CASE STUDY WSCC SHORT BREAKS FOR DISABLED CHILDREN Cover sheet (pages 1 & 2 for WSCC and Provider Use only) Organisation Contact Person Short Breaks Reference SB Date Case Study covers From: Short Break Provider Parent/Carer Consent Consent for the personal information and photos contained in this Case Study to be shared with West Sussex County Council to support the monitoring of the impact and effectiveness of Short Breaks Services across West Sussex. I understand and give consent (tick as many as apply) That this case study may be used by WSCC and J B Eventus Ltd for use in the 2014/2015 Evaluation of Short Breaks report That the report will be a public document and published on the WSCC, other Short Break website, Short Break Provider Websites, and J B Eventus websites That Short Break providers may use the case study in their own Annual Reports and other information produced to promote Short Breaks for a period of 1 year after which time further consent to use will be sought Other local media to promote Short Breaks I understand that: I can request at any time that this information should not be used for external publications/publicity I can withdraw consent at any time by contacting I understand that our names will be changed unless I request our real identities to be used That this front page identifying our family will be removed before publication I confirm this Case Study can be used as outlined above: Any queries regarding this Case Study should be forwarded to the Short Break Provider in the first instance. Queries to WSCC should be sent to Parent/Carer Name: CYP Name: Signed Date CASE STUDY Parent/Carer Consent WSCC, ALL PROVIDERS AND J B EVENTUS LTD MUST: It is good practice to contact parent/carers before using any of the content of this case study including any photos or quotes. Circumstances can change therefore at any time from 3-6 months from the date of this case study you should re-confirm/clarify permission if the case study is to be used for any purpose other than those identified on the front page.. This relates to: websites annual reports press releases any promotional materials including leaflets, banners etc any other materials that are in the public domain. If you have any queries at any time please do not hesitate to contact: WSCC Short Break Team: Tel: 01243 642469 Email Or Micheal Rhodes-Kubiak, Short Break Manager Short Break Provider details: Organisation completing the case study: Contact person: Tel: Email: CASE STUDY Context Background Challenges Insert here some background information regarding the family, disabled CYP, their disability, age. The reasons for the Short Break and what the family and the disabled CYP wish to get out of the Short Break. Any challenges faced. Any other professionals or providers involved and where liaison takes place. Ensure you use the words of the family/disabled CYP to answer this question together with a brief description of the organisation’s response. Use quotes as much as possible and keep provider narrative to a minimum and by way of explanation. CASE STUDY What were the primary goals to be achieved from the Short Break? How was the disabled CYP and family engaged in choice of how to spend the Short Break time? How did you plan the Short Break. What was the starting point and what was achieved over the period the case study covers? Use the voice of the family and the disabled CYP to describe the impact and change that has been achieved. Describe Any unexpected results and benefits. Use the voice of the family/CYP as much as possible to respond to the questions and provider narrative to a minimum. Gaols Detail the goals to be achieved through the Short Break for the family and disabled CYP and/or sibling as appropriate. CASE STUDY Insert photo or quote Change and Impact In this section summarise under the headings below the impact of Short Breaks and gaps and challenges experienced, describe how these will be overcome going forward. Has the Short Break provided parent/carers with a break to do normal things? Has the Short Break engaged the disabled CYP and family in making choices about how to spend the Short Break time and what has been the impact of this? Have the learning and development goals been met what has been the impact of this? In what ways has the Short Break contributed to improving Health and Well-being and quality of life (include health, being connected, building relationships, being more active etc)? What practical support has the family received as a result of engagement with your Short Break team? Have you provided any professional support to the family, please describe? What has been the main impact of Short Breaks on the family and what would be the impact if Short Breaks were not available on their health and well-being, quality of life, etc (responses here will inform your preventative value analysis)? Have the family identified any particular gaps and challenges that you will be seeking to support during the next phase of Short Break delivery? CASE STUDY CASE STUDY Added Benefits: Summarise the added benefits provided: For example: o o o o o Improving behaviour Reducing stress on the rest of the family and likelihood of depression and isolation Providing opportunities for relaxation and spending time with other family members or doing ordinary things other families do Maintaining parents’ relationship Reducing the likelihood of family breakdown o Enabling his sister to spend time with Quantifyparents the added benefits Summarise and work out the financial value of the added benefits provided Summarise the preventative value for example: Xx hours spent providing emotional support Xx hours spent producing reports and attending professional meetings Designed and Produced by JB Eventus Ltd for WSCC Short Breaks Programme Email: Tel: 01273 452225