French & Indian War Notes: Rivalries in America

Notes Ch. 4 Lesson 4: Rivalries in America
History Standards: 1. Conflicts among colonial powers for control of North America
2. Identify/explain sources of conflict the led to the American Revolution including: Proclamation of 1763….
I. Lesson 4: Rivalry in North America-The French & Indian War
Bell Ringer Why did conflict develop between the British and French? ________
A. Native Americans Interact with Europeans
Relations with the Spanish
Relations with the British
Relations with the French
Assess: Which country would most Native Americans side with in war? Why?
B. Conflicts with France
1. Cause of conflict in America between France and England-_______________________
2. Also rivals in EuropeWAR
Effect on Colonies
King William’s
War (1689-1697)-
Queen Anne’s War
King George’s War
C. Sequencing Use your textbook pp. 101-102 to complete the following.
Fill in the events leading up to the French and Indian War in the order in which
they happened. The first and last entries have been completed.
(next page)
1. First: British begin to show interest in the Ohio River Valley. The French view the
territory as theirs.
2. Next: To protect their claims, ___________________________________________
3. Next: The British responded by __________________________________________
4. Next: The French seized _______________________________________________
5. Next: The governor of Virginia___________________________________________
6. Next: The French and Native Americans ___________________________________
7. Last: The war between the French and British begins.
D. Alliances
1. Most Native Americans sided with the _________________
2. British tried to make alliance with the
__________________, but they only promised to stay
3. Colonial Alliance- the 13 colonies were not ____________
a. _____________________ Plan of Union
b. Idea of ____________________; unite the ______________
c. The colonists _______________; did not want to give up _________________.
II. The French and Indian War (1754-1763)
A. Video notes: The War That Made America PART 1: The War Begins
1. George Washington & Ft. Necessity
 Importance of the “Battle at Ft. Necessity”2. Relations between the British, French & Indians.
British & Indians
French & Indians
3. The British Plan to win the war Ft Duquesne @ the Forks of the __________ River
 Problems moving army –
4. General Edward Braddock-
5. What was the role women played in the war?
6. Battle at the Forks of the OHIO a.k.a. “The Wilderness”a. Indian & French strategyb. British strategy
c. Importance of George Washingtond. Results-
B. Webquest: Battles of the French and Indian War
Directions: Mute the sound on your computer.You will follow the major actions of the French and Indian
War through this webquest. By clicking the play button on the bottom left it will display an interactive
map. Pay attention to the timeline and the titles on each page.
A. Colonial Expansion 1500-1750
1. What cause the tension to begin in the colonies between Britain and France?
2. The French expanded to the ___________________________, this caused a young man by
the name of _________________________ to be called upon to request that the French leave
that area.
B. French Expansion—1753
1. The French built a string of forts south of Lake Eire. Those forts were: __________________,
___________________, and ____________________.
2. The governor of Virginia sends 36 colonists to build a fort at the strategic place of
C. The Year of 1754- Battle for Control of the Forks of the OHIO River
1. The French overtake “The Fork of Ohio” from the colonists. They eventually make this area
Fort _______________ and get their digging supplies form the ____________.
2. What does Dinwiddie ask Washington to do? ___________________________
3. Washington’s orders were to remain in defense but “____________________” if necessary.
They fire at 35 French troops; they wound and capture the French leader __________________.
4. They retreat back and set up a fort. This fort was named _________________.
 How many French and Indian troops attacked Washington at the new fort? _____
 What events caused Washington and his troops to surrender and retreat?
D. British Plans for 1755
1. The British had 4 plans for taking over the French across the border.
General _____________ will take over Fort ___________ with 2,100 soldiers with him.
Another troop will capture Fort ___________ along with Fort Niagara
The third plan was to head north and take over Fort _____________ on Lake
 The final effort was going to work out of the area of ________________ to capture Fort
2. General Braddock has formed the most powerful force assembled in ________ ____________.
Since he has no British Army commissioner, he ask ___________ ______________ to
accompany him.
3. What causes the British to retreat from the battle? ___________________________________.
4. George Washington is named “Hero of ________________” for leading out the survivors from
the forest.
5. What were the losses of either side? __________________________________
E. French Victories 1756-57
1. The French now had new leaders, with the head being ___________________.
2. They begin raiding forts, first isolating the capturing Ft. _______________ & then capturing
Ft. William Henry where British prisoners were __________________ by the Indians.
3. The capturing of Fort William Henry was depicted in the novel by Fenimore Cooper’s
F. 1758- British Victories
1. The British set up a blockade so that New France could not receive any goods. This enabled
them to besiege __________________.
2. After the raid of Fort Fronteac, the British soldiers defeated the French at Fort Duquesne. The
renamed the Fort ________________, which is now present day _________________ (American
3. By capturing Louisburg, the British now had their sight on _____________, the capital of New
G. 1759 - Battle of Quebec
1. There were 15,000 French troops and militia defending the Quebec area, who is led by French
General ________________.
2. British General _________ has ____________ troops and he began the take over of Quebec
that lasted 68 days.
3. Why did Montcalm want to wait until winter to fight? ______________________________
4. The British snuck their ships past Quebec at night but Montcalm was not worried because he
did not think anyone could attack him from that direction because of the _______________.
6. _____________________________ leads 40 men up the cliffs.
7. The British have formed a line on the Plains of ________________________.
8. What did Br. General Wolfe think of the French soldiers? ______________________________
9. Who attacked first? ____________ Who retreated? _______________What happened to both
Montcalm & Wolfe? __________________________________
10. Who won the battle? ________________________________
H. Final Victory 1760
1. The French try to take back ______________, they won a battle but did not recapture their
capital city.
2. British forces then turn their focus on ______________. They come from _________different
3. The French presence is North America is over when Montreal is surrendered by the governor of
I. Consequences of the War
1. France attempts one more time to invade North America by going through
2. ________________________ is signed in
1763 officially ending the war.
3. What does the Treaty of Paris mean for each
out the countries?
 Spain
4. On the map at right sketch & in and label the
territories held by Spain, Great Britain, Indian
Reserve & France after the Treaty of Paris,
J. Video War That Made America: part 4 The Final Battles of the French-Indian War (1759)
1. Battle of Quebec
 James Wolfe
Marquis de Montcalm
2. Importance of Iroquois3. Battle of Montreal (Br. General Jeffrey Amherst)
4. World War: Seven Years War
 Who fought against the British?
Where else did fighting occur?
What were the results?
5. Br. Treatment of Indians
What sport did the Indians like to play?
6. Pontiac’s Rebellion Who was Pontiac?
Why did he lead rebellion against the British?
What were the results?
III. Consequences of the French & Indian War
A. Treaty of Paris, 1763 (Ended the Seven Years War/French-Indian War)
B. British Settlers Push WEST!
1. Over the ____________________ Mountains through the _______________ Gap.
2. Into the ______________________.
3. Led by people such as ______________________.
4. Known as _____________________.
5. Caused problems with the __________________.
C. Result was new laws from England.
1. King George III issued ______________________________________
2. Stated that colonists could not ______________________________________.
3. Ordered colonists in OHIO to _____________________________.
4. Many colonist were _________________ & _______________ this law.