Common Core Ambassadors Day 2 Grade 5 Presentation

Examining the Modules: Assessment
LT 2c. I can analyze the role of student-friendly learning
targets, aligned assessment, and effective curriculumembedded assessment in ensuring that all students achieve
college and career success.
Grade-Level Groups
Examining the modules: through the lens of a teacher
 Analyze the curricular structures (module, unit, and
lesson level)
 Analyze the instructional practices, pedagogical moves,
Form a line based on your experience in education: how many years
have you been an educator?
Debriefing Monday’s Session
What shifts did you see reflected in it?
In terms of structure – Look at the Unit 1 Overview:
– Module
– Purpose of Unit
– Blending of Lessons 1 & 2
Reading to Learn/Learning to Read
• Letting learners “give it a go” (read complex text) on their own first
Examining the Modules
Common Core is about creating self-directed learners
who use inquiry to drive their learning.
We are asking you do to the same: be self-directed and use
•inquiry to understand the modules.
Assessment Practices in the Module – Learning
Re-read box in Learning Targets Toolkit, page 4
Learning Targets
Criteria for a quality learning target
Written in student-friendly language
• Derived from a standard
• Contextually specific
• Measurable
• About the learning, not the doing
Standards/Targets Chart (Module Overview)
Look at the module overview document:
– What standards are taught and assessed in this module?
Evaluate the targets in the module based on the criteria:
– Student-friendly, derived from standard, contextualized,
accessible, about the learning
With a partner, share at least one target from the module that
strikes you, and why.
Alignment of Standards, Targets, and
In Learning Targets booklet, read paragraph on page 16.
Alignment of Targets to Assessments
Orient to the “Assessments” document
At your table, divide into 7 groups
Each group focus on one of the 7 assessments in the module
– Look at the standards assessed. How well does the
assessment match the standards and the targets?
Discuss: What strikes you?
Communicating Learning Targets to Students
In Learning Targets booklet, re-read page 8.
Think, then talk with a partner:
– What does the text say about using learning targets with
In lessons, find and mark with a sticky note:
– Where learning targets are introduced to students
– Where students debrief or reflect on learning targets
Discuss: What strikes you?
Communicating Learning Targets to Students
In lessons, find and mark with a sticky note:
– Where learning targets are introduced to students
– Where students debrief or reflect on learning targets
• Discuss: What strikes you?
Learning Targets in Action
Video of a 6th grade teacher beginning a lesson
Discussion about Assessment Practices
At your table, discuss:
How do the assessment practices embedded in the
curriculum modules help ensure that students master
content rich curriculum so they are college and career
ready? What is your evidence?
Thank you!
Please return to your grade-level break out group at 1pm.
Experiencing the Modules: Assessment
LT 2c. I can analyze the role of student-friendly learning
targets, aligned assessment, and effective curriculumembedded assessment in ensuring that all students achieve
college and career success.
The Curriculum Materials
Orange tab in your binder
1. Grades 3-5 ELA Curriculum Plan
2. Grade 5 NYS Common Core Aligned Curriculum Map
3. Module 5.1 Overview – Module 1 Introduction
4. Module 5.1: Assessments
5. Module 5.1: Performance Task
6. Module 5.1: Recommended Texts
7. Module 5.1 Overview – Unit 1: Building Background
Knowledge on Human Rights
8. Module 5.1: Unit 1: Lessons 1-11
9. By end of August: Module 1, Units 2-3
10. Throughout the year: Modules 2-4
Grade-Level Groups
Experiencing the modules: through the lens of a learner
 Consider one’s own experience as a “Common Core era” learner
 Based on one’s own experience, reflect on the implications for
Where Lesson 9 Fit in the Scheme of Things
• Look at the Unit overview and the sequence of lessons to
understand what would have happened with students in a real
•Yesterday, you experienced parts of Lessons 1 & 2
•We are skipping ahead to Lesson 9 to experience reading a longer
text – still emphasizing “What Close Readers Do” and modeling
the shifts – AND holding a focus on assessment for learning –
assessment in daily instruction
LT 2c) I can analyze the role of student-friendly learning
targets, aligned assessment, and effective curriculumembedded assessment in ensuring that all students achieve
college and career success.
At tables:
Using the Assessment Practices recording form:
1. Discuss the impact of those assessment practices on your
experience of the lesson.
2. Discuss: How might these practice support all students in
meeting the standards?
For those ready for an additional challenge, incorporate how
the lesson reflects our research reading from the morning.
Triad Review Note catcher (12 minutes)
How do the strategies in the Learning Targets Toolkit appear in
the module/unit/lesson? And how are these strategies
interconnected for student success?
What is the flaw in the current “vision” of assessment that
Stiggins describes? And how do the module/unit/lesson’s
assessment practices align with a “more powerful vision”?
How do the practices in the module/unit/lesson exemplify those
outlined in the Learning Targets Toolkit and reflect Stiggins
recommendations for balancing assessment of and for learning?
In what ways are you ready for the assessment challenge?
How will you ensure, through your own strategies (identify them)
or through the modules, that assessment does not lead to the
misdiagnosis, misunderstandings, and miscommunication
Stiggins warns about?
Thank you!
We will meet in grade-level groups again each day.
Now, please return to the whole group space
Sit with your research team. Be prepared to share:
 What you analyzed
 What you experienced
 Your key insights on your triad note catcher