Chapter 5-Application Basics

Chapter 5-Application Basics
Chapter Outline
Chapter 5 Overview
Lesson 5–1 Types of Application Software
Lesson 5–2 Obtaining Application Software
Lesson 5–3 Using Application Software
Chapter Review and Assessment
Chapter 5-Application Basics
What Is Application Software?
Application software is a type of
program, such as word-processing
or spreadsheet software, that directs
a computer to perform one or more
tasks. Think about all the things a
computer can help you do. You can
write letters and reports. You can
look up information, record songs,
play games, chat with friends, and
more. Application software makes it
possible for your PC to perform
such tasks.
Chapter 5-Application Basics
There are many different types of
application software (sometimes
called applications), each best
suited for a certain purpose. Some
programs perform specific jobs.
Others do many different tasks.
Once you become familiar with
application software, you can make
choices to help your computer work
faster and more efficiently.
Chapter 5- Definitions
Application Software-A program that allows you
to create documents,listen to music,or play
games on the computer.
Software de Aplicación-Programa que permite
elaborar documentos, escuchar música
o divertirse con juegos en la computadora
Integrated Software
Integrated Software- A program that combines the basic
features of several applications into one package.
Software Integrado-Programa que combina los elementos
básicos de varias aplicaciones en un solo paquete.
Personal Information Manager
(PIM) Program
Personal Information Manager (PIM) Program- a
program responsible for storing phone numbers and
addresses and creating schedules.
Programa Administrador de Información PersonalPrograma que se encarga de guardar números telefónicos y
direcciones, y de elaborar programas de actividade.
Office Suite
Office Suite-A program that combines several programs and
all of their features.
Suite de Oficina-Programa que combina varios programas y
todos sus recursos.
System Requirement
System Requirement-The minimum equipment a computer
needs to run an application.
Requisitos del Sistema-Equipo mínimo que una
computadora necesita para ejecutar una aplicación.
Commercial Software
Commercial Software-Copyrighted software that must be
purchased before it can be used.
Software Comercial-Software con derechos de autor
protegidos, que se debe comprar para poder usarlo.
Shareware-A copyrighted software that can be sampled
before it is purchased.
Shareware-Software con protección de derechos de autor que
se puede probar antes de comprarlo.
Freeware-A copyrighted software given away for free.
Freeware-Software protegido por derechos de autor que se
distribuye de forma gratuita.
Public Domain Software
Public Domain Software-A program distributed for free
without a copyright.
Software de Dominio Público-Programa que se distribuye
de forma gratuita, sin derechos de autor.
Install-To prepare to run application software by copying all
or part of the program onto the computer’s hard drive.
Instalar-Preparar la ejecución de un software de aplicación
copiando un programa, o parte de él, en el disco duro de la
Uninstall-To remove a program from a computer.
Desinstalar-Quitar un programa de una computadora.
Software License
Software License-The document that contains permission
for a buyer to install and use a program.
Licencia de Software-The document that contains
permission for a buyer to install and use a program.
Launch-To start an application program.
Activar-Poner en marcha un programa de aplicación.
Maximize-To make an application window as large as
Maximizar-Aumentar al máximo la ventana de una
Minimize-To make an application window as small as
Minimizar-Reducir al máximo la ventana de una aplicación.
Title Bar
Title bar-The top row of an application window where the
program name (and often the name of the document) is
Barra de Título-Fila superior de una ventana de aplicación,
donde se muestra el nombre del programa y, en muchos
casos, el nombre del documento.
Menu Bar
Menu Bar-The bar generally located below an application’s
title bar where a set of commands is listed.
Barra de Menús-Barra, por lo general situada debajo de la
barra de título de una aplicación, donde se presenta una lista
de comandos.
Help Menu
Help menu-A set of directions for program functions.
Menú de Ayuda-Conjunto de instrucciones sobre las
funciones de un programa.
Scroll-To move from one part of a document to another on
the screen.
Desplazarse-Pasar de una parte de un documento a otra en
la pantalla.
Chapter 5-Chapter
1. This type of software is used for creating slide shows.
A. Word Processor
B. Database
C. Presentation Graphics
D. Telecommunications
Chapter 5-Chapter
2. This type of application software specializes in
one task.
A.Integrated Software
B.Stand-Alone Program
C.Operating System
D.Office Suite
Chapter 5-Chapter
3. This type of software combines several complete
programs—such as a word processor, a spreadsheet, a
database, and others—into one package.
A.Office Suite
B.Integrated Software
C.Stand-Alone Program
D.Operating System
Chapter 5-Chapter
4. To work with a software program, your computer
must meet the program’s _____.
B.System Requirements
D.Ease of Use
Chapter 5-Chapter
5. This is copyrighted software that you can use on
a try-before-you-buy basis.
C.Commercial Software
D.Public Domain Software
Chapter 5-Chapter
6. You can freely use, give away, or even alter this
type of software.
C.Commercial Software
D.Public Domain Software
Chapter 5-Chapter
7. Before you can use commercial software, you usually
must agree to the terms contained in this document.
C.Registration Card
Chapter 5-Chapter
8. In Windows, if you click the Start button, you can
see a list of these.
A.Operating System Commands
Chapter 5-Chapter
9. The top row of an application window is called
the _____.
A.Menu Bar
B.Title Bar
C.Start Bar
D.Help bar
Chapter 5-Chapter
10. Which command finds a document that was
previously saved and displays it?
Chapter 5-Chapter
Chapter 5-Chapter
12. Companies own the copyrights to the software
programs they sell to the public.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
13. Freeware is so called because it is given away
for free and never sold.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
14. Because no one owns the copyrights to them,
public domain software is the highest quality
software available.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
15. When you install a program, you copy it from a
disk, a CD, or the Internet to your computer’s hard
Chapter 5-Chapter
16. Software piracy is legal, because it encourages
more people to share and use software products.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
17. Desktop icons can act as shortcuts to the
programs installed on your computer.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
18. An application’s title bar contains a list of
commands that are available in the program.
Chapter 5-Chapter
Chapter 5-Chapter
20. One way to move from one part of an
application window to another is by scrolling.
A. True
B. False
Chapter 5-Chapter
21. What does application software do?
A program that allows you to create documents,
listen to music, or play games on the computer.
Chapter 5-Chapter
22. Why do people use integrated software programs?
Combines the basic features of several applications
into one package.
Chapter 5-Chapter
23. How do companies benefit from owning the
copyrights to the software programs they sell?
Companies own the copyrights to the application
software they sell to the public. This prevents you
from legally copying it to sell it to others, giving it
away, or sharing it. Commercial software is
copyrighted software that you must buy before
using it.
Chapter 5-Chapter
24. If you no longer need a program that is
installed on your computer, what can you do? To
delete a program from the computer, you must run
a special removal program to properly remove, or
uninstall, it. Otherwise, parts of the program can
remain on the computer and may interfere with its
Chapter 5-Chapter
25. How do you use scroll boxes and scroll bars to
move around in an application window?
The scroll bars usually appear at the right side of
the window and at the bottom. Boxes appear in
these bars to show whether you are at the
beginning or end of the file or somewhere in the
middle. You can move from one place to another by
either dragging these scroll boxes or clicking the
scroll arrows at each end of the scroll bars.
Chapter 5 – Questions
(page 63 )
Critical Thinking
1.What type of application software do you think
would be most difficult to learn? Why?
Office suites because it contains more programs
which you have to learn to be able to use them
Chapter 5 - Questions
2. What kind of application software might you
recommend to a friend who wants to create basic
graphics, write reports, and create a budget?
Integrated software because it has word
processor, database, spreadsheet, graphics,and
Chapter 5 - Questions
3. What questions should buyers answer before
choosing application software?
Questions you should ask should be, what you
want it to do ?, how much your willing to spend?,
and how easy the programs are to learn?
Chapter 5 - Questions
1. Complete the T-chart below to identify advantages
and disadvantages of office suites.
Advantages- Office suites contain more than basic
software found in integrated programs.
Disadvantages-Office suites generally cost more than
integrated software, but usually they are cheaper than
buying the stand -alone programs separately.
Chapter 5 – Questions (
page 67)
Critical Thinking
1. Why must computer hardware and software be
Compatible Hardware and Software is an
informational service provided by Microsoft on the
Internet that helps you decide which programs and
hardware will work best with your computer.
Chapter 5 - Questions
2.Why might public domain software have more
errors than commercial software ,shareware ,or
Public Domain Software may have more errors
because, program authors allow you to use
programs, share them, give them away, or even
alter them to meet certain needs.
Chapter 5 - Questions
3. How do copyright violations or software piracy
affect computer companies and users?
Discourage the authors of good software from
writing new and better programs because they
may not get paid for their work. Also pirated
software cannot be registered, so users do not get
the support services they may need.
Chapter 5 - Questions
1.Complete the sequence chart below to sequence
the steps in acquiring shareware.
1. Copyrighted software that you can use on a trybefore-you-buy basis is called shareware.------>2.
You must pay a registration fee to the company. ----->3.Your allowed to copy shareware.-------->4.Also
your allowed to give it to your friends.
Chapter 5 – Questions
(page 71)
Critical Thinking
1.What is the purpose of the title bar and the menu
The title bar shows the program’s name and, in
some cases, the name of the document you are
working on. A menu bar lists sets of commands. In
Windows, the menu bar usually is located below
the title bar.
Chapter 5 - Questions
2. What is one advantage of maximizing a window
when using application software / Of minimizing a
You can use and work with both of them at the
same time.
Chapter 5 - Questions
3. Why do you think that it is important to save a file
before you close it?
When your going to open a file the computer only
finds a document that was previously saved as a
disk file and displays it in a window.
Chapter 5 - Questions
1.Complete the chart below by identifying four
computer commands in the file menu and the
purpose of each one.
Creates files into which you can enter data
Finds a document that was previously saved
as a disk file and displays it in a window
Saves the document in the current window to
a disk file
Closes an open file
The Answers
A. Software that you can try before purchasing
B. Uncopyrights software that is given away without
C. Software that’s stores phone numbers and creates
D. Software that combine sseveral different
The Answers
E. To make a window as small as possible.
F. TO delete a program from the computer.
G. Software that combines several applications.
H. Move from one place in a window to another.
To make a window as large as possible.
J. Copyrights software that is given away without cost.
Chapter 5 - Questions
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left
column with the correct definition in the right column.
Write the appropriate letter next to the word term.
1. Personal Info. Manager
G. 2. Integrated Software
D. 3. Office Suites
Chapter 5 - Questions
J. 5.Freeware
B. 6.Public Domain Software
F. 7.Uninstall
I. 8.Maximize
E. 9.Minimize
H. 10. Scroll
Chapter 5 – Questions
Directions: Circle the correct choice for each of the
1. Which of the following items is NOT an example of
application software?
C.Operating System
D.Word Processor
Chapter 5 – Questions
2. Which of the following types of application software
combines the basic features of several applications?
A.Stand-Alone Program
B.Integrated Software
C.Office Software
D.Personal Info. Manager (PIM) Program
Chapter 5 – Questions
3. Which of the following types of software must be
purchased in advance?
A.Commercial Software
D.Public Domain Software
Chapter 5 – Questions
4.Which of the following types of software is
available on a try-before –you-buy basis?
A.Commercial Software
D.Public Domain Software
Chapter 5 – Questions
5. Which of the following features allows the user
to launch an application?
A.Help Menu
B.Menu Bar
C.Title Bar
D.Desktop Icon
Chapter 5 – Questions
6. Which of the following tools allows the user to
move from one part of a window to another?
A.Help Menu
B.Menu Bar
C.Title Bar
D.Desktop Icon
Chapter 5 – Questions
Directions: Answer the following questions on the
lines provided.
1.Why might a computer user choose to purchase
an integrated software program instead of an
office suite?
Because Integrated Software programs cost less.
Chapter 5 – Questions
2. Why should you check a program’s system
requirements before purchasing it?
So that it can meet them.
Chapter 5 – Questions
3.Why is it important to uninstall a program you no
longer use?
Parts of the program can remain on the computer
and may interfere with its operation
Chapter 5 – Questions
4. What is the difference between the new and
open commands in the File menu?
New- when you start a new file
Open- when you open
Chapter 5 – Questions
5. Why does an application window include tools
such as scroll bars, scroll boxes, and scroll
So that you can navigate through the page
All Reading Materials
Lesson 5-1
Types of Application Software
Why Use Application Software?
Application Software performs a specific job or task.
Choose Applications that can help you with your jobs
to complete. Common application Software are:
All Reading Materials
Word processors for writing letters and reports
Spreadsheets for working with numbers and doing math
Databases for storing and finding information
Presentation graphics for creating slide shows
Telecommunications for using the internet and e-mail
Personal information manager (PIM) programs for storing
phone numbers and addresses and creating schedules
All Reading Materials
Types of Application Software
3 basic categories are stand alone programs,
integrated software, and office suites. They are very
different. People choose the type of software they
Stand-Alone Programs A stand alone program is a
software that specializes in one task. Stand –Alone
program can have many useful and advance
features, but they cost more than other application
All Reading Materials
Integrated software – Stand alone programs might
require to much memory or may cost to much. You
want to do more with the software than a stand-alone
program is capable of handling.
Integrated Software programs combine the basic
features of several applications into one package.
They are not as powerful, nor do they specialize in
one application. However, integrated software
usually is less costly and is easy to use
All Reading Materials
The applications work in similar ways. Popular
integrated programs include AppleWorks® and
Microsoft Works.
Office Suites What if you need to use the advanced
features of several stand-alone programs? You might
select an office suite. Like integrated software, the
programs in office suites have a common look and
feel. But office suites contain more than the basic
software found in integrated programs. They contain
the actual stand-alone programs with all their
All Reading Materials
Some popular office suites include:
Microsoft Office (with Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
Outlook, and Access in the Windows version)
Corel WordPerfect Office (with WordPerfect, Quattro
Pro, Paradox, Corel Presentations, and Corel
Lotus SmartSuite (with WordPro, Lotus 1-2-3,
Approach, Freelance Graphics, and Organizer)
All Reading Materials
Which Type of Software Is Right for You?
You might want to match the software you use at
home with the programs you use at school so you can
easily work on documents in both locations.
Most Computers come with application software
already installed. A computer might not come with
the software that you need. Then you can consider
upgrading your existing software or buying new
programs to make your computer a more useful tool.
All Reading Materials
Lesson 5-2
Obtaining Application Software
Minimum System Requirements
Each software program has minimum system
requirements. The computer must meet the minimum
hardware and software needs of the program for it to
work properly.
All Reading Materials
To get the most from your computer, it is important to
choose software that will work with the following:
Your type of computer (Macintosh or PC compatible)
Microprocessor speed
Operating system (such as Linux, Mac OS X, or
Windows XP)
All Reading Materials
Available amount of memory (RAM)
Available hard drive space
Special equipment, such as a modem or CDROM drive
All Reading Materials
Obtaining Application Software
Commercial Software
Companies own the copyrights to the
application software they sell to the public. This
prevents you from legally copying it to sell it to
others, giving it away, or sharing it. Commercial
software is copyrighted software that you must
buy before using it
All Reading Materials
Shareware Copyrighted software that you can
use on a try-before-you-buy basis is called
shareware. If you decide to keep using it after
that, you must pay a registration fee to the
company. You are also allowed to copy
shareware and give it to your friends. They, then,
must follow the same process to acquire the
All Reading Materials
Freeware Some companies give away their
copyrighted software for free. This is known as
freeware. The companies allow users to install the
program as long as they do not resell it to other
All Reading Materials
Public Domain Software On occasion, program
authors allow you to use programs, share them,
give them away, or even alter them to meet
certain needs. This is called public domain
software. Beware, the quality of these programs
can vary widely, and they may contain more
errors than other types of software.
All Reading Materials
Installing and Uninstalling Programs Application
software must be installed, or prepared to run on a
computer, before it can be used. You must copy it
from a location such as a disk, a CD, or the Internet
to the computer’s hard drive.
Most programs come with an installation, or setup,
program that prompts you to load the software onto
the computer. Companies that make commercial
software often provide printed or online guides, or
telephone support, to help solve users’ problems.
All Reading Materials
Lesson 5-3
Using Application Software
Launching an Application
Most application software runs in your computer’s
operating system Your operating system and
application software often have similar commands
for starting and ending a program and for conducting
basic tasks. This makes learning a new program
fairly easy.
All Reading Materials
Starting a Program When a computer is turned
on, it typically starts its operating system. You
can then launch, or start, any application
installed on the computer. You can launch an
application in two ways:
All Reading Materials
Menu In Windows, clicking the Start button displays a
list of programs installed on the computer.
Desktop Icon Desktop icons are on-screen symbols
that stand for a computer function or program.
Because they are shortcuts to programs, it is helpful
to customize your PC or Macintosh desktop to
include icons for the programs you use most often.
All Reading Materials
Creating, Opening, Saving, and Closing
Application software lets you create new documents,
save them for future use, or work on documents you
have saved. You can close the application when you
are done working. Most applications have a File
menu, which includes these commands:
New—creates a file into which you can enter data
All Reading Materials
Open—finds a document that was previously saved
as a disk file and displays it in a window
Save—saves the document in the current window to
a disk file
Close—closes an open file
Exit or Quit—closes the application and removes its
window from the screen
All Reading Materials
Moving in the Application Window
Some tools allow you to scroll, or move from one part
of a window to another. The scroll bars usually
appear at the right side of the window and at the
bottom. Boxes appear in these bars to show whether
you are at the beginning or end of the file or
somewhere in the middle. You can move from one
place to another by either dragging these scroll
boxes or clicking the scroll arrows at each end of the
scroll bars.
Finish!!!!! 97 slides.