Chapter 7: Proteins


Vitamins: An Overview


Essential organic substances (contain carbon)

– Not synthesized

– Inadequate synthesis

Yield no energy, but facilitate energyyielding chemical reactions

If absent from a diet, it will produce deficiency signs and symptoms

Body Needs Vitamins for Normal





Two Forms of Vitamins


– Dietary form inactive

– Activated in body

Active form

– Dietary form active

– Not changed in body

Vitamins Often Serve as


Vitamin Classification

Fat-soluble vitamins

– Dissolve in substances such as ether and benzene but not readily in water

– Include vitamins A, D, E, and K

Water-soluble vitamins

– Vitamins that dissolve in water

– Include B vitamins and vitamin C

Vitamin Classification

Category determines

Food sources

How handled in body

Best preservation methods

Vitamin History

First discovered: fat soluble substance essential for health in 1912-1914 (vitamin A)

B complex: 1915-1916 (water soluble nutrient)

Vitamin C: isolated 1912

Vitamin D, Vitamin E: 1922

Last vitamin (B12) discovered in 1948

Likely all vitamins have been discovered, since people can be maintained on IV solutions fortified with known vitamins

Vitamin Facts

Megadose (>10x needs) proved useful in treating certain conditions

Plant and animal foods provide vitamins

Synthesized vitamins work equally well in the body

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Dissolve in organic solvents

Not readily excreted; can cause toxicity

Absorbed along with fat

– Deficiency with fat malabsorption

– Fat blockers (Orlistat/Xenical)

– Mineral oil

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Requires protein carrier

– Transported like fat in chylomicrons, VLDL,


Stored in body (except Vitamin K)

– Fat tissue/liver

– Can cause toxicity

– Vitamin D and A most likely to be toxic

Fat Soluble Vitamin Preservation

Not easily destroyed

Fat addition in cooking vegetables

– Fat soluble vitamins leach out

– Lost if liquid discarded

– Add fat after vegetables drained, just before serving

Baking soda

– Used to preserve color of green vegetables

– Destroys Vitamin D

Water Soluble Vitamins

Found in grains, fruits, vegetables, meat

Low risk of toxicity

– Not stored in large amounts

– Excess excreted inurine

– Need daily intakes

Easily destroyed

– Heat – increases enzyme activity

– Light – destroys riboflavin

– Oxygen: breaks down

Water Soluble Vitamins -



– Heat – destroys vitamins

– Water – leaches out vitamins

– Baking soda – destroys thiamin

Conserve vitamins

– Store foods covered in refrigerator

– Consume soon after purchase (freshest possible)

– Minimal cooking/minimal liquid

– Freezing preserves vitamin content

Vitamin A

Deficiency is most common cause of nonaccidental blindness worldwide

Up to 500,000 children in developing nations especially Asia, become blind each year because of Vitamin A deficiency

Functions of Vitamin A

Prevents night blindness

Prevents xerophthalmia (dry eye)

Maintains cell health (epithelial cells)

Growth, development, reproduction

Cardiovascular disease prevention

Cancer prevention

Night Blindness

Vitamin A is needed for dark vision

Rhodopsin in retina

– Light destroys

– Constantly reformed

Allows for a chemical process to signal the brain that light is striking the eye

Allows eyes to adjust to dark vision


In Vitamin A deficiency, the cells that line the cornea lose their ability to produce mucus

When dirt particles scratch the dry surface of the eye, becomes infected

Leads to blindness

Worldwide public health efforts are fortifying sugar, margarine, MSG, giving large doses of Vitamin A 2x year

Macular Degeneration

Leading cause of legal blindness among North

American adults over 65

Changes in the macular area of the eye

Age, smoking, and genetics are risk factors

Macula contains carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin

High intakes of carotenoids associated with lower risk (but may be fruit and vegetable intake)

Also may reduce risk of cataracts

Multivitamins are adding lutein

Cell Health

Vitamin A maintains health of cells that line internal and external surfaces

(epithelial cells)

Barriers to bacterial infections

Epithelial cells produce mucus

Without vitamin A, these cells do not produce mucus

Increases infections and decreases immune system


Vitamin A binds to DNA

Assists in protein synthesis

Affects growth, reproductive system, and bone growth

Cancer and Cardiovascular


Role in cell development and immune-system

Role as an antioxidant

Lower risk of breast cancer with vitamin A supplements

Megadoses are not recommended

Mixed results in cancer/vitamin A studies

Foods rich in vitamin A and other phytochemicals are advised

Prostate Cancer and Carotenoids

One of the most common cancers among

North American men

Lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon, other fruits) seems to protect against it, possibly due to antioxidant activity

Vitamin A and Your Skin

Topical treatment and oral drug

Accutane (oral) and Retin-A (topical)

Can induce toxicity symptoms

Contraindicated in pregnant women

Use only under supervision of a physician

Sources of Vitamin A


– Liver, fish oils, fortified milk, eggs

– Contributes to half of vitamin A intake in North



– Dark leafy green, yellow-orange vegetables/fruits; carrots, spinach and other greens, winter squash, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mangoes, cantaloupe, peaches and apricots

– Contributes to half of all the vitamin A intake

Vitamin A from the Food Guide


Deficiency of Vitamin A

Night blindness

Decrease mucus production leading to bacterial invasion in the eye

Irreversible blindness

Deficiency of Vitamin A

Follicular hyperkeratosis

Keratin protects the inner layers of skin and maintains moisture

Kertinized cells replaces the normal epithelial cells in the underlying skin layers

Hair follicles become plugged

Bumpy, rough, and dry skin

Measuring Vitamin A

International unit (IU)crude method of measurement

Retinol activity equivalent (RAE) current, more precise method of measurement

1 ug of retinol = 1 RAE = 3.3 IU =12 ug beta-carotene = 24 ug of other provitamin A

RDA for Vitamin A for Adults

900 mcg REA for men

700 mcg REA for women

Average intake meets RDA

Daily value used on food and supplement labels is 1000 mcg

Much stored in the liver

Vitamin A supplements are unnecessary

No separate RDA for carotenoids

Who is at Risk For Deficiency

Breast fed infants

Preschooler with poor vegetable intake

Urban poor


Alcoholics and people with liver disease

Individual with fat malabsorption


Toxicity of Vitamin A

Large intake of vitamin A over a long period: supplements, liver, fish oil

Bone/muscle pain, loss of appetite, skin disorders, headache, dry skin, hair loss, increased liver size, vomiting

Possible permanent damage

Discontinue supplement

Toxicity of Vitamin A

May produce fetal malformations and spontaneous abortions in pregnant women

May occur with as little as 3 x RDA of preformed vitamin A

Pregnant women and women who may become pregnant should limit to 100% DV

Upper Level for Vitamin A

– 3000 ug for adults

Fatal dose 12 g of vitamin A can be fatal

Toxicity of Carotenoids

Don’t produce toxic effects because

– Rate of conversion to Vitamin A is slow and regulated

– Efficiency of absorption decreases as oral intake increases


High amounts of carotenoids in the bloodstream

Excessive consumption of carrots/squash/beta-carotene supplements

Skin turns a yellow-orange color

Vitamin D


Derived from cholesterol

90% of needs is synthesized from sun exposure

Insufficient sun exposure makes this a vitamin

Sun Exposure to Prevent

Vitamin D Deficiency

~15 minutes 2-3 times a week

Between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Hands, face, arms

Light skin

No sunscreen greater than SPF8

Activation of Vitamin D

To become the active hormone, Vitamin D must be

Acted on by the liver to produce 25hydroxyvitamin D

Acted on by the kidney to produce 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (active hormone form)

Functions of Vitamin D

Regulates blood calcium

– Regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption from the intestine

– Reduces kidney excretion of calcium

– Regulates calcium deposition in bones

– Serum calcium involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction

Functions of Vitamin D

Influences cell differentiation

– Linked to reduction of breast, colon, and prostate cancer

– Controls the growth of the parathyroid gland, aids in immune function, contributes to skin cell development

Role in Bone Formation

Vitamin D causes Ca + Phos to deposit in the bones

Strengthen bones

Food Sources of Vitamin D

Fatty fish (salmon, herring)

Fortified milk and yogurt

– 10 mcg per quart in US and Canada

Some fortified cereal

The Adequate Intake (AI) for

Vitamin D

5 ug/d (200 IU/day) for adults under age


10-15 ug/day (400 - 600 IU/day) for older


Light skinned individuals can produce enough vitamin D to meet the AI from casual sun exposure

Infants are born with enough vitamin D to last ~9 months of age.

Vitamin D Toxicity

Upper level is 50 mcg/day

Vitamin D can be very toxic especially in children

Regular intake of 5-10x the AI can be toxic

Results from excess supplementation

(not from sun exposure or milk consumption)

Vitamin D Toxicity

Signs/symptoms: overabsorption of calcium (hypercalcemia)

Signs of high blood calcium: weakness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, mental confusion, increased urine output

Calcium deposits in kidneys, heart, and blood vessels

Mental retardation in infants

Vitamin D Deficiency

At risk

Dark skinned

Lack of sun exposure

Northern climates in wintertime

Breastfed babies

Vitamin D Deficiency: Rickets

Is the result of vitamin D deficiency in children

Poor mineralization of bones because of low calcium content

Fortification of milk has greatly reduced rickets in children

Most rickets is associated with fat malabsorption, as in cystic fibrosis

Vitamin D Deficiency:

Osteomalacia (soft bone)

Is rickets in the adult

Low calcium content in bones due to lack of vitamin D

Vitamin E

Group of fat-soluble compounds, tocopherols and tocotrienols

Alpha-tocopherol is the most potent

Fat-soluble antioxidant

Resides mostly in cell membranes

Redox Agent

Vitamin E is able to donate electron to oxidizing agent

Protects the cell from attack by free radicals

Protects PUFAs within the cell membrane and plasma lipoproteins

Prevents cell death

Prevents the alteration of cell’s DNA and risk for cancer development

Vitamin E, An Antioxidant

The More The Better?

Vitamin E is only one of many antioxidants

It is likely that the combination of antioxidants is more effective

Best to diversify antioxidant intake with a balanced and varied diet

Megadose of one antioxidant may interfere with the action of another

Vitamin E and Cardiovascular


Epidemiological studies suggest higher intakes of Vitamin E are associated with lower risk of


Clinical trial results have been mixed

American Heart Association states it is premature to recommend vitamin E supplements to the general population

FDA has denied permission for supplement mfr’s to claim that Vitamin E prevents heart disease and cancer

Other Functions of Vitamin E

Protects the double bonds in saturated fat

Helps vitamin A absorption

Role in iron metabolism

Inhibits LDL oxidation

Maintenance of nervous tissue and immune function

Food Sources of Vitamin E

Plant oils: salad dressings, mayonnaise

Fortified cereals, oatmeal

Wheat germ

Asparagus, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables

Food Sources of Vitamin E



Nuts and seeds (sunflower seeds)

Actual amount is dependent on harvesting, processing, storage and cooking

Food Sources of Vitamin E

Vitamin E: Easily Damaged




High heat

– Deep fat frying

RDA for Vitamin E

15 mg/day alpha-tocopherol for women and men

(=22 IU of natural source or 33 IU of synthetic form)

Average intake meets RDA

1 mg d-

-tocopherol = 0.45 IU (synthetic source)

1 mg d-

-tocopherol = 0.67 IU (natural sources)

Deficiency of Vitamin E

Hemolytic anemia

Hemolysis occurs in preterm infants because they did not receive enough vitamin E from their mothers

Preemie formulas and supplements compensate for increased needs

Deficiency of Vitamin E:

Who’s At Risk?

Smokers are especially at risk (smoking destroys vitamin E in the lungs)

– However even megadoses may not prevent damage

Adults on very low fat diets

Fat malabsorption

Toxicity of Vitamin E

Supplements up to 800 IU probably harmless

Upper Level is 1,000 mg/day of any form of supplementary alpha-tocopherol

Upper Level is 1500 IU (natural sources) or 1100 IU (synthetic forms)

Inhibits vitamin K metabolism especially in conjunction with anticoagulants

Possible hemorrhage

Vitamin K (“Koagulation”)

Family of compounds found in plants, plant oils, fish oils, and meats

Synthesized by the bacteria in the colon and are absorbed (10% of needs)

Role of Vitamin K

Role in the coagulation process

– Contributes to the synthesis of several bloodclotting factors

Helps form proteins present in bone, muscle, and kidneys

– Imparts calcium-binding potential

– Poor intake linked to increase in hip fractures

Vitamin K in Newborns

Newborn’s intestinal tract lacks bacteria to allow blood to clot effectively

Vitamin K is routinely given by injection shortly after birth to bridge the gap

May also occur in adults with chronic malabsorption

Drugs and Vitamin K


– Lessens vitamin K reactivation

– Lessens blood clotting process

– Monitor vitamin K intake


– Destroy intestinal bacteria

– Inhibit vitamin K synthesis and absorption

– Potential for excessive bleeding

Food Sources of Vitamin K


Green leafy vegetables



Green beans

Soybeans/canola oil

Resistant to cooking losses

Limited vitamin K stored in the body

Adequate Intake for Vitamin K

90 ug/day for women

120 ug/day for men

Amount met by most

Excess vitamins A and E interferes with vitamin K

Newborns are injected with vitamin K

(breast milk is a poor source)

Toxicity unlikely; readily excreted

Next: Water Soluble Vitamins
