•Increased pleasure in reading •Better literacy skills •better knowledge, skills qualifications •Increased confidence and self esteem •Access to cultural opportunities •Wider circle of friends •Contibutes to their cv •Sronger sense of place and pride in community. •Shared activities for the family Strategic outcomes for LA •Footfall and attendance •Increased engagement and user input •Increased efficiency value for money •Quality assurance benchmarked offer •Improved profile reputation and partnership opportunities •Increased residential satisfaction •New skills and increased employabilitiy • Increased staff engagement and self esteem •Quality of place •Support for cultural economy Benefits to children and parents •Chatterbooks •Summer Reading Challenge •Summer Reading Challenge Volutneering •Library Activitists •Letterbox •Bookstart gifts •Bookstart Bear Club • Arts Council programmes eg GFA •Carnegie/Greeenaway shadowing Service outcomes •Reading groups •Activities that engage children in reading •Opportunity to participate in cultural activities •Reading challenges •Reading promotions •Bookgifts •Co-production of activities • Online reading resources •Partnerhsips with agencies to support CYP in their reading •CYP actively participate in library •An offer to schools and youth groups •Book awards •year round volunteering offer •Progammes using technology to promote reading Egs ofLibrary programmes for cyp for children and young people cyp •Free communtiy space •Free, safe, online access/virtual services •Expert advice and support •Free books that reflect diverse communtiy •Multimedia reading resources •Community outreach services •Targeted activities •Information and signposting for carers and cyp •Learning space and support •Local and family history resources •Safe place for children and young people •Attractive space which meets their changing needs How the Universal Reading Offer is applied to cyp Children's Promise Universal Reading Offer and Children & Young People •Learning , skills employability •Health Well being quality of life •Stronger and safe communtie •Economic impac •Value for money •Equality