Rendering with Spherical Radiance Transport Maps


Rendering with

Spherical Radiance Transport Maps

Jiaoying Shi

State Key Lab of CAD&CG

Zhejiang University, P.R.China


• Pre-computed Radiance Transfer(PRT) [Sloan02, Ng03]

[Sloan03] is an efficient method for rendering soft shadow and inter-reflection under low frequency illumination.

• Radiance transfer information – occlusion and reflection relationship between geometry models, which is the most important in global illumination rendering

• Problems in traditional methods like Ray Tracing: slow computation of ray-model intersection for Radiance transfer information, unpractical for soft shadow/reflection rendering under complex lighting

Precomputed Radiance Transfer

• PRT aims at transferring the computation burden to precomputation process

• PRT precompute, compress and save the Radiance Transfer information to support fast global illumination rendering

• The key to PRT is the constraining mode of scene, the strategy of precomputation, and the data compress method.

Precomputed Radiance Transfer

• PRT method for single object or static scene, in which the radiance transfer information is fixed

• Precomputation method obtain the occlusion, reflection information for each model vertex at every direction occlusion inter-reflection

Precomputed Radiance Transfer

• Analysis for the complex illumination using orthonormal basis function, such as Spherical Harmonics, Wavelets.

• Analysis for the precomputed Radiance Transfer information at each vertex with same basis function

• Efficient shading computation using these analysis coefficients

PRT for dynamical scene

• Radiance Transfer information changes at every frame of dynamical scene

• Previous PRT for dynamical scene [Sloan02]- not a practical approach

Spherical Radiance Transport Maps

• SRTMs – Real-time global illumination rendering method for multiple dynamical objects

• Process each object independently

• Precompute the mutual radiance transfer information, occlusion and reflection, on a bounding sphere of each dynamical object.

• In rendering, these information can be obtained easily by searching the precomputed results

Spherical Radiance Transport Maps

• The Radiance Transfer information for each vertex is dynamical, so the orthonormal analysis cannot be used like previous PRT method

• The orthonormal analysis cannot be used for illumination either.

• We decompose the complex illumination into many directional lights[Agarwla03], and process each light in rendering independently

Problems of Bounding Sphere Sampling

• Large data amounts of 4D function, compression needed

• Inconvenient storage and search for data on sphere

• Computation of ray-model intersection is reduced to that of ray-bounding sphere intersection, but can this computation be simplified furthest?

Spherical Shadow Map

• Spherical Shadow Map(SSM) for soft shadow rendering.

• Sampling a planar shadow map at every direction, as rearrangement of sampling on bounding sphere

• Small data amount utilizing the insensitivity of human eyes to shape of shadow under complex illumination, reducing the density of sampling directions,

• Uniform resolution of planar shadow map, easy for compression

• Capability to support fast rendering, avoid trigonometric computation

Spherical Shadow Map

• Self shadow map precompute and store self occlusion of each object vertex at every sampling direction

• Shadow Rendering Process

• For each vertex, to determine if every light is occluded by the object itself or by other dynamical object

• Firstly for rendering self shadow, we determine self occlusion by searching precomputed result in self shadow map

Spherical Shadow Map

• Mutual shadow rendering (shadow casted on A by B)

For each vertex of A, if some light is not occluded by A itself, judge if it is occluded by other objects

Firstly, two cases of unocclusion are examined

Spherical Shadow Map

• Mutual shadow rendering (shadow casted on A by B)

Then, s earch the planar map in SSM to determine occlusion x

 q

 x

T y

 q

 y


Spherical Shadow Map

• Rendering with light clusters – further acceleration

• Some results

Spherical Shadow Map

Results comparison rendering by SSM rendering by ray-tracing

Spherical Reflection Map

• Spherical Reflection Map(SRM) for soft inter-reflection rendering

• Percomputation process sample a planar map at each direction ( relatively low sampling resolution on each planar map) find the direction of reflection of every sampling ray ignore multi-fold reflection sample self reflection map

Spherical Reflection Map

Inter-reflection rendering

• Reflection rendering is more complicated than shadow rendering

• Compute self reflection firstly

• Computer mutual inter-reflection with SRM

Spherical Reflection Map

• Occlusion problem in reflection rendering

• Judge occlusion using shadow computation results


Future Work

• Sampling of Radiance Transfer information on various bounding shell

• SRTM for transparent objects

• SRTM for deformable objects

• Using SRTM with BRDF and BTF

