Social Media Metrics-a framework and guidelines for managing

Social Media Metrics
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Special Issue: Social Media Think:Lab Thought Leaders‘ Summit
Social Media Metrics A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media
Kay Peters*1
Yubo Chen2
Andreas M. Kaplan3
Björn Ognibeni4
Koen Pauwels5
* Corresponding Author
Professor of Marketing, SVI-Endowed Chair, University of Hamburg, Esplanade 36, 20354
Hamburg, Germany, email:, Tel. +49 (40) 42838-9510; Visiting
Professor at the Graduate School of Management, University of California Davis, USA
Professor of Marketing, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China 100084, email:
Professor of Marketing, Director of Brand and Communication, ESCP Europe, 79 avenue de la
République, 75543 Paris cedex 11, France, email:
Managing Director, BuzzRank, Rosenstrasse 3, 20097 Hamburg, Germany, email:
Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, Oezyegin University, Nişantepe District,
Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy–Istanbul, Turkey, email:
Social Media Metrics
Social Media Metrics A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media
Social media are becoming ubiquitous and need to be managed like all other media that
organizations employ towards their goals. However, social media are fundamentally different from
any traditional or online media because of their social network structure and egalitarian nature.
These differences require a distinct measurement approach as a prerequisite for their proper
analysis and subsequent management. To guide organizations and researchers in developing the
right social media metrics for their dashboard, we are providing them with a tool kit consisting of
three novel components: First, we theoretically derive and propose a holistic framework that
covers the major elements of social media, drawing on theories from sociology, marketing, and
psychology. We continue to support and detail these elements, namely motives, content, network
structure, and social roles & interactions, with recent research studies. Second, based on our
theoretical framework, the literature review, and our practical experiences, we suggest 9
guidelines that may prove valuable for designing appropriate social media metrics and
constructing sensible social media dashboards. Third, we derive managerial implications and
suggest an agenda for future research.
Social Media; Key Performance Indicators; Dashboard; Return on Invest; Learning
Theory; Interactionist Social Theory; Network Theory; Attribution Theory; M-O-A
Social Media Metrics
Social Media Metrics A Framework and Guidelines for Managing Social Media
Social media are becoming an ever more important part of an organization’s media mix.
Accordingly, organizations are starting to manage them like traditional offline and online media
(e.g., Albuquerque et al. 2012, Hartmann 2010; Zhang et al. 2012). To this end, many
organizations subsume social media metrics into their marketing dashboards as a reduced
collection of key performance metrics (Pauwels et al. 2008). In a first approach, managers may be
tempted to apply the concepts of traditional media metrics for the measurement, analysis, and
management of social media.
However, social media are substantially different from the other media (e.g., Godes et al.
2005, Hoffman and Novak 2012). In contrast to other media, they rather resemble living,
interconnected, egalitarian and interactive organisms beyond the control of any organization.
Thus, they require a distinct approach to measurement, analysis, and subsequently their
management. But what are these fundamental differences of social media, what are their main
interacting elements, how should organizations and researchers capture them in metrics for their
analysis, what can they learn from the extant marketing literature, and how should they integrate
such metrics into their social media dashboards?
To guide organizations and researchers in developing the right social media metrics for
their dashboard, we are providing them with a tool kit consisting of three novel components: First,
we theoretically derive and propose a holistic framework that covers the major elements of social
media, drawing on theories from sociology, marketing, and psychology. We continue to support
and detail these elements, namely motives, content, network structure, and social roles &
Social Media Metrics
interactions, with recent research studies. Second, based on our theoretical framework, the
literature review, and our practical experiences, we suggest 9 guidelines that may prove valuable
for designing appropriate social media metrics and constructing sensible dashboards. Third, we
derive managerial implications and suggest an agenda for future research.
The Framework: Theoretical Foundation
For the derivation of guidelines on how design appropriate metrics and construct a sensible
dashboard for social media we require a proper framework. We develop this framework by first
defining what constitutes a metric, a dashboard, and social medium. In a second step, we derive a
framework from theoretical considerations and support it through the recent literature on social
Metric. Farris et al. (2006) define a metric as a measuring system that quantifies a trend,
dynamic, or characteristic. More generally, one could argue that metrics either describe or
quantify a state, i.e., characteristic, or a process, i.e., a dynamic, trend, or evolution. Additionally,
states or processes may be stochastic and thus require additional information on the level of
certainty, i.e., likelihoods or variance. In research as well as business, metrics are employed to
define goals, measure their degree of completion or the deviation from them, and subsequently
implement measures to improve on these metrics. Farris et al. (2006) categorize different types of
metrics: Amounts (e.g., volumes, sales), percentages (e.g., fractions or decimals), counts (e.g., unit
sales or number of competitors), ratings (e.g., scales), and indices (e.g., price index).
Ailawadi et al. (2003) summarize 7 requirements from a 1999 MSI workshop on brand
equity metrics. The ideal metric should be (1) grounded in theory, (2) complete (encompassing all
Social Media Metrics
facets), (3) diagnostic (able to flag downturns or improvements and provide insights into the
reasons for the change), (4) able to capture future potential, (5) objective, (6) based on readily
available data, (7) a single number, (8) intuitive and credible to senior management, (9) robust,
reliable and stable over time, yet able to reflect changes in brand health and (10) validated against
other equity measures. For social media metrics, we believe relevant challenges include theory
grounding, completeness and diagnosticity (1-3), being intuitive and credible to senior
management, and reliable over time (8-9). Due to the distinct nature of social media, we will argue
that objectivity may be rather replaced by inter-subjectivity and pragmatic corridors of comfort (5)
and add that convenience of available data or metrics should not preclude the construction of
theoretically indicated and more important metrics (6). In contrast to brand equity measurement,
we suggest the need for balancing metrics to sufficiently describe phenomena in social media (7) –
we agree with Ambler and Roberts (2006) that a pursuit of a single silver-bullet metric in this
context is ill-advised and will subsequently illustrate this challenge with examples. In this paper,
we offer a holistic framework for a reasonably complete and diagnostic compilation of social
media metrics and pay special attention on their over-time dynamics and reliability issues. As for
credibility to senior management (8), social media metrics need to be connected to marketing
actions and other dashboard metrics, and related to financial consequences, i.e., relevant
outcomes. As the latter is not the focus of our paper, we refer to De Haan, Pauwels, and Wiesel
(2013) and Sonnier, McAlister, and Rutz (2011) for a demonstration.
Dashboards. As we already indicate above, a single metric can rarely sufficiently describe
all relevant aspects to a goal, let alone social media. Hence, a sensible collection of metrics is
usually required to guide managers towards the completion of their goals. Pauwels et al. (2008)
define a dashboard as “a relatively small collection of interconnected key performance metrics and
underlying performance drivers that reflects both short- and long-term interests to be viewed in
Social Media Metrics
common throughout the organization.” They identify the challenges related to constructing
reasonable marketing dashboards as (1) the integration of various qualitative and quantitative
business activities to performance outcomes, (2) measuring short- and long-term marketing results
and assessing the evolution of marketing assets, and (3) isolating marketing effects from a plethora
of other influences in the market place (compare also Ambler 2003). An effective dashboard
reflects a shared definition and understanding of key drivers and outcomes within the firm,
diagnoses poor or excellent performance, allows for evaluating actions, enables organizational
learning, and supports decision making to improve performance (Pauwels et al. 2008). Several
steps are proposed on how to construct a dashboard: (1) select key metrics, (2) populate with data,
and (3) connect the metrics with each other as well as to financial outcomes (e.g., Reibstein et al.
2005). Connecting the metrics is important to make the dashboard insights actionable, the latter is
needed make it accountable.
However, the recent fragmentation of (social) media, proliferation of additional sales
channels, and the advent of “big data” manifested in the collection of user generated content
(UGC) on the web and in social media presents considerable challenges to the design of traditional
marketing dashboards, or subsumed social media dashboards. Accordingly, Fader and Winer
(2012) recommend a rather cautious approach to rich UGC data: it requires processing of vast
amounts of data of which most is qualitative in nature and may take a life of its own. New metrics
from social media such as likes, followers, and views might be simple, compare to traditional
media and are therefore tempting for firms to focus on. But such metrics may not reflect the
important aspects of social media and therefore mislead marketing efforts in a way that may even
harm an organization’s prospects. Hence, any new metric that will be suggested for such new
types of data or media requires a theoretical foundation and subsequent research to explore the
relationship between input, metric, and financial outcomes. Only then such metrics can be
Social Media Metrics
integrated into appropriate general marketing or subsumed social media dashboards. A
prerequisite for doing all this is to define and understand social media.
Social Media. The term ‘Social Media’ is a construct from two areas of research,
communication science and sociology. A medium, in the context of communication, simply is a
storage or transmission channel to store or deliver information or data. In the realm of sociology,
and in particular social (network) theory and analysis, social networks are social structures made
up of a set of social actors (i.e., individuals, groups or organizations) with a complex set of the
dyadic ties among them (Wasserman and Faust, 1994, pp. 1-27). Combined, social media are
communication systems that allow their social actors to communicate, i.e., exchange information,
along dyadic ties. As a consequence, and in stark contrast to traditional and other online media,
social media are egalitarian in nature. A brand is only another node in the network, not an
authority that can impose an exposure to commercial messages as in other media. Of course, we
see attempts to use banners or “sponsored stories” in such networks that mimic classic display
advertising. But those messages are diametrically opposed to the dialogic nature of social
networks built on individual relationships, as they often rudely interfere in other users (intimate)
conversations on (unrelated) issues.
Across social media, Alba et al. (1997) describe this dyadic relational interactivity as the
main differentiating characteristic of social media compared to other traditional offline and online
media: a medium needs to be multi-way, immediate, and contingent to qualify as a social one.
Stewart and Pavlou (2002) add that social media may have different degrees of interactivity, and
that for understanding contingency, context and structure, goals, sequences of actions and
reactions, as well as the characteristics of the respective medium need to be known. In addition,
Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) assign social media via social presence and self-presentation into six
Social Media Metrics
different groups: (1) collective projects (e.g., Wikipedia), (2) blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter),
(3) content communities (e.g., YouTube or brand sites), (4) social networks (e.g., facebook,
myspace, linkedin), (5) MMORPGs (e.g., World of Warcraft), and (6) social virtual worlds (e.g.,
SecondLife). Taken together, these definitions already suggest that social media may require
distinct metrics compared to traditional media, capturing in particular
their network characteristics, i.e., actors and dyadic ties,
the dynamics that reflect their immediate and multi-way nature,
the contingency aspects of information exchanged, and
the specifics of the respective social medium.
The distinct nature of social media thus prohibits the simple transfer of metrics from
traditional media. In an initial step, the metric development for social media requires a new
theory-driven framework that accounts for these fundamental differences and provides an
appropriate foundation.
A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Social Media
From a marketing perspective, ‘understanding’ translates into relating marketing input via
social media with desired marketing outcomes. Only if this connection is sufficiently understood,
learning from observed outcomes may improve future decision making on marketing inputs. This
logic relates to the Stimulus (S) → Organism (O) → Response (R) paradigm with its feedback
loop from Social Learning Theory as an overarching frame as depicted in Figure 1 (e.g., Bandura
1971; see Belk (1975) for an early marketing application).
Social Media Metrics
Initially, marketing inputs (Stimuli) and outcomes (Response) are assumed to compare to
frequently used marketing instruments (e.g., information, advertising, pricing) and (intermediate)
success metrics (e.g., awareness, brand liking, market share, sales, profit; Farris et al. 2006). As
social media, according to the definition above, constitute a different kind of organism compared
to traditional media, they require a closer investigation.
As described above, ‘social media’ are media that mimic or reflect social systems, which
are networks of actors that are linked through relational patterns. As social network theory and
subsequent network analysis focus on ties, both take predominantly a relational perspective, i.e.,
observed effects are primarily investigated through the properties of relations between actors,
instead of the actors’ properties (e.g., Burt 1980). In a first extension, Blau (1974, 1977) pushes
this relational view further, taking a rather macro-level perspective and describing the network
through a set of multidimensional parameters, i.e., nominal parameters (e.g., age) or gradual
parameters that rank order members (e.g., income). A striking feature of these parameters is that
they pertain to distributions and dynamics rather than states, i.e., when describing a social network
income distribution (heterogeneity) is more important than income itself, or the evolution of
income (distribution) is more important than the underlying states. Blau (1977) suggests that
inequality in distributions impedes and heterogeneity promotes intergroup relations. This
hypothesis has been extended by Granovetter (1973, 1983) who explores the “strength of weak
ties” in social structures with respect to word-of-mouth or innovations, linking the insights from
sociology to the marketing domain. In a second extension, Burt (1980) describes certain models of
network structures. He distinguishes network model approaches along two dimensions, the
aggregation level of actors and the reference frame within an actor is analyzed. The aggregation
level reaches from micro-level (i.e., actor related analysis of ties) via intermediate or meso-level
(i.e., multiple actors as subgroups) to macro-level models (i.e., actors or groups as a structured
Social Media Metrics
system). In the second dimension, he categorizes network analysis approaches as “relational”
when the intensity of actor pairs is the focus of analysis, and as “positional” when all defined
relations between actors need consideration to evaluate a relative position in a given network.
Accordingly, and lending from sociology its theoretical foundations, we add the network structure
(actors and ties) to the organism description in our framework (see Figure 1).
A common criticism of network theory refers to its rather technical and relational view of a
social network, thus ignoring the specific content that is exchanged along the ties as well as the
actors of the social network. Social network analysis mostly infers the importance of a dyadic link
from the intensity of its use, i.e., how often information is exchanged and in which direction it
travels. The content of communication is rarely paid attention to. However, in marketing research
the content of communication is at least as important as its frequency. In particular, the impact of a
piece of communication depends on many situational factors, not least the actor and her
motivations. Hence, to augment the actors’ as well as the content perspective, we draw on the
Motivation, Opportunity, and Ability (M-O-A) paradigm as elaborated by MacInnis, Moorman,
and Jaworski (1991): Motivation is defined as goal-directed arousal (e.g., Park and Mittal 1985),
i.e., the desire or readiness to process information, Opportunity as the extent to which distractions
or limited exposure time affect actors’ attention to information (e.g., Batra and Ray 1986), and
Ability as the actors’ skills or proficiencies in interpreting information, e.g., given prior
knowledge (e.g., Alba and Hutchinson 1987). In our context, we suggest motivation to be the most
important aspect describing actors’ aspirations best. We refer to the opportunity and ability of
actors to digest information later when we derive our rules guiding the development of metrics.
Accordingly, we add Content and Motivation as further elements to our framework in Figure 1.
Social Media Metrics
Given the three poles of actors’ Motivation, the Content that travels along the dyadic ties,
and the Network Structure which describes the underlying infrastructure of nodes and connections,
we observe social interactions taking place. At each node or actor, information is not only received
and simply forwarded, but it may also be perceived, evaluated, and subsequently altered in many
ways. Consistent and sustained actions may earn actors certain social roles within their network.
Interactionist social theory defines social roles as neither given nor permanent. A social role is
continuously mediated between actors in a social network, especially by observing and copying
the behavior of others. That happens in an interactive way, i.e., any role is contingent on the other
actors in oscillation between cooperation and competition. As social rules are dynamic concepts,
they are constantly shaped through the process of social interactions, which sociology defines as a
dynamic, changing sequence of social actions between individuals or groups. However, all actors
constantly try to define their current situation, strive for a superior social role and try to sign up
other actors in support of it (Mead 1934).
To better understand why and how social roles are assumed or assigned, and why and how
content is altered through social interactions in certain ways, one may draw on the insights of
attribution theory. In essence, attribution theory posits that actors in social networks strive to
assess the true properties of objects of interest. To ascertain the external validity of their
perceptions, actors usually employ the co-variation principle across multiple observations to
attribute it toward (1) a distinct stimulus object in the entity dimension (i.e., content), (2) herself or
an observer in the person’s dimension (i.e., other actors and their particular motivations), or (3) the
context described by time and modality (e.g., here the network perspective) (e.g., Mizerski,
Golden, and Kernan 1979, p. 126). As such, attribution processes are assumed to instigate such
activities as information-seeking, communication and persuasion (Kelley 1967, p. 193). Any
attributions are made on a background of antecedents, are governed by informational dependence
Social Media Metrics
(in particular with respect to ties in the social network) and result in social influence (given the
position or role of an actor in the network; Kelley 1967). Important antecedents of attributions are
the motivation of the actor herself, her prior beliefs, and prior information received (e.g., Folkes
1988). Hence, the particular impact, subsequent modification, and further sharing of a piece of
content received by an actor may depend on her own as well as the sender’s suspected
motivations, the type of content and way it is framed, the (social role or) position of the sending
person in the network as well as who else received it at the same time. Hence, at the intersection of
the three poles we observe social interactions and modifications which lead to the assumption of
social roles over time, and which feedback into motivations, content, and network structures,
Accordingly, we add a complementing fourth element to the framework in Figure 1. Collectively,
these four elements describe the Organism “Social Media”.
Given the theoretical derivation of our holistic framework, we further support and detail
the description of its elements by extracting the current insights from the extant literature on social
Motivation. Edvardsson et al. (2011) suggest a social construction approach to social
systems, where social positions and roles in a network are the result of three interacting forces:
Signification or meaning draws upon interpretive schemes and semantic rules (e.g., based on
values and motivations), domination or control is exercised by drawing on unequal distribution of
tangible and intangible resources (e.g., abilities and network links), and legitimation or morality
refers to social norms and values that individuals use to evaluate behavior. Their finding contends
that value arising from social networks is asymmetric for the people involved and can only be
understood in the context of the network, and that the co-creation of this value is shaped by social
forces within social structures. Seraj (2012) analyzes characteristics that result in perceived online
Social Media Metrics
community value. She identifies three value components: intellectual value, representing cocreation and content quality, social value, which originates from platform activity through social
ties, and cultural value, which represents the self-governed community culture. Participants in
social networks may take up to 7 different roles which can be attributed to combinations of these
value components. Adjei, Noble, and Noble (2010) add that uncertainty reduction may be another
motivation for consumer information exchange within brand communities, which is driven by the
quality of consumer conversation. Eisenbeiss et al. (2012) relate individual motives of socializing,
creativity, and escape via group norms, social identity, desires, and “we-intentions” to
participation behavior. They show that four segments are prevalent in their social network sample.
Three segments join because of a single motivation and only the smallest segment has multiple
motives. Their finding underlines the case for heterogeneity when measuring inputs and outcomes
on social networks.
Taken together, all suggested and empirically investigated motives are tied to the value
created for the participating individuals. Consolidating the collective insights, we subsume them
into the structure suggested by Seraj (2012): (1) intellectual value stemming from co-creation and
content quality (Seraj 2012), which may subsume signification as described by Edvardsson et al.
(2011), creativity (Eisenbeiss et al. 2012), and uncertainty reduction (Adjei, Noble and Noble
2010), (2) social value from platform activities and social ties (Seraj 2012) which also entails
domination (Edvardsson et al. 2011) as well as socializing, escape, and social identity (Eisenbeiss
et al. 2012), (3) cultural value which represents the self-governed community culture (Seraj 2012)
and subsumes legitimation (Edvardsson et al. 2011) and “we-intentions” (Eisenbeiss et al. 2012).
We add these three dimensions to the Motivation element in our framework (see Figure 1).
Social Media Metrics
Content. De Vries, Gensler, and Leeflang (2012) take a more detailed view on how created
content drives social media action. They first characterize the content along the dimensions of
vividness, interactivity, information, entertainment, position, and valence. They continue to show
that these characteristics influence the number of likes and comments differently. Van Noort,
Voorfeld, and Reijmersdal (2012) also highlight the importance of interactive content on diverse
cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes. Liu-Thompkins and Rogerson (2012) extend these
findings to Youtube videos. Again, entertainment and educational value drive the popularity and
ratings of videos, and the effect of network structure on popularity is nonlinear. Berger and
Milkman (2012) investigate which characteristics make online content go viral. They find that
activating content reflecting anxiety, anger, or awe, and content that is practically useful or
surprising is more likely to go viral. Accordingly, valence of content alone is not sufficient to
explain virality. More important, understanding collective outcomes requires investigating the
quality of individual-level psychological processes actually driving social transmission, i.e.,
sharing. Kozinets et al. (2010) categorize such individual-level processes in the context of online
word-of-mouth. They identify four different approaches to message conveyance in blogs mirroring
different narrative styles in a coproduction environment, resulting in different quality aspects of
content: evaluation, explanation, endorsement, and embracing. Each of these qualitative styles
alters original marketing messages in very distinct but systematic way, depending on the forum,
the communal norms and the nature of the marketing message.
Recent papers have also focused on the ability of firm-initiated marketing to generate
word-of-mouth (e.g., Trusov et al. 2009) of a specific content (DeHaan et al. 2013). The
distinction between firm-initiated and customer-initiated content also applies within the same
platform (DeHaan et al. 2013), even within a ‘social media’ platform. For instance, a sponsored
story on Facebook –or firm employees’ posting on the fan page– are firm-initiated actions that
Social Media Metrics
may eventually trigger customers to forward such messages or to produce their own content.
Indeed, a key goal and benefit of firm-initiated marketing is its power to stimulate conversations
around a brand or product, which then causes a social media ripple effect that ultimately increases
business performance.
Taken together, it emerges that content may have three sufficiently distinct aspects, which
of course may overlap to some extent. These aspects are content quality (subsuming
characteristics (e.g., interactivity, vividness), domain (e.g., education, entertainment, information)
and narrative styles), content valence (subsuming emotions (e.g., anger, anxiety, joy), and tonality
(e.g., positive, negative)), and content volume (subsuming counts and volumes).
Network Structure. Recently, Katona, Zubscek, and Sarvary (2011) provide a good
summary of the interdependencies between network structure and social relationships. First, the
embeddedness of individuals in their social networks is important when judging the influence of
relationships on individuals (i.e., the positional view according to network theory). Accordingly,
merely counting relationships or ties within the network is not sufficient (Krackhardt 1998; i.e., a
simple relational view according to network theory). Second, there are two synergetic effects for
triangles of relationships. Individuals that share the same contacts are better informed due to
redundant paths and those common ties are reinforced according to increased trust (e.g., Coleman
1988, Granovetter 1973). Third, individuals at the intersection of clusters may have greater
leverage on information flow (Burt 2005). In sum, several similar analyses in marketing suggest
accounting for both, the relational and positional view taken by network theory (see Appendix for
a detailed and extensive literature review on related network metrics).
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These effects translate into certain network dimensions that describe social media in the
context of network structure. These usually dimensions usually are (e.g., Freeman 2006,
Granovetter 1973, Hanneman and Riddle 2011, Kadushin 2012, McPherson et al. 2001, Moody
and White 2003, Scott 2012):
Size (e.g., the size of the total (number of actors) or local network (degree))
Connections (e.g., homophily , multiplexity, mutuality, network closure)
Distributions (e.g., centrality, density, distance, tie strength)
Segmentation (e.g., clustering coefficient, betweenness)
Some of these measures are relatively new and partially account for either actor or content
characteristics (e.g., homophily, multiplexity), while others still focus on technical relational or
positional perspectives (e.g, degree, centrality). Following network theory and its model
structures, these network dimensions may help describing relational or positional perspectives at
all network levels, i.e., the macro-, meso-, or micro-level of the network (e.g., Burt 1980).
Social Roles and Interactions. Above, we motivate the intersectional element of our social
media organism by interactionist social theory and attribution theory. This can be underlined by
drawing on selected studies already cited above. With respect to motivations, Edvardsson et al.
(2011) suggest that social positions and roles are the distinct result of interacting forces that draw
on motives and network structure. Even theoretical models on network structure show that the
structure of social networks can depend on the distribution of motivations, so the resulting
structure is in effect endogenous (e.g., Galeotti and Goyal 2010, Ballester, Calvó-Armengol, and
Zenou 2006). Within the content domain, Kozinets et al. (2010) suggest that altering of
(marketing) messages depends on the co-producing actors, social norms (i.e., their motivation) and
the original content itself. Hence, content is an input to the social interaction which is modified in
its course. From the network perspective, several sources (see above) suggest that trust and in turn
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the social role of an actor within her social network is not only driven by network structure, but
may also be driven by the repeated reception of consistent content from different actors as
attribution theory posits. Zhang and Zhu (2011) show that a decreasing network size and content
volume will have a negative impact on users’ incentive to contribute in social media, again
underlining interaction effects between all elements of the framework. Other studies show the
positive effect of network structure, i.e., higher closure coefficients and more redundant ties, and
homophily (i.e., similar neighbors in the network) on behavior diffusion (i.e., in our framework
social interactions; Centola 2010, 2011). Taken together, it supports the distinction of the
intersectional element as a separate entity in our framework.
The literature on social roles and social interactions is rich on different classifications.
Social theories suggest family, tribal or functional roles as social roles that actors can take,
whereas the cited interactionist theory argues that social roles may be in flow and contingent. In
the context of social media we are currently aware of promising (e.g., Edvardsson et al. 2011,
Seraj 2012), but not yet consistent research results on social roles that actors assign or assume,
which constitutes a significant research gap. With respect to social interactions, social theories
suggest characteristics of social interactions (e.g., solidary, antagonistic, mixed, intensity,
extension, duration, organization), but do not provide explicit classifications. After an extensive
literature review and searching the web for various usage classifications on social media activities,
we consolidate several practitioner analyses on social media and arrive at “Sharing, Gaming,
Expressing, and Networking” as the currently dominating social interactions taking place on social
media. Again, we suggest this as an emerging area for further research to better understand what
actors of social media are actually spending their time on.
Social Media Metrics
Combining all four elements with their different aspects results in our suggested
framework depicted in Figure 1. Within any social medium, all four components interact
continuously, altering and reinforcing each other as in a living organism. Participating individuals
are heterogeneous, and dynamics are inherent in all components as network theory and
interactionist social theory suggest. As individuals may participate in several social media like
Facebook and Twitter, any social network may not be fully understood in isolation. Due to the
egalitarian and networked character, firms automatically lose control of what happens with their
marketing input when they enter this heterogeneous and dynamic territory. Hennig-Thurau et al.
(2010) recently describe this effect as marketing “pinball”. The framework also underlines the
definition of social media based on social interactions and interactivity as distinguishing features:
Any reaction to marketing input will be immediate, multiway, and contingent. Hence, any
dashboard first requires metrics that sufficiently capture the four elements of our suggested
framework, before these metrics themselves can be related to marketing input and outcomes.
Guidelines for Designing Social Media Dashboard Metrics
Constructing sensible social media metrics for a company’s dashboard requires a holistic
approach. Our theoretically derived framework guides companies and agencies to understand and
capture the relevant phenomena in appropriate metrics. We refrain from reviewing marketing
input and outcome measures as these are commonly known. A dashboard, however, requires
linking marketing inputs via social media metrics to outcomes that correspond to the goals of an
organization. Given the variety of organizations and social media, there is no such thing as “the”
dashboard or metric for social media. Every organization needs to construct chose the appropriate
metrics for its specific dashboard tied to its organizational goals, structure, social media selection,
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However, the framework and its theoretical foundation yield some fundamental guidelines
that organizations should observe when designing metrics and dashboards. As these guidelines are
flowing from the underlying nature of social media, they should present some general insights that
carry validity for any kind of existing social media as well as those yet to emerge. They should
help organizations to avoid some often observed pitfalls and result in finely balanced dashboards
enabling managers to consistently navigate their social media space (see Figure 2).
Guideline #1: From Control to Influence
For brands, social media work differently compared to traditional media. In the traditional
media setting, managers and agencies create and distribute advertising to consumers. They
communicate indirectly via uni-directional media. All consumers that would like to watch TV or
read a certain magazine, are to some extent exposed to this communication. Hence, managers have
control and authority over brand communication. They also have a simple S-O-R scheme to test,
where they can track the effectiveness of their input to higher awareness, and where they measure
their success rate without anyone taking note. In sum, traditional media compare to control, insideout talking, and disguised measurement.
In social media, brands and their managers are just another actor in the network. A
frequent analogy used is the transformation of brand managers from a lab scientist into just
another lab mouse. For instance, managers can still post content, e.g., advertorial videos or
comments, but whether someone dares to notice is decoupled from the consumption of the
medium. When the piece of content is not of interest to the initially linked actors in the personal
network of the brand, i.e., does not fit the motivations of directly linked consumers, the content
Social Media Metrics
will neither be read nor, and that is even worse, be shared with third parties. In essence, sustained
reach cannot be bought like in traditional media. To generate relevant content that fits the
motivational structure of the brand’s audience, managers need to know about the motivations of
actors in the first place. Hence, any dashboard on social media requires the continuous assessment
of motivational profiles via adequate metrics.
Assessing these motivations usually requires a dialog between the brand and actors in the
network, and as a dialog is bi-directional, above all an organization needs the ability to listen.
Listening, understanding, and responding to individual actors changes the concept of traditional
media in another meaningful way: previously pure inside-out communication turns into balanced
outside-in communication. Besides building up the capabilities to listen and respond at the
individual level, firms need metrics that monitor the listening and responding performance.
Traditional media metrics are mostly made for inside-out communication. Hence, we require new
listening and response metrics for social media dashboards.
Overall, the dialog nature of social media propels brand communication from a patriarchal
to a participatory paradigm. Congruent with this change, brand managers move from a position of
control to one of influence: Only if their content hits the motivations of directly linked actors, they
will share it with others and subsequently build the reach the brand pursues. For building this
reach, it requires messages to ripple through the network. Accordingly, the initial personal
network of a brand may be less important than the combined networks of its followers, because
that is its potential second step reach. So when measuring influence in networks, it goes beyond
the number of likes or followers – rather it is the organic reach that counts. Such kind of metric is
not known in the traditional media environment, but essential in social media.
Social Media Metrics
Another consequence of this participatory nature is that discourse may take place without
the brand as an actor. So called “shitstorms”, i.e., bad communication spiraling out of control of a
focal brand, are the extreme form of it. Hence, social media dashboards need not only metrics to
listen to personal networks, but to the noise across social systems. The different levels that need to
be monitored should be inspired by network theory as well as the requirements of the focal brand,
i.e., the micro-level of direct followers, the wider community or relevant audience, as well as the
overall system at the macro-level.
Finally, managers should be aware that everything they do in terms of listening, measuring
and responding is often transparent in the social network, i.e., from likes to levels of activity,
everything is not only known to the managers, but all “mice in the lab”. We add this here for
closure but pick this issue up in guideline #5 in detail.
Guideline #2: From States to Processes & Means to Distributions
For traditional media, decision makers focus on metrics that express media performance in
states rather than processes or dynamics. For instance, they measure the state of awareness,
purchase intent, buys, etc. However, social media are based on networks, and network theory
predicts that distributions, i.e., heterogeneity, and dynamics are more important than states when
describing social systems (see theoretical discussion above).
The importance of dynamics has two important facets. First, it is the growth or decline in
numbers that is a relevant signal. For instance, a brand page can be very popular in terms of total
likes (a state), but if growth is slowing over a certain time –and this is transparent to all users in
the network– the relevance to other users is also declining. Hence, often the 1st or 2nd derivation of
a state may be a more important metric to track than the actual state (e.g., Tirunillai and Tellis
2012). Additionally, these processes may exhibit certain path dependencies. In our extensive
Social Media Metrics
literature review on empirical social media research (see Appendix), Moe and Schweidel (2012)
highlight the path dependency of online reviews: If the initial review is a 5-star, subsequent users
may only differentiate themselves by adding worse reviews, so that the average evaluation
deteriorates. Given a median of users, the evolution also crucially depends on the heterogeneity of
the user base, e.g., when a core group of activists emphasizes negative ratings. Sun (2012) shows
empirically with data from Amazon that a higher standard deviation of ratings lifts a product’s
relative sales rank only when the average rating is below 4.1. These examples show that the
unfolding dynamics depend as much on the motives and social roles of the activists as on the
prevalent distributions with respect to content as well as to the network structure.
Second, also derived from network theory in conjunction with our intersectional element,
the activity on ties or nodes is an important metric, not just the established link itself. Thus, it is
the dynamics or intensity that qualifies a link or actor more than its mere presence (again, a state).
Traffic generated by actors as well as traffic on links can be easily measured online. The challenge
for a brand is to filter out the right nodes and links to watch from the plethora in the network.
However, current social media tracking systems often already allow for the real-time tracking of
prominent posts or tweets. And some new scores like the EdgeRank in facebook or the KloutScore
across media assess the time-dependent importance of such network actors.
Accounting for both types of dynamics highlights the dilemma of static numbers: If the
number of total “likes” is high but static, and the activity of these “likes” is very low, this suggests
a previously interesting, but nowadays “dead” site. In sum, metrics that capture such network
dynamics and the underlying heterogeneity are crucial ingredients for social media dashboards.
Social Media Metrics
Guideline #3: From Convergence to Divergence
For traditional media, organizations thrive on convergence towards better states reflected
in metrics. For instance, the higher “brand sympathy” across the population the better.
In social media, however, divergence is not always bad. To the contrary, certain brands
may thrive on adversity in social media as differentiation increases and reinforces the
identification of its core users. One example may be Abercrombie & Fitch who were the target of
a social media campaign by users based on a seven year old quote of its CEO stating that the brand
is indeed “exclusionary”. The resulting adverse reaction towards the brand in social media by
users may nevertheless improve the identification of its core brand users. Additionally, whereas
divergence and subsequently lower product evaluations may trigger substantial marketing audits
offline, it may be a naturally evolving phenomenon in social media online (e.g., Chen, Fay, and
Wang 2011, Godes and Silva 2012, Moe and Trusov 2011).
Another aspect associated with convergence and divergence is that within social networks
it matters who says something to whom in what context, e.g., the objectivity of offline “means”
(where managers evaluate answers to specific questions) is replaced by a qualified intersubjectivity. This can be explained by looking at hotel ratings: If a young person was looking for a
party hotel and had fun during holidays, it may give a great review. However, an older couple
looking for rest will evaluate very negative for the noise it had to endure. The mean or converged
assessment will be senseless without accounting for the actor’s motives, the content perspective of
evaluation, and the targeted network population. Hence, metrics not only need to account for
heterogeneity, but especially with respect to content also need to assess contingency aspects.
These contingency “key-words” for new metrics have to be defined for each brand in its individual
Social Media Metrics
Guideline #4: From Quantity to Quality
As we stated above, in traditional media usually states and quantities are key. We also
highlighted previously, that dynamics in the form of intensity on nodes and links are key rather
than the mere existence of nodes and links. At this point, we drive this insight even further and
qualify intensity in more detail. In essence, we refer to the engagement levels of actors that are
tied to motives, content, and social roles. Above we mention that a high number of “dead likes” is
counterproductive when building a loyal base of followers. Hence, beyond simple “talk abouts”
(mentioning of keywords or brands), many social media dashboards measure the different types of
interactions and categorize them by the associated level of engagement, e.g., a “like” has less
value than a “comment” compared to “sharing” content and derive a respective score (see
buzzrank interaction rate in Figure 3 for an example). EdgeRank and Kloutscore are similarly
constructed, but at the individual level (see Figure 4).
It is intriguing that such “engagement” levels are similar to what marketing research
predicts for theoretically derived involvement components that drive consumer actions. For
instance, Arora (1982) distinguishes three different levels of involvement –situational
involvement, enduring involvement, and response involvement– and analyzes their internal
structure. Situational involvement is casual and pertains to time and situation, whereas enduring
involvement depends on experience with a matter and its relationship with the actor’s value
system (or motives in our framework). Response involvement finally arises from enduring
involvement in conjunction with complex cognitive and behavioral processes. In social media,
higher engagement –or respective involvement– levels are crucial for generating sustained traffic
and dialog. In contrast, for many brands we currently still observe sweepstakes for generating
Social Media Metrics
followers or posting unrelated questions to generate traffic in an attempt to boost static numbers.
Developing and employing adequate metrics to measure engagement levels of consumers –as well
as their evolution and heterogeneity– will drive brand managers to more sincere and sustained
modes of interaction, i.e., higher quality contacts. Such highly engaged fans, and not necessarily
high numbers of them, are crucial in building sustained and authentic reach in social media. And
in contrast to awareness levels in traditional media, these engagements cannot be “bought” in
instances but need consistent nurturing over time. If these engaged actors additionally play
relevant social roles in the network, they will also be the best defense in case of “shitstorms” (see
above) when a brand itself can hardly do the right thing, but needs advocates to speak on its
behalf. Accordingly, quality based metrics should be preferred over sheer volume numbers when
constructing social media dashboard metrics.
Guideline #5: “Heisenberg”-Rule
Lending insights from physics, the Heisenberg rule suggests that once you try to measure
something, you may alter its state and/or dynamics. We observe such phenomena in social media
when social roles and related motives, i.e., profits, social, intellectual, or cultural value, are tied to
certain metrics. Just think of KloutScore, EdgeRank, Google- or Youtube-Rankings which are
measuring a user’s influence within or across social media. Figure 4 illustrates how these metrics
are constructed, and as the underlying rules are again transparent, users start to play it when it is
important to them. And again, motives, content, roles and network structure from the framework
(see Figure 1) interact to produce such results.
Another consequence is that as any such numbers will be gamed, they will be distorted
from the start. In contrast to traditional media, where managers can control the hidden
Social Media Metrics
measurement of success, social media metrics may often require working at a certain level of
fuzziness or corridor. We pick this issue up again later in our guideline # 9.
Guideline #6: “Ying & Yang”-Rule
The previous guideline suggests that important metrics will be gamed by users, i.e., in
transparent and participatory environments like social networks there will hardly be a number that
suffices alone. Additionally, in guideline #4 we suggest that metrics on states are not informative
when not accompanied by metrics that capture dynamics and heterogeneity. The “Ying & Yang”rule posits that for social media environments, dashboards need complementing metrics that
balance each other. For instance, sustainable growth of a fan base can only be assessed by
qualified growth combining metrics on growth and the quality of engagement levels, and a
KloutScore can only work over time when balanced by a metric that punishes “fake” engagement
and impact.
Additional aspects of this rule refer to the consistency and reliability of metrics. For
example, networks are always in flow and change their size, composition, usage levels and
structure like a living organism as they evolve. Hence, over time any metric that is employed in
dashboards may deteriorate in consistency over time as its base shifts, adaptations are made (e.g.,
inclusion of a new social medium in KloutScore or changes to EdgeRank-calculations). Especially
for new social media, early stages of diffusion inherently bias comparisons with later stages. For
example, heavy users of social media tend to adopt earlier than people with lower usage.
Accordingly, average usage time may eventually go down over time as more people join these
media. These dynamics should hold at all levels of analysis, from the total network down to brand
hubs within those media. In comparison, if one assigns a sub-section of the dashboard to the
brand’s activists, then these metrics should be relatively comparable over time even as the number
Social Media Metrics
of low involvement users keeps growing. Hence, we suggest constructing metrics that account for
underlying dynamics and heterogeneity through base shifts or correct them for later changes when
long-term evaluations are made.
Guideline #7: From General to Specific
Social media dashboard metrics need to cover all relevant social media for an organization.
On the one hand, consumers may use specific platforms for specific actions, e.g. Twitter to
complain (as they desire a fast company reaction), Facebook to boast about successful purchases
(as it only goes out to close friends) and Instagram to combine brand visuals. These social media
may also have different characteristics that require different metrics, as Twitter is an asymmetric
1:n social medium compared to Facebook which is symmetric (n:n). On the other hand, users are
active across social media and subsequently one can regularly observe spillovers, e.g., from
Twitter to Facebook activity and vice versa. Both specific and spill-over effects encourage us to
account for both in (social media) dashboards, general metrics at the meta-level across social
media, and specific metrics that reflect the particular nature of any social medium.
Additionally, the guideline refers to the level of measurement within each social medium.
As network theory suggests, there are no metrics that cover all levels of a network, i.e., from the
specific micro- via the meso- to the general macro-level. The same holds for the analysis at
different levels of aggregation on content, motives, or their interactions in terms of social roles. As
dynamics and heterogeneity are usually relatively high in social networks, any dashboard needs
several layers of metrics than can be combined for specific analysis at specific aggregation levels.
Hence, many specific questions may require tailored approaches to measurement.
Social Media Metrics
Guideline #8: From Urgency to Importance
Social media are living organisms. Accordingly, dashboards will always keep on blinking
in real-time. Deviations, even substantial ones, are the rule rather than the exception.
Organizations that are used to traditional media are often overwhelmed by the pulse of social
media, and knowing about path dependencies and rather quick reinforcement loops may jitter their
nerves, tempting them to interfere rather sooner than later in conversations. But as we know from
past experiences, interference may be just the wing of the butterfly that was required to send
developments spiraling. Hence, when designing dashboards, organizations need to extract the
essence of conversations, sentiments, and moods in the audience, but may also define a corridor of
comfort which is defined via heterogeneity and dynamics around crucial metrics. Within this
comfort zone, organizations need to let go.
Guideline #9: Balancing Theory & Pragmatism
Finally, we suggest balancing theoretical considerations with pragmatism when designing
and implementing metrics for social media dashboards. As our framework underlines, there is a lot
that brand managers can take-away from existing theories. The diversity of origins of these
theories, e.g., sociology, network analysis, marketing and psychology offers a rich pool of insights
that may guide them towards sensible metrics. As social media mimic our social systems, the
sheer complexity stemming from dynamics and heterogeneity, paired with their egalitarian nature,
suggests more than a dose of pragmatism. However, this pragmatism should not lead to
complacency in the sense that someone measures what is convenient to measure or what seems
handily available. To some extent, this is natural when a field is still young and emerging – as it
appears when assessing the current state of the extant literature (see Appendix for recurring
available network measures compared to the holistic framework in Figure 1). Accordingly, as we
encourage as much theoretical consistency or rigor as possible when designing social media
Social Media Metrics
metrics, we at the same time acknowledge that relevance needs to come first. To us, it is more
important that the effort associated with implementing metrics is balanced by their relevance for
the organization, and that metrics are actually tied to managerial implications.
Implications for Practice and Research
Based on our framework and the elaboration of guidelines we continue to derive implications for
managers and provide guidance for future research.
Managerial Implications
Our theoretically driven framework and the generalizing guidelines should enable
managers to take a better top-down approach to social media metrics and dashboards. Today,
many organizations and agencies rather use metrics provided by the social network operators or
other handily available ones. However, these may not be the most relevant to inform their
marketing decisions. Our framework enables them to first assess what is important to know, and
then look for the best proxies available. Even if proxies may not be available, frequent ad-hoc
research, e.g. on user motives, may suffice for the time being.
In extension, the framework and its theoretical foundation will also help them modifying
their marketing input. In contrast to classic advertising, which is usually not meant for
participation (i.e., mostly sharing of videos or simply collecting likes), they need develop new
forms of advertorial content that ignites users to engage, modify and then share it: they need to
learn to feed and nurture their base – a living organism. Another implication is that compared to
classic advertising media which can be off and on at the disposal of the brand managers, this
living organism needs constant feeding to survive. Or else, if your brand does not feed it, it turns
elsewhere for “food” or produces food on its own, whether you like it or not.
Social Media Metrics
Another striking implication and major challenge for organizations is that user
participation will and should not stop with your brand communication. For social media and its
egalitarian dialogs, organizations need the capability to listen, digest the information, and respond
sensibly. As user dialogs also include logistics, product features and innovation, quality issues and
the like, organizations need to reorganize around in-bound and out-bound interfaces (i.e.,
integrating all in- and out-bound communication channels in service hubs) with almost all internal
functions over time. And as organizations integrate their communication interfaces, they will also
feel the need for quick and consistent communication response to the plethora of users across all
interfaces – in essence, they will sooner or later feel the need for a central content hub that serves
all channels on all relevant topics in almost real-time.
Future Research
For academic researchers, our framework, literature review and guidelines set up several
areas for future research. First, the conceptual framework we offer is just a start; although it draws
on prominent theories from several research domains, however, we should use the opportunity of
social networks to search for an overarching theoretical foundation. Also, we need to explore what
other theories could add to our understanding of the phenomena in social networks. In particular,
we encourage further research on the social roles users assume and the types of social interactions
we observe, and how both of these link to actors’ motivations, the content, and the network
structures. With respect to the network structure, we find the theoretical models predicting the
resulting network structure as endogenous (based on prevalent motive structures) appealing. Most
research treats it as exogenous (see literature review in the Appendix). If network structure is in
constant flow and endogenous, that may open up territory for completely new dynamic approaches
to network modeling?
Social Media Metrics
Second, we offer a general framework and generalizing guidelines on how to construct
sensible metrics and subsequently dashboards. As we do not examine the practical usefulness of
specific social media metrics, experience tells us that many companies have a bottom-up, datadriven process to collecting and employing such metrics. For instance, small and medium sized
enterprises often take at face value the metrics offered for free in, e.g., Facebook Insights or
Google Analytics (Wiesel et al. 2011). We encourage research on the effectiveness and efficiency
of this convenience or availability driven bottom-up approach. The results should be compared to
a strategy based on our theoretically inspired top-down approach of first deciding what should be
measured and next looking for the best empirical proxies (e.g., DeHaan et al. 2013).
Third, our literature review reveals many disjoint studies on selected and specific social
media topics. We feel that we are barely scraping at the surface of potential knowledge on social
media, which may also reveal a lot more insights for managing other media better. We also
suggest that more holistic research covering multiple elements of the suggested framework is
necessary to answer the tough question on social media in a few years: what have we really
learned from all these studies and how many decision makers would have to change their minds or
actions based on the generated substantial insights?
Finally, we would like to suggest further research on adequate organizational structures
and processes that guide organizations in their change process towards seamless dialog interfaces
with social media. Metrics and dashboards are a start, but how can they successfully implement
the organizational changes affecting all other aspects of marketing beyond brand communications?
Social Media Metrics
Social media are becoming ever more ubiquitous and important for marketing purposes.
However, social media are substantially different from traditional or other online media due to the
network structure and their egalitarian nature. As such, they require a distinct approach to
management. A prerequisite for managing social media is their effective measurement. Marketing
or subsumed social media dashboards, a sensible collection of key performance metrics linking
marketing input via metrics to (financial) outcomes, are the tool of choice – but how should
organizations design their dashboard metrics for social media?
Due to the huge variety of (and still emerging new) social media and the specific needs of
brands, there is no silver-bullet kind of metric or metric compilation that addresses all
requirements for all brands alike. However, due to the shared fundamentals of social media there
are common threads that allow at least a unified approach to the construction of appropriate
metrics and subsequently dashboards. To help organizations developing and employing such an
appropriate compilation of metrics, we provide them with a tool kit consisting of three novel
components: First, we theoretically derive and propose a holistic framework that covers the major
elements of social media, drawing on theories from sociology, marketing, and psychology. We
continue to support and detail these elements, namely motives, content, network structure, and
social roles & interactions, with recent research studies. Second, based on our theoretical
framework, the literature review, and our practical experiences, we suggest 9 generalizing
guidelines that may prove valuable for designing appropriate social media metrics and
constructing sensible dashboards. Third, we derive managerial implications and suggest an agenda
for future research. We hope that these contributions may provide a reasonable tool kit for
research and practice when analyzing, understanding, and managing social media.
Social Media Metrics
Figures & Tables
Figure 1: A S-O-R Framework for Social Media Metrics
Social Media Metrics
Figure 2: Theories, Framework, & Guidelines
Social Media Metrics
Figure 3: Excerpt of KPIs from a Social Media Dashboard (Buzzrank 2012)
Social Media Metrics
Figure 4: KloutScore and EdgeRank Metrics
Social Media Metrics
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Social Media Metrics
We derive a holistic framework for constructing social media dashboards from several
theoretical backgrounds, Sociology, Psychology, & Marketing
Our framework covers motives, content, network structure, and social roles &
interactions. Their dimensions are extracted from the extant literature.
Based on our framework and the literature, we derive and illustrate 9 generalizing
guidelines that help researchers and managers to construct their social media metrics.
We derive managerial implications and provide guidance for future research.
Social Media Metrics
The authors thank the participants of the 2012 Social Media Summit in Munich for their valuable
comments. Kay Peters thanks DHL Deutsche Post for its financial support and the valuable
feedback of its leadership meeting. He is also indebted to the Russian Distance Selling Conference
2013 and its eCommerce-Community for their helpful suggestions.
Yubo Chen thanks Tsinghua University Culture Heritage Innovation Fund for its financial
Social Media Metrics
Author Vitae
Yubo Chen
Yubo Chen is Professor and Deputy Chair of Marketing Department at
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China. He
received his Ph. D. in Marketing from the University of Florida. His research
mainly focuses on the impacts of social interactions in the marketplace. He
has published many articles in top marketing and business journals such as
the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing
Science, and Management Science. His research has won many awards and
recognitions such as Frank M. Bass Best Paper Award Finalist, MSI/Paul H.
Root Award Finalist, and Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award.
Andreas M. Kaplan Andreas Kaplan is Professor of Marketing at ESCP Europe, the world's oldest
business school, where he currently serves as the Director of Brand and
Communication Europe. His research mainly deals with analyzing and
decrypting social media, user-generated content and viral marketing. In 2013,
he won the Best Article Award from Business Horizons for his paper in the
area of "Mobile Social Media". Professor Kaplan's article “Users of the
World, Unite!” which defines and classifies Social Media, was ranked first in
Science Direct's annual list of the 25 Hottest Business Management articles
in 2011 (counted by article downloads).
Bjoern Ognibeni
Björn Ognibeni is currently managing director at BuzzRank GmbH - a
Hamburg, Germany, based social media analytics company. His professional
background includes over 15 years as a consultant for numerous consulting
companies, agencies and brands focusing on innovative communication
techniques and technologies for marketing, branding or customer service. In
recent years, Björn was involved in many high-profile social media cases in
Germany such as the "Horst Schlämmer Blog" campaign for Volkswagen or
the establishment of customer support channels on Twitter & Facebook for
Deutsche Telekom and Deutsche Bahn. He holds a Master Degree in
Economics from the University of Goettingen, Germany.
Koen Pauwels
Koen Pauwels is Professor at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, where he teaches
and researches return on marketing investment. He won the 2001 EMAC best
paper award, the 2007 O’Dell award for the most influential paper in the
Journal of Marketing Research, the 2008 Emerald Management Reviews
Citation of Excellence, the 2009 Davidson award for the best paper in Journal
of Retailing, and the 2009 Varadarajan Award for Early Career Contributions
to Marketing Strategy Research. Koen’s publications appeared in Harvard
Business Review, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Marketing,
Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service
Research, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science and Management Science.
Social Media Metrics
Kay Peters
Kay Peters is Professor of Marketing and holds the SVI-endowed chair at the
University of Hamburg. He is a visiting professor at the University of
California Davis. His research focuses on integrated marketing
communications, customer relationship management, and international
marketing. His publications appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research
and Journal of interactive Marketing, among others. His teaching and
research won several awards, recently the Journal of interactive Marketing’s
best paper award.
Social Media Metrics
Literature Review of Social Media Metrics
We consider selected recent empirical studies from the major marketing journals for our
review of metrics used in social media analysis. Important conceptual papers on social media
metrics like Hoffman and Fodor (2010) will be used later to augment the identified metrics. In
total, we screen about 70 articles from the leading journals, mostly from 2010-2013. First, we
categorize any metric entailed in these studies according to its domain, namely motives, content,
network structure , and activity. We refrain from measuring inputs and outputs that are well
known in the business literature, like mailings, advertising or profit and sales, as we focus here on
new metrics related to the analysis of social networks.
Motivation. As we discussed previously, Chen, Fay and Wang (2011) show that individual
participation behavior and motivations are different in different stage of social media. However,
they do not directly measure the motivation itself in their study. Apart from the above mentioned
studies no other empirical contribution on social media analysis directly measures the motivations
of social media usage by its participants. Hence, no further metrics can be extracted from the
current literature at this stage.
Content. In total, we identify 21 empirical studies with 72 employed content metrics. Table
1 summarizes the results. 14 content metrics assess content quality, 25 the valence of content, 32
metrics relate to content volume, and 1 metric represents an interaction term between valence and
volume. Table 1 describes the metrics in detail.
Social Media Metrics
Content Quality. Content quality can be easily measured when related to technical terms
like “content age - days since first appearance” (e.g., Ransbotham, Kane, and Liurie 2012) or
“vividness – low = picture, high = video”. However, the more informative the metrics are, the
higher is the required effort to evaluate content quality. Accordingly, most metrics like video
production quality (Liu-Thompkins and Rogerson 2012), entertaining content (De Vries et al.
2012), or endorsement (Kozinets et al. 2010) require additional data collection in the form of user
ratings or judging by the monitoring firm.
The results of the studies evaluating content quality indicate that quality is an important
factor for outcomes. Ransbotham, Kane and Lurie (2012) find a nonlinear positive impact of
content age on revision levels of wiki articles. Adjei, Noble, and Noble (2010) show the mediated
positive effect of communication quality on purchase intentions, and Liu-Thompkins and
Rogerson demonstrate the positive influence of educational and entertaining value on the size of
the subscriber base of Youtube channels. Accordingly, not accounting for content quality may lead
to biased assessments of relationships between measures of input and output in social media
Content Valence. Across the metrics used for content valence, i.e., whether a comment,
post, or rating is positive or negative, it is notable that most of them assess the mean or average
rating for posts in a given time period (e.g., Algesheimer et al. 2010, Chintagunta, Gopinath, and
Venkataram 2010, Chen, Fay, and Wang 2011, Moe and Schweidel 2012). Others measure the
share of positive or negative comments (e.g., Berger, Sorensen, and Rasmussen 2010, De Vries et
al. 2012) or qualify valence further along several aspects (Adjei, Noble, and Noble 2010).
Additionally, heterogeneity of content valence assessments by users is captured through
standard deviations (Sun 2012), variance (e.g., Chintagunta, Gopinath, and Venkataram 2010,
Social Media Metrics
Moe and Trusov 2011) or sentiment divergence (Zhang, Li and Chen 2012). Dynamics are
captured by measuring differences between subsequent time periods for averages (e.g., Moe and
Trusov 2011, Tirunillai and Tellis 2012) as well as heterogeneity (Moe and Trusov 2011). Moe
and Schweidel (2012) allow for interaction between valence and its variance.
Across all studies cited here, content valence, its heterogeneity as well as its dynamics
have been shown to affects various outcome measures significantly. As we have summarized the
effects associated with ratings earlier we refrain from detailed discussion here.
Content Volume. Again, in most studies (25 of 33) the number of content contributions per
time period is the dominant metric (e.g., Algesheimer et al. 2010, Berger, Sorensen, and
Rasmussen 2010, Netzer et al. 2012, Stephen and Galak 2012). Content itself (e.g., number of
reviews; Chen, Wang, and Xie 2011) and its technical characteristics (e.g., length; Sridhar and
Srinivasan 2013) are measured. Only Berger, Sorensen, and Rasmussen (2010) measure volume as
a share of total. Liu-Thompkins and Rogerson (2012) account for the cumulative numbers of
content since inception.
Pure heterogeneity measures on volume like standard deviations or variances are
remarkably absent. In contrast, volume dynamics have been captured by Tirunillai & Tellis
(2012). Moe and Schweidel (2012) account for an interaction between volume and its variance.
As shown in our summary of findings on ratings earlier, content volume itself may be less
important than its quality or valence. Interestingly, interaction terms between these three domains
may be influencing incidence and evaluation of online product opinions (Moe and Schweidel
Social Media Metrics
In order to illustrate how complex the analysis of content quality, content valence, and
content volume is, and how much these aspects interact with motives, network structure, and
activities, and how all this may relate to marketing inputs and outcomes, we briefly summarize
major empirical findings on the impact of simple ratings within social networks: Chen, Wang and
Xie (2011) differentiate between word-of-mouth and observational learning from the behavior of
others, both of which are ubiquitous in social networks. Analyzing ratings and ranks on amazon,
they find that both types of social interactions affect sales differently and that they exhibit a
significant complementary effect based on volume, but not for their valence. This is supported by
experimental findings of Celen, Kariv, and Schotter (2010). Berger, Sorensen, and Rasmussen
(2010) show how important context is when evaluating the impact of reviews on sales. In their
analysis, negative reviews have differential effects on established vs. unknown products. Whereas
negative reviews have an expected negative effect on established brands, negative reviews might
influence sales of products with lower prior awareness. Another important aspect is the degree of
heterogeneity across reviews or ratings: Sun (2012) examines the informational role of product
ratings and shows theoretically and empirically with data from amazon that a higher standard
deviation lifts a product’s relative sales rank only when the average rating is below 4.1, which
holds for 35% of books in her amazon sample. In another study, Kaptein and Eckles (2012)
underline the importance of accounting for individual level heterogeneity in the effects of different
online persuasion strategies. Moe and Schweidel (2012) highlight the dynamics of online reviews.
Specifically, their path dependence influences whether reviews are posted, what is contributed,
and they identify selection effects on the incidence as well as adjustment effects that drive the
evaluation decision. Overall, positive ratings increase posting incidence, and less frequent posters
show bandwagon behavior while more active ones show differentiation behavior. In essence,
customer bases with the same median opinion may evolve in substantially different ways when a
Social Media Metrics
core group of activists emphasizes negative ratings. Godes and Silva (2012) find similar patterns,
as ratings are becoming lower over time when looked at in a sequential order. One reason they cite
is that for adding incremental value to previous reviews, new reviews need to be more extreme
and substantially different from the existing average. Thus products starting with great reviews
naturally see their rating deteriorate over time and sequence. Chen, Fay, and Wang (2011) add that
these dynamics may additionally be moderated by marketing variables, and differently so for new
and mature users of the web. For instance, at the early stage of internet usage price is negatively
correlated with the propensity to post, while at mature stages the relationship is u-shaped. They
link their findings to heterogeneous motivations for posting. Moe and Trusov (2011) show that
rating dynamics are substantial and effect sales. Valence and variance of postings can be very
important in certain scenarios. Chintagunta, Gopinath, and Venkataraman (2010) support this
finding for movies, where valence is more important than volume. Zhao and Xie (2011) further
show that the impact on consumer preference is moderated by the social and temporal distance to
others. Other’s recommendations have a greater impact on distant-future than near-future
consumption, and while close others shift near-future preferences to a greater extent, distant others
shift distant-future decision more. Wang, Yu, and Wei (2012) add that varying social tie strength
between consumers as well as their level of peer group identification further moderate outcomes
like sales. Sridhar and Srinivasan (2013) show that those who influence others via product reviews
are themselves influences by other consumers and that this influence is contingent on their own
product experience.
Overall, these findings on simple product ratings highlight the caveats of social media
analysis: different but seemingly similar social actions have different effects, valence is often
more important than volume which is easier to compute, but the impact of valence may be
contingent, heterogeneity (i.e., variance or underlying structure) as well as time and sequence
Social Media Metrics
dynamics may determine path and final outcome in a nonlinear fashion, eventually resulting in
feedback loops that may be moderated by a number of marketing variables. In this complex
environment metrics have to be carefully designed to capture the essence managers really need to
Network Structure. Based on the proposed framework, we distinguish network size,
degree, clustering, closure, and betweenness. From 10 identified empirical studies that account for
network structure in a marketing context, we extract 30 metrics. Those metrics are described in
Table 2 in detail.
Network Size. Five studies account for overall network size. Mostly total network size is
measured in the number of users (e.g., Netzer et al. 2012, Liu-Thompkins and Rogerson 2012) or
shops (e.g., Stephen and Toubia 2010), depending on the unit of analysis. Interestingly, only a
single study measures a dynamic or process variable, here new sign-ups (Trusov, Bucklin, and
Pauwels 2009).
Network Degrees. Several studies assess the degree or size of the network at the individual
participant level (e.g., Aral and Walker 2011, Kantona, Zsubcek, and Sarvary 2011, Trusov,
Bodapati, and Bucklin 2010). Liu-Thomkins and Rogerson (2012) measure the average size of this
metric across participants, while Kantona, Zsubcek, and Sarvary (2011) extend the average degree
to the second order in the network. Aral and Walker (2011) additionally count the number of
actually invited links compared to Ansari, Koenigsberg, and Stahl (2011) who measure the
propensity for sending and receiving ties.
Social Media Metrics
Network Clustering. Only two marketing studies measure the density of networks, namely
Kantona, Zsubcek, and Sarvary (2011) and Liu-Thompkins and Rogerson (2012).
Network Closure. The interaction effect between clustering and degree, however, has been
measured more often. Nevertheless, there seems to be no actual standard in assessing this rather
complex metric.
Network Betweenness. The same assessment holds for network betweenness. Only two
studies actually measure the average shortest distance between nodes in the analyzed network.
Overall, it seems that metrics for network structure assessment are rarely used in marketing
until today. This is contrasting the findings in recent empirical studies that these variables actually
moderate or impact outcomes to a substantial degree (e.g., Ansari, Koenigsberg, and Stahl 2011).
On another note, any metrics assessing the extent of heterogeneity or dynamics across the aspects
of network structure are still absent from empirical analysis. But especially as many social media
are still in its infancy, dynamics and heterogeneity may play an important role for the evolution of
the social medium itself as well as for the extent of interplay with marketing inputs in generating
Interactions Terms. As these four domains in our framework are interacting on a
continuous basis, one could imagine that metrics covering them may be augmented by respective
interaction terms. For instance, the valence of content may have a different impact on an outcome
depending on the distribution of motives prevalent with users of the social medium. The same may
hold for the combination of contents and aspects of the underlying network structure. In the
literature reviewed here, we identify only a few (latent) metrics that may be assigned to this
domain: Ansari, Koenigsberg, and Stahl (2011) try to separate several social network effects via
Social Media Metrics
structures in an unobserved latent space, e.g., they define bidirectional link intensity which
combines network structure (i.e., network degree) with contents along these links. They also
define measures like reciprocity or selectivity, which combine individual user preferences with
links and contents. They find several of these metrics to shape outcomes significantly.
Our literature review of metrics employed in recent empirical marketing studies underlines
the importance of covering all three components of our suggested framework and their potential
interactions when considering establishing dashboard metrics for social media. It also reveals that
the empirical investigation in marketing contexts has barely begun. Nevertheless, the metrics
presented and discussed here may provide for a base to start from.
But the insights from evaluating all these empirical studies inspire us also to look beyond
pure metrics. There are some patterns emerging that we suggest should be accounted for when
trying to develop social media metrics for marketing dashboards. In the next section, we briefly
describe, explain, and illustrate these rules with examples from currently commercially available
social media dashboard metrics
Social Media Metrics
Table A1: Social Media Content Metrics in Selected Recent Publications - Content
Social Medium
Definition (if necessary)
Type of
Process vs.
Adjei, Noble, & Noble (2010)
Brand Community
Brand Community
Communication Quality
Decker & Trusov (2010)
Kozinets et al. (2010)
Kozinets et al. (2010)
Kozinets et al. (2010)
Kozinets et al. (2010)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
Review Site
Yahoo! Movie Website
Brand pages
Brand pages
Backlog of Impact
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Ransbotham, Kane, & Lurie (2012)
Video Site
Video Site
Video Site
Brand pages
Brand pages
Informational Content
Entertaining Content
Video production quality
Video entertainment value
Video educational value
Content Age
Relevance; Frequency; Duration;
Difference between gain and loss
Implicit x Communal
Explicit x Communal
Implicit x Individualistic
Explicit x Individualistic
Low (Pic) medium (event) high (video)
Low (link) medium (contest) high
No yes
No yes
rated quality
rated quality
rated quality
time in days since first appearance
Algesheimer et al. (2010)
Chintagunta, Gopinath, & Venkataram (2010)
Chen, Fay, & Wang (2011)
Chen, Wang, & Xie (2011)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
Godes and Silva (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Sridhar & Srinivasan (2013)
Sun (2012)
Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen (2010)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
Adjei, Noble, & Noble (2010)
Auction Site
Review Site
Review Site
Review Site
Web Retailer
Review Site
Video Site
Review Site
Brand Community
Yahoo! Movie Website
Automobile Sites
Bath equipment
Book Reviews
Travel Website
Book Reviews
Brand pages
Brand Community
positive/negative feedback
Overall Rating
Average Consumer Rating
Valence of Review
Average Rating over time
Average Rating
Valence of Evaluation
Average rating
Review Sentiment
Valence of Comments
Valence of Information exchanged
Chintagunta, Gopinath, & Venkataram (2010)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Sun (2012)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Review Site
Web Retailer
Web Retailer
Web Retailer
Yahoo! Movie Website
Bath equipment
Bath equipment
Bath equipment
Variance of Rating
Variance of Evaluation
Std. Dev of Ratings
Change in Valence of Review
Difference in Ratings
Difference in Pos Chatter
Difference in Neg chatter
Difference in Competition neg Chatter
Change in Variance of Rating
Valence x Variance
feedback scores per tenure
Mean Rating of reviews
Average Rating
Average Rating
average rating
Average Rating
manifested quality
rated quality
mean rating
% positive
share neg & pos
Upsetting/Not Upsetting
Inverse of Variance in Ratings
Variance of ratings
standard deviation of ratings
average rating
Difference in mean rating of reviews
Difference in number of reviews
Difference in number of reviews
Difference in number of reviews
Variance of ratings
Social Media Metrics
Table A1 (cont’d): Social Media Content Metrics in Selected Recent Publications - Content
Social Medium
Definition (if necessary)
Type of
Process vs.
Algesheimer et al. (2010)
Algesheimer et al. (2010)
Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen (2010)
Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen (2010)
Chintagunta, Gopinath, & Venkataram (2010)
Chen, Fay, & Wang (2011)
Chen, Wang, & Xie (2011)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
Moe & Trusov (2011)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
de Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Netzer et al. (2012)
Netzer et al. (2012)
Netzer et al. (2012)
Ransbotham, Kane, & Lurie (2012)
Ransbotham, Kane, & Lurie (2012)
Sridhar & Srinivasan (2013)
Sridhar & Srinivasan (2013)
Stephen & Galak (2013)
Stephen & Galak (2013)
Stephen & Galak (2013)
Stephen & Galak (2013)
Sun (2012)
Stephen & Galak (2013)
Berger, Sorensen, & Rasmussen (2010)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Tirunillai & Tellis (2012)
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Auction Site
Auction Site
Review Site
Review Site
Review Site
Review Site
Review Site
Web Retailer
Web Retailer
Video Site
Review Site
Video Site
Video Site
Book Reviews
Book Reviews
Yahoo! Movie Website
Automobile Sites
Bath equipment
Bath equipment
Brand pages
Brand pages
Sedan Auto Forum
Sedan Auto Forum
Sedan Auto Forum
Travel Website
Travel Website
Book Reviews
bids listed
items listed
Review length
Review Opinionated abs.
Number of postings
Number of Reviews
Volume of Ratings
Change in Volume of Ratings
Number of likes
Number of posts
Views from other sources
Volume of Evaluations
Number of Threads
Number of Messages
Number of sentences
Number of Contributors
Market Value
Volume of Ratings
Length of Review
Community Posting Activity
Owned blog posts
owned PR
Number of reviews
Google Trends index
Review Opinionated rel.
past videos posted
Views of past video
Difference in Volume of Chatter
Difference in Competition Chatter
Volume x Variance
bids per category
items per category
number of sentences
number of opinionated reviews
number of ratings
number of postings
number of reviews
number of ratings
number of ratings
number of likes
number of posts
number of views
number of evaluations
number of threads
number of messages
number of sentences
number of distinct contributors
number of views
number of ratings
number of words
number of all blog posts per day
number of posts made per day
number of blog posts per day
number of press releases per day
number of reviews
daily index
% of opinionated
cumulative number of videos
cumulative number of views
difference in number of reviews
difference in number of reviews
Moe & Schweidel (2012)
Valence x Volume
Social Media Metrics
Table A2: Social Media Content Metrics in Selected Recent Publications - Network
Social Medium
Type of Metric
Process vs.
Stephen & Toubia (2010)
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Netzer et al. (2012)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels (2009)
Shop Network
Social Network
Social Website
Major EU network
Sedan Auto Forum
Media (Friendster)
Marketplace Size
Network Size
Number of unique users
Number of Subscribers
New Sign-Ups
number of shops
network size
first level network
Daily sign-ups
Aral & Walker (2011)
Aral & Walker (2011)
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Trusov, Bodapati, & Bucklin (2010)
Ansari, Koenigsberg, & Stahl (2011)
Ansari, Koenigsberg, & Stahl (2011)
Trusov, Bodapati, & Bucklin (2010)
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Ansari, Koenigsberg, & Stahl (2011)
Ansari, Koenigsberg, & Stahl (2011)
Stephen & Toubia (2010)
Stephen & Toubia (2010)
Social Network
Social Network
Social Network
Social Network
Social network
Social network
Social Network
Social Network
Social network
Social network
Shop Network
Shop Network
Facebook App
Facebook App
Major EU network
Artist, R&D
Artist, R&D
Major EU network
Artist, R&D
Artist, R&D
Average Network Size of Subs
Friend Count
Standard Indegree
Standard Outdegree
Fraction of influential Friends
Average Total Degree
Network Links
Dead Ends
Number of Facebook friends
Personal Invitations by users
number of friends
Latent Construct
Latent Construct
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Liu-Thompkins & Rogerson (2012)
Social Network
Social Network
Major European network Clustering
Major European network Clustering
Average Clustering
Subscriber network connectivity
links among friends to total possible
Average links between friends' networks
number of links in first level network in relation to Percentage
total possible
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Social Network
Major European network Closure
Degree x Clustering
interaction effect
Ransbotham, Kane, & Lurie (2012)
Mallapragada, Grewal, & Lilien (2012)
Mallapragada, Grewal, & Lilien (2012)
Ransbotham, Kane, & Lurie (2012)
Ansari, Koenigsberg, & Stahl (2011)
Social network
Artist, R&D
Global network (closeness) centrality node's avg distance to all other nodes in the
Closeness centrality
sum of shortest paths
Degree centrality
number of existing projects connected to any
given person
Local network centrality
Number of connections to other articles made by
shared contributors, weighted by the number of
contributions made
Stochastically modelled latent closeness
Latent Construct
Kantona, Zsubcek, & Sarvary (2011)
Mallapragada, Grewal, & Lilien (2012)
Social Network
Major European network Betweenness
Average Betweenness
Betwenness centrality
Number of friends
Percentage of influential friends
Av. Number of friends of friends
Propensity to send ties
Propensity to receive ties
number of links in shop network
total number of dead end shops
Min. number of nodes between 2 persons
shortest path in network