Chapter 1 - Cengage Learning

Chapter 6
Losses and Loss Limitations
Taxation of Business Entities
Copyright ©2010 Cengage Learning
Taxation of Business Entities
Bad Debts
• If an account receivable arising from credit sale of
goods or services becomes worthless
– A bad debt deduction is permitted only if income
arising from creation of the receivable was previously
included in income
– No deduction is allowed if taxpayer is on the cash basis
since no income is reported until the cash has been
Taxation of Business Entities
Business Bad Debts
(slide 1 of 4)
• Specific charge-off method must be used
– Exception: Reserve method is allowed for some
financial institutions
• Deduct as ordinary loss in the year when
debt is partially or wholly worthless
– Cash basis taxpayer does not have bad debt
deduction for unpaid receivables
Taxation of Business Entities
Business Bad Debts
(slide 2 of 4)
• If a business debt previously deducted as
partially worthless becomes totally
worthless in a future year
– Only the remainder not previously deducted can
be deducted in the future year
Taxation of Business Entities
Business Bad Debts
(slide 3 of 4)
• In the case of total worthlessness, deduction is
allowed for entire amount in the year the debt
becomes worthless
• Deductible amount depends on basis in bad debt
– If debt arose from sale of services or products and the
face amount was previously included in income
• That amount is deductible
– If the taxpayer purchased the debt
• Deduction is equal to amount taxpayer paid for debt instrument
Taxation of Business Entities
Business Bad Debts
(slide 4 of 4)
• If a receivable has been written off
– The collection of the receivable in a later tax
year may result in income being recognized
– Income will result if the deduction yielded a tax
benefit in the year it was taken
Taxation of Business Entities
Nonbusiness Bad Debts
(slide 1 of 2)
• Nonbusiness bad debt
– Debt unrelated to the taxpayer’s trade or
• Deduct as short-term capital loss in year
amount of worthlessness is known with
– No deduction is allowed for partial
worthlessness of a nonbusiness bad debt
Taxation of Business Entities
Nonbusiness Bad Debts
(slide 2 of 2)
• Related party (individuals) bad debts are
generally suspect and may be treated as
– Regulations state that a bona fide debt arises
from a debtor-creditor relationship based on a
valid and enforceable obligation to pay a fixed
or determinable sum of money
– Thus, individual circumstances must be
examined to determine whether advances
between related parties are gifts or loans
Taxation of Business Entities
Classification of Bad Debts
• Individuals will generally have nonbusiness
bad debts unless:
– In the business of loaning money, or
– Bad debt is associated with the individual’s
trade or business
• Determination is made either at the time the
debt was created or when it became
Taxation of Business Entities
Worthless Securities
(slide 1 of 2)
• Loss on worthless securities is deductible in
the year they become completely worthless
– These losses are capital losses deemed to have
occurred on the last day of the year in which the
securities became worthless
Taxation of Business Entities
Worthless Securities
(slide 2 of 2)
• Example of worthless securities
– On December 1, 2008, Falcon Company
purchased stock for $10,000. The stock
became worthless on June 1, 2009. Falcon
Company’s loss is treated as having occurred
on December 31, 2009. The result is a longterm capital loss.
Taxation of Business Entities
Section 1244 Stock
(slide 1 of 3)
• Sale or worthlessness of § 1244 stock
results in ordinary loss rather than capital
loss for individuals
– Ordinary loss treatment (per year) is limited to
$50,000 ($100,000 for MFJ taxpayers)
• Loss in excess of per year limit is treated as capital
Taxation of Business Entities
Section 1244 Stock
(slide 2 of 3)
• Section 1244 loss treatment is limited to
stock owned by original purchaser
• Corporation must meet certain
requirements for stock to qualify
– Major requirement is limit of $1 million of
capital contributions
• Section 1244 does not apply to gains
Taxation of Business Entities
Section 1244 Stock
(slide 3 of 3)
• Example of § 1244 loss
– In 2004, Sam purchases from XYZ Corp. stock
costing $150,000. (Total XYZ stock
outstanding is $800,000.) In 2009, Sam sells
the stock for $65,000.
– Sam, a single taxpayer, has the following tax
$50,000 ordinary loss
$35,000 long-term capital loss
Taxation of Business Entities
Definition of Casualty
& Theft (C & T)
• Losses or damages to the taxpayer’s
property that arise from fire, storm,
shipwreck, or other casualty or theft
– Loss is from event that is identifiable,
damaging to taxpayer’s property, and sudden,
unexpected, and unusual in nature
– Events not treated as casualties include losses
from disease and insect damage
Taxation of Business Entities
Definition of Theft
• Theft includes robbery, burglary,
embezzlement, etc.
– Does not include misplaced items
Taxation of Business Entities
When Casualty & Theft Is
• Casualties: year in which loss is sustained
– Exception: If declared “disaster area” by
President, can elect to deduct loss in year prior
to year of occurrence
• Thefts: year in which loss is discovered
Taxation of Business Entities
Effect of Claim for
• If reasonable prospect of full recovery:
– No casualty loss is permitted
– Deduct in year of settlement any amount not
• If only partial recovery is expected, deduct
in year of loss any amount not covered
– Remainder is deducted in year claim is settled
Taxation of Business Entities
Amount of C&T Deduction
• Amount of loss and its deductibility
depends on whether:
– Loss is from nonpersonal (business or
production of income) or personal property
– Loss is partial or complete
Taxation of Business Entities
Amount of Nonpersonal
C&T Losses
• Theft or complete casualty (FMV after = 0)
– Adjusted basis in property less insurance
• Partial casualty
– Lesser of decline in value or adjusted basis in
property, less insurance proceeds
Taxation of Business Entities
C&T Examples
• Business and production of income losses
(no insurance proceeds received)
Item Basis
Taxation of Business Entities
Nonpersonal C&T Losses
• Losses on business, rental, and royalty properties
– Deduction will be for AGI
– Not subject to the $100 ($500 for 2009) per event and
the 10% of AGI limitation
• Losses not connected with business, rental, and
royalty properties
– Deduction will be from AGI
– Example - theft of a security
• Theft losses of investment property are not subject to the 2% of
AGI floor on certain miscellaneous itemized deductions
Taxation of Business Entities
Nonpersonal C&T Gains
• Depending on the property, gain can be
ordinary or capital
• Amount of nonpersonal gains
– Insurance proceeds less adjusted basis in
Taxation of Business Entities
Personal C&T Gains and Losses
(slide 1 of 4)
• Casualty and theft losses attributable to personal
use property are subject to the $100 ($500 for
2009) per event and the 10% of AGI limitations
– These losses are itemized deductions, but they are not
subject to the 2% of AGI floor
• Amount of personal C&T losses
– Lesser of decline in value or adjusted basis in property,
less insurance proceeds
• Insurance proceeds may result in gain recognition
on certain casualty and thefts
Taxation of Business Entities
Personal C&T Gains and Losses
(slide 2 of 4)
• If a taxpayer has both personal casualty and theft
gains as well as losses, a special set of rules
– A personal casualty gain is the recognized gain from a
casualty or theft of personal use property
– A personal casualty loss for this purpose is a casualty or
theft loss of personal use property after the application
of the $100 ($500) floor
• Taxpayer must first net (offset) the personal
casualty gains and personal casualty losses
– Tax treatment depends on the results of this netting
Taxation of Business Entities
Personal C&T Gains and Losses
(slide 3 of 4)
• If netting personal casualty gains and losses
results in a net gain
– Treat as gains and losses from the sale of
capital assets
• Short term or long term, depending on holding
• Personal casualty and theft gains and losses
are not netted with the gains and losses on
business and income-producing property
Taxation of Business Entities
Personal C&T Gains and Losses
(slide 4 of 4)
• If netting personal casualty gains and losses
results in a net loss
– All gains and losses are treated as ordinary
• The gains—and the losses to the extent of gains—
are treated as ordinary income and ordinary loss in
computing AGI
• Losses in excess of gains are deducted as itemized
deductions to the extent the losses exceed 10% of
Taxation of Business Entities
Example of C&T Limitation
(slide 1 of 2)
Karen (AGI = $40,000) has the following
C&T in 2009 (amounts are lesser of
decline in value or adjusted basis):
1. Car stolen ($6,000) with camera inside ($500)
2. Earthquake damage: house ($2,000), furniture
Taxation of Business Entities
Example of C&T Limitation
(slide 2 of 2)
• Example of C&T limitation (cont’d)
Karen has no insurance coverage for either
1. $6,000 + $500 = $6,500 – $500 = $6,000
2. $2,000 + $1,000 = $3,000 – $500 = $2,500
Karen’s deductible C&T loss is $4,500
[$6,000 + $2,500 – (10% $40,000)]
Taxation of Business Entities
Net Operating Losses
(slide 1 of 4)
• NOLs from any one year can be offset
against taxable income of other years
– The NOL provision is intended as a form of
relief for business income and losses
– Only losses from trade or business operations,
casualty and theft losses, or losses from foreign
government confiscations can create a NOL
Taxation of Business Entities
Net Operating Losses
(slide 2 of 4)
• No nonbusiness (personal) losses or
deductions may be used in computing NOL
• Exception: personal casualty and theft losses
Taxation of Business Entities
Net Operating Losses
(slide 3 of 4)
• Carryover period
– Must carryback to 2 prior years, then
carryforward to 20 future years
• May make an irrevocable election to just
• When there are NOLs from two or more years, use
on a FIFO basis
Taxation of Business Entities
Net Operating Losses
(slide 4 of 4)
• Example of NOL carryovers
– Wren Corp. has a NOL for 2009
– Wren must carryover its NOL in the following
• Carryback to 2007 and 2008, then carryforward to
20010, 2011, ..., 2029
– Wren can elect to just carryforward the NOL
• Carryover would be to 2010, 2011, ..., 2029
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Losses Rules
(slide 1 of 2)
• Require income and losses to be separated
into three categories:
– Active
– Portfolio
– Passive
• Generally, disallow the deduction of
passive losses against active or portfolio
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Losses Rules
(slide 2 of 2)
• In general, passive losses can only offset
passive income
• Passive losses are also subject to the at-risk
– Designed to prevent taxpayers from deducting losses in
excess of their economic investment in an activity
Taxation of Business Entities
At-Risk Limits
(slide 1 of 4)
• At-risk defined
– The amount of a taxpayer’s economic
investment in an activity
• Amount of cash and adjusted basis of property
contributed to the activity plus amounts borrowed
for which taxpayer is personally liable (recourse
Taxation of Business Entities
At-Risk Limits
(slide 2 of 4)
• At-risk defined
– At-risk amount does not include nonrecourse
debt unless the activity involves real estate
• For real estate activities, qualified nonrecourse debt
is included in determining at-risk limitation
Taxation of Business Entities
At-Risk Limits
(slide 3 of 4)
• At-risk limitation
– Can deduct losses from activity only to extent taxpayer
is at-risk
– Any losses disallowed due to at-risk limitation are
carried forward until at-risk amount is increased
– Previously allowed losses must be recaptured to the
extent the at-risk amount is reduced below zero
– At-risk limitations must be computed for each activity
of the taxpayer separately
Taxation of Business Entities
At-Risk Limits
(slide 4 of 4)
• Interaction of at-risk rules with passive loss
– At-risk limitation is applied FIRST to each
activity to determine maximum amount of loss
allowed for year
– THEN, passive loss limitation applied to ALL
losses from ALL passive activities to determine
actual amount of loss deductible for year
Taxation of Business Entities
Calculation of At-Risk Amount
• Increases to a taxpayer’s at-risk
– Cash and the adjusted basis of
property contributed to the
– Amounts borrowed for use in
the activity for which the
taxpayer is personally liable or
has pledged as security
property not used in the
– Taxpayer’s share of amounts
borrowed for use in the activity
that are qualified nonrecourse
– Taxpayer’s share of the
activity’s income
Taxation of Business Entities
• Decreases to a taxpayer’s atrisk amount:
– Withdrawals from the activity
– Taxpayer’s share of the
activity’s loss
– Taxpayer’s share of any
reductions of debt for which
recourse against the taxpayer
exists or reductions of
qualified nonrecourse debt
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 1 of 7)
• Active income
– Wages, salary, and other payments for services rendered
– Profit from trade or business activity in which taxpayer
materially participates
– Gain from sale or disposition of assets used in an active
trade or business
– Income from intangible property created by taxpayer
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 2 of 7)
• Portfolio income
– Interest, dividends, annuities, and certain
royalties not derived in the ordinary course of
– Gains/losses from disposition of assets that
produce portfolio income or held for
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 3 of 7)
• Passive losses defined
– Losses from trade or business activities in
which taxpayer does not materially participate,
– Certain rental activities
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 4 of 7)
• Limitations on passive losses
– Generally, passive losses can only offset
passive income, i.e., they cannot reduce active
or portfolio income
– Disallowed losses are suspended and carried
• Suspended losses must be allocated to specific
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 5 of 7)
• Suspended losses are deductible in year
related activity is disposed of in a fully
taxable transaction
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 6 of 7)
• Passive credits
– Credits from passive activities are subject to loss
– Utilize passive credits to the extent of tax attributable to
passive income
– Credits disallowed are suspended and carried forward
similar to losses
• Suspended credits can be used to offset tax from disposition of
activity but any credits left after activity is disposed of are lost
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Limits
(slide 7 of 7)
• Taxpayers subject to rules
– Individuals, estates, trusts, personal service
– Closely-held corporations
• Can deduct passive losses against active income
– S Corp and partnership passive losses flow
through to owners and limits applied at the
owner level
Taxation of Business Entities
Passive Loss Issues
• Passive losses are losses from trade or
business activities in which taxpayer does
not materially participate and certain rental
• What constitutes an activity?
• What is “material participation"?
• When is an activity a rental activity?
Taxation of Business Entities
Identification of Activities
(slide 1 of 2)
• Taxpayers with complex business
operations must determine if segments of
their business are separate activities or
entire business is treated as a single activity
Taxation of Business Entities
Identification of Activities
(slide 2 of 2)
• Regs allow grouping multiple trade or
businesses if they form an appropriate
economic unit for measuring gain or loss
– Once activities are grouped, can’t regroup
• Original groups were clearly inappropriate, or
• Material change in circumstances
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 1 of 8)
• An activity is treated as active rather than
passive (thus, not subject to the passive loss
limits) if taxpayer meets one of 7 material
participation tests
• Participation is generally defined as work
performed by an owner
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 2 of 8)
• Test 1
– Taxpayer participates in the activity more than
500 hours during the year
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 3 of 8)
• Test 2
– Taxpayer’s participation in the activity is
substantially all of the participation in the
activity of all individuals for the year
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 4 of 8)
• Test 3
– Taxpayer participates in the activity more than
100 hours during the year and not less than the
participation of any other individual in the
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 5 of 8)
• Test 4
– Taxpayer’s participation in the activity is
significant and taxpayer’s aggregate
participation in all significant participation
activities during the year exceeds 500 hours
– Significant participation is more than 100 hours
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 6 of 8)
• Test 5
– Taxpayer materially participated in the activity
for any 5 years during the last 10 year period
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 7 of 8)
• Test 6
– The activity is a personal service activity in
which the taxpayer materially participated for
any 3 preceding years
Taxation of Business Entities
Material Participation Tests
(slide 8 of 8)
• Test 7
– Based on the facts and circumstances, taxpayer
participated in the activity on a regular,
continuous, and substantial basis
• Regular, continuous, and substantial are not
specifically defined in the Regulations
Taxation of Business Entities
Participation Defined
• Participation generally includes any work done by
an individual in an activity that he or she owns
– Does not include work if of a type not customarily done
by owners and if one of its principal purposes is to
avoid the disallowance of passive losses or credits
– Work done in an individual’s capacity as an investor is
not counted in applying the material participation tests
– Participation by an owner’s spouse counts as
participation by the owner
Taxation of Business Entities
Rental Activities
• Rental of tangible (real or personal)
property is automatically passive activity
unless it meets one of the 6 exceptions
• If exception applies, activity is subject to
the material participation tests
Taxation of Business Entities
Interaction of At-Risk and
Passive Loss Limits
• Passive loss rules are applied after the atrisk rules
– Losses not allowed under the at-risk rules are
suspended under the at-risk rules, not the
passive loss rules
– Basis is reduced by deductions even if not
currently usable due to passive loss rules
Taxation of Business Entities
Real Estate Passive Loss Limits
(slide 1 of 4)
• Generally, losses from rental real estate are
treated like other passive losses
• There are two significant exceptions to the
general rule
Taxation of Business Entities
Real Estate Passive Loss Limits
(slide 2 of 4)
• Exception 1: Real estate professionals
– Rental real estate losses are not treated as
passive if the following requirements are met:
• Taxpayer performs more than half of his/her
personal services in real property businesses in
which the taxpayer materially participates, and
• Taxpayer performs more than 750 hours of services
in these real property businesses as a material
Taxation of Business Entities
Real Estate Passive Loss Limits
(slide 3 of 4)
• Exception 2: Rental real estate activities
– Taxpayer can deduct up to $25,000 of losses on
real estate rental activities against active or
portfolio income
– Benefit is reduced by 50% of taxpayer’s AGI in
excess of $100,000
Taxation of Business Entities
Real Estate Passive Loss Limits
(slide 4 of 4)
• Exception 2: Rental real estate activities
– To qualify for this exception the taxpayer must:
• Actively participate in rental activity, and
• Own at least 10% of all interests in activity
– Active participation defined:
• Requires only participation in making management
decisions in a significant and bona fide sense
Taxation of Business Entities
Suspended Losses
• Losses can be suspended due to the passive
loss limits or the at-risk limits
• Losses suspended due to at-risk limitations
are investment specific, thus no allocation
of suspended losses is necessary
• Suspended at-risk and passive losses can be
carried forward indefinitely
Taxation of Business Entities
Disposition of Passive Interests
• Disposition at death: suspended loss
deductible on decedent’s final tax return to
extent of excess over any step-up in basis
• Disposition by gift: suspended loss
increases donee’s basis in property
Taxation of Business Entities
If you have any comments or suggestions concerning this
PowerPoint Presentation for South-Western Federal
Taxation, please contact:
Dr. Donald R. Trippeer, CPA
SUNY Oneonta
Taxation of Business Entities