Advanced Cryptography

Security+ Guide to Network
Security Fundamentals,
Fourth Edition
Chapter 12
Advanced Cryptography
• Define digital certificates
• List the various types of digital certificates and how
they are used
• Describe the components of Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI)
• List the tasks associated with key management
• Describe the different transport encryption
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Digital Certificates
• Common application of cryptography
• Aspects of using digital certificates
– Understanding their purpose
– Knowing how they are managed
– Determining which type of digital certificate is
appropriate for different situations
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Defining Digital Certificates
• Digital signature
– Used to prove a document originated from a valid
• Weakness of using digital signatures
– Imposter could post a public key under a sender’s
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Figure 12-1 Imposter public key
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Defining Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Trusted third party
– Used to help solve the problem of verifying identity
– Verifies the owner and that the public key belongs to
that owner
– Helps prevent man-in-the-middle attack that
impersonates owner of public key
• Information contained in a digital certificate
– Owner’s name or alias
– Owner’s public key
– Issuer’s name
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Defining Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Information contained in a digital certificate
– Issuer’s digital signature
– Digital certificate’s serial number
– Expiration date of the public key
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Managing Digital Certificates
• Technologies used for managing digital certificates
Certificate Authority (CA)
Registration Authority (RA)
Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
Certificate Repository (CR)
Web browser
• Certificate Authority
– Trusted third party
– Responsible for issuing digital certificates
– Can be internal or external to an organization
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Duties of a CA
Generate, issue, an distribute public key certificates
Distribute CA certificates
Generate and publish certificate status information
Provide a means for subscribers to request
– Revoke public-key certificates
– Maintain security, availability, and continuity of
certificate issuance signing functions
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Subscriber requesting a digital certificate
Generates public and private keys
Sends public key to CA
CA may in some instances create the keys
CA inserts public key into certificate
Certificates are digitally signed with private key of
issuing CA
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Registration Authority
– Subordinate entity designed to handle specific CA
• Offloading registration functions creates improved
workflow for CA
• General duties of an RA
– Receive, authenticate, and process certificate
revocation requests
– Identify and authenticate subscribers
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• General duties of an RA (cont’d.)
– Obtain a public key from the subscriber
– Verify that the subscriber possesses the asymmetric
private key corresponding to the public key
submitted for certification
• Primary function of an RA
– Verify identity of an individual
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Means for a digital certificate requestor to identify
themselves to an RA
– E-mail
• Insufficient for activities that must be very secure
– Documents
• Birth certificate, employee badge
– In person
• Providing government-issued passport or driver’s
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Certificate Revocation List
– Lists digital certificates that have been revoked
• Reasons a certificate would be revoked
– Certificate is no longer used
– Details of the certificate have changed, such as
user’s address
– Private key has been lost or exposed (or suspected
lost or exposed)
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Figure 12-2 Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Certificate Repository
– Publicly accessible centralized directory of digital
– Used to view certificate status
– Can be managed locally as a storage area
connected to the CA server
– Can be made available through a Web browser
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Figure 12-3 Certificate Repository (CR)
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Managing Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Web browser management
– Modern Web browsers preconfigured with default list
of CAs
• Advantages
– Users can take advantage of digital certificates
without need to manually load information
– Users do not need to install a CRL manually
• Automatic updates feature will install them
automatically if feature is enabled
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Figure 12-4 Web browser default CAs
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Types of Digital Certificates
• Different categories of digital certificates
– Class 1 through Class 5
– Dual-key sided
– Dual sided
• Other uses for digital certificates
– Provide secure communication between clients and
servers by encrypting channels
– Encrypt messages for secure Internet e-mail
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Types of Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Other uses for digital certificates (cont’d.)
– Verify the identity of clients and servers on the Web
– Verify the source and integrity of signed executable
• Common categories of digital certificates
– Personal digital certificates
– Server digital certificates
– Software publisher digital certificates
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Types of Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Class 1: personal digital certificates
– Issued by an RA directly to individuals
– Frequently used to secure e-mail transmissions
– Typically only require user’s name and e-mail
address to receive
• Class 2: server digital certificates
– Issued from a Web server to a client
– Ensure authenticity of the Web server
– Ensure authenticity of the cryptographic connection
to the Web server
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Figure 12-5 Server digital certificate
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Types of Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Class 2: server digital certificates (cont’d.)
– Server authentication and secure communication
can be combined into one certificate
• Displays padlock icon in the Web browser
• Click padlock icon to display information about the
digital certificate
• Extended Validation SSL Certificate (EV SSL)
– Requires more extensive verification of legitimacy of
the business
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Figure 12-6 Padlock icon and certificate information
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Types of Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Class 3: software publisher digital certificates
– Provided by software publishers
– Purpose: verify programs are secure and have not
been tampered with
• Dual-key digital certificates
– Reduce need for storing multiple copies of the
signing certificate
– Facilitate certificate handling in organizations
• Copies kept in central storage repository
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Types of Digital Certificates (cont’d.)
• Dual-sided certificates
– Provides ability for client to authenticate back to the
– Both sides of the session validate themselves
• X.509 digital certificates
– Standard for most widely accepted format for digital
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Table 12-1 X.509 structure
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
• Important management tool for the use of:
– Digital certificates:
– Asymmetric cryptography
• Aspects of PKI
– Public-key cryptography standards
– Trust models
– Key management
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What is Public Key Infrastructure?
• Need for consistent means to manage digital
• PKI: framework for all entities involved in digital
• Certificate management actions facilitated by PKI
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Public-Key Cryptographic Standards
• Numbered set of PKI standards defined by the
RSA Corporation
– Widely accepted in industry
– Based on the RSA public-key algorithm
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Table 12-2 PKCS standards (continues)
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Table 12-2 PKCS standards (cont’d.)
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Figure 12-7 Microsoft Windows PKCS support
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Trust Models
• Trust
– Confidence in or reliance on another person or entity
• Trust model
– Refers to type of trusting relationship that can exist
between individuals and entities
• Direct trust
– One person knows the other person
• Third-party trust
– Two individuals trust each other because each trusts
a third party
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Trust Models (cont’d.)
• Hierarchical trust model
– Assigns single hierarchy with one master CA called
the root
– Root signs all digital certificate authorities with a
single key
– Can be used in an organization where one CA is
responsible for only that organization’s digital
• Hierarchical trust model has several limitations
– Single CA private key may be compromised
rendering all certificates worthless
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Figure 12-8 Hierarchical trust model
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Trust Models (cont’d.)
• Distributed trust model
– Multiple CAs sign digital certificates
– Eliminates limitations of hierarchical trust model
• Bridge trust model
– One CA acts as facilitator to connect all other CAs
• Facilitator CA does not issue digital certificates
– Acts as hub between hierarchical and distributed
trust model
– Allows the different models to be linked
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Figure 12-9 Distributed trust model
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Figure 12-10 Bridge trust
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Trust Models (cont’d.)
• Bridge trust application examples
– Federal and state governments
– Pharmaceutical industry
– Aerospace industry
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Managing PKI
• Certificate Policy (CP)
– Published set of rules that govern operation of a PKI
– Provides recommended baseline security
requirements for use and operation of CA, RA, and
other PKI components
• Certificate Practice Statement (CPS)
– Describes in detail how the CA uses and manages
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Managing PKI (cont’d.)
• Certificate life cycle
– Creation
• Occurs after user is positively identified
– Suspension
• May occur when employee on leave of absence
– Revocation
• Certificate no longer valid
– Expiration
• Key can no longer be used
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Key Storage
• Means of public key storage
– Embedding within digital certificates
• Means of private key storage
– Stored on user’s local system
• Software-based storage may expose keys to
• Alternative: storing keys in hardware
– Tokens
– Smart-cards
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Key Usage
• Multiple pairs of dual keys
– Created if more security needed than single set of
public/private keys
– One pair used to encrypt information
• Public key backed up in another location
– Second pair used only for digital signatures
• Public key in that pair never backed up
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Key-Handling Procedures
• Key escrow
– Keys managed by a third party
– Private key is split and each half is encrypted
– Two halves sent to third party, which stores each
half in separate location
– User can retrieve and combine two halves and use
this new copy of private key for decryption
• Expiration
– Keys expire after a set period of time
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Key-Handling Procedures (cont’d.)
• Renewal
– Existing key can be renewed
• Revocation
– Key may be revoked prior to its expiration date
– Revoked keys may not be reinstated
• Recovery
– Need to recover keys of an employee hospitalized
for extended period
– Key recovery agent may be used
– Group of people may be used (M-of-N control)
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Figure 12-11 M-of-N control
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Key-Handling Procedures (cont’d.)
• Suspension
– Suspended for a set period of time and then
• Destruction
– Removes all public and private keys and user’s
identification from the CA
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Transport Encryption Algorithms
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
– Most common transport encryption algorithm
– Developed by Netscape
– Uses a public key to encrypt data transferred over
the SSL connection
• Transport Layer Security (TLS)
– Protocol that guarantees privacy and data integrity
between applications communicating over the
• Both provide server and client authentication, and
data encryption
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Secure Shell (SSH)
• Encrypted alternative to Telnet protocol used to
access remote computers
• Linux/UNIX-based command interface and protocol
• Suite of three utilities: slogin, ssh, and scp
• Client and server ends of connection are
authenticated using a digital certificate
• Passwords are encrypted
• Can be used as a tool for secure network backups
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Table 12-3 SSH commands
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Hypertext Transport Protocol over
Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS)
• Common use of SSL
– Secure Web Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)
communications between browser and Web server
– Users must enter URLs with https://
• Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol (SHTTP)
– Cryptographic transport protocol released as a
public specification
– Supports a variety of encryption types, including
– Not as widely used as HTTPS
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
IP Security (IPsec)
• Open System Interconnection (OSI) model
– Security tools function at different layers
• Operating at higher levels such as Application layer
– Advantage: tools designed to protect specific
– Disadvantage: multiple security tools may be needed
• IPsec
– Set of protocols developed to support secure
exchange of packets
– Operates at a low level in the OSI model
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Figure 12-12 Security tools and the OSI model
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IP Security (cont’d.)
• IPsec considered transparent to:
– Applications
– Users
– Software
• Located in the operating system or communication
• Provides authentication, confidentiality, and key
• Supports two encryption modes: transport and
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Figure 12-13 New IPsec packet using transport or tunnel mode
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• Digital certificate provides third party verification of
public key owner’s identity
• A Certificate Authority issues digital certificates for
• Personal digital certificates are issued by an RA to
• Server digital certificates ensure authenticity of a
Web server and its cryptographic connection
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fourth Edition
Summary (cont’d.)
• PKI is a framework for all entities involved in digital
• Three basic PKI trust models exist
• Cryptography can protect data as it is being
transported across a network
– SSL/TLS is a widely used algorithm
• IPsec supports a secure exchange of packets
– Considered to be a transparent security protocol
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