Name Date_______________Period_______________ Cell Folder

Name _______________________________________ Date_______________Period_______________
Cell Folder RUBRIC
The project is due on____________________________________. Rubric must be turned in with project.
20 – 100%
19 – 95%
18 – 90%
17 – 85%
16 – 80%
15 – 75%
14 – 70%
13 – 65%
12 – 60%
 All organelle and functions are complete and accurate
 All cell analogies are complete and accurate in explanations. Analogies show a
lot of thought and effort
 Plant and animal cells are accurate with differences clearly displayed
 Both plant and animal cell parts are colored neatly and labeled correctly
 Tracing paper overlay of plant cell is complete and accurate
 All levels of organization are included with definitions. Three examples are
complete and accurate.
 Cell folder is neat, organized. It shows a lot of time and effort went into its
 Student was on task at all times in class while working on the project
 Most organelle functions are complete and accurate. Some detail may be
 Most cell analogies are complete and accurate in explanation.
 Cell types may or may not be are accurate and complete
 Plant and animal cell parts are colored and labeled
 Tracing paper overlay is mostly accurate and complete for plant cell
 Most levels of organization are present with definitions. Three examples are
 Cell folder could be neater and more organized.
 Student was on task most of the time in class
 Some organelle functions are complete and accurate. Some information may be
inaccurate or missing
 Some cell analogies are missing or may not be accurate in explanation.
 Some cell types may be inaccurate or not complete
 Plant and animal cells are somewhat colored. Could be neater and labels may
be inaccurate or missing
 Tracing paper may not be complete or there are mistakes in the information
 Levels of organization definitions may be lacking in detail. Examples are missing
or may not be accurate.
 More effort could have been put in to complete the project
 Student could have used class time more efficiently to complete the project
 Organelle functions are missing and/or inaccurate
 Analogies are incomplete and some lack of effort in their explanations
 No cell types are completed
 Plant and animal are not colored or labels are missing
 Tracing paper may be missing or not completed
 Levels or organization are missing definitions and examples.
 Project shows little effort
 Student did not use class time efficiently. They were often off task.
Cell folder project was not turned in
10% is lost each day that it is late. After three days, project is not accepted.
Name _______________________________________ Date_______________Period_______________
Cell Folder Project
You are going to create a folder all about THE CELL.
Cell parts and
Cell Diagram with
Organization of life
1. Front Cover: Write analogies for each part of the cell. Ex. The ______________
is like a ___________ because________________________________________.
2. Inside left: You must use the textbook to write out the function of each cell
part. You must also include whether that part is in animal cells, plant cells, or
3. Inside right: You are to color and label the animal cell diagram according to the
colors listed next to each part. You must use tracing paper to outline and label
the plant cell. This will show which parts are specific to plant cells. The tracing
paper will be stapled above the animal cell diagram.
4. Back Cover: You will define and provide examples for each level of
Each sheet of paper is glued to the folder.