WELCOME TO THE MARKETING ORIENTATION ON MUSHROOM National Mushroom Development & Extension Center, Sobahan bag, Savar, Dhaka. OBJECTIVES OF MARKETIN ORIENTATION CLASS TO GIVE GUIDELINE ON HOW TO START BUSINESS BY APPLYING THE RIGHT MARKETING CONCEPT, BY USING MUSHROOM AS IT’S MAIN PRODUCT. How is our Life ? Health ? Wealth ? Security ? All in trouble today…?!….. Mushroom = What ? HEALTH + MONEY Mushroom Save Life = Health Product Mushroom Bring Fortune Chinese Believe China = Billion Dollar Turnover Korea = Billion Dollar Turnover Thailand = Billion Dollar Turnover Japan = Billion Dollar Turnover Vietnam = Billion Dollar Turnover Sales Knowledge Big opportunities Of Mushroom Business •Income opportunity – Additional & Residual •Health, Wealth & Happiness •No stress; No Risk •Better life & Social work, Popularity, Self Satisfaction •Not high Investment •Independent Business But huge support structure •Simple Skills & Knowledge required (Concept of Marketing) • What is Marketing: • Negotiation + Dealing Exchange + Two Parties + Products/Service + Time Frame • 1. Marketing System of consumer products: Traditional Concept : 2. Direct Selling Concept : Company sell Product directly to the consumer through their own distributors, Or by Marketing People. is a system where % Ws Mnf 30 P % Db % Rt. Dist.Channel 70 Tk Cms Adv. Traditional Marketing 100 P Own D/b Products Production capacity High Investment Capital Product positioning Product pricing Distributional channel Transportation system Commission plan Promotion (Advertising ) Market Competitor /High risk Market Research No Channel Cms Mnf Direct Marketing 70 Tk. Save Products Own Distributional channel Mouth to Mouth Advertising Promotion Health campaign Low risk Distribution channel Mushroom grower – wholesaler/ distributor shop – Retailer shop - consumers Fixing the price or commission for the distributional channel Advertising promotion media Pamphlets/Leaflet Traditional Concept Dish Channel / Media + Direct Selling Concept Mouth Advertising /family /society . Name Card Product Diversified Use Share Benefits of the Products Pregnant Child Sharing your Knowledge Mushroom for the Entire Family For ALL Age Groups : Healthy as well as Unhealthy Teen-age Family-man Seniors Business Sense Why Mushroom Business ? A Small Scale Business – Vs – Large Scale Business (Basis : Monthly 25000 Annual net income. 3.0 Lacs ; Small Business Lrg. Business Investment Shade + Spawn 1000 25,000 15,00,000 Workload / day 1~2 hrs=3 8~16 hrs Loss Risk 5% 50% Health Risk 10% 50% Stress 5% 50% 25000 Not limit High Risk Income monthly Production Capacity • Build up on your demand and supply • Create demand on basis of your production • Never create demand if supply is not enough. Product Positioning • Product Packaging • Product Pricing • Product Quality Distributional Channel • Whole Seller Appointment • Flow chart system • Product availability Commission Plan • Whole Seller % percentage • Distributors % • Retailers % Competitor Analysis • Competitor is a friend not enemy • Study on his strategy Marketing Research • Always find good alternatives. • Find the problem and make solution • Feed back analysis system Selling is a art and Profession… • “ Profession is a occupation where Systematic Application of Knowledge, Skills in order to achieve a specific Purpose of the Client” For Success in Mushroom business essential ingredients are KNOWLEDGE OF PRODUCTS SKILL SYSTEM APPLICATION/ ACTION PRODUCTS/PEOPLE/PLACE/PROMOTION Do not take Mushroom Marketing is not just a pass time activity ! Effectiveness Approach Friends Relatives Institutions Employment Neighbours Family NW Strangers Build Personal Faith Impersonal ( Objective) Impersonal ( Objective) Impersonal ( Objective) Comparison ( Relativity) Common Excitement Concern : Helpfulness Thought, Expression & Behaviour Should reflect the above approach Skill Time Management for NW Make Daily sales Habit – its your Business ! Fix Time Frame & Work Write down daily activities & analyze Identify the available time List your Clients activities :: Prioritize Plan , Delegate and Monitor Cut the wastage of time in your activitiesphone, entertainments, shopping,socializing… Avoid procrastination Do not search for excuses and justification Find some time for Self & Family Buyer’s Behaviour Knowledge Attitude !? Knowledge Experience Environment Consumer Background • • • • • • The …… Level of Health Education is low Health & Disease are too private Preventive for the disease Med. Treatments cost is high . Benefit of the Mushroom. Who is the Target ? Whom you can sale ? FRIENDS : Income Group : Need-wise : Demography : Involvement : Priority F N S,, Sick person is Resourceful : keep 70% Middle & Upper middle class Security & Social Basic Minimum Education Urban & Semi Urban places Total Family participation List the people and contact systematically with time management 5 C’s to Progress Concentrate Communicate Convince Effort is the Key Consume Commit The greatest thing is not where you stand, but which DIRECTION you move ! Trainings & Meetings Team Building Strategy • • • • • • • Structuring who can be prospect Activating the person Educating the person Training Motivating Monitoring Continuous correction of course Team Building Process List & Contact 100 Meet 50 Interested 25 Consumer 15 work 10 No Resp. Rej. 25 Pendg 50 FU: 3 days Start & Develop “ Both” 15 X 5 = 75 kg for the month 75kg X 80 tk = 6000 15 X 5 = 75 kg for the month Same way the 10 people Will sale Now you can think how much your income Skill Meetings – How to Speak ? ACTION … Introduction of Topic and Subject Capture the Audience Attention Delivery of Lecture Go prepared with Q & A Close with enthusiasm and motivation USEFUL TIPS…..Stick to Time Frame , Core subject Use Eye contact & Body Language Modulate your Voice suitably Use Jokes, and stories Hold on to Dignity, Grace and Trust It is the Practice which makes it Perfect ! Goal Setting Never shoot without a TARGET ! Specific Skill Measurable SMART NOT SMART Attainable Realistic Time Bound Analyse Understand Utilize YOUR STRENGTH OPPORTUNITIES Effective Communication ( For Private meetings ) Skill What to Say ? When to Say ? How to Say ? Depends on your Personal Equation & their Background ! How to do ? Mushroom -Talk CONSUMER Compassionate Personal Faith Health Benefits Testimonials Credibility Personalized Service BUSINESS BLDR. Co’s Background Market Potential Bus. Opportunity Team supports Your Experience PROFESSIONAL Scientific, Logical, Reliable info. References & Testimonials. Professional support. Credibility of the Co. & Mktg. System. Don’t force. Don’t act smart. Be sincere and confident. Chronology of Action Dream Goal Plan Action Results •Burning Desire is the seed for SUCCESS. •If the seed is right, so is the fruit. •Goal should be SMART. •Success & Failure are merely the process. •We learn from failures, but we are scared of them. •Failure to plan is NOT failure of a plan. •Never give up Goal on facing failures, but modify Plans and Actions. Efficiency & Effectiveness OK Plan Action Results Skill Not OK Correction Analyse Success & Failure are merely the process. We learn from failures, but we are scared of them. Failure to plan is NOT failure of a plan. Never give up Goal on facing failures, but modify Plans and Actions. Communication Blockers Skill For Private Meetings 1. I do not accept your idea Logic / Science lacking Certifications, Supports, approvals lacking Unpopular, negative rumour 2. Unable to accept immediately; shall think it over More info, books, testimonials, references needed Second opinion required Approval by family Members or Doctors 3. No Comments ( Do not understand, Do not appreciate ) Comprehension is low; May go by relationship Prescription works, rather than Description •I do not accept, because it comes from You ( Ego ?) •All well ….. But ……. I do not want to do •I have tried… it does not work for me (already a DXNer) Communication Troubles For Private Meetings Skill Starting Know : Product, Co., NW, System Income Opp. & Social Response Running Avoid Ego Problems Take Knowledge & Training Show Perseverance Leading Self Motivation Lead by example Personality Good will & Ethics All communication Blockers can be overcome by Knowledge & Practice Address these questions….. • • • • Closing the Deal • • • Have you understood the Prospect ? Has he understood you, towards his NEEDS ? Have you clarified all his doubts & apprehensions ? Has he overcome those doubts & apprehensions ? Does he accept your Relationship and Guidance ? Did you allow reasonable time for his Decision ? Did the transaction end with a positive feeling ? If your answer is “YES” , go ahead and CLOSE DEAL. If any of them is “NO”, re-attempt after a gap of time. Don’t be hasty or desperate at any time. On your Marks…. Prepare yourself Working Tools : Presentation folder Samples (fish drawing) Testimonials Adequate Knowledge & FAQ Scientific Data & Facts Schedule the Work: List of 100 contacts Allocate TIME & RESOURCES Schedule your Meetings Action ……. Work like a Professional: Take appointment :: Be Punctual Learn Attitude Be well dressed. Be Cheerful.. Confident.. Relaxed. Why People Drop Out of profit ? Listen to negative mind people. Bad / Hasty Start The right NEED is not felt No Motivation No Team spirit / Commitment ‘I KNOW’ syndrome Ignorance of Opportunities Lack of Training Wrong Assumptions / Judgments Poor service from team / Company Negative social / family influence No personal values Selfish ; Indifferent ; Lazy Objections Handling 1. Listen Carefully and Completely. 2. Acknowledge & Appreciate : Do not confront or object. 3. Appeal to Logics & Common Sense. 4. Express your Keenness to sort out all objections. 5. Confirm / Clarify what you can and what you know. 6. Assure to revert on what you do not know. 7. Prompt and Lead on any other issues unexpressed. 8. Do not Pressurize. No Insult, No Ego play, No Confrontation. 9. If successful, Close the Deal. 10. If NO, walk out Gracefully. Better on a later date. 11. ………. (Allow time if needed). Never Close Doors Permanently to Anyone How to solve problems ? ATTITUDE : Be confident ; Never give up Do not cry & No Self-Pity Involve Only if Concerning / Relevant APPROACH: Think Professional Issues may not be Problems Stand outside the problem & see Look for alternative solutions ACTIONS Analyze Objectively everything - SWOT analysis - note down the observations Discuss / Consult with concerned people : Action plan with Time frame committed Implement & Monitor A good seller does not create problems…. But He always finds solutions ! Few Direction ethics to save you ? Be sincere, honest and transparent No snatching of prospects from other Mushroom sellers Beware of ‘ Dream-Stealers’ No politics ; No back-biting No false promises ; No tall claims No complaints ; No jealousy ; No negative attitude No financial manipulations with the consumers Do not fish for the consumers Work on Your STRENGTHS ., Do not cry for your WEAKNESS •Associate with +ve people, Avoid –ve people. •Believe in Yourself - You are a Great creation MIND AGAIN POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (PMA) IF YOU HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, YOU SEE OPPORTUNITIES IN ALL PROBLEMS AND YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GROW !!! CONGRATULATION! SEE YOU AT THE TOP THANKS TO MycoLife Food & Nutrition Ltd.