Meet the Organelles

Meet the Organelles
Meet the Organelles
1) Give each group a copy of slide 3 (animal cell)
and slide 7 (the plant cell). Students will copy
these outlines in their science notebooks.
2) Cut out the organelles and place in an envelope
labeled “Meet the Organelles”
3) Students will place the organelles on each
outline at their desk as they pull them out and
read them. Students will then label them on the
outlines they created in their notebook.
Cesar Cytoplasm:
I am the gel-like
substance inside the
cell membrane that
holds all of the
Nerdy the Nucleus:
I am the control center of
the cell.
I am the power
house of the
Cedric the Cell Membrane:
I am the protector of the cell.
I control what comes in the
cell and what leave the cell.
Cesar Cytoplasm:
I am the gel-like
substance inside the cell
membrane that holds all
of the organelles!
Nerdy the Nucleus:
I am the control center of
the cell.
I am the power
house of the
Wally the Cell Wall:
I am the tough layer
outside the cell
membrane. I provide
support for PLANT cells.
Chloe Chloroplast:
I use the sun’s
energy to
produce food for
a PLANT cell.
Vinnie Vacuole:
I am the large
organelle in
PLANT cells that
holds water and