Booth Sale Troop Training

Booth Sale
Troop Training
Why have a booth
Why have a booth
• A Leadership
• A booth sale can
do so much
more than boost
your sales!
Why have a booth
• Girls get valuable experience
conducting sales transactions,
answering questions, counting
money, setting up product displays,
and managing inventory.
Why have a booth
• Older girls can try their hand at
market research based on customer
behavior and input.
• Younger girls can learn how a simple
business operates.
• Younger troops can earn money
towards troop activities, events.
• Booth sales are a good time for new
troops to earn money.
Put the girls in the
• With a cookie
booth, girls
are learning
the power of
Put the girls in the
• Coach them how
to talk to
customers and
encourage them
to make their
booth a standout.
Put the girls in the
• Make sure
everyone knows
that girls make
the sale and
answer questions
– not the adults.
Put the girls in the
• Girls should know
the cookies and
make change as
much as they are
able. Keep in
mind that there
should be more
girls than adults at
the booth.
• Develop a Marketing Plan to Support
Girls’ Goals.
• Advertise your goal. People will donate
or buy cookies to support the girls.
• Use Cookie Share to reach your troop
Great GS Cookie
• Consider accepting credit cards to
boost sales.
• Here are some examples of
companies with credit card readers:
• Some banks also offer credit card
Credit Cards to Boost
• Use Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Debit Cards for
cookie sales!
Beware: American Express and Diners Club have
additional fees
associated with
• Do research before signing up for account.
• The troop is responsible for any and all
transaction fees, service fees and/or mobile
charges incurred.
• Fee is usually 2.7% or 11cents per box .
• Your troop number is business name. You will need
GSCM tax ID.
Marketing-Know your
Marketing-Know your
How Many Cookies to
order for a Booth?
• Cases per 3-4 hour booth,
• Busy booth (>45 boxes per Hr.):
• Thin Mints: 8
Caramel Delights: 7
Peanut Butter Patties: 4
Peanut Butter Sandwich: 2
Lemonades: 1-2
Shortbreads: 3
Other varieties: 1 each
How Many Cookies to
order for a Booth?
• Cases per 3-4 hour booth,
• Slow booth (<30 boxes per Hr.):
• Thin Mints: 4
Caramel Delights: 3
Peanut Butter Patties: 2
Peanut Butter Sandwich: 1
Lemonades: 1
Shortbreads: 2
Other varieties: 0-1 each
How Many Cookies to
order for a Booth?
• IMPORTANT: Don't run out of Thin
Mints and Caramel Delights! You can't
have a booth without them. When in
doubt bring more of these two
varieties. It's always better to have too
many than not enough.
• People will walk by a booth if there are
no Mints or Caramel Delights.
• People will stop if they see Mints or
Caramel Delights.
How to Order Cookies
for a Booth?
• With initial order, add in extra boxes of
cookies for booth sale. For booth sales
on first weekend you will probably need
100-200 additional boxes depending on
• For additional weekends of booth sales,
you can quickly re-stock by placing a
“planned order” through SNAP by 12
midnight Sunday, for pick up that week
at the cookie cupboards. Your BSC can
guide you on amounts to order.
Finding Booths in
Finding Booths in
Scheduling booths in
Scheduling booths in
Cookie Booth
• Need permission slips from
parents for booth sales.
• Booth Sale Tally form.
(see example in packet)
Cookie Booth
• At least 2 card tables (put the word out
with your troop; more than likely, you will
be able to borrow and not have to buy
• One tablecloth per table.
• A chair for the cookie adult and/or the
girl on break.
Cookie Booth
• Handmade signs promoting the
cookie booth.
• A container to collect Cookie Share
donations. A decorated box to collect
• Start up change. Approximately
$50(20-$1, 2-$5, 2-$10)
Cookie Booth
• A Plexiglas sign holder stating the
price of the cookies and your troop
• Cookie recipes.
• Bags for customers with cards stating
how to contact you for extra cookies.
• Several pens, a calculator, a receipt
Cookie Booth
• Tape for signs that you're hanging.
• A couple extra pairs of gloves and
hats for girls who have forgotten.
• Blank paper.
Cookie Booth
• Pocketed tie-on aprons for adults
and older girls who take money and
give change. Don’t let too much
cash build up in these aprons.
• A heavy-duty, zippered money bag
for the larger bills during the sale
and for all the money after the sale.
Cookie Booth
• After the sale is over, the adult on
site of booth sale makes sure all the
money is in the money bag and
packs everything away. Complete
Booth Sale Tally form.
• Count the money the night of the
booth sale and replenish the starting
change in the money bag.
Cookie Booth Supplies
Thank you card/certificate
Cookie Booth
• Examples of clip art found on ABC Bakers’ site
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Remind girls to arrive promptly for their
assigned time.
• Let the manager know the troop has
arrived. Check all sponsor rules regarding
where and how the girls can sell.
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• A minimum of 2 girls and a maximum of 4
girls should be at the booth at all times.
Review Leadership Essentials for girl-adult
• At least one adult should be at the booth
at all times and more if it is busy.
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Know your girls attention span
for sales.
• Younger girls (Daisys,
Brownies) may be scheduled for
an hour.
• Be mindful of the adult/girl
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Wear your uniform, your vest or sash with
pin, or at least your pin to the sale.
• Dress appropriately for the weather, since
the booth sale is OUTSIDE.
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Do not eat and drink at the booth table.
Adults who smoke must follow any store
rules and may not smoke at the booth or in
front of the girls.
• No pets or extra (non-scout) persons at
the booth.
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Remember that you are guests at a place
of business. You are representing Girl
Scouts and you must exhibit appropriate
good manners and behavior.
Cookie Booth Etiquette
• Keep the booth neat and clean; leave it
better than you found it. Take your empty
case boxes with you. Recycle your case
• Do not block pathway in and out of
Cookie Booth
Thank the manager
when the sale is over.
Tips for Success at
Booth Sales
Tips for Success at
Booth Sales
Create Your Presence!
• Bling your booth
• Bling your car
• Bling your girls
• Create a song or dance
• Have cookie samples for
customers to taste
Cookie Share
Use Cookie Share:
Sponsor a group: ask for donations of
cookies for a group.
Often this will ramp up your
cookie sale number.
It is a good way to use your
unsold cookies at end of sale.
Cookie Share
Ways to donate:
Virtual donation is council based program
“Cookies from the Heart”. Troop will not
receive cookies. Customer donates money for
cookie packages. TCM enters number
packages in SNAP, GSCM will collect money
donated, troop will get profit. GSCM to deliver
cookies to local hometown heroes.
(this donation can be done at initial order and
also during the sale by selecting “re-order ”
line under cookies)
Cookie Share
Ways to donate:
“Cookies from the Heart”.
Customers can also donate online at
(donation cards to hand out available to download
Customers visit the link, enter their donation amount,
enter the girl and troop they would like credited with
the donation. GSCM will transfer boxes to SNAP
under troop and girl. Troops will see $4 per box
deposit in SNAP.
Cookie Share
Girls who have 5 or more boxes donated
virtually through “Cookies from the Heart”
will receive a cookie share patch.
Cookie Share
Ways to donate:
• Troop sponsored donation. Troops
pick their group to sponsor and deliver
cookies to that group. (some examples
are police, fire, military service
members, teachers, soup kitchens)
• These cookies do not count for cookie
Share patch
Important Dates
October 23rd
• Booth sales open
• Open booth locations are
available for troops sign up in
October 30th
• Cookie Cupboards open.
• See listing for one in your
area. Place your “planned order”
by Sunday 12 midnight for pick
up at cupboards that week.
Important Dates
November 13th
First ACH withdrawal
• Troops scheduling their first booth
after November 13th should order
booth sale cookies after November
• Troops scheduling their first booth sale
prior to November 13th may order
booth sale cookies with their initial
• Cookie Cupboards open Oct. 30th.
• GSCM staff will be
visiting booth sales
found through the
cookie locator.
Pictures will be
posted on GSCM
• Your troop must be
listed on cookie
• If a staff member
stops by your booth,
you receive a
Thank you
for all you
do for the