About Torah Montessori School - Shaarei Chinuch Day School

(August 2014)
2717 W. Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
Table of Contents
About Shaarei Chinuch Day School
Our School Philosophy
Religious Instruction
Fees and payment
Holiday and Vacation Schedule
Day to Day at Shaarei Chinuch Day School
Daily Attendance
Parking Information
School Times
Daily Schedule
Parent Visits
Policy for Personal Belongings Brought to School
Leave at School
Severe Increment Weather
Outdoor Play Plan
Special Activities
Legal Responsibility
Conduct Expectations for Students
Health and Safety Standards
Meal Program
Illness, Injury and Healthcare Guidelines
Hand Washing
Daily Admission
Notice of Communicable Disease
Administration of Medication
Form: Individual Risk Assessment Plan
Health Records
Immunization Requirements
Emergencies, Accidents, and Treatment
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Contacts
In Case of Emergency
In Case of a Large-Scale Emergency
Getting Involved
Staying in Touch
School website
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Signature Page
About Shaarei Chinuch Day School
Shaarei Chinuch Day School combines Judaic and secular education to provide
comprehensive hands-on learning approach. The multi-age classroom provides a unique
opportunity for children to learn from one another.
Children of varied ages,
developmental levels and Jewish backgrounds thrive in this type of classroom. The approach
allows for teaching each child in his own way. As Shlomo HaMelech said: “Chanoch
l’naar al pi darcho gam ki yazkin lo yosur mimeno (Educate a child according to his/her
way; even when he is old he will not turn from it).” This is both at the core of Judaism as
well as the core of the Montessori philosophy. We find that when doing this children
learn to love learning in an unparalleled way.
Each child is viewed as an individual to be nurtured and respected as a whole person,
not just academically. Children are not only given the opportunity to grow and develop at
their own pace, both emotionally and academically, but they learn the skills needed to
become the directors and teachers to their own intelligence.
Shaarei Chinuch Day School is a Montessori learning environment open to all children
ages three through six with varying developmental levels and unique learning styles. The
Montessori curriculum model has much to offer Jewish children. Love of learning, an inner
sense of responsibility and motivation, and a deep connection to Torah, spirituality and the
Creator are intrinsic to the life of a Jew and are the intentions upon which Dr. Montessori’s
method focuses. The method works for all children in all times, because it begins with the
idea that each child is a unique and special being with the capacity to construct himself and
reach his highest potential.
Our School Philosophy
 We believe that each child was created as a unique individual full
of amazing potential.
 We believe in nurturing the soul and heart of the child.
 We believe in challenging the intellect of the child.
 We believe in an individualized Jewish Montessori curriculum.
 We believe in the promotion of self-esteem and self-motivation.
 We believe in respect and caring for the individual, classroom,
community and world.
 We believe that we (teachers, parents and students) are all part
of a team working together to help our children work toward
reaching their G-d given potential.
Religious Instruction
Each day, we daven (pray) with the children in the morning, as well as recite grace before and
after meals and snack. Each week we discuss the weekly Parsha (torah portion), and encourage
participation in related activities such as art projects, songs, and games. We celebrate all
Jewish holidays, by learning about their history and observances, and participating in related
activities such as art projects, songs, and games.
Fees and Payment
 Half Day (Monday-Friday, 8:45 AM - 1:00 PM) $6000
 Full Day (Monday-Thursday, 8:45 AM – 3:30 PM. Friday- 8:45 AM- 1:00 PM) $9000
 Sporadic P.M. service for half-day children: $30.00
 $75.00 REGISTRATION FEE Due with application/Non-refundable.
Sibling Discount: 10% discount on lowest tuition(s) if two or more children are
enrolled in school. Applicable only on full payments and payments made on time.
Please submit head checks for total yearly tuition, before the child’s first day. The
maximum payment schedule is monthly installments of equal amounts beginning the
month that the child starts school. Checks should be dated no later than the first (1st)
day of each month.
NSF CHECKS: $30.00 per check plus late fees (see below).
A penalty charge will be assessed on said amounts at the rate of five percent (5%) per month after
the fifth day of the month.
2014 Holiday and Vacation Schedule
September 24-26- Rosh Hashana- NO SCHOOL
October 3- Yom Kippur- NO SCHOOL
October 8-17- Sukkot- NO SCHOOL
November 27-28- Thanksgiving- NO SCHOOL
December 18- Parent/Teacher Conferences- NO SCHOOL
December 19- Chanukah- NO SCHOOL
January 16-23- Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
February 16- In-service/ President’s Day- NO SCHOOL
March 5-6- Purim- NO SCHOOL
March 31-April 12- Pesach Break- NO SCHOOL
May 8- Parent/Teacher Conferences- NO SCHOOL
May 22-26- Shavuot- NO SCHOOL
June 11- Summer break begins
*Please note: SCDS administration is aware that school is in session for some legal holidays and
therefore understands that you may choose to have your child(ren) home for one or more of those
days. If you do choose to do so, please notify us in advance.
Day-to-Day at Shaarei Chinuch Day School
Daily Attendance
It is expected and desired that children come to school every day in order for them to get the
most out of the program and curriculum provided. It is best for the child if the only times
he/she misses school is when there is no other option. Your child is part of the classroom
environment and culture; therefore his/her absence has an effect on everyone. Likewise,
coming in late disrupts the classroom flow and can cause your child and/or others to have a
difficult time adjusting to their day. As we know, preschool age children in particular thrive
on order and routine and the disruption of this can disrupt their entire day.
Arrival - Children should arrive between 8:40-8:50 a.m. Parents should park in the loading
zone or on the side street available parking and bring their child in to the facility- 2717 W.
Touhy Ave.
Half Day Pick Up – Children that are attending for half a day should be picked
up between 1:00pm – 1:10pm.
Full Day Pick Up – Children attending for full day should be picked up between
3:30pm and 3:40pm.
Please remember that only you or someone you have authorized in writing may pick
up your child from school.
Your child anxiously anticipates your arrival. Please call the school if you are going to be
later than usual. L ate fees for picking up your child after the above stated dismissal
times are charged at a rate of $5.00 per every 5 minutes.
Parking Information
Please only park either in the loading area (subject to the signs provided) or in metered or side
street parking. The parking lot associated with Katz, LLC is off limits for Shaarei Chinuch
Parent parking.
School Times:
Half Day:
Monday - Thursday
Full Day:
Monday – Thursday
8:45am – 1:00pm
8:45am – 1:00pm
8:45am – 3:30pm
8:45am – 1:00pm
Daily Schedule
8:45 - 8:55 Arrival, children do their weekly jobs
8:55 - 9:05 Circle time- Tefillah, community building activities
9:05 - 11:15 Work period- children choose work from any area in the classroom: math,
sensorial, Hebrew language, English language, writing, pre-language, art, or practical life.
Children can work independently, with a friend, or receive a lesson from a teacher.
11:15 - 11:20 Clean up
11:20 - 11:30 Circle time- Interactive group lesson on weekly Parsha/ holidays/ current theme,
using songs, activities, and visuals.
11:30 - 11:55 Lunch
11:55 - 12:00 Bentsch (Grace after meals)
12: 00 - 12:10 Get ready for outside time
12:10 - walk to park
12:20 - playground/ outdoor play
12:50 - walk back to school
1:00 - 1:10 Dismissal of half day children
1:00 - 1:10 full day children get ready for rest time
1:10 - 1:30 rest/ quiet time
1:30 - 3:00 work period/ enrichment period- children choose work from any area in the
classroom: math, sensorial, Hebrew language, English language, writing, pre-language, art, or
practical life. Children can work independently, with a friend, or receive a lesson from a
3:00 - 3:10 clean up
3:10 - 3:20 game/music activity
3:20 - 3:30 get ready to go home
Parent Visits
All parents are allowed to visit their children at the school at any time of the day.
Policy for Personal Belongings Brought to School
We ask that children not bring toys from home, except on days that we have “show and share,”
which you will be informed of in advance.
Leave at school
Pre-school children are required to have 2 complete changes of weather-appropriate
clothing including:
2 pairs of underwear
2 pairs of socks
1 sweaters/sweatshirts
2 shirts
2 pairs of long pants or skirts
1 pair of rubber-soled slippers with backs. Children often have difficulty keeping
clog-styled slippers on their feet and often trip over loose slippers. All slippers need
to have backs.
On the occasion that clothes provided by the school are taken home, please return promptly.
Severe/Inclement Weather
We go outdoors every day, even in the middle of winter. Snow does not stop us. The only
days we do not go outdoors are when it is raining or the temperature drops below 27 degrees
Fahrenheit. In order to insure that your child is prepared for Chicago’s winter winds, cold and
snow, please send:
 Snow boots
 Warm coat
 Snow pants/suit
 Hat
 Scarf
 Mittens/gloves
Outdoor Play Plan
Children will be going to the park every day, weather permitting. Please make sure your
children are dressed accordingly. We will be using Rogers Park as our outdoor play area. We
will be using safety measures to walk to the park including but not limited to a stop sign for
stopping traffic while crossing the street, the buddy system, and teachers positioned in the front
and back of the line.
Birthdays at Shaarei Chinuch Day School are celebrated by remembering each year of a
child’s life. Parents are invited to join the class at the morning community time to share
stories and memories of their child’s life. The child then creates a birthday timeline.
Parents are asked to send in one picture from each year of the child’s life. If possible
parents should bring in a copy of the pictures that they do not mind not getting back
since the children will be gluing them onto their timeline.
Parents are asked to send in a non-dairy cake mix to be prepared by the children as a
snack later that day.
Parents may donate their child’s favorite book in honor of the birthday and read it to the
Special Activities
At Shaarei Chinuch Day School we will occasionally take walking trips to local places of
interest. The school may also arrange for special field trips. You will receive information
about these special field trips in advance, including details about the destination and the
transportation arrangements. Each child will sit in the appropriate carseat required by law, and
will be securely buckled at all times. All drivers will be those working for an official school
transportation company. You will be required to sign a permission form in order for us to
take your child on the trip. Some field trips may also require payment of an activity fee.
We encourage parents to join us on our field trips, as volunteers.
Several annual events are designed to include parents in our special activities. These will
be announced in the school newsletter.
Legal Responsibility
The persons who are legally responsible for the program and have immediate responsibility for
the daily conduct of the program are:
Daniella Adar
2717 W. Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
Mushka Kulek
2717 W. Touhy Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
Conduct Expectations for Students
We believe that all students and teachers have the right to learn and teach in a safe,
friendly, supportive and non-disruptive environment. We strive to educate our students to
become responsible for their own learning. We also believe that students need to learn and
uphold the responsibilities necessary to show respect and keep to the guidelines of
maintaining a successful educational atmosphere.
We strive to create a school
environment where all members of our community can feel safe, physically, socially and
emotionally. We will educate the students on appropriate behaviors that relate to
classroom, school, interpersonal relationships and property. Students will be expected to
abide by these guidelines. In order to achieve these goals we have outlined the following
1. No biting or consistently aggressive behavior. (We do realize that these
are preschool age children and some behaviors will arise; however, we
want to make sure all children and staff members feel safe).
2. Use respectful language with teachers and fellow students. Even when
upset, one should communicate those feelings appropriately rather than by
using inappropriate language and/or physical fighting.
3. Respect the property of the school, fellow students and staff members.
4. Behave appropriately during outside play time.
Mistakes happen and it is normal for children to test limits. It is our goal to help our
students learn and grow from their mistakes. As much as we don’t want to focus on
the negative behavior, we also don’t want students to fall between the cracks. Monitoring
student behavior helps us to notice if a specific child is having difficulty in a particular area
and enables us to help the student get back on track.
In order to determine an appropriate consequence for undesirable behavior, several factors
will be taken into account such as the age of the child and the severity of the
infraction. The following is a list of potential consequences which may result from a student
not adhering to the aforementioned expectations.
o Teacher-Student conference: the teacher holds a meeting with the student, and
has a conversation about what the child did, why it was wrong, and how he/she
can improve their behavior in the future.
o Parent communication: a meeting is held with the parent(s) and teachers, to
discuss the child’s behavior. Parents are invited to share their thoughts about why
this may be happening, and to suggest solutions. Teachers and parent(s) work
together to create a plan to help change the child’s behaviors.
o Early dismissal from school: in situations where the child is doing things that
create an unsafe environment for himself, his classmates, or the staff members,
the child’s parents will be called and asked to pick him up early from school.
Health and Safety Standards
Meal Program
It is our goal to provide a healthy environment for all our students. To that end, we offer
2 healthy snacks ( 1 f o r h a l f d a y c h i l d r e n ) and 1 hot lunch daily (kosher, cholov
yisroel, pas yisroel and bishul yisroel). Pl ea s e mak e su r e t o l et u s k n ow ab ou t
an y s p e ci al n eed s or al l e rgi es you r c h i l d / c h i l d r en may h av e as Shaarei
Chinuch Day School will try our best to accommodate these special needs and allergies. In
certain instances, in may be deemed best for a child to bring lunch and snacks from home
in order to insure his or her safety. Kosher and dietary expectations will be discussed with
these families on a case-by-case basis. In these situations, all food brought to school must
be store bought and in its original packaging, and must display one of the following
Kosher symbols:
Illness, Injury and Healthcare Guidelines
Our responsibility for conducting a safe and healthy school includes taking special care to
limit the spread of illness. While we cannot prevent all illness, we can reduce its
incidence and severity. These guidelines establish a framework for both staff and families
to determine if a child is well enough to attend school.
Hand Washing
Frequent and proper hand washing prevents the spread of many germs. Parents, teachers
and children should wash their hands upon arrival, after eating and after using the toilet
(or being changed). Parents and staff are to wash their hands before joining children’s
Daily Admission
When you arrive in the morning, you may let your child’s teacher know about any
changes in behavior or eating and sleeping patterns. The state of Illinois requires that
we not accept children into the class who exhibit any obvious symptoms of illness.
Please use the following guidelines to determine whether your child is healthy enough to
come to school: (We also use this list of symptoms to know when to contact you regarding
any symptoms of illness that develop while your child is at school.)
If your child has just one of these symptoms they must be kept away from school until
they are symptom free for 24 hours:
 Diarrhea (more than one watery stool within four hours or with any other
associated symptom)
 Severe coughing (high pitched “croupy” or “whooping” sounds or the face
gets discolored
 Tearing, irritation and redness of the eye lining, followed by swelling and
discharge (pink eye or conjunctivitis)
 Undiagnosed spots or rash
 Vomiting
If your child has one or more of the following symptoms with a fever of 100 or above or
two or more of these symptoms even without fever they must be kept away from school
until they are fever and/or symptom free for 24 hours:
Green mucus
Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
Unusually dark, tea-colored urine
Gray or white stools
Severe itching of the body or scalp
Headache with stiff neck
Loss of appetite
General lethargy
Infected skin with crusty, bright yellow, dry or gummy areas
You will be contacted by your child’s teacher if any of these symptoms are observed when
your child is in the classroom and asked to come pick up your child.
As doctors recommend, we ask that parents keep their child with a fever home until
he or she is fever-free for 24 hours, as a fever may cycle up and down over a 24hour period. This allows your child to recover fully and return well-rested and able
to participate in all activities.
You are welcome to call us with any questions about whether your child is well enough to
attend. Also, remember that if a child is too ill to participate in basic activities, including
outside play, the child is too ill to be at school. Please call the school and leave a message
as soon as you know your child will be absent due to illness.
Notice of Communicable Disease
It is imperative that all communicable diseases be reported to the school immediately
upon diagnosis. When we learn that a child has a communicable disease, we will notify
the parents of the type of disease and when their child may have been exposed. To protect
the child’s privacy, and in accordance with state and federal regulations, the name of
the child who is ill is not mentioned in this notice. Any child or staff member may not
return without medical authorization or until the signs and symptoms of the disease are no
longer present.
 Chickenpox - All lesions are dry and crusted.
 Impetigo (Blisters that are covered with honey-colored crusts) - Child will be
readmitted at least 24 hours after the start of medication. If there is not
improvement after 48 hours, the child should be reassessed by a physician.
 Conjunctivitis (Commonly known as “pink eye.” Defined as a redness of the eye
with burning and thick purulent discharge) - Child will be readmitted at least 24
hours after the start of medication and/or drainage present.
 Lice and Scabies - Following medical treatment.
 Pin worms - No restrictions following start of treatment.
 Hepatitis - Physician’s statement required for re-admittance.
 Strep Throat - No sooner than 24 hours after the start of oral medication.
 Giardia - Following medical treatment.
Further information regarding common child-related communicable diseases can be found at:
Administration of Medication
Administering medication to children by program staff requires that you provide, in
writing, approval and instructions for administering the medication. Should your child
need to take medication during the day, we ask that you adhere to the following procedures:
 Submit the permission form noted above for administration of medication.
 All medications, including over the counter ones, are to be sent to school in their
original container and given to the office with your child’s name, time directions
and dosage indicated clearly.
All parents of students with allergies must fill out an Individual Risk Assessment Form
(IRAP), found on the next page, and submit it at orientation. In addition, submit a labeled
Epi-pen to the teacher (if needed). You may provide an additional one to carry with us when
we go to the park.
Allergic To:
Severity of
Severe (Anaphylactic)
Action Plan)
See Asthma
Other precautions:
We have reviewed the following allergy plans for
Individual Risk Assessment Plan
Emergency Action Plan
Plans should be reviewed and modified as needed before each school year.
Health Record
Every child attending Shaarei Chinuch Day School must have a completed medical form on
file. This form is issued by the State of Illinois and contains three parts:
 Medical History (with parent signature)
 Proof of Immunization (with physician signature)
 Physical Examination (with physician signature)
In compliance with Illinois State Law, new health forms/updated health forms are required:
 For all new students
 Prior to the school year in which the child reaches 5
 Dental examinations are required in the kindergarten year
Completed examination forms must be submitted prior to the first day of school, as this is
part of Shaarei Chinuch Day School’s reporting requirement to the Illinois Department of
Children and Family Services (DCFS). Students without a health form on file will not be
allowed in to school.
Immunization Requirements
The Illinois Department of Health requires each child to be current with the following
Oral Polio
Lead Test
Hepatitis B
Varicella (chickenpox)
Exact dates of immunization must be indicated on the medical form completed by the physician.
Please check the form before submitting it to the school to be sure that all information is properly
Emergencies, Accidents, and Treatment
Emergency Preparedness
Our emergency preparedness program has been carefully designed to make certain that your
children will be well cared for in an emergency. All of our teachers are certified in First Aid and
Adult, Child and Infant CPR. We have emergency supplies on hand, including first aid, water
and food supplies. Employees will wear disposable latex gloves when treating a wound. If needed,
we will call 911 and transfer the child to the closest hospital; Swedish Covenant Hospital 5145 N
California Ave, and attempt to contact you immediately.
Emergency Contacts
In the event of an emergency during school hours, we will immediately attempt to contact you
or those listed as your emergency contacts at the telephone numbers you have provided on the
Application Form. T h e r e f o r e , it is very important that you keep this information up-to-date
and notify us in writing if any changes occur.
In Case of Emergency
If a child needs emergency care because of an accident or illness that occurs while the child is in
our care, we will attempt to contact the child's parents at the phone numbers provided for that
purpose. If unable to locate the parents, our attempts to do so will be documented in the child's
file. Any major and minor accidents or illnesses that happen to a child will be recorded in the file,
and parents will be notified. These reports will include the time and place of the incident or injury,
and details about how it occurred. When medical care is necessary, a statement signed by the
physician attending the child, describing the nature and the extent of injury, will also be included.
In the Event of a Large- Scale Emergency
Shaarei Chinuch Day School is registered with the Emergency Closing Center. If the school must
be closed for any reason in the event of an emergency, we will alert the center to announce
the closing in the following ways:
AM Radio: WGN 720, WBBM 780
Television: CBS 2, NBC 5, ABC 7, WGN 9, FOX 32
1-900-407-SNOW (.95 per minute)
Signup at www.emergencyclosings.com
We will also send out a calling post phone message.
Shaarei Chinuch Day School holds a general liability insurance policy with West Bend Mutual.
Below are the coverage limits:
General Liability: $1,000,000/occurrence $3,000,000 aggregate (includes Abuse and Molestation
Coverage and Professional Liability)
Medical Payments: $10,000
Hired Bus: Auto Liability $1,000,000
Getting Involved
We will be posting a sign-up sheet for various opportunities for involvement which include such
things as bringing in fresh flowers, snacks for the week, supplies for the school, etc. Please look
for these sign-up sheets. There will also be a wish list posted both on the website and at the school.
We would like for parents to be involved, active participants in our school. In addition to creating
a community-like feel, this sends a very important message to the children; that their education is
a top priority for their parents. Therefore, each family is required to put in $500 worth of give/get
time each year. How can this obligation be satisfied?
 For all volunteering time, such as chaperoning field trips, helping out with special events,
shopping for school, etc, each hour spent counts as 20$ of give/get time.
 Attending Parent's Nights counts as 50$ of give/get time, for each parent that attends.
 Any money fundraised or spent for the school counts directly off your give/get
requirement, dollar per dollar.
At the year's end, parents that haven't filled their give/get quota will be billed the remaining
Staying in Touch
We realize that you are interested in your child’s progress and may have various topics you wish to
discuss with the teachers. Although this is the case, it is best to make an appointment to discuss
your child rather than using drop off or pick up for this. The best way to contact your child’s
teacher is via e-mail:
Morah Daniella Adar - Daniella@scdayschool.com, cell: 847-477-8441
Morah Mushky Kulek - Mushky@scdayschool.com, cell: 773-789-9579
The email addresses that you provided on your enrollment agreement will be added to o u r
email distribution list.
School Website
Our website www.scdayschool.com contains information about the school including news and
upcoming events, daily activities and a gallery of pictures of the children. So visit often!
For those who have Facebook accounts, please “like” our Shaarei Chinuch Day School Page as
well as request to join the Shaarei Chinuch Day School Parents Group. The latter of the two is a
closed group for safety reasons, so that anyone who is not affiliated with our school cannot view
photos, videos and other items of interest. Notices of upcoming events, reminders and other
pertinent information is regularly included on our page.
Our school phone number is 872-208-5182. If nobody answers and you need to get through to us
before the school day is over, please send a text message to 847-477-8441.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences take place twice each year. A sign-up sheet will be made available a few weeks
prior to the conference date. You may schedule additional conferences with your child’s teachers
at any time.
Shaarei Chinuch Day School guarantees the confidentiality and access of student records
in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Shaarei Chinuch Day School is a religious Jewish school dedicated to the teaching of Torah
values, Jewish culture and religious observances and practices in the Orthodox Jewish
tradition. All students and faculty will be expected to respect and/or adhere to these practices
during school. Subject to the foregoing, Shaarei Chinuch Day School is committed to a policy
of non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration
of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school administered decisions.
Shaarei Chinuch Day School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to
all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to
students at the school.
I am signing this document because I have read this whole handbook, and I
understand Shaarei Chinuch Day School’s policies and expectations. I also
understand that all Shaarei Chinuch Day School students/parents will be held
accountable for the policies and expectations explained in this handbook. I will do
my part to make sure Shaarei Chinuch Day School’s policies and expectations are
Student Name (printed)
Parent/Guardian Signature