Business Studies Research Task

Year 11
Business Studies
Australian International School Singapore
The Business Research Task is a research project that provides a culmination to the
Preliminary Course. It draws together aspects of the business and planning process
studied throughout the year. The nature of the task provides students with a practical
opportunity to combine their knowledge with the skills developed throughout the
course. It is a valuable learning exercise and an important resource for study and
revision. The task will contribute 30% of the Preliminary Course assessment mark.
The task is designed to ‘bring to life’ much that you will be studying in class by
demonstrating how it is applicable to the business you have chosen to establish. It is a
practical task where you undertake a study of the key aspects of a business of your
selection. Through researching for this task, you will become equipped with many skills
that may be useful to your future career – what ever that may be.
The skills you are developing include:
research skills
interpretation of source material
investigation and inquiry skills
interpersonal communication skills
presentation skills
identification and analysis of current business trends and issues
evaluation of material
The Business Research Task requires students to undertake the following:
identify their research focus
devise a plan of approach
gather and process relevant data
critically review the plan and the process
clearly communicate the results
The outcomes being addressed in this task require that the student:
discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business structure
explains the internal and external influences on business
Describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to medium
Assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functions
Plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues
Evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations
Communicates business information and issues in appropriate formats
The Business Research Task at the Australian International School Singapore (AISS)
consists of investigating a business and presenting a Business Report. This is the
development of a plan for an existing business.
The Business Report should be presented in a report format. It is the most suitable text
type for this task. Through using this structure you can divide your business into
sections and subsections, thus obtaining a holistic approach to the business.
Ensure that the document has the proper lay out. Each section and subsection should be
titled. There must be a table of contents; various sub headings, a bibliography and an
appendix. You may choose to concentrate on certain sub topics within each core area
for your task. Be concise and precise in communicating your ideas.
Reports have a special format and appearance.
These parts include:
Main Heading or Title
Business Reports have many parts.
A heading to indicate what the report is about.
Identifies the writer to show business decision makers who the
report has come from.
Executive Summary
This is a brief paragraph, which outlines the purpose of the
report and the main features in it. From this it is possible to
gain the idea of what the report is about without having to read
the whole task.
Table of Contents
The table of contents, at the beginning of your report is a list
of where information can be located in your assignment.
A good Business Research Task must always have a table of
contents. This gives the reader an idea of the format of the
report, the areas it covers and what structure it follows. The
table should include relevant page numbers corresponding to
the relevant page number of that section of your report.
The format of your table of contents may vary according to the
needs of your report.
Remember that the table of contents is one of the first things a
marker will see of your assignment so ensure that it is clear,
ordered and demonstrates a logical sequence.
Sub- Headings
To show what each section and paragraph is about.
Used to show different sections or parts of some business idea
that is discussed in a paragraph or section
Bullet Points,
Highlighting, Bold
Will include business information presented in tables, charts,
diagrams and flowcharts.
Reports use sentences to express one or two ideas. Usually in
Business Reports the sentences are short and precise.
Reports include paragraphs which contain 3 or 4 sentences
about similar ideas. There is often a heading which signals
information about an important idea.
These are used to emphasise or draw attention to key points
and important ideas.
Reports usually contain recommendations or directions for
business action, so that the business will know what action
This will summarise all the information contained in the report.
The bibliography is a list of materials you have referred to in
completing your business assignment. The bibliography is a list
of references used. See the library guidelines. This will be the
required format.
Bibliographies are often incomplete due to students losing the
specific date of a publication or forgetting the publishing
details. Be accurate!
The appendix is where you put all the additional information
(such as copies of data) which is relevant to your report and to
which you make reference in your report.
When referring to material in the appendix of your assignment,
indicate by saying something like ….. ‘as evidence in Appendix
1 – (title of appendix) – on page …’ or this can be seen in
Appendix 1 - (title of appendix) – on page …..’
The appendix is a very useful part of your Business Research
Task and you should make use of it accordingly.
A High Standard Report
A high standard report will have the following features:
 identify the title and author
 focus on the purpose of the report
 contain headings
 contain sufficient paragraphs
 contain topic sentences
 include appropriate use of business terminology and concepts
 use the correct tense and voice
 contain a conclusion and/or recommendations
 contain no tense, misspelling or grammar errors
 contain illustrations and sub-headings
 contain logic or classification of ideas
1. Be organised
2. Plan what, how and when you will complete tasks
3. Allow plenty of time for re-drafting of work before submission
4. Use the syllabus as your guide. Make sure that you know specifically the
information requested
5. Be creative/ innovative – interesting and appealing ideas promote a greater work
6. Scaffold your work to ensure continuity as opposed to repetition.
Please note:
To ensure justice in assessment, it is essential that teachers are convinced that students
have presented their original work. Therefore, students will be required to do the
Register your choice of business with your teacher
Follow closely the plan of investigation agreed to between the teacher and the
Submit work at progress intervals
File all private research data associated with this task. This must be submitted as
an appendix to the written report.
When you begin researching your material for your task you need to ensure that you are
looking in the right place and ask the right people for help. Research alternatives
Journals and magazines
Company reports
Business people
All the above research alternatives are valuable sources of information.
includes both primary and secondary source material.
1. Primary sources of information:
Includes material such as surveys, observations,
questionnaires – all material that is first hand.
2. Secondary sources of information
Includes material such as TV documentaries, annual reports, newspaper
articles (ie; Financial Review, Bulletin), and magazines (ie; BRW). These
sources of information have been written by someone using information
from a business or the business environment.
What research methods have you been using? Have you had success? Do you need to
think of other research techniques? Are you getting answers for the questions you are
asking? Is the information you are gathering valid, adequate and correct?
All these questions should be considered when researching for your business. This is a
check to see that your research and the information that you have gathered is relevant
and practical.
Business Research Task
Stage 2
An oral report is an essential component of the Business Studies course. This exercise
gives students a chance to present in front of their peers (just as they would do in
business) and to illustrate the progress of the plan.
You are required to present your task to date. This will include details on your
progress, successes and failures, as well as reflective responses
Method of Presentation:
This is not meant to be a reading of a speech. You may use some palm cards to refer to;
however, those students who simply read will not do as well as those who present.
A presentation rather than a reading indicates:
 Time has been taken to learn and organise material
 A familiarity with the content
 An effort has been made to keep the audience interested
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 1
Due Date:
Word Limit:
Week 6, Term 1 Monday 25th February, 2013 @ 4pm
1000 words
Outcomes to be assessed:
Discusses the nature of business, its role in society and types of business
Explains the internal and external influences on businesses
Plans and conducts investigations into contemporary business issues
Executive Summary
1.0 Business Overview
Business Name
Legal Structure
Industry Category
History of Business
Prime Function
Mission Statement
Goals of the Business
2.0 Situational Analysis
Business Life Cycle
SWOT analysis
3.0 External Business Environment
Economic Influences
Technological Influences
Legal and Government
Critical Success Factors
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Bibliography
6.0 Appendix – Primary and Secondary data
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 1
Marking criteria:
10 - 9
Accurately describes the nature of the business
Analyses the external environment of the business
Well structured report, using business terminology and concepts
Undertakes substantial primary and secondary research and
includes evidence throughout the report
Provides detailed and appropriate referencing
Effective management of time and task
Describes the nature of the business
Business external environment identified and discussed
Prime function and mission statement formulated
Structured report format used that includes correct business
terminology and concepts
Both primary and secondary research conducted with evidence
Provides appropriate referencing
Time managed effectively
Description of the business given
Business external environment identified
Attempts to formulate a prime function and mission
Report format used
Some research conducted from both primary and/or secondary
May provide appropriate referencing
Time managed appropriately
Names the business
Names the business structure
Attempts to name prime function and mission
Some features of a report format used
Minimal or no research undertaken
Limited/no referencing
Poor time management
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 1
Due Date:
Week 6 – Monday 25th, February, 2013 onwards- presentations begin
with random selection
Outcomes to be assessed:
Explains the internal and external influences on business
Evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations
Communicates business information and issues in appropriate formats
You are required to present your task to date. This will include details on your progress,
successes and failures, as well as reflective responses.
Length of Presentation:
5-6 minutes
1. Business Overview
 Name
 Location
 Prime function
 Legal Structure
 Industry Category
 Description of Business History
 Goals
2. Situational Analysis
 A brief discussion of a few important, specific business environmental factors that
impact on the business through the use of a SWOT Analysis and Business Life Cycle
3. Data Gathering and Analysis
 Outline the steps taken
 Main sources of information
 Dealings you have had with business contacts
 Difficulties you have experienced
4. Presentation
 Maximum 6 slides – maximum 5 points per slide
 Engages audience
 Presentation as opposed to a speech
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 1 Oral
Marking criteria:
Description of the Business
Accurately describes the nature of the business
Outlines the nature of the business
Situational Analysis
Clearly discusses the impact of the external environment
on the business
Comprehensive analysis of the Business Life Cycle and
Describes the impact of the external environment on the
Some use of the Business Life Cycle and SWOT
Data Gathering and Analysis
Describes, with some examples, the data gathering
procedures used
Briefly outlines, the data gathering procedures used
Good articulation and organisation of presentation
Delivery and structure of presentation could be
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 2
Due Date:
Word Limit:
Week 5, Term 3 – Monday 12th August, 2013 4pm
1500 words
Outcomes to be assessed:
Describes the factors contributing to the success or failure of small to
medium enterprises
Assesses the processes and interdependence of key business functions
Evaluates information for actual and hypothetical business situations
7.0. Operations Plan
'Operations' means the way things work or the process by which you prepare, produce or
obtain the products and services you offer. It is concerned with transforming inputs into
throughputs which in turn produces outputs. It will involve key decisions made in regard
Operational Objectives
Facilities - location, buildings, layout, plant
Materials - inventory/stock, raw materials
Production process
Quality management
8.0 The Marketing Plan
Your target market has to be identified using market research. Then determine your
marketing plan, which is a group of strategy statements that involve:
Marketing Objectives
Identification of the target market
Marketing mix
Product – branding, positioning, packaging
Price – including strategies
Promotion - methods
Place - channels of distribution.
9.0 The Finance Plan
In order to conduct business activities and monitor performance, financial objectives and
statements need to be formulated. As most businesses maintain confidential accounts of
their financial position, mock financial statements will be completed in class. However, if
you are investigating a public company, access the latest annual report and include any
financial statements in the appendices. The following statements will need to be created:
Financial Objectives
Cash flow statement
Balance sheet – debt-equity mix, profitability
Income statement
The Human Resources Plan
You should use a strategic approach in drawing up your human resource objectives, and
 Human Resource Objectives
 Recruitment
 Training
 Employment contracts
 Separation
11.0 Conclusion
12.0 Bibliography
13.0 Appendix – Primary and Secondary data
Business Studies Research Task
Stage 2
Marking criteria:
10 - 9
Clearly analyses the four key business functions
Well structured report, using business terminology, diagrams and
key business functions correctly
Substantial research conducted from both primary and secondary
sources with evidence included
Provides detailed and appropriate referencing
Effective management of time and task
Limited analysis of the four key business functions
Structured report format used that includes correct business
terminology, diagrams and key business functions
Sufficient research conducted from both primary and secondary
sources with evidence included
Provides appropriate referencing
Time managed effectively
Description of the four key business functions
May use features of report format
Some research conducted from primary and/or secondary
May reference appropriately
Time managed appropriately
Limited identification/outline of business/key business functions
Limited features of a report format used
Minimal or no research/referencing undertaken
Poor time management