Mexico case study student reflection


Student Reflection Cover Sheet

(One of these is needed for each piece of work )

Name: Veruska Stepenka Subject: I&S

This task is an example of the following ATL skills (tick 1 or 2 skills)



Information Literacy





Name of the task/work: Case Study


For this task we had to write a case study about a crime prone city and we had to option to work individually or with a partner, I chose to work with a partner focusing on Mexico City. We had to talk about the main causes of the city being crime prone and showing our evidence through graphs and charts. For this task we also needed to create an action plan were we stated what tasks we were going to do each day with a goal in mind.

Rationale (why did you choose this task? Include at least two specific reasons – strengths, weaknesses, something you had not done before, any thoughts or feelings you have that are associated with this piece of work.)

I chose this task because I was really happy with my work because not only did we meet the word limit but also because our grammar and punctuation was very good and formal but also because we supported all of our statements through visuals like charts and graphs that only help the reader understand our case study even better. The only difficulty I encountered was the word limit because I was always adding or deleting to meet the exact word limit which was terrible.

What now? (How has doing this task changed the way you will approach a similar task?)

Next time I try to connect my method and analysis section to my hypothesis because in my cases study they weren’t connected.
