Resources” ”Journeys
Assessments” folder.
Included on blackboard is each grade level’s SBAR Teacher Guide which provide guidelines for
administration of these assessments as well as answer keys and rubrics.
Journeys Update
Writing Instruction Recommendations for each Journeys Unit
Based on teacher feedback, we recognize that Journeys writing instruction at times is
lacking rigor, cohesion and independent writing, especially at the start of the year, I
formed a K-5 Writing Work Team this summer.
We utilized the following approved resources in this work: several anchor/mentor texts,
Journeys Unit 1 Teacher Edition, Literacy and Language Guide, Writing Handbook, Lucy
Calkins' Units, Reader's and Writer's Notebooks.
Please note: if you are solely teaching from Lucy Calkins' Units of Study lessons you will
not be addressing writing to sources and some of the common core state standards.
We will be using our professional judgment to select lessons that address standards
effectively and know you do the same.
Unit 1 and 2 recommendations are complete and posted to blackboard for your reference.
We truly hope you find this helpful and will look forward to your feedback throughout the
Journeys Update
Performance Assessment Writing for Grades 3-5:
Last year, Journeys released performance assessment writing which is very similar to SBAC performance task writing.
Our writing work team has decided to incorporate these throughout the year depending on the unit of writing you are
You may have received a "random stapled packet" at the start of the year and in the last few weeks that you weren't
sure about. Suggestions of how to incorporate these writing experiences are included in each unit writing
recommendations document.
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Mixed Practice U5
“On Your Own”
Response to Lit
U3 Animal Tricksters
Informative Essay
U2 “250 Years Ago”
Opinion Essay
U1 “All About Pets”
Narrative U4
“Strange Situations”
Mixed Practice
U5 “On Your Own”
Delivered by
Start of year
Oct 2nd
Nov 13th
Jan 15th
Feb 26th
Delivered already
Narrative U4
“Wrong Place, Wrong
Informative Essay
U2 “The Changing
Opinion Essay U1
“Eye on the
Response to Lit U3
“Courage Comes in
All Sizes”
Mixed Practice U5
“On Your Own”
Mixed Practice U5
“On Your Own”
Delivered by
Start of year
Oct 2nd
Nov 13th
Jan 15th
Feb 26th
Delivered already
Narrative U4
“Surprising Meetings”
Informative Essay
U2 “Early American
Opinion Essay U1
“School: What
Mixed Practice
Narrative U5
“On Your Own”
Response to Lit U3
“The Way I See It”
Mixed Practice U5
“On Your Own”
Delivered by
Start of year
Oct 2nd
Nov 13th
Jan 15th
Feb 26th
Delivered already
Journeys Update
Writing Rubrics:
In an effort to better align our writing rubrics to the Marzano Framework and
expectations of TPEP Element 1 regarding the levels of performance for the
learning goal, our principal lab teacher group has helped create writing rubrics for
your use.
We have included levels of performance for the form of writing,
capitalization/punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
Rubrics for Unit 1 writing for K-5 have been emailed and posted to blackboard
Rubrics for Unit 2 writing have been posted for Grades 3-5, more coming soon…
These are and will continue to be a work in progress…
ThinkCentral Update
Journeys Online Think Central Password Tips
With the start of a new year, ThinkCentral information has been updated to reflect the
daily information within PowerSchool regarding teachers, classes, and students. This has
caused many accounts to be reset. Please try the following default password if you have
trouble logging in:
Username: your novel/groupwise username
Password: Password1! (the "P" does need to be capitalized as it is case sensitive)
They system will likely require you to establish password hints and then from there you
should be able to customize your password.
If the system does not take you to the password hints area and instead directs you to
contact your site administrator, please contact ITSC Help Desk at extension #7600 for
Please note: any stakeholder in your building is allowed to have access to ThinkCentral.
We have added the people in your building PowerSchool knows about. Anyone can try to
login with the login information above to see if they have an account. If someone does
not have an account but would like one, please direct them to ITSC Help Desk extension
#7600 as well.
Upcoming Journeys PD opportunities
Intent of upcoming PD is around best practices within ELA
instruction, workshop and differentiated work time, and CCSS.
All classes take place from 4:00-6:00 pm
Unit Focus
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Units 2 & 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
Thursday, Oct 22nd
Monday, Nov 16th
Monday, Nov 16th
Monday, Nov. 16th
Wednesday, Nov. 18th
Wednesday, Nov 18th
Libby room 125
DRA Update
The DRA testing window runs from Sept 28th to October 30th
All 1st-3rd grade students are required to be assessed and data needs to be entered by November 5th into the DRA data
entry tool which can be found inside the Electronic Record Book.
Only independent scores will be accepted for levels A through 38.
New starting this year, only 4th and 5th grade students who did NOT pass the 2015 ELA SBAC Assessment are required to
be assessed in October and data needs to be entered by November 5th into the DRA data entry tool
The thinking here is that students who show proficiency on the ELA SBAC more than likely are not in need of a
diagnostic reading assessment to support improved reading performance. As always, you are welcome to assess all
of your students or any student who you need more information about.
DRA is no longer required at the 6th grade level but may be used as needed.
A grade/score still needs to be provided on the report card for standard reading level for all 1-6 students. DRA or other
measures such as: leveled readers, cold reads, ThinkCentral, Amplify assessments, etc. should be used to provide the
standard reading level score on the report card.
Listing the SBAC score is not permissible on the report card as it does not represent current evidence.
Teachers may use the DRA entry tool for all of their students if they have current evidence to back up any score they
give…this will provide you will a complete data visualization in School Data Tools. If the DRA entry tool is not used for 4th
and 5th grade students who passed the SBAC last year, then those students will have blanks when you review the data viz
in School Data Tools.
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