HIS 122 Test Two Review Guide - fchs

In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
TCC HONOR CODE PLEDGE: _______________________________________ DATE: _________________
1. Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History (p. 489 – 490. 522) - _____________
2. The Annexation of Hawaii (p. 487 - 493) - ________________________________________________
3. yellow journalism (p. 491) - ___________________________________________________________
4. Dupay de Lome Letters (p. 492) - _______________________________________________________
5. USS Maine (p. 492 - 493) - _____________________________________________________________
6. George Dewey and the Battle of Manila Bay, role of Theodore Roosevelt (p. 493) - ______________
7. Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders (p. 494) - _______________________________________
In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
8. Emilio Aguinaldo and the Filipino Insurrection (p. 496 – 497) - _______________________________
9. The Treaty of Paris of 1898 (p. 495 - 496) - _______________________________________________
10. The Open Door Policy (p. 583, political cartoon p. 497 - 499) - _______________________________
11. Reasons why German-Americans, Irish-Americans, and Jewish Americans opposed US
involvement (Consider the disposition of each group to American Allies – France, England, and Russia,
or adversaries – Germany, Austria-Hungary) – (PowerPoint)
12. The Great Migration (p. 549 -550) - ____________________________________________________
13. The Sussex Pledge (p. 543, described…) - ________________________________________________
14. Changes in the map of Europe as a result of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Point Plan and the Treaty of
Versailles (p. 555)
In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
15. Responses to Vietnamese and Irish concerning self-determination and the Japanese proposal of
race equality within the League of Nations. (p.554 - 557)
16. Which two (2) major powers did not participate in the Paris Peace Conference? (p. 553)
17. The Spanish Influenza (p. 552) - _______________________________________________________
18. 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act (p. 560, 577) - _____________________________________
19. The National Origins Act, or the Johnson-Reid Act (p. 579, 582) - ____________________________
20. Marcus Garvey (p. 576) - _____________________________________________________________
21. Coolidge Economic Policies – “The Politics of Business,” (p. 587 - 588) _____________________________________________________________________________________
In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
22. Al Smith (p. 588-589) - _______________________________________________________________
23. Eugenics (p. 579) - __________________________________________________________________
24. Supreme Court Case of Buck V. Bell (Google?) - __________________________________________
25. The Scopes – Monkey Trial (p. 578) - ___________________________________________________
26. The Sacco and Vanzetti Trial (p. 559) - __________________________________________________
27. The Tulsa Riot (Black History Month PowerPoint, 1920s Analysis Activity) _____________________________________________________________________________________
28. The condition of the Soviet Union during the Great Depression years (PowerPoint) - ____________
29. The “Scottsboro Nine” (p. 621) - _______________________________________________________
In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
30. The Dust Bowl & The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Lecture) - _______________________
31. Woody Guthrie (Google Search “The Dust Bowl Ballads”) - _________________________ ________
32. The Bonus Army (p. 602) - ____________________________________________________________
33. Eleanor Roosevelt (p. 616) - __________________________________________________________
34. Critics of FDR –
A. Francis Townsend (p. 610 - 611) - ________________________________________________
B. Father Charles Coughlin (p.610 - 611) - ____________________________________________
C. Huey Long (p. 610 - 611) - _______________________________________________________
35. FDR’s Court-Packing Plan (p. 613) - ____________________________________________________
36. John L. Lewis & CIO (p. 616) - _________________________________________________________
In addition to the terms listed on the worksheet below, you should be familiar with all of the information
posted on BlackBoard from the last four week’s PowerPoints and the 1920s Prezi.
37. Flint, Michigan Strike of the United Auto Workers (1936) (Google) - __________________________
Major Legislation or Event of the New Deal:
Purpose of New Deal Program: (p. 606 – 615)
The “Bank Holiday” of 1933
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The Tennessee Valley Authority
Public Works Administration
National Industrial Recovery Act
Social Security Act
The National Labor Relations Board
(Wagner Act)
Civilian Conservation Corps