Task PRAC03

Task PRACO3: Case Study of Student Needing Assistance
Reading Practicum (RED) 4854
6 or more ratings are acceptable; none are
Partially Demonstrated:
3 to 8 ratings are marginal; none are unacceptable
Not Demonstrated:
1 or more ratings are unacceptable
Accomplished Practice Indicators:
1.1-1.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 4.1-4.4
EAP-ACP Critical Skills:
1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
1.2, 1.3, 4.1, 4.2, 7.3, 8.1-8.6, 10.1, 14.2
Competency 5 Reading Indicators:
Task Description:
Using the iii reading group (or students), the teacher candidate will demonstrate knowledge of goal
setting and monitoring of student progress with assessments and instructional application that promotes
student learning trends in reading over a period of time. The teacher candidate will identify one
student from the iii reading group or a low performing student for a written case study according to
elements specified in task rubric. The case study must be placed in a three-ring binder and must
include all documentation. There must be a cover sheet on the front of the binder.
The case study will include the following:
Teacher Interview/Reflection
Case Study/Student Narrative
Cumulative Record/Snapshot Data
Plan of Action/Instructional Recommendations
Interventions/Instructional Practices
Presentation of Work
Rating Scale Key: A = acceptable, M = marginal, U = unacceptable
(A) Teacher
(0-15 pts)
Case Study/
Student Narrative
(0-10 pts)
(C) Cumulative
Record/Snapshot Data
Criteria for “acceptable” rating
Interview your supervising teacher
using attached questions. Record
answers and submit typed. Submit a
reflection of your interview. Your
reflection should clearly address the
list of reading competency indicators
as well as your thoughts and
connections to what you have learned
about assessing and teaching.
(0-15 pts)
___A ___M ___U
___A ___M ___U
Student who needs iii instruction in
reading is identified in a written
narrative, without violating privacy
issues, and is based on the student’s
background (e.g., gender, grade level,
mobility rate, socioeconomic status,
testing recommendations, (ESE) RTI
involvement or other additional
services such as speech, physical
therapy, family/guardian
information/dynamics, siblings,
retentions and absences. Information
may be provided by the student,
teacher, and cumulative records.
Pre-existing standardized test results
are displayed in a chart or table that
includes patterns of test performance
for previous years (ex. FAIR, FCAT,
Think-Link, STAR, and Jackson
District Benchmark Assessments K-2).
The data is thoroughly reviewed and
reported, with appropriate overall
conclusions drawn about the student’s
individual needs, including strengths
and weaknesses.
___A ___M ___U
(0-15 pts)
(E) Plan of
(0-10 pts)
onal Practices
(0-15 pts)
(G) Conclusion/
(0-10 pts)
Cognitive and affective needs are
currently assessed comprehensively
and appropriately. Assessment data is
displayed in charts or tables. Summary
of assessments (ex. CORE Assessing
Reading-Multiple Measures, Interest
Inventory, Spelling Inventory, Writing
Inventory (can be the district’s), FAIR,
etc.) are provided and describe key
points in each area including strengths
and weaknesses. There is evidence of
screening, diagnostic and progress
monitoring. Progress monitoring of the
two areas of greatest need must occur
at least every two weeks.
The plans of action/instructional
recommendations/practices are
appropriate and clearly linked to errors
from formal and informal assessments.
Instructional recommendations should
address strengths as well as
weaknesses. The recommendations
should offer detailed strategies for your
student’s literacy needs.
Specific interventions for the two
greatest areas of need are implemented
and indicate a thorough understanding
of areas where the student is at risk.
Use examples of assessment responses
to support selected interventions. Use
resources such as CORE Teaching
Resource Book, FCRR resources
including empowering Teachers,
Student Center Activities, and the
CORE Reading Program Interventions
for developing the detailed lesson plans
that support intervention strategies. At
least one detailed lesson plan must
focus on indicator 5.15 (Writing).
Attach lesson plan materials and
sample of student work to each detailed
lesson plan.
The conclusion reflection must be
written in a narrative format. It should
address the following questions:
1. How did the student respond to the
2. Was there evidence of learning
gains when comparing pre/post
assessments (ex: CORE, FAIR,
benchmark assessments, spelling,
and writing)?
3. What would be your
___A ___M ___U
___A ___M ___U
___A ___M ___U
___A ___M ___U
(H) Presentation of
(0-10 pts)
recommendations for future
instruction for the case study
student? Be specific. Why?
4. What would you do differently
based on this case study?
5. How did your knowledge about
reading assessment and instruction
change throughout the case study
process? What have you learned
about reading assessment and
reading instruction that will help
you to set up your own learning
All written work is clear, organized,
cohesive, and uses appropriate
conventions and professional language.
Suggested Reading Practicum Calendar/Checklist
Week # and Dates
Jan. 17-20
Jan. 23-27
Jan. 30-Feb. 3
Feb. 6-10
Feb. 13-17
Observe during the literacy block/reading class
during the first week of the internship
Note the various modes of instruction (whole
group, small group, independent) for word work,
reading and writing
Conduct teacher interview using questions
Begin composing your teacher interview/reflection
Address listed reading competencies in your
Reflection due by the end of week 3
With assistance from supervising teacher, select a
iii student (struggling reader) for case study
Review and collect available data on iii student.
See details from Rubric, Parts B and C (Task
Week 4 – begin administering assessments from
7 -8
Feb. 20 – Feb. 24
Feb. 27 – March 2
Complete CORE assessments
Administer spelling inventory, interest inventory
and writing inventory (may use the district’s
writing inventory)
Compile assessment data (previous and current
into chart/table format and summarize (include
informal as well as formal assessment data)
Develop Instructional Plan
Complete 2 detailed lesson plans (1 per week)
Lesson Plan #1 is due at Feb. 13 seminar
Continue working on Case Study
Complete 2 detailed lesson plans
Progress monitor iii student
9 – 10
March 5 -9
March 12 - 16
Complete 3 detailed lesson plans
Progress monitor iii student
March l9 – 23
Spring Break –March 26 -30
April 2 – 6
April 9 - 13
Continue working with iii student
Progress monitor iii student
Complete 2 detailed lesson plans
Continue working with iii student
Administer CORE Post-test
Complete 2 detailed lesson plans
April 16 -20
April 23-27
Complete 1 detailed lesson plan
Work on case study
Case study due on April 23
Final seminar meeting on 4/23