PowerPoint Final Exam Project/Rehearse and Present

Division of Business, Information Technologies, and Creative Arts
Course Title/Number: MIC 101, Introduction to Microcomputer Applications
Item: 1953-Section 2
Quarter/Year Spring 2012
Credits: 4
Meeting Times: 10-10:50 MTWTH
Room: 3173
Instructor: Mike Taylor, M.Ed
Office Location: 3176A
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office Phone: 206-934-4342
Email Address: michael.taylor@seattlecolleges.edu
Instructor Web Site: under construction TBA
Sam2010 Website: sam2010.course.com
Prerequisites: None, though some exposure to a personal computer and keyboarding is helpful. Note for
student who have no prior computing background, Lab survival courses MIC 102 s are STRONGLY
Drops/Adds and Important Dates
Holidays: Memorial Day Monday 5/28
Last Day to Add: 4/13
Last Day to Drop: 5/25
Last day of Instruction: 6/12
Final Exam Date: 6/15, 8am-10am
Special Needs/ADA Compliance If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if
you have emergency medical information to share, or if you need special arrangements in case the building
must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.
FERPA Compliance: This class will fully comply with the Federal Education Right to Privacy Act. If you have
any question please see me, or the registrar or the division dean.
Emergency Information (Delayed Starts, Closures due to weather) If it snows, please listen to the weather
reports to see if the school is closed. If the weather is very bad and snow is expected, please do one of the
1. Check the Seattle Central website: www.seattlecentral.edu
2. Check www.schoolreport.org – click on the “college” tab at the left and then on Seattle Central
Community College.
3. Call the Seattle Central closure line: 206-934-5464
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
10 a.m.
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Course Description: An introduction to microcomputer applications for Windows. Includes an overview of
Windows7, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and essential email and internet skills.
Course Purpose/Overview/Goals: The purpose of this course is to provide a fundamental understanding and
overview of Windows and widely used applications software. . The primary software that will be taught is
Office 2010 consisting of Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint and Outlook. This course will
emphasize key skills and concepts in word processing, spreadsheet, database, Internet, and presentation
software, which can be built upon in depth either in the workplace or in additional courses.
Special Note with students with significant MS Office 2010 background:
If you wish to challenge the course if it is a program prerequisite you may be eligible for an additional fee. If
you are receiving financial aid, check with the FA office prior to making this decision. Please also check with
you program advisor or counselor.
Required Materials and Network Access: Access to student network drive (available through your payment
of your computer lab and Universal Technology Fee) Portable storage media, preferably a thumb drive available
through purchase of your textbook. (Hardware limitations prevent saving your work done in our class lab on
CD) You will also need Print Card or photo ID to print your work.
Please direct all questions regarding printing fees and issues with your print card to our college
computing center staff. This includes any printing problems and charges you incurred in class where you may
have not had your output print.
Required Textbooks and Materials:
1. Microsoft Office 2010, Illustrated Series, First Course, Introductory. Beesken, Cram, Duffy,
Freidichsen and Reding, Course Technology, Cengage Learning.
2. SAM 2010 Access Code, Cengage Learning.
Materials are available through the college bookstore. Please be mindful if you purchase a used/rental or
eBook, you must still purchase as SAM Access code to complete assignments and exams.
Headsets for SAM assignments can be provided in the class. I would though strongly recommend you
purchase your own personal ones which you can use both in class and off campus.
Instructor’s Educational Philosophy: My educational philosophy stresses “learning by doing” and reducing
any anxiety you may have toward computers, and software. In learning software, one may get frustrated but
success does eventually come by persistence and discovering common concepts in learning all software which
can be applied far beyond this classroom setting. As technology continues to change at a rapid pace, grasping
these concepts will be even more beneficial than being an expert on just one application.
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
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Student Outcomes/Competencies:
After completing this course, students should be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas:
The Understanding Of Essential Software And Hardware Vocabulary.
The Use Of Windows To Manage Programs And Files
The Use Of Word Processing Programs To Create, Save, Edit And Print Documents.
The Use Of Spreadsheets For Basic Business Calculations.
The Use Of Database Programs To Extract Data, Queries And Reports.
The Use Of A Web Browser To Search And Locate Information On The Internet
The Ability To Plan And Construct A Presentation Through Use Of PowerPoint.
The Use Of On-Line Help To Assist In Trouble Shooting And Problem Solving.
The Integration Any Of The Skills Listed Above As Needed.
Methods of Instruction:
1. Lecture and Group Discussion
2. Guided and Independent hands-on Practice
3. Cooperative and Individual Activities to reinforce course goals.
Student Assignments: All of your assignments are listed on the weekly calendar on this syllabi Assignment are
due the following week. Late assignments are accepted only if I am advised ahead of time and may be subject
to partial credit. If you are unable to complete the required assignments during the lab time, you are encouraged
to use the computer center. If you have not used the computer center, please see me or obtain an information
flyer from the front desk in Room 3148 I and in your text book.
Feedback to Student and Course Policies:
I am happy to provide you verbal feedback on your progress at any time during the course. Completed
assignments will be returned to you and if applicable have comments if you so request. NOTE: Unclaimed
graded assignments will be recycled 2 weeks after they have been graded. The use of the Internet and email in
class labs should be limited to course related projects and assignments. The SCCC student computing center is
available to you to pursue non MIC 101 related computer use.
Cell Phone and Pagers should be turned off or vibrate when in the lab or lecture.
Attendance: While attendance is not a graded criterion, it is critical that you make every effort to be here. It
has been my experience that consistent attendance directly affects your success in this course. No amount of
make-up work can replace the lecture and the planned lab activities for you. If you know ahead of time that you
cannot attend class please email me or call and leave a message.
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
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Grading: Listed below is how your course grade will be determined:
Grading Criteria
Text Book and SAM
Final GROUP Project*
Total Available Points
*Final project must be completed by a group of 2-4. No points issued for individual final projects.
Final Grade:
Points Earned
The total of the points earned in each grading criteria converted as follows:+.
Grade Received
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
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(Subject to change)
Text or Handout
Intro to course. Syllabus review,
Handout Assignment
Intro to Student network, essentials on student network and
Windows folder and file
Windows 7 Due:
management skills, Tour College
Week of 4/9
Computer Center.
Word 2010.
Word: Pages 6-9
(Morocco tour memo)
Sam 2010 registration. Sam
Word Pages: 26-35 Access code required.
Lecture PR) Due:
Week of 4/16
Word 2010
Word Pages:5067(Last Minute Deal)
Due: Week of 4/23
Word Midterm. Intro to Excel
Excel Page 4-17(Trip
Advisor Payroll)
Calculator) Due:
Week of 4/30
Excel: Formulas and Functions
Excel Page 26-41
Due: Week of 5/7
Excel: Charts
Excel Pages 80-95
Due: Week of 5/14
Week Of
Excel/Intro to Access
Access contd./ Outlook
PowerPoint Final Exam Project.
Excel Midterm
Due: Week of 5/21
No textbook Assn.
SAM Assignments
only. Due: Week of
PowerPoint Final
Exam Handout and
Instructions.(no text
book assignments for
Work in groups on
final presentation.
SAM Windows 7
Training, SAM Word
Training 1-2
SAM Project Word
SAM Practice Test
SAM Word Midterm
SAM Excel Training 1
SAM Excel Training
Sam Projects 1 and 2.
(Project 3 -4 optional
extra credit) Sam
Excel: SAM Practice
Sam Excel Midterm
Sam Access Training
and Projects. Sam
Training, Outlook and
Sam PowerPoint.
Establish groups for
group final exam.
Due Week of 6/4
Complete any
outstanding SAM and
or text book
PowerPoint Final Exam
Please refer to handout given in class on project
Project/Rehearse and Present
Final Exam (GROUP PowerPoint Presentation) Date: 6/15 8-10 am
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
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Learning resources and funding through special programs. Please utilize your customized SAM training
CD. It is very useful and excellent way to learn at your own pace and answer some issues you may have with
certain parts of the applications you will learn. You are encouraged to use the Computer Center and its labs at
any time during normal operating hours. Please adhere to all the labs policies and procedures regarding
identification, fees, and appropriate use of all equipment and software. Technical support is available to assist
with basic questions you may have. Reference materials are also available though the Computer Center.
Tutors if available can be located in room 2102
Those students wishing to use the lab and who are being funded through special programs such as VA, Worker
Retraining, Women’s Studies etc. or who are awaiting financial aid are responsible to make sure that there
computer lab fees are have been paid. Check with your special program representatives as well as with the
computer center on consistent basis to make sure this happens. If not you will be unable to use your classroom
lab, computer center, access SCCC email all which may result in your assignments not being completed or
being on time.
MMT 9/2011
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
10 a.m.
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Cover Sheet for Assignment
Assignment Name
Student Name(s)
Class Code
Class Time
Unstapled Assignments Will Not Be Accepted.
Create additional Coversheets with Word to attach to textbook assignments.
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.
MIC 101
Spring -2012
Item 1953
10 a.m.
Page 8
Mission Statement
Seattle Central Community College promotes educational excellence in a multicultural urban environment. We ensure opportunities for academic achievement,
workplace preparation, and service to the community by creating a learning environment which is accessible, diverse, responsive and innovative.