Science Soil Components Content/Topic Students will realize that soil is made up of many different components. The lesson before this introduced the students to the types of soil that they will be learning about throughout the three weeks. Grade 3 March 18, 2014 Equipment/ Materials 1. Dirt separation Jar 2. Soildoku page (1 per student) 3. Components of soil handout Teaching Strategy and/or Strategy In this lesson the students will be learning about the soil components through a fill in the blank. I chose to do it this way to hopefully help the students understand the different components by reading and writing it down. Then through doing a fun activity (soildoku) the students will remember the components in soil. Outcomes ES3.1 - Investigate the characteristics, including soil composition and ability to absorb water, of different types of soil in their environment. Indicators a. Pose questions and make predictions about the characteristics and composition of soils that lead to exploration and investigation (e.g., What colours are soil? What does soil feel like? Where does soil come from? Is there water in soil?). Classroom Management For the discussion and reading out of definitions it will be student to teacher. The students will be encouraged to raise their hands if they have any questions. The soilduko will be an individual activity that the students can work on. If there are questions students can ask their desk partners or myself. Before handing in the soildoku I will ensure all students have put their names on the paper. For students who are done early they can silently read or work on other homework. Evaluation/Assessment: The soildoku will be handed in for evaluation, they will be marked on the students ability to finish the rest of the page on their own. Set: (estimated time____15 min___) Start by showing the students the pre-prepared jar with the soil that has settled. Explain to the students where the organic material, clay, silt, air, water, and sand are in the jar. Explain to students that soil has three main kinds of rock particles, which are sand, silt, clay. Sand particles are the largest. Silt particles are not as big as sand, and clay particles are the smallest. Then write on the board the six components. Development: (estimated time____20 min___) Begin by handing out the handout on the components of soil. Then introduce the key vocabulary words: Sand, silt, organic matter, clay, air, animals, and water. Circulate having the students read the sentence for each vocabulary word. Next write on the board Soil Components 1 the explanation of each component and ask the students what component matches the sentence. If there are any questions address them at this point. Hand out the soildoku to the students. On the smart board, display the soildoku and explain to the students how it works. There must be a complete set of the six parts of soil in each row and column. Do the first three lines with the students and then have them work individually on the last three. Closure: (estimated time___10 min___) Explain to the students the importance of learning about the components of soil. Explain to the students that this lesson will be of importance when we learn about soil formation next week. For soil to form it needs the components. We can also use this lesson in our experiment on Friday, as soil with more clay, silt, or sand contributes to its permeability. Collect the student handouts for grading. Adaptive Dimension: For the soildoku if the students are having problems and it is too difficult they can work in partners. Professional Plan/Target: My target for this lesson will focus on basic management, which will include acknowledging raised hands and attending to the needs of the students. Resource: Soil Components 2