Matakuliah Tahun : A0294/Audit SI Lanjutan : 2009 Audit Charter dan Letter of Engagement Pertemuan 7-8 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : • Menjelaskan pengertian audit charter dan letter of engagement • Menyusun Audit Charter Bina Nusantara University 2 Outline Materi • • • Materi 1 Fungsi Audit Internal pada suatu organisasi Materi 2 Pentingnya Audit Charter Materi 3 Pengertian Letter of Engagement. Bina Nusantara University 3 AUDIT CHARTER • INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER SHOULD BE WRITTING. • IT PROVIDES FORMAL COMMUNICATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY MANAGEMENT AND FOR ACCEPTANCE BY THE BOARD. • THE PURPOSE, AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY SHOULD BE DEFINED AND COMMUNICATED TO ESTABLISH THE ROLE OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY AND TO PROVIDE A BASIS FOR MANAGEMENT AND THE BOARD TO USE IN EVALUATING THE OPERATIONS OF THE FUNCTION Bina Nusantara University 4 AUDIT CHARTER • THE CHARTER MUST BE ADEQUATE TO ENABLE THE INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY TO ACCOPLISH ITS OBJETIVES. • THE RESULT OF THIS PERIODIC ASSESSMENT SHOULD BE COMMUNICATED TO SENIOR MANAGEMENT AND THE BOARD. Bina Nusantara University 5 INDEPENDENCE • INTERNAL AUDITORS ARE INDEPENDENT WHEN THEY CARRY OUT THEIR WORK FREELY AND OBJECTIVELY. • IT PERMITS INTERNAL AUDITORS TO RENDER THE IMPARTIAL AND UNBIASED JUDGMENTS ESSENTIAL TO THE PROPER CONDUCT OF ENGAGEMENTS. • IT IS ACHIEVED THROUGH ORGANIZATIONAL STATUS AND OBJECTIVITY AUDITORS CAN COOPERATE WITH THE ENGAGEMENT CLIENT WITHOUT INTERFERENCES FROM MANAGEMENT. • • THE INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY SHOULD BE FREE FROM INTERFERENCES IN DETERMINING THE SCOPE OF INTERNAL AUDITING, PERFORMING WORK AND COMMUNICATING RESULTS. Bina Nusantara University 6 OBJECTIVITY • • • • • • • • IT IS AN INDEPENDENT MENTAL ATTITUDE THAT AUDITORS SHOULD MAINTAIN IN PERFORMING ENGAGEMENTS. AUDITORS ARE NOT TO SUBORDINATE THEIR JUDGMENT ON ENGAGEMENT MATTERS TO THAT OF OTHERS. IT REQUIRES AUDITORS THAT THEY HAVE AN HONEST BELIEF IN THEIR WORK PRODUCT. AUDITORS ARE NOT TO BE PLACED IN SITUATIONS IN WHICH THEY FEEL UNABLE TO MAKE OBJECTIVE PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENTS THE RESULTS OF IA WORK SHOULD BE REVIEWED BEFORE THE COMMUNICATIONS ARE RELEASED TO PROVIDE REASONABLE ASSURANCE THAT THE WORK WAS PERFORMED OBJECTIVELY. IT IS UNETHICAL TO ACCEPT A FEE O GIFT FROM A EMPLOYEE, CLIENT, CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER OR BUSINESS ASSOCIATE. THE STATUS OF ENGAGEMENTS SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AS JUSTIFICATION FOR RECEIVING FEES OR GIFT. AUDITORS SHOULD REPORT THE OFFER OF ALL MATERIAL FEES OR GIFTS TO THEIR SUPERVISORS Bina Nusantara University 7 AUDIT COMMITTEES • IT IS A SUBCOMMITTEE MADE UP OF OUTSIDE DIRECTORS WHO ARE INDEPENDENT OF MANAGEMENT. • ITS PURPOSE IS TO HELP KEEP EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL AUDITORS INDEPENDENT OF MANAGEMENT AND TO ASSURE THAT THE DIRECTORS ARE EXERCISING DUE CARE. • THE RESPONSABILITIES AND CHARACTERISTICS ARE FOLLOWING: • THE AUTHORITY SHOULD DEVELOP AND APPROVE A WRITTEN CHARTER. • THE AUDIT COMMITTEE SHOULD REVIEWED THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. • A.C. SHOULD MONITOR COMPLIANCE WITH CODES OF CONDUCTS. • A. C SHOULD HAVE NECESSARY RESOURCES AVAILABLE. • TO REGULATE THE REPORTING PROCESS. Bina Nusantara University 8 AUDIT COMMITTEE Functions • TO SELECT EXTERNAL AUDITOR AND REVIEW THE AUDIT FEE AND ENGAGEMENT LETTER. • TO REVIEW THE EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN. • REVIEW PRELIMINARY, ANNUAL AND INTERIN FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. • REVIEW RESULTS OF ENGAGEMENTS PERFORMED BY EXTERNAL AUDITORS. • APPROVE THE CHARTER OF THE IA ACTIVITY. • REVIEW AND APPROVE THE IA PLANS AND RESOURCES REQUIREMENTS • COMMUNICATES WITH THE CHIEF AUDIT EXECUTIVE. • REVIEWS EVALUATIONS OF RISK MANAGEMENT, CONTROL AND GOVERNANCE PROCESSES REPORTED BY THE INTERNAL AUDITORS. • REVIEWS POLICIES ON UNETHICAL AND ILLEGAL Bina Nusantara University PROCEDURES. 9 AUDIT COM … • REVIEWS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO BE TRANSMITTED TO REGULATORY AGENCIES. • REVIEWS OBSERVATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL PERSONNEL • REVIEW THE ORGANIZATION´S INSURANCE PROGRAM. • REVIEW THE EXTERNAL AUDITOR´S MANAGEMENT LETTERPARTICIPATE IN THE SELECTION OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES. • REVIEW THE IMPACT OF NEW OR PROPOSED LEGISLATION OR GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS. Bina Nusantara University 10 THE CODE OF ETHICS • THE PURPOSE IS TO PROMOTE THE ETHICAL CULTURE IN THE PROFESSION OF INTERNAL AUDITING. • INCLUDES TWO ESSENTIAL COMPONENTS: – PRINCIPLES THAT ARE RELEVANTS TO THE PROFESSION AND PRACTICE OF INTERNAL AUDITING. – RULES OF CONDUCT THAT DESCRIBES BEHAVIOR NORMS EXPECTED OF INTERNAL AUDITORS. THESE RULES ARE IN AID TO INTERPRETING THE PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICAL Bina Nusantara University 11 APPLICATIONS AND ARE INTENTED TO GUIDE THE The Code OF ETHICS: Principles • INTEGRITY: PROVIDES THE BASIS FOR RELIANCE OR THEIR JUDGMENT. • OBJECTIVITY: THE AUDITORS ESHIBIT THE HIGEST LEVEL OF PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVE IN GATHERING, EVALUATING AND COMMUNICATING INFORMATION ABOUT THE ACTIVITY OR PROCESS BEING EXAMINED. Bina Nusantara University 12 The Code of ETHICS: Principles • CONFIDENTIALITY: AUDITORS RESPECT THE VALUE AND OWNERSHIP OF INFORMATION THEY RECEIVE AND DO NOT DISCLOSE INFORMATION WITHOUT APPROPIATE AUTHORITY UNLESS THERE IS A LEGAL OR PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATION TO DO SO. • COMPETENCY: AUDITORS APPLY THE KNOWLODGE, SKILL AND EXPERIENCE NEEDED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF INTERNAL AUDITING SERVICES Bina Nusantara University 13 The Code of ETHICS Rules of Conduct INTEGRITY: – SHALL PERFORM THEIR WORK WITH HONESTY, DILIGENCE AND RESPONSIBILITY – SHALL OBSERVE THE LAW AND MAKE DISCLOSURES EXPECTED BY THE LAW AND THE PROFESSION – SHALL NOT KNOWINGLY BE A PARTY TO ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY OR ENGAGE IN ACTS THAT ARE DISCREDITABLE TO THE PROFESSION OF INTERNAL AUDITING OR TO THE ORGANIZATION – SHALL RESPECT AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE LEGITIMATE AND ETHICAL OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION Bina Nusantara University 14 The Code of ETHICS Rules of Conduct OBJECTIVITY: – SHALL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY ACTIVITY OR RELATIONSHIP THAT MAY IMPAIR OR BE PRESUMED TO IMPAIR THEIR UNBIASED ASSESMENT. – SHALL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT MAY IMPAIR OR BE PRESUMED TO IMPAIR THEIR PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT. – SHALL DISCLOSE ALL MATERIAL FACTS KNOWN TO THEM THAT, IF NOT DISCLOSED, MAY DISTORT THE REPORTING OF ACTIVITIES UNDER REVIEW Bina Nusantara University 15 The Code of ETHICS Rules of Conduct • CONFINDENTIALITY: – INTERNAL AUDITOR SHALL BE PRUDENT IN THE USE AND PROTECTION OF INFORMATION ACQUIRED IN THE COURSE OF THEIR DUTIES. – SHALL NOT USE INFORMATION FOR ANY PERSONAL GAIN OR IN ANY MANNER THAT WOULD BE CONTRARY TO THE LAW OR DETRIMENTAL TO THE LEGITIMATE AND ETHICAL OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION Bina Nusantara University 16 The Code Of Ethics, Rules Of Conducts COMPETENCY: INTERNAL AUDITORS – TO HAVE THE NECESSARY KNOWLEDGE, SKILL AND EXPERIENCE. – SHALL PERFORM INTERNAL AUDITING SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF INTERNAL AUDITING. – SHALL CONTINUALLY IMPROVE THEIR PROFICIENCY AND THE EFFECTIVENESS AND QUALITY OF THEIR SERVICES. Bina Nusantara University 17 Terms of Audit Engagement ISA 210 Takes about the Terms of Audit Engagement. Purpose of this ISA is: • Agreeing the engagement with the client • Auditor’s response to a request by the client to change the terms of the engagement. • Agreed terms needed to be recorded in an engagement letter. • Assist the auditor in preparing the engagement letter • This may be informative still if the scope of audit is govern by country ‘s law. Bina Nusantara University 18 Audit Engagement letter It is in the interest of both client and auditor that the auditor sends as engagement letter, preferably before the commencement of the engagement, to help in avoiding misunderstanding with respect to the engagement. The engagement letter documents and confirm the auditor’s acceptance of the appointment the objective and scope of the audit, the extent of the auditor’s responsibilities to the client and the form of any report. Bina Nusantara University 19 Audit Engagement • Circumstances of first audit engagement • Factors to consider prior to accepting – Rules of professional conduct – Communication with predecessor auditor – Additional information sources • • • • Accepting the engagement Auditing Problems Specific reporting requirements Example/Scenarios Bina Nusantara University 20 Circumstances of First Audit Engagement • • • • New entity, never audited Existing company, never audited Existing company, audited periodically Existing company, consistently audited Bina Nusantara University 21 Accepting the Engagement Bina Nusantara University 22 Actions & Considerations • Discuss major issues with management: – related to initial auditor selection – communication of this issues to those in charge of governance – analysis of how these issues affect the audit plan and strategy • Audit procedures to obtain sufficient audit evidence pertaining to opening balances • Delegation of tasks to firm employees – to determine potential audit risks • Any procedures required for quality control of the initial audit engagement – i.e. the firm may require that an additional partner review the audit strategy before the commencement of audit procedures Bina Nusantara University 23 Engagement Letter • Used for audits, engagements, compilations • Good practice • Signed by both client and auditor – corporations: signed by authoritative figure such as the president or chair of audit committee – private businesses: signed by authoritative figure such as partner or proprietor Bina Nusantara University 24 Important Features of Engagement Letter • • • • • • • • Purpose of engagement Services to be rendered Standards to comply by Auditor’s responsibilities in respect to misstatements, internal control Management’s responsibilities with respect to financial reporting Mention of significant limitations Important dates (deadline, payment dates) Request for the client to sign and send duplicate copies back to the auditor Bina Nusantara University 25 Sample Engagement Letter Chairman of the Board of Directors, Price Marwick & Co was appointed to audit the financial statements of the company for the year ended September 30, 20x8. This letter explains our understanding of the scope and objectives of the audit engagement as well as the method of determination of our fees. We would appreciate your acknowledgement that this is also the understanding of the Board of Directors. We will conduct the audit in accordance with GAAS. The objective of our audit is to form an opinion as to whether the financial statements are, in all material respects, presented fairly and in accordance with GAAP and to communicate this opinion to your shareholders. Please note that the purpose of the audit is not to detect instances of fraud or to report on the adequacy of the company's accounting information system and related control procedures. Neither is the purpose of the audit to provide a warning as to the likelihood of Bina Nusantara University 26 business failure. However, if, during the course of our audit, we become Sample Engagement Letter Please also note that we are not responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. If we were to be responsible for their preparation, we would not be able to provide an independent opinion on their presentation. The responsibility for the preparation of the financial statements rests with the management of the company. In forming our opinion, we will not examine all transactions relating to the financial statements. To do so would be prohibitively costly. Instead, and in accordance with appropriate auditing standards, we will form our opinion based on both an examination of a selection of representative transactions and an evaluation of accounting policies and information derived there from. As a result, and bearing in mind other limitations (of the audit, internal control procedures and accounting information generally), our audit will provide less than absolute assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. We recognize that the company's officers and employees are generally fully occupied attending to their own duties. However, in order for us to conduct our audit effectively, we will need to make inquiries to, and receive representations from, some of the company's officers and employees as well as a number of third parties with whom XYZ Industries has dealings. We intend to carry out this work with as little disruption as is possible. In addition, we will require access to any records, accounting or otherwise, that we consider may be relevant to the formation of our opinion on the financial statements. Bina Nusantara University 27 Sample Engagement Letter Our fee for the audit will be based on the actual time spent by this firm (in planning the audit, and in gathering and evaluating the necessary evidence we need to form an opinion on the financial statements), plus out-of-pocket costs. Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter to acknowledge that the letter properly sets out the Board's understanding. Sincerely, Peta Fabiano, .................................{signature) ..................(date) Partner, Price Marwick & Co Chairman of Directors Copy: Chairman of Audit Committee. XYZ Industries. Bina Nusantara University 28 Bahan Diskusi Anggap Anda sebagai bagian dari suatu Tim yang ditunjuk oleh Pimpinan perusahaan untuk membuat konsep tentang Audit Charter. Kerjakan dalam kelompok-kelompok dan Diskusikan di kelas Bina Nusantara University 29 The Bina Nusantara University End 30