Senate Minutes Feb 13th


ASUPS Formal Senate

Murray Boardroom

Thursday February 13


, 2014

Call to order at 7:05 o Present: Senators Fagaragan, Grueneich, Hartnig, Jones, Laesch, Long,

Reeser, Schowalter, Smith, Vice-President Rodriguez, President

Hopfenbeck, Dean of Students Representative Palmquist-Cady o Excused: Faculty Representative Morris, Senator Howley, Latimer o Unexcused: None o Tardy: None

Approval of Minutes: o Approval:

Yay: 13

Nay: 0

 Abstentions: 0

Open Forum

Executive Reports o President Report

Travis Nation and William Morse visited Faculty Senate to discuss

PeopleSoft and how there are many issues with the software, but they have an organized task list to fix issues.

He will send his Board report to the Senators soon. o Vice President Report

Oppenheimer Wine night

Event for Juniors and Seniors to meet administration members and faculty members.

Pierre Ly will conduct a wine tasting.

More new clubs coming this semester, somewhat concerning due to ASUPS budget being a limited resources, for example certain clubs are only gaming with each other.

Poster request system is live on the website! No need to go through copy services anymore, system is streamlined and all the information you will need is there, he feels this is really good for students. o Dean of students Representative Report

Sorority expansions committee voted to not expand sorority life on campus: will probably reassess in another year. That recommendation went from the chair, Sarah Comstock to Dean

Segawa. o Faculty Representative Report


Senate Reports o Chair Report


 Go online and sign up for Café hours, please sign up on the Google doc.

Spoke with ASUPS DTS- starting to work on the Senate page on the website. o Club Liaison Director

 Nothing to report. o Club Sports Liaison

Eda (freshman) – Equestrian club wants to increase visibility, meeting with Senator Hartnig soon.

Met with Marta about role of Club Sports Liaison and discussed a post-travel form to give information to Marta about club sports travels

Wants to have a meeting with all the captains of the club sports to see what they want from the relationship with ASUPS

Climbing club going to a competition to Corvallis

 Situation with Lacrosse nets and goals with agreement between

Men’s team and Women’s varsity team with goal sharing. Meeting scheduled on Monday how to negotiate and facilitate discussion o Committee Reports

Senator Smith - Student Concerns will be tabling in the SUB for students to sign thank you cards for Diner workers

Senator Smith - From IFC and Panhellenic, 7pm February 24 th

Consent workshop and other upcoming events and programs.

Senator Reeser – Elections committee met for the first time, candidates will be coming to interview during Café Hours

Formal Candidate meeting on February 27 th

, 9pm in

McCormick Room

Campaigning begins afterwards

March 2 nd

– Campus blurb, email, picture due

March 7 th

– Election packets due

ASUPS Executives debate from 5pm-6pm in Rotunda

Voting begins at 6pm on March 10 th

and runs until March

15 th

at 12pm

Senator Long – ULAC met on Wednesday to meet and discuss

ASUPS awards, gave all Senators note-cards to encourage nominations. Committee will meet again after spring break to decide winners and then ULAC will be on April 13 th


Senator Laesch – Media Board just met, looks like the Medias will move in the DCS offices in the SUB.

Senator Jones – Union Board met, decided to contribute $1,500 towards the projector and up to $1000 for a racking of the projector in Rausch.

VI. Unfinished Business

VII. New Business



14-010: Approval of The UPS Quidditch Team as an official ASUPS Club

The ASUPS Senate hereby approves the UPS Quidditch Team as an officially recognized ASUPS Club.

Senators Jones and Vallance take points of personal privilege.

Vivien Jones and Kaitlyn Vallance will represent for the request.

The representatives attempt to show a video for how to play Quidditch.

They show and read information from the official international

Quidditch association website

 They show the Title 9 ¾ gender information for Quidditch which can be found at the website:

Senator Howley has arrived

They explain that a webpage will be built for the Northwest.

Senator Schowalter asks if there is a certification needed to ensure proper play of Quidditch to make sure our school’s club is really a part of the organization.

Senator Vallance explains there are official referees.

Senator Jones explains there is a mentor program for up-and-coming teams, and a state representative and a regional director

Senator Schowalter asks if they have contacted the regional director.

The representatives agree if approved, they will contact the director and the UW team.

Dean of Students Representative Palmquist-Cady asks if the team will contact the organization about brooms o In the risk review, there was discussion about injury to genitals during play which the risk review committee would like to see official organization brooms used to decrease risk

Senator Schowalter asks if throughout the club confirmation in the national organization can the club let Senator Hartnig know how things are going.

The representatives agree to do so.

Senator Smith asks if the club will apply for a grant to the national organization.

The representatives explain the grant has to be asked for in the Fall, but they are working with the organization to get preliminary equipment.

Senator Laesch asks if it is worrying to anyone that the club might not be associated with the national organization

Palmquist-Cady explains its ok to be a club and not be connected with national.


Representatives assert they are not able to play competitive yet, but must be official club to reserve space and practice.

Senator Schowalter asks if the club will be eligible to receive equipment if not competing officially.

Representatives assert that the starting kit is given to teams that are starting up.

Vote: o Yay: 11 o Nay: 0 o Abstentions: 0

Senators Jones and Vallance have returned to their seats


14-011: Finance Allocation to IFC and Pan-Hellenic

The ASUPS Senate hereby allocates $0 to go towards conference fees for

IFC and Pan-Hellenic.

Michaela Metzler and Pete Bergene are the representatives for the

Panhellenic Council and the Interfraternity Council (IFC) respectively.

They are asking money for their organizations to attend a

Conference in southern California.

They are asking for $2000 each to cover registration.

 They know ASUPS doesn’t typically cover travel, hotel or food.

The must stay at the conference hotel – no potential for another cheaper hotel.

It is within their budget, but if they pay for entirety of the conference, they cannot pay for other programs such as: training for fraternity and sorority executives on suicide prevention and mental health workshops; a consent workshop with Wixen; Greek

Week; a summit in the fall.

Representative Bergene asserts that these programs have been budgeted for, and if ASUPS does not give funding, then they will have to cut funding for other programs.

Representative Metzler adds that raising dues for IFC and

Panhellenic will not help the Greek community be more open for students interested due to financial burdens.

Senator Long thanks the representatives for preparedness. He asks what they feel the conference will bring back to their groups.


Metzler explains that many speakers attend conference which are very beneficial for executive councils to know how to deal with issues.

Bergene adds that these issues are national issues and the speakers can share information and solutions with the IFC and Panhellenic exec. Attending this conference affords this campus the potential to network and learn from national Greek Life.

Metzler adds that they can attend talks that are tailored to our environment and community.

Senator Long asks if the conference will bring back concrete information to the councils.

Bergene explains that only 1 member has been on IFC before, and only 14% has gone through important training. This will directly help members grow and learn through training

Metzler adds that Panhellenic would greatly benefit from the conference.

Senator Vallance asks if all members need to go to the conference and if there is new information this year.

Metzler explains that the Panhellenic President has gone but will go to different talks, and she adds that the group must go as a unit in order to best work together and talk through issues

Bergene agrees that the situation is similar to Panhellenic in that their group functions best when they go together.

Senator Grueneich adds that $3,445 would cover the total cost of registration and asks if $2000 is for each?

Metzler agrees that the money is covering the registration fees and one IFC member is not coming.

VP Rodriguez returns to the raising dues question. He explains that if Greek Life dues are raised by $5 then $3,900 is added to the

Greek Life budgets.

Bergene explains that Greek Life has been on campus for much of over 60 years and disagrees that raising dues is the issue but rather they should be able to use ASUPS funds as well.

Senator Hartnig explains the concerns of the Finance committee that last year Greek Life came through and Senate asked them to budget for the conference in the future and asks if previous representatives mentioned that to the new leadership team.

Greek Life Director Moe Stephens responds that there was a gross miscommunication. The intent of that conversation was that yes, they can work it into the budget, but their budget is set for the year.


Message was supposed to have been, yes we can pay for it, but other things go away and that is the reality. There is a finite amount of money they can spend and the conference takes away from on-campus programs.

Senator Hartnig explains she is not in favor of allocating the entire amount, but in favor of allocating some money towards the conference because it doesn’t matter the affiliation, ASUPS should be in support of that.

Senator Howley explains she is torn because she was on Finance committee and agreed with $0, but she knows everyone is an

ASUPS fee-paying student and they have shown good faith with the programs they have put on and have good ideas for future programs, and she thinks if that comes out of these conferences, then they are very important.

Senator Smith explains that as Greek Senator he sees a ton of potential that can come from the conference, and explains that one of Pete’s major goals is to have the Greek community believe and respect IFC and Panhellenic and explains that paying for some will help ASUPS keep a good relationship with Greek Life.

VP Rodriguez shares that the Finance account stands at $12,763.45 and the capital account stands at $148,764.77.

Senator Grueneich explains it is a little unusual not to consider raising dues, and feels it is practical and important to look at their own budget.

Bergene agrees it is a reasonable question, but each student is entitled to the ASUPS fee, Greek Life or not, he hears the question and can look at raising dues in the future, but they do not want to cut programs that have a great benefit to campus.

Senator Vallance explains that they could fund this conference now and come back later for programs and asks if they would be willing to come back through.

Bergene asks if Senate wants to consider going back through this process again, and that they would really use the money wisely.

Metzler says this funding would help them make sure that the future programs will be able to happen.

Senator Howley asks if the consent workshop is open to non-

Greeks as well.

Metzler explains it is open.

Bergene explains there is also SWAT in the fall to help students move-in, as well as Greeks Go Green, the summit in the fall to


address issues that affect Greek Life but are not unique to Greek

Life; and that’s something each club faces.

Stephens adds that Panhellenic has funded a self-defense workshop, with the potential to open it up to non-Greek women.

VP Rodriguez shares a story that the special events programmer came through senate to request funds for an event that she didn’t have money budgeted for but could fund it, and senate told her to come back for money if they need money again.

Metzler says that ASUPS runs out of money, so they wanted to come early with a budget to spend.

Senator Grueneich thinks it is unfair to ask for money now even though they could fund the conference now, but appreciates the precaution.

Bergene counters that Senate funded RSA to a conference, which would have the same end result as this conference. They are asking for the money that they are entitled to as well, and they are not asking for much.

Senator Grueneich does not agree with Bergene with the assessment of the RSA conference allocation.

Senator Howley disagrees and says the RSA conference is very similar to this request as well, and Senate did give RSA a significant amount of money, and neither organization is a club.

Senator Jones differs that every student must be in Residence Life for two years so the RSA allocation should not be considered the same.

Senator Schowalter adds that 70% of students are not involved in

Greek Life, and Senate did do Greek Life a favor to help fund the speaker, and wants them to not feel like ASUPS does not want to fund them, but also wants the two representatives to know that

70% of campus is not a part of it and to keep that in mind.

Senator Long clarifies that only 13 members are going and that would cost about $3,400 to go and given the status of the finance account, but proposes a happy medium that ASUPS provides

$2,500 now, but would encourage Greek Life to come back for future events.

Senator Long moves to amend the docket to read $2,500.


Senator Schowalter asks about the benefits to the entire campus community, and asks for clarification whether the event would not benefit the entire campus community without funding.


Metzler and Bergene say that if it’s not funded, then they cannot put on events later which would have a greater benefit to campus.

Senator Schowalter wants to make sure there are not negative repercussions for not getting funding from ASUPS.

Metzler says any open event would remain open.

Senator Howley adds that she believes the Senate should fund the conference, and adds that she is in favor of the full amount.

VP Rodriguez encourages the councils to increase dues in the future, and reminds them that Greek Life has come through Senate for the past 4 years, and to try to think about budgeting differently.

Bergene explains he cannot guarantee any due increases.

Senator Reeser is against amending the item, not because of the importance of the conference, but he feels the discussion has resolved around building a relationship between ASUPS and Greek

Life, so he would feel better spending the same money for events on campus instead rather than this conference.

Stephens responds that the nuance is that ASUPS is asking them to max out the budget and come back for money that might not be there rather than allocating now.

Long called amendment to question.

Vote on the amendment: o Yay: 9 o Nay: 3 o Abstentions: 1

The docket is hereby amended to read $2,500.

Senator Long asks the representatives for IFC and Panhellenic to present information to Greek Life and ASUPS so there is more information and so students can know what happens in their councils.

Senator Reeser thanks the representatives for coming tonight.

Senator Smith notes that much of Senate is Greek, and most of the

Nay votes were not Greek, and asked for thoughts why.

Senator Grueneich explains she is a part of Greek Life.

President Hopfenbeck notes that Senators should not feel obligated to explain their position.

Senator Schowalter explains her decision not to join Greek Life and how some of her friends joined and those relationships have been somewhat strained, and she wants this conference information to come back and help the community to be more inclusive because of the information. She wanted to vote yes because she doesn’t want a divide between Greek Life and non-

Greek life.


Senator Jones explains that she agrees with Senator Reeser to fund programs that will on campus rather than conferences.

Senator Hartnig explains that there is a lot of regurgitation and has called the item into question.

Vote on the amendment: o Yay: 9 o Nay: 3 o Abstentions: 1

Item passes.

Senator Long adds that he appreciated the timely nature of their request.


14-012: Capital Allocation to Campus Films

The ASUPS Senate hereby allocates $2969.64 to go towards finish purchasing a new projector.

Vice President Rodriguez adds that Union Board voted to pay for 20% of the total allocation.

Senator Howley moves to amend the docket to read $1,484.82 towards the projector.


Senator Schowalter asks for clarification on the amount.

Senator Laesch adds that Union Board contributed 20% of the total amount of the total for the projector.

Senator Howley explains the reasoning that ASUPS uses the projector more than the rest of campus, but other groups use the projector and room as well.

Senator Long ask for a point of clarification for the amount.

Palmquist-Cady explains that Union Board budget comes from auxiliary fees from DCS and it is approximately $15,000 per year.

Senator Reeser asks about the relationship between Union Board and


Senator Hartnig explains that relationships should not be determined by whether ASUPS gives a group money or not.

Senator Long asks about the racking for the security of the projector.

VP Rodriguez explains that a racking system for the system is not yet determined, so another allocation might come through Senate later.

Vote on the amendment:

Yay: 13

Nay: 0

Abstentions: 0


Senator Laesch takes the Union Board contribution as an act of goodwill and generosity that they paid for 20% of the projector.

Vote on the docket

Yay: 13

Nay: 0

Abstentions: 0

Item passes.

VII. Announcements

Senator Howley explains that it is not an announcement, but proceeds anyways.

She asked that “calling the item to question” decision should be used more sparingly.

Senator Hartnig adds that each Senator was professional in attitudes tonight, but thinks that Senate should be more professional in Senate meetings by not using their phones and thinks that there should be no phone use during meetings.

VP Rodriguez says that House of Cards begins, and KUPS is hosting Cheap Date tomorrow night at Grit City Grindhouse.

Senator Long tells everyone to apply to be an Orientation leader and informs the

Senate of upcoming SDC events and it’s Black History Month

BSU, RSA and Q&A are putting on an event together.

Evening with Dr. Matthews and Ryan Payton event on their iPad game and their experience creating their game.

Aloha movement update: Facebook, Instagram and twitter; Logger profiles are available each Friday at 12pm. Next week there will be a high-five line from benefactor plaza down into the SUB at 12pm.

Danny informs the Senate of an event from the Religion department and of an important news piece.

Laesch thanks President Hopfenbeck for taking notes.

Postmen went 7-1 and won the DIII Warm-up, Clearcut (women’s team) took third in first out-of-northwest tournament.

Senator Smith adds that President Hopfenbeck was MVP.

VII. Adjournment

